It seems that "Swedes" have been rioting for 5 days. Yes those laid-back, fun-loving, liberal, social democratic, anti-racist "Swedes" have been burning cars, smashing windows, attacking kindergartens and suchlike!
Who'd have thought "Swedes" would be so vindictive?
I mean I can't imagine this has anything to do with immigration or multi-culti as we were told (back in the 70s and 80s) that the UK was letting in millions of Third World immigrants because "we" had an empire. The last time I looked the Swedish empire only took in a few European countries...
or is it that we were told a huge porky pie to excuse letting in millions of unwanted immigrants and the people rioting in Sweden aren't European or Swedes. That can't be so surely?
Friday, 24 May 2013
Are Swedes Rioting in Sweden?
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:15 am
Categories: Crime, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Riots
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Tories: Sold Out to 'Gay' Extremists, the Corrupt EU and Big Business
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Oh... and mad nutter queers. |
William Hague today: "nothing changes."
So what's the truth?
Oh the Tories will say they are changing immigration - but they can't because of the EU, asylum and 'ooman rights.
They say they will get tough on prisoners: but they can't, same reasons.
They will promise some vague referendum on the EU: but they won't deliver - as before.
So there will be no change.
UKIP are picking up Old Tory and Old Labour votes. Yet the Tories could do a few simple things to appeal to both (kind of):
- Drop "gay" marriage. It's a waste of time and money. Only appeals to the New left, extreme socialists and 0.1% of the population that are homosexual (and even some of them don't want it).
- Promise a referendum next year, and say they'll vote against it. With the Eurozone in freefall this is hardly revolutionary.
- Stop employing public schoolboys and defending the rights of utility big business to charge what they want when people are borrowing money to buy food. That smacks of the "nasty party" image.
Posted by
Final Conflict
6:14 pm
Categories: Big Business, Election, EU, Homosexuality, Tories
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Satanism and Its Allies - Update Page 1
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:06 pm
Categories: Anarchists, International Third Position, Nationalism, Occult
Satanism and Its Allies - Update Page 2
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:00 pm
Categories: Anarchists, International Third Position, Nationalism, Occult
Satanism and its Allies - Update page 3
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:58 pm
Categories: Anarchists, International Third Position, Nationalism, Occult
Satanism and Its Allies - Update Page 4
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:55 pm
Categories: Anarchists, International Third Position, Nationalism, Occult
Satanism and Its Allies - Update Page 5
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:54 pm
Categories: Anarchists, International Third Position, Nationalism, Occult
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Freemasons Behind Paedophile Ring Cover-Ups?
Freemasons entered and finally took over the Catholic Church in the 60s, turning a blind eye to homosexual priests.
Who investigates paedophile rings of the rich and famous? Top police officers. Many of whom are Freemasons.
Paedophilia is rife in many council run homes/orphanages. What organisation do powerful councillors belong to?
There is a common link. And the more the govt, media etc. promote homosexuality, the more paedophilia there will be. They are linked, no matter what liberals might say.
The police, politicians, churches and media are crammed full of Freemasons at the top levels. It will take brave souls to expose the corruption and bring justice to the victims of paedophile rings.
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:22 pm
Categories: Christianity, Homosexuality, Paedophilia, Police, Politics
Happy Easter
Happy Easter to all FC readers and supporters.
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:15 pm
Categories: FC Blog
Friday, 22 March 2013
Swansea White Pride Rally? Really?
They published this piece of nonsense about people converging on Swansea from all across the world for a White Pride march.
Either they are too stupid to ignore internet gossip, or they found it useful to get more students to wave lolly pop placards against the "evil narzees"
One 'good point well made' in the report was put over by one brave soul saying that no-one would bat an eye for a Black Pride rally (probably lots held by the Marxists...) yet White Pride becomes the work of the devil???
Thanks to the faculty member who sent this into us in disgust.
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:48 pm
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Anarchy? Boo. Nationalism? Hooray!
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:16 pm
Categories: Anarchists, Nationalism
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
"The BNP Will Never Have Black Members" - Nick Griffin
Today I picked up an old copy of Spearhead (#357), and flicking in through it I found the article in which Nick Griffin stabbed his erstwhile TP comrades in the back in order to assure John Tyndall and others that he was loyal to the BNP... and we all know how that sorry tale ended: Tyndall kicked out, and Nick able to fleece the BNP membership (materially and ideologically) for many years.
