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Showing posts with label Orthodox Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orthodox Church. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Orthdox Christians Pull Down Anti-Christ Symbol


by Nathanael Kapner

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova - Using hammers and iron bars, Moldovan
patriots smashed a Hanukkah menorah while police looked
on approvingly in Moldova’s capital of Chisinau on December 13, 2009,
the same day the Obama White House bowed before the anti-Christ Hanukkah
image (Moldova is located in Eastern Europe, between Romania and

Led by a Christian priest of the Orthodox Church, identified as Fr.
Anatoly Chirbik, the 100-strong patriotic demonstrators gathered at
Stefan The Great Square where the giant menorah was erected next to the
statue of the Christian ruler and military genius Stefan the Great
(1432-1504). The police said they tried without success to convince the
Christians not to pull the Menorah out adding that they didn’t want to
oppress the Christians.

Standing in front of the object of offense, Fr. Chirbik cried out:
“We’re an Orthodox Christian country. Placing a Jewish symbol next to
the statue of Stephen the Great is an offense. Stephan the Great
defended our country from all kinds of Jews and now they come and put
their menorah right in the middle of our square. This is sacrilege!”

Lifting the Moldovan flag and displaying it to the television news
cameras, Fr. Chirbik added, “The Cross here on our flag is our symbol.
We will protect our nation with the holy Cross! No Jew will oppress us
in our own nation!”

The patriots proceeded to uproot the menorah and replaced it with the
Cross. They dumped the menorah behind a statue of the national hero King
Stefan. On hearing this news, Christians throughout Moldova and Romania
felt a deep sense of relief in seeing brave Christian patriots having
the guts to finally take action against Jewry’s cultural intrusion.

Additional reporting is here:

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Anti-Zionist Christians Unite... in Estonia

September 2008, the place to be: Tallinn, the ancient Estonian city once dwelt in by the ancient Teutonic Crusader order, also known as the Prague of the North.

Right: The Tallinn skyline.

"Why so?" I hear you cry oh faithful and perturbed reader.

Well two luminaries of the anti-Zionist struggle were ensconced in the Baltic capital for the Trialogos Conference on Orthodox/Catholic dialogue, coming from either side of that divide.

The Conference covers not only 'religion' but also music, theatre, the arts, poetry, science and other aspects of culture.

On the Orthodox side, amongst the other delegates was Israel Shamir, the Jewish convert to Orthodoxy and long-time critic of Israel and Zionism. He spoke on Jewish Messianism.

On the Catholic side, amongst the other delegates was E. Michael Jones the editor of Culture Wars and author of such astounding works as The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and The Decadent Moderns.

With translators working to bring all the talks and discussions into Russian, Estonian and English it sounds like a great time was had by all, and with those two minds present it must have been a glut-fest for anyone hankering after the "News Behind the News."

As well as all this there was a Medieval mystery play performed, Russian liturgical music, a Tridentine Mass with chant from an ancient Cistercian Missal, children's choirs singing for St Michael's Day - and much more besides showcasing our European heritage and the wonderful architecture of Tallinn.

What a treat for residents of Tallinn who resisted the Soviet Beast (remember this is the nation wherein the Forest Brethren held out into the 1950s), and who are now resisting the McDonalds 'culture' and degenerate Western "treats" like abortion and homosexuality.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Sotjan Adasevic: Serb Abortionist Becomes Pro-Life

Did this man kill more "Yugoslavs" than the wars of the 1990s?

Another 'champion of abortion' becomes defender of life: the story of Sotjan Adasevic

Madrid, Nov 12, 2008 / 09:21 pm (CNA).- The Spanish daily “La Razon” has published an article on the pro-life conversion of a former “champion of abortion.” Stojan Adasevic, who performed 48,000 abortions, sometimes up to 35 per day, is now the most important pro-life leader in Serbia, after 26 years as the most renowned abortion doctor in the country.

“The medical textbooks of the Communist regime said abortion was simply the removal of a blob of tissue,” the newspaper reported. “Ultrasounds allowing the fetus to be seen did not arrive until the 80s, but they did not change his opinion. Nevertheless, he began to have nightmares.”

In describing his conversion, Adasevic “dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from 4 to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence. The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat. One night he asked the man in black and white who he was. ‘My name is Thomas Aquinas,’ the man in his dream responded. Adasevic, educated in communist schools, had never heard of the Dominican genius saint. He didn’t recognize the name”

“Why don’t you ask me who these children are?” St. Thomas asked Adasevic in his dream.

“They are the ones you killed with your abortions,’ St. Thomas told him.

“Adasevic awoke in amazement and decided not to perform any more abortions,” the article stated.

