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Friday 31 August 2007

Princess Diana Memorial

And so the media has been involved with yet another furore over a non story.

As our country falls about our feet, with a crime endemic, a drugs endemic, an immigration endemic - well, you get the idea - what do the media care about?

Princess Di's memorial service and whether Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) should be there or not.

Now this makes me have several trains of thought:

1. I'm not against the Diana Memorial per se. It is certainly efficacious to pray for the dead and a great act of charity, and it is the most natural thing for family members to do - for if we're forgotten by our loved ones - who will there be to pray for us?

2. The turning of this event into a public spectacle though has me reaching for my vomit bucket. Diana was no saint (which of us is?), but the painting of her as some kind of latter-day secular saint because she was a mate of Elton John and Versace or filled her vacuous hours with work for some charities is more than a bit much.

3. Who gets invited to the service should be up to the family, but then this should be a family affair, instead it becomes some kind of celebrity bash.

4. The hysteria surrounding Diana that gets typically brain-dead Sun readers and Eastenders-watching automatons incanting "she was the peoples' princess weren't she?" is enough to make anyone blow chunks. This media-created myth should be exposed for what it is.

Diana was possibly, (as I believe King Lear said) 'more sinned against than sinning' and what hurt is done by her family and friends praying for her immortal soul?

But this circus, run equally by the media, the Royal Family, and various pressure groups is indicative of Diana's sad life.

The thought of a Christian ceremony (albeit a typically effeminate Anglican one) with a gaggle of homosexuals present (like Sir Elton of John - knighted for services to buggery) is somehow suitable.

It sums up the faggot-hugging, Masonic, non-religion of the monarchy and the ridiculous media-circus that these events inevitably are.

So whisper a prayer for the soul of Diana today.

Chances are that your small private prayer may, if she's not beyond our help, do the poor woman more good than all the public wailing by the preening garish peacocks on display at the ceremony today.


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