A Sunday newspaper has alleged that "our" Home Secretary - Jaqcui Smith - is fiddling the system, by classing her sister's house in London as her "London Home" (when she could use a free government one, apparently there's a few standing empty) so she can get circa £30K a year.
Right: Just because they work in the Palace of Westminster, doesn't give our politicians to act like Royalty, escaping censure at every turn with a feeble excuse or a half-hearted apology.
This is designed so MPs in Scotland, Cumbria, Northern Ireland, Newcastle and areas too far away to be able to commute can work at Westminster and have somewhere to stay/live when not in their constituencies; not so that MPs (or ministers!) with constituencies nearby can - allegedly - fiddle the system and - allegedly - pocket tens of thousands of pounds.
Some time ago I wrote a review of Justin Barrett's book The National Way Forward (see link below for Reds' ranting against Barrett). In this book the Irish Pro-Lifer and Nationalist argues that "targeting" dole cheats is a bit of a sop to public opinion and "populism" wherein the real problem lies with the international financiers and big businesses that fiddle tax and fiddle bonuses etc.
He was and is right.
No-one is suggesting that dole cheats or long-term 'dole bums' should be ignored, rather we should work to ensure workers get a fair wage for a job done well, because there is a mentality of "the world owes me a living for ding nothing" in some sections of the community.
However, the millions mis-spent on housing benefit etc. (which should be overhauled) pales into insignificance when compared to the billions swindled by the banksters, financiers, big businessmen and MPs.
Two wrongs do not make a right, but when the people at the top are fiddling expenses and filling their pockets, should we be surprised when the people at the bottom do the same?
The system needs a total overhaul (national revolution - not national reform!) because the people at the top do not only do this illegally, as in the alleged case of Miss Smith, they do it by dancing around the rules and employing legal people to find them the loopholes and a way of breaking the rules whilst staying "within" the law.
The trickle-down effect of corruption is there for all to see.
When this government rails against dole cheats and corruption it comes across as dishonest as when they talk of "citizens' safety" when funding the latest American/Zionist initiative, whilst ignoring street crime, drugs gangs, muggers and the people who put us all at risk on a daily basis.
In the case of the bankers it is doubly galling because not only have these people failed - and still claim mega-buck bonuses - but many of the banks are now all-but government owned, and it is the failed polices and short-term profiteering of those banks which have put hundreds of thousands of people in the real shadow of terror: the terror of losing jobs, losing homes, losing marriages and more!
These are no CIA/Mossad "ghost" terrors: these are real terrors being faced today by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of workers and small businessmen in the UK.
The American profiteers who made billions and caused the whole "sub-prime" debacle and "credit crunch" may be beyond the reach of the justice system here (being Americans!) but those within its reach are getting... millions of pounds in bonuses!
The dole cheats who are caught are fined. The MPs and bankers who fiddle the system - all "legal" of course! - to line their pockets are... well, they are just allowed to carry on and find more loopholes.
It reminds me of a situation some 15 or so years ago. A police station in a largish English town where I was living was raided because a number of the policemen there were taking drugs. A friend who worked in a pub near the police station had told me a couple of times that the police would regularly go to the pub after work and "smoke pot."
Ah the halcyon (not halogen!) days, when smoking in pubs was legal, and smoking cannabis in public wasn't!!!
You see the problem there, dear reader?
How can a police force full of those illegally taking drugs be expected to tackle crime in a town, especially when a good proportion of the crime is drug fuelled?
The sense of hypocrisy was and still is overpowering!
It is exactly the same sense of hypocrisy I sense today when I read of bankers bonuses, and the allegations against Lords and MPs in Parliament who fiddle the system to make wonga!
It may seem like a pipe dream -- but why the hell should it be? -- but until we overhaul the system and learn to put people in positions of power that put the Common Good before self-enrichment, this constant circus of traitors who sell-out to the bankers and leave our people in perpetual debt-and-taxation will continue evermore.
Certainly the current raft of "opposition" (whether "right" or "left," liberal or conservative, "centrist" or "extremist") seems to be the 'same old, same old' busily filling their pockets right now (aka 'Doing the Tel Aviv Breaststroke') , so are we to think they would be any different once they get a hold of the "expense account" of UK plc? Not on your nelly!
The bankers would just have another raft of career politicians waiting to fill their pockets at the peoples' expense.
Perhaps the answer lies in the old 80s NF position of peoples' representatives - a system of government a bit like corporatism (but in the sense that it shied away from Big Brother stateism, retaining the Small is Beautiful property dispersal of Distributism). They called it Popular Rule, a name I personally never liked because it can sometimes sound like an East German spin on stateism or an American Democrat faux populism.
