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Wednesday 20 September 2006

Iran BAD? Israel GOOD? Says WHO???

This last week a rather disturbing thing landed on my desk, which left an unpleasant odour in the air. No not a stinky nappy from one of the little FC sprogs, or a Daily Mail piece of Talmudo-drivel dressed up as Western pro-Christian concern from the likes of Melanie Phillips or Ann Leslie (both banshees of the Israel sycophant brigade).

No, this latest piece of gut-wrenchingly putrid faeces came directly from the latest source of all things dubious concerning the ‘War on Terror,’ the newest and most deadliest of poodles of Bush and Blair, because he adorns his quasi-Zionist drivel with minor put downs of the Neo Cons, so as to catch the unawares off guard.

If we are to believe the aforementioned Zionist banshees, whose cries are succour to the baby killers and torturers of the Israeli ‘Defence’ Force (Defence? Has anyone read 1984? – we are in 100% newspeak land), then President Ahmadinejad is Satan on earth. A ‘new Hitler’ no less (after the other ‘New Hitlers’ Slobbo and Saddam who went before him)! He is not only a “holocaust denier”(so surely a ‘Nazi’?), but is also planning nuclear war, is behind terrorism worldwide, and probably had a role in ‘911’ (after all, everyone else the banshees have singled out for attack by their toy goy soldiers has…)

But who should enter the stage and pronounce Ahmadinejad as a mad man?

Someone who really should know better! No, scratch that. Someone who does know better but who has been turned by the smell of shekels.

When Hamas were elected (God Bless democracy!) into office in Palestine, this same person mirrored the Daily Mail Zionists in calling for a cessation of funding of the Palestinian Authority by the European Union.

When the Twin Towers were attacked in a staged event by the N.W.O., this same person agitated for war against Afghanistan.

When Israel illegally invaded Lebanon killing innocent men, women and children by the hundred, this same man allowed one of his lieutenants to publish a piece glorifying Israel, telling ‘patriots’ to support Israel – and more.

So who is this person who is in ideological bed with Phillips and Leslie?

Who is this person who wanted war with Afghanistan?

Who is this person who allowed sycophantic pro-Israel and anti-Lebanese comment on his official website?

Who is this person attacking Ahmadinejad for being revisionist?

Who is this person who says Iran is trying to get nuclear weapons and must be stopped whereas Israel’s illegal WMDs are dismissed as a mere “deterent”?

Rumsfeld? Blair? Cheney? Reid? Mandelson???

Hold on to your hats boys and girls. It’s the same person who thinks race-mixing is grand, who says that immigration (albeit controlled) adds ‘flavour’ to the UK, and who allows homosexuals in his organisation…

Who could it be? Which Zionist liberal?

Step forward Nicholas Griffin.

For those who disbelieve (shame on you!) here follows two interesting pieces: the first shows that Iran’s nuclear ambitions are peaceful. The second shows that Griffin has sold out to the Zionist right.

Both were originally published in the FC e-zine #2826, dated 19th September.

Keep on having fun y’all!


On second thoughts because of the size of the pieces - important though they be - it's probably best if you get the FC e-zine #2826. You can request it through the FC site or you can e-mail for a copy at: putting the subject box 'send me FC ezine #2826'


Anonymous said...

paedophiles don't have nuclear weapons and don't control the vast majority of western media.

Do you really care about the Palestinan Arabs? The fact is Jews were booted out of Arab countries and Arabs booted out of Israel at the same time. A population transfer.

The Arabs have persecuted Jews throughout history just read the Koran. The palestinian Arabs aren't paying for something Germany did 50 year ago, but what Muslims Arabs have done for a thousand years.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Judaism is a evil racist religion. Isaiah 61.5.6 " And gentiles shall stand and fed your flocks, gentiles shall be your plowmen and vinedresses. You shall eat the wealth of the nations and in their riches shall you glory"

I support doing a deal with Jews not surendering to them and acepting Jewish masters.

Why don't you have the confidence in Whites being able to do this? Because Whites are more stupid then Jews or Whites are likely to be corrupted by Jewish money?

