"The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people."
Pope St Pius X to Theodore Herzl's face (1904).
This canonised Pope (pictured right) saw the facts clearly: since their rejection (and crucifixion!) of Christ, the "Biblical claim" by the Jews to Israel is null and void.
Why is to so hard for theologians and clerics whether Protestant Americans or Vatican Catholics to see the same clearly?
Pius X made a stand at the start of the 20th Century against what was called "modernism" - in essence Freemasonic ideals, libertarianism, false ecumenism and so on.
The difference between then and now is that the enemy media is stronger and that Christians have lost the will to fight - especially when battered with "holocaust guilt" - so they genuflect to what Christ called the Synagogue of Satan.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Last Week's Quote: Pope St Pius X on Zionism
Posted by
Final Conflict
3:11 pm
Categories: Catholic Church, Christianity, Israel, Quote of the Week, Zionism
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BBE: I hate to see liberalism creeping into your comments! ;-)
I've turned over a new leaf thanks to the help of my new partner Hugo :)
bishop Williamson ordered to leave Argentina, given 10 days notice.
Quite so Anon.
So who pulls the strings of the marrionettes that dance so fitfully?
The Black Magicians of the modern day Sanhedrin and Kahal instruct their kindred to spit on crucifixes, church buildings and clergy, burn New Testaments, make films and television programmes that debase, mock and undermine Christianity, press for Hate Laws in the US trying to ban the New Testament as being anti-Semitic and force the false religion of Holocaustianity onto Christian civilisation.
These disciples of Baal and Mammon are responsible for the most malevolent and heinous crimes of mass genocide against White Christians and make enormous amounts of money in the process!!!
Their precious holy books are full of the most poisonous and blood curdling hatred for Christ and Christianity in general.
Look at this lovely cartoon from Heeb magazine called How To Cook A Gentile:-
Out of the Overflow of the Heart–Jesus and Mary as Vulgar Comedy In The Holy Land -
'Airing February 18th on Israel’s Channel 10, a skit entitled “Like A Virgin” was run on popular late-night comedian Lior Shlein’s program to predictably raucous, rowdy applause. In addition to classical paintings of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, it also featured a line-up of sexual gratification devices said to have been used by the mother of Jesus along with a montage of other scenes characterizing her more like the foul-mouthed Hollywood Jewess Sarah Silverman than as the saintly woman revered and loved by Christians and Muslims. With the typically-insolent tone all-too-common these days among Jewish supremacists who know they have nothing to fear from an emasculated Christian world held prisoner by Jewish money, media and the threat of nuclear annihilation, Shlein the Swine’s shtick proceeded as follows–
“You hear every week someone new denying the holocaust, whether it is a Cardinal, patriarch, bishop, priest or some boy molested by the other members of the group, they deny it. Well, instead of getting mad I decided to get even and mention Christianity. Yes, I’m not kidding, they must be taught a lesson and this is what we are going to do now…”
“Tonight we’re going to mention some things the church has taught. Christians tell you that Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin but this isn’t true…The proof of that is very simple–John the Baptist used to surprise her when he would put his 2 fingers near the top of her thigh and she never jumped or flinched. In addition to that, if she was really a virgin she would not have shown off her dildos every night when she was with Josephus Flavius…”
“The truth is that Mary got pregnant when she was 15 by her classroom boyfriend…Her parents wanted to put her in the convent, but since Jesus wasn’t born yet and there was no Christianity, there was no convent and so her parents left her in a soccer stadium where she spent a hot night in a hotel with the Canaan Club…”(?)
“Christians say that Jesus used to walk on water in the Sea of Galilee but this is not true. Jesus was very fat and too ashamed to leave the house in his swim suit and go to the sea of Galilee. Starting at the age of 3 he started eating sacred bread and wound up one of those fat boys. He spent all his life trying to lose weight and for him every supper was the last supper. He was always saying “On Sunday I will start my diet” which is why Sunday is a sacred day for Christians…”
Of course those not familiar with the typically Jewish business of dealing with the memory of Jesus as insolently as Israel’s forefathers dealt with Him violently, the obvious question is “Why?”. Why would they–the “light among nations” and “God’s chosen people” do such a thing when the golden rule these days is “tolerance” for other religions? In a day and age when so much effort has been put in convincing Christians of their duty in going and fighting the enemies of the Jewish state on the premise that Jews and Christians are “kissing cousins” why the “sudden betrayal”?
Well, the answer given by Shlein was simple–revenge, and in particular because certain ideas held sacred by God‘s chosen people concerning the particulars of what they consider to be the main pillar of Jewish religiosity (Jewish suffering that culminated in the Holocaust) had been “disrespected” weeks earlier with the scepticism of one Bishop. Richard Williamson.
One can just imagine the resulting noise pollution to which the tired, fragile ears of humanity, sick of all the constant Jewish shrieking over “this and that” would have been subjected if instead of being a Jewish program blaspheming Jesus and Mary it was a Gentile program featuring the “Joan of Arc” of Holocaustianity–Anne Frank–as she displayed the kinds of sexual toys with which she pleasured herself when she was not busy hopping from bed to bed with Nazi guards. Likewise with any of the great patriarchs of the modern state of Israel such as Theodore Herzl being depicted as some lying, money-grubbing, child-molester with lice running through his beard. Like some deadly plague sent by the Old Testament deity Yahweh angry that His favourite people had been mistreated, a giant tidal wave of hissing, cursing and threats would erupt from the Jewish world from every corner with the same kind of madness as recently took place following the calm, measured comments of one Bishop Richard Williamson who has learned by trial and error that the boy who cries wolf cannot be believed any more.'
Jews - don't you just love 'em, NOT!
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