Rupert Murdoch's Sky TV has joined the BBC in not showing the Gaza Disaster Emergency Committee film.
Right: Murdoch's Fox News is easily the most rabidly Zionist news channel in America - quite a feat!
Hardly a big surprise, because once they saw the BBC cowed into this form of moral cowardice by a boisterous and aggressive Zionist Lobby (within and without the BBC), this part of the Zionist Murdochracy was bound to decide against the charitable film.
If Israel weren't involved then this film would be shown.
If Israel were not blockading Gaza as a form of collective punishment then such appeals may not even be necessary.
Yet bizarrely this "blockade" of the charity film (produced to raise fund for bodies as well-respected and beyond reproach as the Red Cross and Christian Aid) is an extension of that same collective punishment.
On various phone-ins and net forums, Zionists have made comments such as 'it serves the people of Gaza right for voting in Hamas and this suffering will make them think twice' and 'if we help them we are helping Hamas and the people there will not learn their lesson.'
The Zionists want to use the suffering of innocents to pressurise their political enemies and to try and threaten the Palestinians (in Gaza and the West Bank) to vote the way Israel likes!
The BBC thinks it can play its part and do what the Zionist Lobby dictates, but (as ever!) the Zionists have shot themselves in the foot with this mean attitude, coming so soon after the various war crimes and their disproportionate and indiscriminate massacre of Palestinians.
Now more and more people are seeing how the BBC is under the thumb of the Zionists (remember the BBC cravenly kept its journalists out of Gaza when ordered to do so by the Israelis, it has no such qualms about sending people into Zimbabwe where it is banned).
They are also witnessing how cruel and vindictive the Zionists are to not only cause all the suffering in the first place, but agitating to stop the aid that could alleviate it afterwards.
All of Murdoch's media empire takes a heavily Zionist line so the cowardice of the BBC gave a green light to just one more branch of his media empire; but there's yet another angle. Murdoch and all his outlets hate the BBC, because the BBC is a ostensibly nationalised body that blocks the way to privatisation across the board, which could map the way to bigger profits and a bigger market share for Sky TV.
The fact that Sky was prepared to "back up" the BBC shows that Sky and Murdoch's Zionist agenda over-rides any animosity and opposition it may have viz the BBC which will, for the short term while this charity promotion is top of the agenda, be put on the back burner.
The one hope for the maimed, hungry, homeless and cold in Gaza is that all this publicity will mean more donations and more charities turning their attention to helping those under the Iron Heel of the Israeli Bandit State.
Monday, 26 January 2009
BBC Cowardice Gives Green Light to Murdochrat Zionists
Posted by
Final Conflict
6:20 pm
Categories: BBC, Gaza, Israel, Palestine, Rupert Murdoch, Sky TV, Zionism
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
The Sun on Another Zionist Rant
Something else for Zionist stooge Griffin to complain about!
This comes from the tits-n-bums Murdoch rag, The Sun:
Published: Today
RADIO 1 big mouth Chris Moyles left listeners shocked yesterday after joking about Auschwitz concentration camp.
Moyles, 34, was telling on his breakfast show how he had delved into his family history for a spot on the BBC1 hit Who Do You Think You Are?
The star, whose parents are Irish, said: “I went off to Ireland and other places to film and unlike a lot of the Who Do You Think You Are? shows I didn’t go to Auschwitz.
“Pretty much everyone goes there whether or not they’re Jewish. They just seem to pass through there on their way to Florida!”
Auschwitz was the Nazi’s largest concentration camp. Around a million Jews were murdered there.
<<<<A few comments if I may crave your indulgence:
1. How many Jews died there? Hasn't that total changed a few times?
2. How many Poles died there? We don't know do we dear readers because Poles are Christians and dead Christians don't count! (remember when the nuns went to Auschwitz and -primarily NYC- Jews went in to kick over their crosses and force them out?).
