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Showing posts with label Candour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candour. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Rosine de Bounevialle R.I.P. 8 Years On

This Christmas Day past was the anniversary of the death of Rosine de Bounevialle, a good friend to many of us and a diehard fighter for Nationalism.

It barely seems like yesterday, but 8 years have slipped by since she passed away.

She will always be missed by those who knew her, especially those who were fortunate enough to call her a friend.

She fought valiantly over many years, starting with the League of Empire Loyalists and later with the National front, always under the stewardship of A.K. Chesterton, from whom (after his death in 1974) she picked up the gauntlet and published Candour newsletter - sacrificing much to ensure its regular publication.

Under her tutelage Candour became a voice for Tradition and Sanity in the nationalist movement, always at ease in covering international events, the banking con and much else besides.

Further more, under her stewardship, her very home became a centre for Nationalism - with people always being welcomed into it, with warmth and charity, so any patriot knew he or she could always pop in to debate at length the latest scandal in the atmosphere of a friendly place to bide the time.

People like Rosine de Bounevialle are rare.

She was disciplined and devout. She was sincere and honest. She was forthright and outspoken. She was a friend and a comrade.

More than any of this she was always loyal, always sacrificing all for the cause which she put above and beyond her needs.

That is why her passing effected so many nationalists, from various organisations and from across the globe, in such a profound way.

We didn't just lose a link to "the past," someone whose pedigree stretched back to the shadow of the war.

We didn't just lose someone whose knowledge and wit would skewer any argument or debate from any decade and who could pop the pomposity of the most arrogant and self-assured prig.

We didn't just lose someone who created a friendly and comradely home, open to all across the years, who would readily mix with a group of octogenarian patriots, debating clergymen, nationalist cadres or a campsite full of youthful skinheads and activists.

We lost all that and more; and in today's age brimful of betrayal and sell-out, self-promotion and cronyism, scandal and intrigue we really and truly miss her all the more (even those who only know of her by word of mouth).

In times like these, those who truly possess candour are a very rare breed.

Rosine de Bounevialle was such a person. That was her strength and her appeal.

Spanish Translation of FC article on Rosine

An Italian Visitor to Forest House

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