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Showing posts with label Evolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evolution. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 September 2011

G.K. Chesterton Versus Richard Dawkins - GKC Wins!

What a logo!
Taken from: Blame the 1st blog

"We are machines built by DNA whose purpose is to make more copies of the same DNA…It is every living object's sole reason for living." - Richard Dawkins

"It is as if a man were asked, "What is the use of a hammer?" and answered, "To make hammers"; and when asked, "And of those hammers, what is the use?" answered, "To make hammers again". Just as such a man would be perpetually putting off the question of the ultimate use of carpentry, so...all the rest of us are by these phrases successfully putting off the question of the ultimate value of the human life." - G. K. Chesterton


Inspired by a blog post from True Freethinker: G.K. Chesterton nails Richard Dawkins

Can purpose exist without God?

In order to have purpose, something must have been created with an intended purpose, thus requiring a creator; therefore, in order for the universe (and the life that exists within it) to have purpose, it must have been created with an intended purpose, thus requiring a creator (otherwise known as God). If God does not exist, then nothing created the universe, and therefore the universe and everything within it exists without purpose.

Most atheists try to avoid this dilemma by explaining that, even though God does not exist to give the universe purpose, we can still give the universe (and our lives) purpose. True, but then what is the point? If the universe ultimately has no purpose, then what is the point of giving it purpose other than to hide the fact that it has no purpose?

Still others try to be more creative. For example, biologist Richard Dawkins explains that the purpose of life is to pass our genes to the next generation. While his atheistic clergy might find this explanation satisfactory, to the rest of us, it’s rather shallow, as it implies that the purpose of life is to create more life (and the purpose of that life is to create more life, and so on and so forth until the end of time). He might as well say that we exist for the sake of existing, which is less an explanation and more an excuse.

Then again, if you’re an atheist, what else do you have but excuses?

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Last Week's Quote: G.K. Chesterton on the Missing Link

"The evolutionists seem to know everything about the missing link except that it is missing."

G.K. Chesterton.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Will Ida the Lemur finally Kill off the Missing Link Theory?

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones...

How fabulous to see the "scientific community" debunked.

It gives the rest of us a chance to glow with the same self-satisfied, all-knowing, better-than-thou smugness normally given-off by the white-coat (with pens in pocket) boffins that infest 101 sofa-based TV programmes of a current-affair bent.

Not so very long ago numberless "experts" pointed at the bones of a Lemur-like creature they called Ida.

She was like a lemur but with some features that pointed to evolution!

Oh yes -- she was the long looked-for (but sought in vain) 'missing link.'

It was the final proof the evolutionists needed to finally prove their thesis (for such it is) that we have "evolved" from monkeys.

Now the theory has suffered just one more in a long, long series of setbacks, with Ida proven not to be a "missing link" but just another... er.. Lemur.

The Lemur was of a kind that simply died-out whilst other varieties continued to this day (conspicuously not "evolving" eh?).

Needless to add, the boffins who posited these bones as the final proof will not be trawling through numerous TV studios to debunk their own myth. There's no money, no scholarships, no major book or film deals in that.

You see scientists have a habit of moving as a mass (Brownian Motion?) emboldened by their own theories and evidence, often supporting each other and so propping up their own theories that Joe Public darnst gainsay.

Whether it's evolution or global warming, they find the "evidence" to prove their theories, or simply fill in the gaps as they see fit (often making illogical leaps of faith) to keep their pet theory on the go.

Countless "missing links" have been found to be frauds, schoolboy errors or dead-ends like Ida.

Of course it won't stop the boffins from espousing their theory as undisputed fact in our schools. A superb book against evolution was originally entitled "Why Our Colleges Create Communists") you see evolution attempts to kill God and a godless society is more often than not a form of communism (soviet or EU variety, take your pick).

Fossilised modern hats, human bones next to dinosaur bones, and many other anomalies that leave evolution theories crumbling are as conveniently ignored as sun spots and the Medieval warm period are in the 'science' of global warming.

Socialists and Capitalists in their search for the ultimate godless society controlled by big government will continue to use evolution and global warming for their own ends.

Nationalists need to be a little more clued-up and dare to ask the questions that others won't.

Rattle your chains baby!

National Geographic: Ida is Missing Link

Google Promotes Evolution

Even back in May Ida was Debunked

Yesterday's Mail on Lemur Bones

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