3. The Scum - sorry, The Sun (Liverpool's best-loved newspaper) - has already been exposed for Zionist scare tactics in creating a "Muslim hit list" of "top British Jews" which never existed. Indeed the only person agitating for 'direct action' against "the Jews" (albeit legal direct action) on the forum was traced back to... The Sun journalist who broke "the story" which was smeared across their front page!
4. Finally, Moyles is right in a sense. There have been a helluvalot of "survivors" on the BBC1 series, disproportionate to the percentage of the population surely?
Should we pay any attention to what Zionist dross like the Sun journalists, BNP leadership etc. "inform us" of?
Most of their Neo Con rants are so slanted, so pro-Israel and so devoid of substantive truth as to be little more than Chinese whispers and third hand gossip (via Tel Aviv).
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:11 pm
Categories: Auschwitz, BNP, Neo Cons, Radio 1, Rupert Murdoch, The Sun, Zionism
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Rothschild, Kissinger and the Kosher BNP: the Struggle is One!
Just why did the Murdoch press become the mouthpiece for Nat Rothschild in the recent ballyhoo re. the yacht off Corfu?
Surely going up against a possibly future government minister is bad business sense?
Not when the Rothschilds are business partners in the Murdoch's satellite TV firm BSkyB!
So let's get this straight.
We have one family.
They bankroll Tories and NuLab politicians. They have leverage over the mass media and the banks.
Doesn't this seem more than a little disproportionate?
It seems that the first people on our Home Secretary's list of proscribed people to be banned from entering the UK "for public harmony" should be the Rothschilds.
Of course she'd have to kick a few of them out first.
If the Rothschilds had links to the Armenian genocide (see recent post on Ataturk - aka Atajew) and there is evidence that high level Freemasonry (come on! They have to be in that!) had links to ETA, the Red Brigades etc.
And still the kosherised groups like the BNP think that the threat comes from a few Islamic preachers and their adherents???
911, 7/7 etc. were false flag ops and we should be looking to New York and Tel Aviv for the culprits.
Whilst we're on the subject we hope the biggest war criminal of all (also as luck would have it a Jewish-Zionist-Mason) is banned from UK entry: Henry Kissinger.
When Franco's No. 2 and planned leader of Spain on the Caudillo's death (I forget his name - read FC mag #16, I think it mentions the facts in there, in a book review of Franco's Spain) refused to back down in a diplomatic confrontation with Kissinger and America he was murdered in a "terrorist" plot which used incredible planning and means just to kill one man: in essence we saw even then how the CIA used Spanish/Basque "terrorists" as a cover for ridding themselves of someone who wouldn't roll over and let Spain become "democratic" (i.e. a poodle of America).
So enough Sun editorialising. Enough mimicking the Neo Cons in a Stalinist 'two steps forward one step back.' Enough 'softly softly catchee monkey.'
I can only return to a message we've pushed in FC numerous times:
The threat to our culture, our civilisation, our religion, our freedoms, our way of life comes from the Zionists, who organise illegal wars, cripple us with debt, flood us with drugs, destroy the family...
Even if we look at the barbed issue of Islam, we have to ask who's more of a threat: the "mad mullahs" who are promoted by a Zionist media eager for an eternal bogeyman, backed up by the CIA's "Al Qaeda" myth; or the Asians (Muslim, but also Sikh, Hindu etc.) who wish to integrate.
The biggest threat from coloured immigration comes from the move to a coffee-coloured secularised State, something that Communists push for, something the Capitalists like (hey - we're all consumers!) and something that the Masons approve of as they try to destroy the last vestiges of Christianity.
This melting pot, faggot-ambivalent, ecumenical, social controlling, Big Business led, Masonic State, where the only enemy is "hatred" and "extremism" is our nightmare.
It seems some people are happy to embrace it as long as they get to screech about an "Islamic threat" in the short term for their own profit and prestige.
The ridiculous thing is that the wafer-thin, super-lite Neo Con B.S. pushed by the Israeli Firsters should be laughed at by nationalists. Sad to say the BNP 'supertanker' has been turning around for a good 8 years and is now heading on the same setting as our enemies.
Would it be beneath the security services to use a nationalist party for its own ends? Think of C18. Think of the National Democrats.