Aside from all manner of outright lies and twisted facts ('twas ever thus) one gem sticks out, which was easy to overlook back then in 1998 amidst the countless then-current lies of the bi-partisan party political smear piece.
On writing about the French FN's "black and Arab members" and their "Circle of French National Jews" he adds that all this is "something the BNP will never emulate as long as I have a say in the matter."
What an almighty fib.
He had to oust JT in an acrimoniousness leadership bid before he could let Asians and others join, write for their paper, and be used to show the BNP was... well non-racist, pro-Israeli - it all very much depends which BNP publication you read, at which time, and pivoted to which audience. This all drove the grass roots away, but whilst the shekels rolled in, the BNP leader was as happy as a pig in the proverbial.
All this ideological shifting and pouring salt in the soup, by the bucketload, happened not only whilst Mr Griffin 'had a say,' but under his stewardship as leader.
If only BNP members knew the truth back in '98. Ho hum.
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:17 am
Categories: BNP, Multi-Cult, Nick Griffin, Zionism
Monday, 18 March 2013
Socialism: Industrialised-Death, State-Control, Gay-Rights.
Labour, Tories or Lib Dems: they all follow this agenda whilst they argue over the level of obscene debt they have is in hock to the banksters, and whether we should be taxed to the eye-balls or the eye-brows.
The death of civilisation.
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:51 pm
Categories: Abortion, Communism, Homosexuality, Police, Socialism
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Socialist Workers Party "Anti Nazi" Losers & Rapists
Happy days.
On Twitter now the SWP are trying to silence lefties debating accusations of rape by members of the SWP hierarchy.
Get your lollipops ready:
No Comrades? Oh well...
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:11 am
Thursday, 24 January 2013
The 'War on Terror': A Neo Con Zionist Conspiracy of Lies
When will idiots, liberals and Neo-Cons ever learn?
Afghanistan: unwinnable and stupid war against people previously backed by CIA, with no link to 911. Corrupt pro-Western govt. put in place with links to heroin trade.
Iraq: unjustifiable and stupid war against a people with no link to 911 who kept "Islamicists" in check. Chaos created in which 'terrorists' multiply.
Libya: unjustifiable and stupid war against a people who fought "Islamicists" and kept them in check. Chaos ensues in which "Islamicists" (our erstwhile allies in the war, armed and trained by CIA etc) turn on Europeans, and spread war southwards.
Syria: unjustifiable and stupid war in which rebels are armed and trained by CIA etc. to bring chaos to an anti-Zionist country which had kept "Islamicists" in check.
Mali: Civil War amplified by "Islamicists" trained and armed by CIA in Libya, drawing in the French (and UK/USA as in Libya).
Saudi Arabia: Extremist Muslim dictatorship from which most of the "911 suspects" came from which supresses its people. No war.
Israel: Extremist, racist, genocidal state which breaks international law with impunity and has broken untold UN resolutions. Its agents were stopped in NYC on 911 with traces of explosives on them. No war.
One is tempted to think that the reason the CIA et al went into Libya, as well as to bring down an anti-Zionist and anti-usury nation, was to help 'Muslim extremists' there spread their agenda across North Africa and so create another, new chapter for their 'War on Terror' and so ensure money keeps flowing into the military big businesses, Zionist pressure groups and similar.
If all this confuses you, ask yourself this one question:
IF THE MAIN JUSTIFICATION FOR THE 'WAR ON TERROR' IS TO FIGHT 'MILITANT ISLAM' why oh why then have "the West" armed, trained and helped those very same Islamicists in Libya since the 1980s, and in Syria since the Civil War began?
IF THE MAIN JUSTIFICATION FOR THE 'WAR ON TERROR' IS FOR REVENGE ON 911 why oh why then have the states with the strongest links, Saudi Arabia and Israel still retained the status as America's greatest allies.
It all has the stench of Orwell's Big Brother lying to us.
Even a cursory look at the geo-political alliances, adventures and objectives should make you realise that we are being lied to on a grand scale!
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:14 pm
Categories: Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mali, Neo Cons, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Zionism