German Chancellor, Merkel has joined the furore by attacking the Pope over his "readmission" of a traditionalist Bishop who has raised questions over the numbers and background of the "holocaust."
Left: Is this how the Neo Cons reward their hirelings? Or is this how they threaten them?
Those who see some form of conspiracy in which the entire German nation/people have been brow-beaten into paying out billions to Israel will be grinning over this news.
What a surprise!
Is it really the role of the German Chancellor or Israel's top Rabbi to tell the Pope who can or cannot be a Bishop in his Church? Er... no!
This is just another phase in the worldwide Zionist attack on the Pope which began when the Pope opened the "availability" of the traditional Latin Mass last year. At the time Jewish groups complained that it's Good Friday prayers included a prayer for the "perfidious Jews."
In a world with so much corruption, suffering, debt and murder... are we to believe that the mere discussion of history and events is so urgent?
Only if we take into account a 2000 year old war that has gone on between Christianity and its enemies, and the way in which the "holocaust" is used to excuse Israeli war crimes and raise so much money for Zionist causes.
Also, as Nick Griffin once so eloquently and correctly said, the holocaust has been used to bash nationalism for years, so perhaps the enemies of nationalism are fearful of their number one brickbat against nationalists (even today, Searchlight --a magazine with Stalinist and Zionist staff!!!-- are campaigning to make Mr. Griffin publicly apologise for his past "revisionist" comments).
In a world which has spread lies about the Inquisition (the forerunner of the "holocaust" in those terms), in which the crimes of the Communists (estimated at 100 million - mostly European Christians) are deliberately ignored by the mass media, in which the crimes of the Zionists are played down, and in which the role of Freemasonry in banking and the whole debt-con is purposefully ignored... why do so many people (right or wrong) face such pressure merely for wanting to discuss 60-year-old events?
What role of the Catholic Church is it to tell its members that they cannot "deny the holocaust" -- it is not for the Church to demand obedience over non-religious matters, whether it's the holocaust, the type of car you drive or the colour of your socks.
Merkel is merely trying to spread the ideological and academic terror that has engulfed Germany, Canada and France so that Christians (and not just Catholics) will feel guilty and obliged to tug the forelock to the Zionists, Communists and all those who profit from 60 year old war propaganda.
If a rabbi said that Jews were not predominantly the leaders and commissars of he Communist terror machine that killed dozens of millions of Christians in the Soviet Union, then we might disagree violently, and even call him a tom fool, but would the leaders of the Ukraine,Lithuania or even Russia have the right to demand that the Chief Rabbis of the whole world demand that such an opinion be ordered not to be held by any Jew?
For Christians it is even more galling as Jews throughout history have gone around declaring that Jesus was not the Son of God, a deeply held belief of all Christians, and a viewpoint (whether Freemasonic, Communist etc.) that has usually ended in terror and mass murder.
Right: "Nah nah nah nah... Im not listening... doo dee doo dee diddly doo"
So let Ms. Merkel stamp her little feet. She isn't the first and she certainly won't be the last (as this Pope will find out!).
When local Communist Parties are sponsoring "Holocaust Day" memorials in England, one has to wonder where common sense has gone.
If the Merkels of this word were keener to sort out those kind of hypocrisies, wherein the Christian victims of atheist Communists are the forgotten mass-millions, then some of us might be more inclined to look more kindly on her observations.
As it is, it merely looks like another pro-Zionist politician trying to stick the boot in on a Pope who -whatever you or I may think of his every pronouncement- has made moves to make the Church more traditional, which may upset Jews, Muslims, homosexuals and atheists; but it strikes me that they may as well moan at the Scottish Parliament at Hollyrood for making Scotland more... er... Scottish!
Besides, surely liberals will be alarmed at the prospect of a German Chancellor screeching orders across international borders and using veiled threats against those seeking open debate?
BBC on Merkel's Attack
Priest in Italy Questions the Gas Chambers
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Merkey Merkel Bashes the Pope Over "Holocaust" Bishop
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:15 pm
Categories: Catholic Church, Germany, WW2
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Funny, I thought Germany, like us, was a Protestant country. What are they getting involved in Roman Catholic business? there's more concern and much ado regarding this than there was when all the Catholic paedophiles were revealed!
By the way, today -February 5th - is the 6th anniversary of when Ernst Zundel was seized, and his ordeal which is still ongoing, began.
Germany is pretty much split, the north being Protestant and the South being Catholic.
There are many more Catholics in Germany than the UK.
I do aplogise fella I put this comment under the wrong section.
Various European leaders and prominent leaders this week have been letting their nefarious plans slip out of their Luciferian lips.
Gordon 'Fabian Socialist and Proud to be a Zionist' Brown called for a 'New Global Order' (one world government to you and me) when he stated:-
“Or we could view the threats and challenges we face today as the difficult birth-pangs of a new global order — and our task now as nothing less than making the transition through a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global society.”
Nicolas Sarkozy the Zionist Jewish French leader stated:-
'and that not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.' (racial miscegenation, dilution of culture, race, history, heritage and patriotism etc. to you and me).
Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos promised Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Friday of Spain's plan to amend legislation that granted a Spanish judge the authority to launch a much-publicized war crimes investigation against senior Israeli officials.
"The judge acted under a doctrine that allows prosecution in Spain, and other European countries, to reach far beyond national borders in cases of torture or war crimes. The universal jurisdiction ruling sparked outrage in Israel and elsewhere."
"I just heard from the Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos, that Spain has decided to change its legislation in connection with universal jurisdiction and this can prevent the abuse of the Spanish legal system," Livni told the Associated Press. "I think this is very important news and I hope that other states in Europe will do the same."
"Legal systems around the world have been exploited by cynics whose sole purpose is to hurt Israel," Livni went on to say. "It's good that Spain decided to put an end to this phenomenon."
Spain, as a result of this diabolical decision has given Israel a blank cheque to commit further war crimes, breach International Law, break The Geneva Convention and carry on their destructive and repulsive Zionist expansionism in the Middle East.
Last but not least we have German Chancellor Angela 'Zionist Ass Kisser' Merkel entering the HoloHoax arena when she stated:-
"This should not be allowed to pass without consequences," Mrs Merkel said at a news conference in Berlin.
"This is not just a matter, in my opinion, for the Christian, Catholic and Jewish communities in Germany but the Pope and the Vatican should clarify unambiguously that there can be no denial," she said.
How dare the putrid bint have the gall and audacity to preach to the Catholic Church what they can and can't do, what they can say and can't say, what they believe in and don't believe in and how they conduct their own policy!!! The HoloHoax itself has transmogrified into a cult and religion all of its own - accept it or face the wrath of the God's on earth, the Talmudic Zionists.
Bishop Williamson by denying the existence of gas chambers - as is his right to do so - has now been 'charged' under the Orwellian Thought Crime of Holocaust denial. How ironic that the next two quotes - by Orwell - eloquently sum up what the Bishop has done and what the control of 'supposed' historical events can do.
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
Why doesn't Merkl comment on the rape and pillage of her own country by the Red Army at the end of WWII? Or how about the fact that General Eisenhower at the behest of his demonic superiors in Wall Street and The City of London deliberately let starve over 10 million German civilians. How about the real Holocaust of Hamburg and Dresden?
The grovelling by the stupid Zionist apologist bitch in Israel was an absolute disgrace to the German nation who have had this fictitious historical event hung around their neck for over 60 years whilst being bled dry by the fangs of the vampires that form the Talmudic Zionist cabal.
You are either with Christ or the jew!
German Catholic Groups Back Pope in Williamson Row
Three German Catholic organizations have shown solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI, who has come under fire over his decision to lift the excommunication of Bishop Richard Williamson, a known Holocaust denier.
The conservative organizations Pro Sancta Ecclesia, Pro Missa Tridentina and Una Voca Deutschland say that the backlash against the pope has spiralled out of proportion. They condemn what they see as a "manipulative media campaign."
"The opponents of the pope, including unfortunately even prominent bishops within the church, will stop at nothing to stop him steering his steady course," Pro Sancta Ecclesia wrote in an advertisement in the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine.
"All the more reason for Catholics who are true to their beliefs and to the church to rise up against these attempts, stand behind the pope, and support him with prayer and work, word and deed," the group said.
The groups said that the pope can not be expected to make decisions on matters such as the lifting of excommunications based on political considerations or his popularity. The "irresponsible statements" made by Williamson do not justify such "shameless badgering" of the pontiff, the groups said.
German government's unusual move
The pope's decision to lift the excommunication of Williamson has caused particular outrage in his native Germany, where denial of the Holocaust is a crime punishable with a prison sentence.
In a highly unusual move, the row prompted Chancellor Angela Merkel to speak out, calling on the Vatican earlier this week to clarify its position. The next day, the Vatican demanded that Williamson recant his controversial views on the Holocaust, but did not reverse its decision to welcome him back into the church.
On Thursday, Merkel praised the Vatican for its response, describing it as an "important and good signal."
But it appears the row is still far from over. Many prominent Catholics say the controversy is proof that the Vatican's consultation and communication policies are flawed.
Vatican policy flawed, critics say
The head of the German Bishop's Conference, Robert Zollitsch, criticized the flow of information at the Vatican. Pope Benedict's advisors let him walk into the line of fire, Zollitsch said Thursday night in ZDF television.
On Friday, a high-level Vatican official declined to comment on the allegations of failed decision-making, saying only: "We have no FBI."
Mexican Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, president of the Pontifical Council for Health, was commenting on the row in an interview published by the Spanish daily El Mundo.
Barragan described Williamson's denial of the Holocaust as a "stupidity," stressing that the British-born bishop had already made the claims a year ago.
"Any one of us can say a stupidity, and are we going to be excommunicated for that?" the cardinal asked.
He explained that a stupidity was a sin if it was done "consciously and with wickedness," whereas people were excommunicated only if they "essentially disobeyed" basic dogma of the church.
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