Plenty of well meaning people supported those two groupings, yet the hand of State would now be refuted by very few.
As the saying goes, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
But when you can smell the sulphur or see that the message has become entwined with that of a Satanic minority (Judeo-Masons) then it's time to jump ship before you too sell your soul and are branded by Old Nick! ;-)
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:09 pm
Categories: 911, BNP, Islam, Israel, Labour, Rothschilds, Rupert Murdoch, Tories
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Wave Those Flags Dumb Goys!
The Sun & God save the Queen!
No - they're not promoting Elton John and political correctness again.
This time The Sun, published by the arch-capitalist and race-mixer Rupert Murdoch is asking its readers to "FLY IT IN THE FACE OF TERROR" - the slogan printed in bold over Union Jack screen-savers and posters.
Cheer as the population continues to read Murdoch's The Scum in the face of a "critical" terror alert!
Clap politely as the populace continues to watch multi-culti faggot-infested Eastenders on BBC1, despite the imminent death of us all!
Keep a stiff upper lip as all "communities" (racial, cultural & sexual) remain united in buying their produce from Cohens (sorry, Tescos), their clothes from Littlewoods, Top Shop and Top Man, and anything in-between from Marks & Spencers (BTW... all Jewish shops!)
How much more of this Union-Jack clad Neo-Con bullshit do we have to face?
(picture here: the usual Sun smutty fare)
Just yesterday I saw an "e-mail bulletin" from an allegedly nationalist group (no, not even the Kosherised BNP) in which Daily Mail Neo-Con claptrap was reprinted verbatim.
Do these people have no brains? They certainly should know better!
Can they not see past the headlines created by people who are anti-Nationalist in every fibre of their being?
Do they not understand that they are being turned into the bootboys of Tel Aviv? The street-fodder of the Freemasons in Westminster and Fleet Street?
(right: The Sun is the down-market voice of the Neo-Cons - here seen bashing France for having the temerity to have its own independent foreign policy, whereas The Sun thinks we should do whatever America tells us!)
Already we had Gordon Brown, in his first Prime Minister's Questions, in Parliament at midday today, defend the call for ID cards!!!
Many people said Brown would realise what a huge waste of money this scheme is - but he cited all the police chiefs who want them brought in... surprise surprise!
That's like asking Turkey Farmers if they think Christmas is a good idea.
Even David Cameron (the Tory leader) had the common sense to state that ID Cards did not stop 911 and the Madrid Bombings (Mossad, the CIA, MI6 etc. can always find ways around ID cards - as can any actual 'terrorists' out there).
(left: Mr. & Mrs. Murdoch, or "Rupert and Ting Tong" as the dirty old man-style 'Desperate Dan' and his - ahem - 'much younger' Oriental bride were known. Interestingly no sordid stories about degenerate eldsters using their money to bed lithesome foreignors was published in Murdoch's The Scum).
Nor would ID cards stop any cheesed-off loons of any sort driving a car into any structure, any more than it would stop the large number of schools burnt down every year by pupils or ex-pupils: very real 'terror' which has a profound impact on many thousands of children and their education.
(right: A Sun journalist - perhaps one of the many 'Ms. Slagg' columnists Murdoch employs - gathering more material for the next edition of the newspaper).
We are being pushed to accept a Neo-Con agenda in world affairs, and a Masonic Police State agenda at home.
Those who defend multi-racism, homosexual "rights," Neo-Con wars, the mass-murder of abortion can tell us we should be proud to be British as they seek to mould that identity into people who defend all their Freemasonic humanist beliefs!
Who knows? Maybe the ID cards will have lovely little Union Jacks on them? The soldiers' coffins coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan certainly do!
Perhaps when they haul off those of us who don't want their multi-culti Masonic society, we'll get to wear smart little Union Jack shackles.
Not so much God save the Queen, as:
Posted by
Final Conflict
1:55 pm
Categories: BBC, BNP, ID Cards, Media, Nationalism, Rupert Murdoch, The Sun