Anonymous said...

Britain is fighting a war on two fronts against the Jew led New World Order and the Muslim caliphate. This is a disaster.

The BNP is right to try and do a deal with the Jews to defeat the Muslim takeover of Britain. All you purists. what have you achieved?

Final Conflict said...

So, when it suits the BNP's quasi-Zionist proto-neo con agenda, Christianity is something to be 'defended' from the Muslim hordes...

Yet when it comes to defeating the Judeo-Masonic elite, when it comes to stamping out homosexuality, when it comes to ceasing the wholesale murder of the unborn innocents... then Christianity is an 'extreme' or an 'inconvenience'.

Your problem is that you're not defending Christianity - the very essence of European civilisation.

You are defending Judeo-Masonic ideals of 'democracy' -- the whore of a parliament in Westminster, the media which is anuything but free.

The 'patriots' defending the humanist ideals of the French Revoolution are allied with the faggots and Zionists because they too stand for those ideals.

If the BNP keeps selling out, watering down etc. at the rate it is, even if it ever got a toe-hold in any form of government it would be indistinguishable from the system parties it says it opposes!

So much written of late has very little difference from deitorials, commentaries or op-eds in The Sun, Daily Mail etc.

Name a party which says race mixing is ok, has homosexual members, dilly dallies on abortion, defends parliament, supported the Afghan war, has Freemason members, has Jewish members, defends Israel's nuclear deterrent etc. etc...

The Tories? no. The BNP.

But still, for you the only 'smart' way to fight is to cosy-up to Zionists and accept faggot members!

That's not smart - it's suicidal!

Final Conflict said...

Christian Taleban??? You've been reading too much media garbage!

You use the misnomer Judeo-Christian thus falling into the oldest trap.

Christianity and Judaism have been at war for 2000 years.

Yet it is you and the BNP who wish to "do a deal" with the Jews...

Yet we stand condemned for taking Christian principles!

Oy vey! ;-)

Damned if we do... damned if we don't.

Our Christian principles mean that homosexuality is totally wrong. Usury is totally wrong. Zionism is an implacable enemy.

Still if that makes us 'unreasonable' in this era of spin, betrayal, selling out for shekels... then so be it.

Btw, as we've pointed out before and as they have independently verified, we have plenty of pagan supporters etc. who prefer our no nonsense approach to nationalism and our stance of opposing moral, political and social wrongs -- as opposed to the humanist drivel which is one step away from 'gay rights' as espoused by the likes of Pim Foruyn - a 'poster boy' [yoiks!] for the neo-con BNP!

democracy is rule by the banks and the Zionists - 'democracy' IS dictatorship! Will the banks get voted out? Will the media men get voted out? The Murdochs and Rothschilds will continue to rule whatever little yes men get put in every 4 years.

if you fail to oppose the banks and the Zionists, but rather use Zionist labnguage and 'do deals' with the enemies of nationalism, then you are an enemy of nationalism -- because whatever you might THINK you will deliver... it won't BE nationalism.

Still, as a 'Christian Taleban' what would I know because i wouldn't accept members who are faggiot, mixed race or Jewish... and because I dispise the political circus with its empty vesels making a lot of noise I have no right to speak out on such issues eh???

Aren't the BNP AGMs [oops sorry... you don't have them] as carefully orchestrated as Labour and Tory?

Are dissenters tolerated or kicked out and villified?

Can we have a BNP speaker denounce Jewish, mixed race or homosexual members??? or the creeping neo-con agenda??? or the misuse and misappropriation of party funds??? Enough of my friends in the grass roots BNP think that way... but then whoever thought this was a democracy eh? ;-)

Like East Germany and Congo, like Bush and Blair... it seems those who witter on about democracy [and freedom] the most are those who believe in it the least!

To quote the other great humanists of the French Masonic Revoluition:

Egalité! Fraternité! Guilotiné!

Isn't that how it went?

Anonymous said...

Murdoch and the other media barons are warmongers who constantly incite hatred and violence against whites. Their assets should be confisicated and they should be arrested.

