Just why did the Murdoch press become the mouthpiece for Nat Rothschild in the recent ballyhoo re. the yacht off Corfu?
Surely going up against a possibly future government minister is bad business sense?
Not when the Rothschilds are business partners in the Murdoch's satellite TV firm BSkyB!
So let's get this straight.
We have one family.
They bankroll Tories and NuLab politicians. They have leverage over the mass media and the banks.
Doesn't this seem more than a little disproportionate?
It seems that the first people on our Home Secretary's list of proscribed people to be banned from entering the UK "for public harmony" should be the Rothschilds.
Of course she'd have to kick a few of them out first.
If the Rothschilds had links to the Armenian genocide (see recent post on Ataturk - aka Atajew) and there is evidence that high level Freemasonry (come on! They have to be in that!) had links to ETA, the Red Brigades etc.
And still the kosherised groups like the BNP think that the threat comes from a few Islamic preachers and their adherents???
911, 7/7 etc. were false flag ops and we should be looking to New York and Tel Aviv for the culprits.
Whilst we're on the subject we hope the biggest war criminal of all (also as luck would have it a Jewish-Zionist-Mason) is banned from UK entry: Henry Kissinger.
When Franco's No. 2 and planned leader of Spain on the Caudillo's death (I forget his name - read FC mag #16, I think it mentions the facts in there, in a book review of Franco's Spain) refused to back down in a diplomatic confrontation with Kissinger and America he was murdered in a "terrorist" plot which used incredible planning and means just to kill one man: in essence we saw even then how the CIA used Spanish/Basque "terrorists" as a cover for ridding themselves of someone who wouldn't roll over and let Spain become "democratic" (i.e. a poodle of America).
So enough Sun editorialising. Enough mimicking the Neo Cons in a Stalinist 'two steps forward one step back.' Enough 'softly softly catchee monkey.'
I can only return to a message we've pushed in FC numerous times:
The threat to our culture, our civilisation, our religion, our freedoms, our way of life comes from the Zionists, who organise illegal wars, cripple us with debt, flood us with drugs, destroy the family...
Even if we look at the barbed issue of Islam, we have to ask who's more of a threat: the "mad mullahs" who are promoted by a Zionist media eager for an eternal bogeyman, backed up by the CIA's "Al Qaeda" myth; or the Asians (Muslim, but also Sikh, Hindu etc.) who wish to integrate.
The biggest threat from coloured immigration comes from the move to a coffee-coloured secularised State, something that Communists push for, something the Capitalists like (hey - we're all consumers!) and something that the Masons approve of as they try to destroy the last vestiges of Christianity.
This melting pot, faggot-ambivalent, ecumenical, social controlling, Big Business led, Masonic State, where the only enemy is "hatred" and "extremism" is our nightmare.
It seems some people are happy to embrace it as long as they get to screech about an "Islamic threat" in the short term for their own profit and prestige.
The ridiculous thing is that the wafer-thin, super-lite Neo Con B.S. pushed by the Israeli Firsters should be laughed at by nationalists. Sad to say the BNP 'supertanker' has been turning around for a good 8 years and is now heading on the same setting as our enemies.
Would it be beneath the security services to use a nationalist party for its own ends? Think of C18. Think of the National Democrats.
Plenty of well meaning people supported those two groupings, yet the hand of State would now be refuted by very few.
As the saying goes, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
But when you can smell the sulphur or see that the message has become entwined with that of a Satanic minority (Judeo-Masons) then it's time to jump ship before you too sell your soul and are branded by Old Nick! ;-)
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Rothschild, Kissinger and the Kosher BNP: the Struggle is One!
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:09 pm
Categories: 911, BNP, Islam, Israel, Labour, Rothschilds, Rupert Murdoch, Tories
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Would it be beneath the security services to use a nationalist party for its own ends? Think of C18. Think of the National Democrats...
What are we supposed to do then?
Support the PLO and HAMAS?
It's about time someone set up an official opposition group under the banner of Political Soldier or FC as an opposition. It is obvious that the BNP has been fully kosherised, and is unlikely to fall out of Griffin's control, other to a similar pro-Zionist....
because opposition is hopeless when all we can do is snipe via blogs or Stormfront) without the ability to offer some kind of alternative.
BA: As those groups are outside the UK and Europe mentioning them in connection to the movement here is highly erroneous not to say misleading.
Should we support the Australian Labour Party or the Mexican Phalange?
Justified questions - but meaningless under this discussion.
Anon: This is a blog, published by like-minded nationalists based around a magazine.
If you wish to start such a movement we will support you! or are you someone who likes to accuse others of doing nothing whilst they... do nothing?
Many of us in and around FC have grown to loathe party politics just as we loathe the party political system.
We view the growth of Scotland First with great interest. Of course there was England First in England, but the agent Cotterill was sent in to disrupt, confuse and spread discord with his England First Party(as many will be aware) to end up as another multi-racial, quasi-Zionist sell out.
We are unaware if his "EFP" has changed its spots, but that might be wishful thinking.
Perhaps if enough ex-BNPers, Freedom Party, ITP, BM and others could iron something out there might be a chance...
certainly the "Most Zionist Party" gets off on the non-excuse that it is the "only show in town."
personally I think that as in the Post-C18 days, so now in the wake of Griffin's disruption and Kosherisation there is an air of distrust, dissatisfaction and ambivalence as to the prospects for nationalism.
Maybe this will change, but given the way people are taken in by the C18 honey trap first at one end of the spectrum and then the Kosher-BNP one at the other end, it shows how desperation makes nationalists fall into the hands of the state all too easily.
Food for thought.
Things only start to make sense if Griffin has been in some way compromised by the pro zionist state or was even working for them all along. He may have adopted the attitude that "if you do me favours, I will do you favours", but at the end of the day he is merely their puppet.
Sherlock Holmes said why look for the abstract when the obvious is staring you in the face and obvious is that Griffin has sold out to the state. The state knows that as things get worse the BNP will grow and what better way to control that party before it grows to ensure it remains a Neocon anti Muslim pressure valve which does not get close to the truth.
I also believe the state has positioned plants or trouble makers in fringe groups like the EFP and the BPP do ensure they never take of.
BA. As Ryan says voting for a kosher pc 'nationalist' party is pointless. Doing that is playing the political game. With the main parties we see a cycle of Labour imploding and the people voting Tory because they cannot stomach the alternative, then when it is time for a Labour administration, the Tories implode. The policies continue with barely a perceptible change. It is a game.
The fact is the BNP are having success because they are playing the kosher nationalist card. They are a pressure valve which allows people to think they are making a difference by voting, whilst in fact they are being deluded into supporting another face of the establishment. The BNP has gone so far down the kosher path, it will be nigh on impossible for it to return to genuine nationalism.
The Westminster game and its mirrors in local politics are there to fool the people into thinking a meaningless cross on a ballot paper has any effect.
Real change comes outside party politics. It comes with grass root education. An informed and active 'Political Soldier' can reach people by sharing knowledge. This in turn can be transmitted to the masses. Playing the party game is playing into the hands of the ruling elite. Nothing will come of it except wasting time and resources while the Zionist NWO elite increase their grip on us all. Forget the party game. Become active in educating your friends, colleague and family. Expose the system liars. That way is the only way to affect change.
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