“That same day a cousin came to the hospital with his four months-pregnant girlfriend, who wanted to get her ninth abortion—something quite frequent in the countries of the Soviet bloc. The doctor agreed. Instead of removing the fetus piece by piece, he decided to chop it up and remove it as a mass. However, the baby’s heart came out still beating. Adasevic realized then that he had killed a human being,”

After this experience, Adasevic “told the hospital he would no longer perform abortions. Never before had a doctor in Communist Yugoslavia refused to do so. They cut his salary in half, fired his daughter from her job, and did not allow his son to enter the university.”

After years of pressure and on the verge of giving up, he had another dream about St. Thomas.

“You are my good friend, keep going,’ the man in black and white told him. Adasevic became involved in the pro-life movement and was able to get Yugoslav television to air the film ‘The Silent Scream,’ by Doctor Bernard Nathanson, two times.”

Adasevic has told his story in magazines and newspapers throughout Eastern Europe. He has returned to the Orthodox faith of his childhood and has studied the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.

“Influenced by Aristotle, Thomas wrote that human life begins forty days after fertilization,” Adasevic wrote in one article. La Razon commented that Adasevic “suggests that perhaps the saint wanted to make amends for that error.” Today the Serbian doctor continues to fight for the lives of the unborn.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Happy All Souls Day: the Day of the Dead.

Today is All Souls Day when Christians - Anglicans and Catholics and some Protestants - remember the dead that have gone on before them by praying for them.

Orthodox ("Eastern") Christians have their own days when they pray for the dead.

All Souls Day follows All Saints Day (1st November) and whilst All Saints Day helps remind us that the Church comprises of the Communion of Saints, All Souls Day helps remind us that we have our failings and it is efficacious to pray for the souls of the dead so that they may (as Christians have asked for their deceased family and friends for millennia) finally Rest in Peace - i.e. enter Heaven.

Following the Hollywood antics of Hallowe'en, it is right to remember the feasts of our forefathers throughout Europe and to not forget our dead ancestors on All Souls Day.

It also reminds me of when GK Chesterton wrote, in Orthodoxy, that democracy disenfranchises our ancestors:

"Tradition means giving a vote to most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead."

Chesterton goes on to say:

"Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man's opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition asks us not to neglect a good man's opinion, even if he is our father."

Which is why we should always remember, in an age of seemingly endless automatons, TV-braindead, multi-culti morons, mammon worshippers and reds of every shade (blood red Marxist to homo-pink), that the weight of history and the strength of our forefathers is for Tradition (aka Faith, Family, Nation).


BBC on All Souls Day

Wikipedia on All Souls Day

Friday, 22 February 2008

Support Serbia! Fly the Flag

With Serbia under another attack (territorial rather than terrorist this time) from America and the Neo-Con powers, there's never been a more important time to show that Serbia has supporters in the West (and not just in the historically Orthodox nations).

Furthermore, if we as people do not shout about American Neo-Con hegemony now, this will come back to haunt us in a way that will make the bombing of Serbia and the bombing of Iraq (with uranium-tipped bombs to poison the soil and the gene pool) look like some kind of Disney-esque holiday.

So order your flag today! At £5 and fixed postage you really can't go wrong!

Why not add the flag onto an order and grab a great CD, t-shirt, badge and/or FC mag subscription at the same time?

And don't forget our great range of Serbian Nationalist and Militaria badges (see 2nd link below).

Serb Imperial Flag
Serb Badges

Monday, 11 June 2007

Nationalists March Against Homosexual Agenda

From the FC E-zine #2880, dated 11th June 2007:

Saturday, 09.07.2007, some 1.000 nationalists marched on the streets of Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, at the call of Noua Dreapta (The New Right).

The "March for Normality" was organized in response to the gay parade that took place later that day in Bucharest and in support to the traditional values of the Romanian nation. Viewers on the sidewalks and at the building windows showed their support to the messages and speeches of the Romanian nationalists against homosexuality propaganda, homosexual marriage rights and children adoptions, cheering and acclaiming them.

No major incidents were reported, only that some 20 left wing extremists tried to provoke the members of Noua Dreapta, but they were immediately arrested by the police.

The gay march attracted only 300 people. The marchers were under the protection of at least 700 riot police officers. The later incidents during the gay parade were started by common people and viewers. Police fired tear gas to hold the anti-gay protesters at bay after hundreds threw stones and attempted to break through protective cordons manned by the 700 officers. Dozens were detained and later released.

The Romanian Orthodox Church planned special Saturday evening masses nationwide to pray against the sins that are being promoted by the gay-rights rally, which was described as an immoral and provocative act against the traditional Romanian Christian family.

On Tuesday, two men leaving a Bucharest cinema that hosted the annual "Gay Fest" festival were beaten by eight attackers. Police stopped the attack and arrested several people.

The official site of Noua Dreapta:

For pictures from the "March for Normality" look here:

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