The BNP is in such a weak position that it can't be honest about its real intentions. It has to use spin like the other political parties.

If the BNP were to say it was going to have the press barons jailed which they richly deserve. It would look extreme, undemocratic, fascist, and totally unelectable.

The BNP have to concentrate on popular policies law and order, immigration, anti Muslim,protesting the closure of hospitals, socialism against capitalism and globalism. Not on unpopular policies which might involve the public in making sacrifices.

Any nationalist government is going to be at war with the media and the plutocrats. They know it too which is why they are so anti BNP.

The BNP has to have a moderate image if it is going to appeal to women and middle class voters.

The BNP are a political party using political means to get power. What is your alternative to talk up unpopular policies and consequences of nationalism because its more macho?

Final Conflict said...

The BNP sure is spinning... but to who?

The number of good people dropping out because they can't take the b.s. any more is astounding.

So the BNP is right to do a deal with the Zionists?

The BNP is right to keep homosexual members because 'they give lots of money'?

The BNP is right to say black/brown people are Brits too?

Verily, my sick bucket doth overflow.

FC is a magazine, and this is its blog.

We're not a party. you can't turn this around on us!

If the sell-out is so profound at THIS stage. - what would be jettisoned if any substantive crumbs were ever offered from the Masonic top table???

To dismiss the only national leader who has publicly questioned the holohoax as 'mad' says more about the BNP leader than we ever could. condemned by his own rhetoric.

And so Israel's illegal nukes are just a 'detterent' even though the messianic heebs have threatened to sue them on several occassions!

Still, if the BNP says they're just there for the safety of 'the West' then who are we to argue?


Anonymous said...

The British public will never vote for a National Socialist party. The BNP is a Euronationalist party.

The BNP is trying to turn the red's identity politics against them.

The fact that the BNP is the only organization that represents white Britons is its unique selling point. Where is your evidence that the BNP regard brown and black people as British? It would be completely stupid and self defeating.

I am a pagan why should I trust a Christian fundementalist? When you have tasted the blood of homosexuals why would you stop your bloodshed? And start targeting pagans, atheists and then on to Christian heretics.

History shows Christians are far more dangerous then homosexuals! If homosexual members give a lot of money then that is an excellent reason to keep them.

Grovelling to Jews about the holocaust is totally stupid and wrong. No one can be right all the time. You are never going to agree with a party 100%.

You haven't yet outlined an alternative to the BNP.

Final Conflict said...

Who said anything about National Socialism? You are living in your own dreamworld and swallowing too much BNP propaganda... that would explain acceptance of playing footsy with Zionists like Barbara Amiel anyway!

Still, no doubt the NS local organisers the BNP have might take offence... and please don't claim there aren't any, because quite a few read and enjoy FC!

The BNP is the only org representing Whites? Well... OK, but didn't Mr Griffin once belong to the NF before quitting in disgust over its sell-out to... the Zionists! ;-O

Kerching! Spot the difference!

Why should you trust a Christian? So you don't trust any Christians? But the BNP is following a facade of defending Christianity [a la Melanie Philips et al] -- so why trust them?

Furthermore, our non-Christian supporters trust us because we say what we think and mean what we say.

Who's to say once the BNP has the blood of the Muslims on its hands it will stop there? Yadda yadda.

Look - that kind of meandering waffle and B.S. is typical internet b.s. who says we want to string up all the queers anymore than the BNP want to string up all the Muslims?

The BNP - ostensably - wants to stop the spread of homosexuality. So do you trust them??? But then they have at least one homosexual leading activist in London...

The BNP - ostensably - wants topromote [!?] distributism [is that a hideous Christian creed?]. So do you trust them?

And on the coloureds, isn't a leading Midlands activist half-caste???

And didn't the BNP paper show a BNP candidate with his African son-in-law saying how he's a Brit because he came here legally???

And if you drop repatriation [except for Muslims perhaps... though even that's not clear] and say these people can stay here, then you are accepting that nationality is a piece of paper and not what our roots are. Coloureds will be 'Brits' by default.


the point is - who can you trust?

