Gordon Brown is acting like the saviour of the world because others states have copied his injection of borrowed (usury-debt) money via the buying of bank shares.
Of course it was the real Saviour of the world who actually said "Money is the root of all evil" whereas Mr. Brown and his ilk see money as the be all and end all: finance is their alpha and omega.
Right: What a bunch on bankers! Brown (right) with Greenspan, ex-boss of the Federal Reserve, getting some more accolades and baubles for drowning the UK and USA in unpayable debt.
If they followed the worldview of Christ rather than the worldview of Mammon we wouldn't be mired in debt, filth and a homogenising one world consumerism; but we are where we are so let's 'dive in' and dissect Mr. Brown and his actions.
What are we to make of this New-New Labour Prime Minister, this illegitimate offspring of Stalin and Mr. Bean, this latter-day monetary genius?
This is the man who sold off the country's gold at rock bottom prices after New Labour got into power (a pay off to his bankster cums/backers?)
What a great decision!
He announced that "boom and bust" was finished. No more. Kaput!
What insight! What planning!
When the utilities put up their prices he refused to step in and cap their prices or enforce a windfall tax on their obscene profits to help those struggling to pay.
What bravery! What a social conscience!
And it is this last decision that I want to dwell on, because it's a decision and furore that is forgotten for the moment as the banking system reels from its freefall; a freefall that happened because of the very nature of Capitalism and Banking: a debt-based economic system that can only keep "growing" by the constant injection of debt-based finance (just as this "rescue" involves hundreds of billions of borrowed money).
Yet it's a decision that will come back to bite Mr. Brown in the derriere. When many people have to turn their heating off in midwinter they will have cause to "thank"the generous author of the bail-out scheme, Mr. Brown.
This week gave us a brief reminder though with news that inflation was over 5%.
Part of the reason, the media told us (after gushing that everyone was copying Brown's plan), was the huge rise in utility bills (gas, electric and water).
So let's get that right.
When Gordon Brown was stopping council workers and suchlike from getting 3 or 4% wage rises (in essence forcing them to get a pay cut) he was:
1. Giving the utilities carte blanche to raise their bills by ridiculous amounts
2. Giving the banks carte blanche to dish out millions in obscene bonuses to those who were causing the bubble that was set to burst.
Yet Mr. Brown did nothing to block those inflation causing actions involving mind-boggling volumes of money.
We hope all those forced to take pay cuts in real terms last year will have cause to bear all this in mind, as Brown borrows billions to bail out the banksters (with just a handful of them given a laughable "slap on the wrist" via early retirement into pensions worth half a million a year!).
As usual we see it's one law for the bulk of us and another law for the mega-rich, for big business and for the banksters.
If you, dear reader, have grasped nothing else up until this point please do remember this:
Our entire political system is in thrall to the banks, and the political parties are in the pockets of the banksters and big business.
If you think voting in another party will change anything you are a sad, misguided fool fed half-truths by the media and gullible to the point of incredulity.
Perhaps the only way things will change is via the crash to end all crashes, when the billions become trillions and the loans have to be "paid off" with yet more loans and so on...
It might well usher in suffering and discomfort for most of us, but do you think the banksters will give up their powers without a fight? Do you think they will give up their obscene wealth without seeking to drive the erst of us into the dirt?
In the meantime we should all take out an insurance policy.
1. Minimilise your debt. (Remember the old adage "Never a borrower or a lender be.") Instead of buying needless consumer items pay off your mortgage or buy things to help you...
2. Become as self-sufficient as you can (You'll be amazed how quickly supermarkets will empty: remember the fuel strikes?) and by getting in (for example) some chickens you can help cut your food bills and help educate your children about where food actually comes from.
This is just a start of course. There's no need to be melodramatic and there are many things you can do to help you and your family in the short and medium term. Even if there is just a bad recession, you still might lose your job or take less money through your business, so it's better to prepare now.
So to rehash:
Gordon Brown is a shyster and a muppet in the pockets of the banksters who he is determined to bail out at our expense.
Patriots must not only understand economics and espouse the Distributist answer (as I've discussed in recent posts) but should seek to live nationalism via breaking free of debt, big business and even (when possible!) the hated utility companies.
Even the longest journey begins with a single step.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Gordon Brown - Charlatan and Liar
Posted by
Final Conflict
6:07 pm
Categories: Banking, Christianity, Distributism, Economics, Nationalism, Self-Sufficiency, Usury
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On 22nd December 1964 Captain Henry Kirby, M. P., called upon the House of Commons to support the Motion that:
"The continued issue of all the means of exchange—be they coin, bank notes or credit largely passed on by cheque—by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money should be returned to the Crown, then be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations, as a public service, not as a private opportunity for profit and control for no tangible returns to the British people... so as to assure the State and Nation the benefits of that emission and relieve them of the immense and growing burdens of a parasitical National and private debt; and to make certain that control passes to the taxed and is taken out of the hands of the present hidden unlawful beneficiaries of taxation ... this House calls upon Her Majesty’s Government to introduce the required legislation... to assure unprecedented prosperity with true sovereignty and liberty."
If our cowardly and contemptible bunch of politicians had supported Captain Kirby we would now have interest-free mortgages and virtually no taxation. But the Members of Parliament we vote for look after their own interests and faithfully serve the Satanic Bankers who are wrecking and ruining Britain.
In his book Descent into Slavery Des Griffin wrote:
"The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. it tells them what to do and when In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These fronts go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. History clearly reveals that the British government is the bond slave of the invisible and inaudible force centred in ‘The City’. The City calls the tune. The ‘visible and audible’ leaders are mere puppets and dance to that tune on command. They have no power, they have no authority. In spite of the outward show they are mere pawns in the game being played by the financial elite."
As we all know this present diabolical Zionist orchestrated scam is being used to usher in a New Financial World Order or one world economy as a stepping stone to one world government.
Welcome to the real world sheeple! Drop an apple core and get a criminal record. Cause a bank crash and get a multi million pound bonus.
We need to stop feeding the Zionist serpent. Try and grow your own food. Visit local Farmer's markets and shops if you can. Support your local butchers, grocers and fishmongers etc. and shop there wherever possible. Only buy what you need. You can't eat a 50" plasma screen! If you need to borrow cash use a Credit Union. Don't buy their newspapers and magazines. Don't buy from brands and companies that support Zionist Israel. More info. at:-
Do as they say on that 70s kids show Why Dont You? switch off your television and do something less boring instead like turning your mind into a knowledge grenade. Stop watching the Satanic mind controlling goggle box (telescreen)in the corner of your room. Don't poison your body. Use Flouride free toothpaste and mouthwash. Never buy anything that contains Aspartme and sucralose.
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