The NF published a little on it, but I think it was too little (coming at a time of fast change, state repression, split and decline in the NF), and it really should be studied by some think tank or similar to work out the intricacies, nuances and break-down of the facts and figures -- hey, if someone wants to stick me on a wage I'll do it! ;-).
Government would be made up of local community representatives, trades representatives (from car-makers to doctors), experts in their fields etc. -- thus breaking Parliament free of the vice-like grip of lawyers and party stooges.
The "second chamber" would have to be designed in such a way to retain its current role as a control against bad laws or wrong-doing by Parliament. Perhaps it could be made up of experts in their fields, with a smattering of appointees from communities, clergymen and similar that have proven themselves to be excellent servants of the people.
Over both chambers there would need to be a ban on sinecures such as those we currently see ad nauseum from banks, energy providers, big businesses, lobbying groups etc. The wage, the sense of public duty etc. should be enough!
All the representatives would be answerable to the bodies that elect them - whether areas of the country, trade bodies etc. and so if they do not act decently and honestly they could be recalled at any time.
A Parliament that reflects the people, drawing from all communities, all classes, all professions? Parliamentarians that have to behave decently?
Now that would be revolutionary!
Communists in Ireland fume about Justin Barrett
Sunday, 8 February 2009
The Culture of Greed & the Need for Absolute Change
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:10 pm
Categories: Banking, Big Brother, Corporatism, Crime, Distributism, Dole Bums, Drugs, Finance, Government, Money, Nationalism, NF
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Our so called democratic institutions are one gargantuan conglomerate of vice, decadence, self-interest, fraud, betrayal, treason and corruption from top to bottom and left to right. The corrupt and self serving puppets of the City of London have sat astride their golden calf and lazed on their golden bough for far too long.
We are governed by a Hidden Hand that is a shadowy and sinister Judeo-Masonic cabal and the country's elected representatives - of whatever political standing - simply put into practise and legislation their desired wishes.
Year after year the same corruption, fraud, lies, deceit, sex scandals and the like ooze out of the political machinery of this country.
Hilaire Belloc's excellent book from 1911 - The Party System - is just as pertinent today as it was when it was written just under a century ago.It completely rips apart the charade of parliamentary democracy and political representation that exists in Britain.
"The administrators whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the art of government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of genius who will be their advisers.”
“The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. it tells them what to do and when In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These fronts go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. History clearly reveals that the British government is the bond slave of the invisible and inaudible force centred in ‘The City’. The City calls the tune. The ‘visible and audible’ leaders are mere puppets and dance to that tune on command. They have no power, they have no authority. In spite of the outward show they are mere pawns in the game being played by the financial elite.”
Des Griffin, Descent Into Slavery
“The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those not behind the scenes.”
“Governments do not govern; they merely control the machinery of government being themselves controlled by the Hidden Hand.”
Benjamin Disraeli, Coningsby
I remember watching a documentary years ago featuring an ex-member of The Krays firm. He said they called us gangsters but the white collared criminals that operate in The City rip the country off for billions a year! Banks and businesses avoid paying billions of pounds of tax each year. This present government has squandered and wasted hundreds of billions of pounds of taxpayers money.
In Daniel Craig's excellent book 'Squandered' he shows how Gordon Brown has staggeringly squandered over £1 Trillion!! This festering economic vegetable has the gall and temerity to lecture about dole cheats etc. is sheer hypocrisy at its most diabolical. Two things spring to mind. The first centres on the economic fact that practically ever penny received by the so called dole bums is spent and re-enters the economy. Secondly, there is a massive correlation between the deliberate decimation of the traditional working class industries and the creation of the cult of welfare dependence.
As usual with The Hidden Hand were their heinous and insidious plans and goals are concerned they win hands down. Decimation of whole working class industries - with no employment and/or industry replacing these jobs - has seen once proud communities turn into ultra depressing hopeless crime and drug plagued hell-holes. People on benefits and welfare in essence belong to the Socialist state due to the fact they have to rely on government handouts to eat and survive and thus are easier to suppress, control and manipulate.
V For Vendetta I say. The Louse of Commons should be blown to smithereens with a whole new revolutionary system introduced along the lines of what you are suggesting.
Well said Blue Eyes, have you thought about forming your own party??
Anon: commenting on the Party System, condemning it and arguing for a synthesis of Corporatism & Distributism can hardly be applauded by asking anyone to "form a party."
It's like condemning McDonalds and opening a Burger King!
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