Racial nationalists who say blacks are 'patriotic Brits'? The editor of that offending paper (also the election agent of the proud race-mixer) is still in place.

Nationalists who say they're against homosexuality but have at least [there's evidence of more] one known leading faggot member.

Nationalists who say they're against the Neo Cons but then follow a neo con agenda, use neo con language and do deals with influential neo cons [Jewish and Freemasonic].

Nationalists who talked a few years back of the need for clarity and honesty in book-keeping and party funds - but whose record has been, at best, shockingly woeful (see the FC daily e-zine #2828 for in-depth analysis of recent BNP accounts).

Nationalists who talk about democracy whilst denying it to their own members by blocking members from meetings... (which the rich queer was allowed to attend!) which even then fail to cover important issues like repatriation, Zionism, homosexuality etc. - and instead looks at pretty vague policy issues].

Talk about Blairite spin!

You may not like us because - shock horror - we're Christian and we don't hide that fact, though as i say plenty of our support comes from Christians and non-Christians alike because they like what we say.

They know we are clear on matters such as homosexuals and homosexuality -- whereas the BNP says one thing whilst it does another. The BNP leader has said that faggots are only in the BNP because he cannot control who applies -- but he knows damn well who some of these people are.

FC supporters in one branch took part in a mass walk-out to stop one well-known and rich poof from being a candidate. If they hadn't, the faggot would have been a BNP candidate - as he had been before in another area!

Is that principle? In this instance the BNP grass roots members showed more principle than the BNP leadership who were forced to back down.

The rich poof is still a leading member - though that's OK with you! Money talks eh? And Barbara Amiel's money - in larger denominations obviously - that would be grand too?

I remember the NF in the 80s being offered a huge wadge of cash by some East End gangsters who first approached me and a friend on a papersale.

The NF was told the money - at least in the hundreds of thousands after the ante was upped a few times - would have 'long strings attached.'

The people and donation were rejected. Principles matter. You CANNOT sell out, or you become no better than the system politicians grubbing as much filthy lucre as they can [aka doing the Tel Aviv breaststroke].

A little later the NF Support Group/Flag Group - Anderson's split from the NF - announced a large 30,000 donation. clearly from the same people, with some siphoned off the top for himself... the figure suggests he took their first offer.

My question is - would the BNP today take such a donation.

You and I know it would. Our nationalist friends in and outside the BNP know it would.


Once you do the same as the system politicians you are no better than the system politicians.

But don't think that because the BNP takes a humanist, "western values/democracy" line (i.e. not clearly Christian, but more Judeo-Masonic) that one might hear from Kissinger or Cheney, that they can be trusted on policy issues anyway: especially when so much has already been washed away.

As has been said elsewhere, imagine the self-contortion which would be brought about if any genuine crumbs were offered from the Masonic./Zionist table -- and not just whatever Barbara Amiel has offered them already and for which -n presumably - we've had some of the ridiculous statements about Lebanon, Iran etc.

Still, for a Zionist who accepts homosexual members your place in the BNP is probably assured. Even Ms. Amiel and her freinds in New York and Tel Aviv won't mind that!

As for whatv we propose - is a sensible, principled nationalist movement so unwise? A movement that is pro-family in deed and word? A movement that is distributist in deed and word? A movement that is pro-Christian in deed and word?

The BNP might say it is all the above, and it certainly appears that way at times... but the key is DEED and word.

After all, 'Trust me Tony' Blair is for the poor people right? and 'Green Dave' Cameron is for the environment right?

They're all on the take and in the pockets of Zionists, Freemasons and Bankers...

Would the BNP be in those same pockets too? Evidence is... they're half-way there already!

Toot toot!

Craig said...

But Iran and many Muslim leaders are religious fanatics, throwbacks to the Dark Ages, who would turn Europe into a part of the "Ummah" if they were able to. The only consistent line that any person can take with the Middle East is to oppose both Islamism and Zionist violence. Anything else involves selling out to one side or the other. I don't want Israeli killing Palestinians, but nor do I want to see rivers of Israeli blood...

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