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Saturday 31 January 2009

Bulk CDs, badges etc. from FC

If you are a local nationalist activist or if you run a merchandise outlet you may be interested in taking some of FC's merchandise - in bundles of 5 upwards.

We already have badges and CDs listed in the wholesale section of our online shop, so please do pop by and have a look.

We are often able to offer other items at bulks prices too - so do check with us (email with bulk enquiries).

With everyone feeling the "credit crunch" this is a great way to buy in some stock at a reduced rate and with a good and growing selecton of items, from a totally nationalist source, you know you're helping the cause too.


Anonymous said...

No BNP badges FC...? LOL!

Lets have a new range of badges featuring "Griffo is a c**t!"

Anonymous said...

You could have:-

Collet is a Red Sea Pedestrian

Griffin is Gable's Love Child

Griffin rides the Zion train

BNP - Tel Aviv branch

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