So we have the "I'd laugh if it weren't so sick" situation of the international war criminal Tony Blair being carted off to a cushy sinecure as 'peacemaker' to the Middle East when he and others won't even recognise the legitimate Hamas government as chosen by the Palestinian people, when Britain has always rushed (and gushed!) to recognise Israel - born out of anti-British and anti-Arab terror.
It's clear from the article below (click on the link!) that Gordon Brown is as slanted and skewed in his approach to Israel and the Middle East as the war criminal who preceded him.
(pictured here: the Banksters Greenspan and Brown: guilty of continuing the biggest fraud in history and keeping our people taxed to death).
Brown may try and placate the left-wing of his party via his foot shuffling whilst Blair suckled on the Neo-Cons teats: but Brown was part of the regime that started the illegal war against Iraq, and it's clear that Brown is as sickeningly pro-Zionist as Blair is.
Don't be fooled. We've swapped one appeaser of Israeli terror for another.
"Will we ever get the chance to have a Prime Minister who is anti-Zionist?" you may ask.
Tut tut oh innocent reader! That's not what their parliamentary democracy is about!
Whatever next? You'll be asking for a PM who isn't a Freemason, or who doesn't defend the indefensible multi-culti nightmare.
Anyway - would we want to elect an anti-Zionist? Look what happened when the Palestinians voted in Hamas or when George W Bush said he would make America more isolationist.
One nation was invaded and suffered civil war, the other was attacked by "Al Qaeda."
Anyone who doesn't see the Star of David behind the wars and terror is a buffoon: or an Israel Firster.
British premier stresses his pro-Israel credentials
"British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has appointed Israel apologists to key positions and has been at pains to reassure British Zionists of his support and affection for Israel"
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Gordon Brown is a Zionist Too!!!
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:16 pm
Categories: Gordon Brown, Irgun, Labour, Palestine, Zionism
Monday, 14 May 2007
Mad Mel Misses Out
Zimbabwe and Israel: The Struggle is One!
In her column in today's Daily Mail "Mad Mel" Phillips salutes Australia's PM, John Howard, for having the guts to make a stand and demand that his country's cricketers do not play Zimbabwe because of Robert Mugabe's Marxist regime and its treatment of opponents (especially White farmers, you'd like to think).
Mugabe's is a Marxist regime which has tried to expel White farmers in a mad "racist" onslaught.
Mad Mel says more governments should take such action and not fear the consequences. Quite right!
She can't resist (remember she is a raving Neo Con) in bringing "Islamic extremists" into the equation... I can't think why as the only Islamic states she might take umbrage with are Saudi Arabia (America's big ally), Afghanistan (oh we already invaded that - and helpfully increased the opium crop!), Pakistan (again, a big ally of America)... who else could there be?
Oh... Iran.
Of course! Mad Mel's wheeled out her agenda again. Is she paid in shekels?
There is, of course, one pariah state which has (like Mugabe's):
tried to force a people off the land, people who have lived there for generation after generation....
used terror against its internal racial foe, even cutting off villages from their crops!
established Marxist communal agricultural establishments to try and replace the existent farms and villages.
used terror to force out the "British Empire" including killing innocent 'Brits.'
been exposed as being financially (and morally) bankrupt and whose leaders have been involved in scandal after scandal.
That country is Israel.
The difference, of course, is that financially desperate Israel gets billions of US Dollars poured into it (just it gets US weapons, technology and US protection from UN resolutions).
But don't expect Mad Mel to call for sporting boycotts of the Zionist State which has murdered British soldiers, poisoned village wells, expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians (we call it ethnic cleansing today), tortures its opponents and (remember it well) has illegal nuclear WMDs.
America bombed Serbia for far less!
For those who think the talk of Israeli terror against British peacekeepers is o.t.t. you should remember that Tzipi Livni (pictured above), who wants to be Israel's first female prime minister since Golda Meir, is the daughter of one of the Jewish terrorists who blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. (Is it me... or is Lee Barnes becoming aroused?).
This pre-cursor to '9/11' was carried out by Jewish terrorists dressed up as Arabs (hmmm... seems they've progressed a little since then).
As even the (kosherised) Wikipedia says:
"Members of the Irgun, dressed as Arabs, set off a bomb in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which had been the base for the British Secretariat, the military command and a branch of the Criminal Investigation Division (police). Ninety-one people were killed, most of them staff of the secretariat and the hotel: 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 other. Around 45 people were injured.[1]
"The attack was initially ordered by Menachem Begin, the head of the Irgun, who would later become Prime Minister of Israel."
And as the Daily Telegraph puts it:
"Mrs Livni's backers point to her time as a Mossad agent and her solid Zionist breeding. Her father led the armed ultra-nationalist underground Irgun in the Forties. On his tombstone are the borders of an imagined Israel, including both banks of the River Jordan." (source:
But so what... Another Mad Zionoid running Israel? Another ex-Mossad terrorist? Another Irgun-linked loon with their finger on the trigger?
Don't expect Mad Mel to spell this out though. She's part of the same Mossad-linked machinery that covers up Israel's crimes (past and present).
It's just as well we have so many nationalist voices out there constantly pointing out the facts about Israel, the Talmudic mindset of Livni, Phillips and the rest of them, and the way in which almost everything in politics today is dragged (by Phillips and her real employers) back to the Neo-Con agenda of bashing Iran and whoever else is in Israel's cross hairs.
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:07 pm
Categories: Iran, Irgun, King David Hotel Massacre, Media, Melanie Phillips, Tzipi Livni, Zimbabwe, Zionism