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Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Ed Milliband, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Nick Griffin: the Struggle is One

So Ed Milliband is just a 'normal guy'? Kind of reminds me of Tony Blair - remember his "I'm a straight kinda guy" b.s.?

It's Conference Season and all the parties are out spinning, lying and spreading the b.s. pretty thick.

NuLab (One Nation Lab?!?), Tories (Green Cons???) and Lib Dems - none of them can be believed. All of them lie. Whoever takes over next time the same old agendas will be followed: more faggot rights; more Zionist war; more money to financiers; more cuts to public services.

Any party that says it will do any different is lying. They are lying to grab your vote. They are lying to con simpletons.

All the Tory/NuLab/LibDem leaders are posh; all went to posh schools; all come from monied backgrounds; all favour betraying our country; all favour rights for homosexuals and undermining marriage; all want to bash our Christian heritage and all will keep the floodgates open to Third World immigrants

The sad thing is that, at the moment, nationalism is no position to offer any alternative as many years ago. The  BNP sold out years ago. The EDL is in the pockets of the usual crowd.

The state know they can buy off nationalism by offering its leaders crumbs from the table; they also know they have enough plants and stooges in nationalism to rip it apart at the drop of a hat.

We're in a perfect storm. Corrupt MPs; corrupt coppers; corrupt media; corrupt bankers - the whole rotten system has been shown to be rotten and the people are sick of them all! Yet still nationalism rots. Voters are turning to UKIP!

Nationalism was betrayed some years back when the BNP turned into a one-issue party (on Muslims) when it could have built an ideological base with a legion of members educated on banking, family issues, nationalist economics etc.: but as it all became about muzzie-bashing and grubbing for money - it lost its heart and soul, it lost the trust of its activists: so now there is a 'perfect storm' the BNP is left (politically) rudderless and out of its depth, pushed aside by a right-wing Tory style UKIP mopping up the angry and betrayed voters.

It's very much a tale of what could have been...

Over 10 years ago Third Positionists put out a leaflet saying why the BNP were wrong to support the (Zionist) war in Afghanistan. Those days seem like a lifetime ago (many lifetimes ago if you are doing a body count), yet the mess this country is in and the pitiful results for nationalism can be traced back to those days.

We live in an age of betrayed ideologies and politicians in it for themselves. The sad thing is that thanks to the BNP, people think that nationalists are exactly the same and just another bunch of the same liars and thieves as the Westminster shysters.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

What War on Drugs? Where is the Protection for our People?

The liberal agenda
I have a terrible confession (hey: it is good for the soul!).

I usually watch Newsnight. I know it's not going to expose the Bilderbergers or actually inform its viewers of why we are taxed to the eyeballs to pay billionaires who create 'money' out of thin air, but every now and then something will pop up that makes you think. It's useful to listen to whilst working of an evening, if only to cringe at politicians being politicians or to hear the latest PC Islingtonista diatribe against racism, sexism, homophobia or whatever else they decide to label normality.

Anyway, last Friday I was out and about painting the town non-red, and so I missed Newsnight for the first time in a while. I realised something was up as the Twatteratti on Twitter were foaming at the mouth again, which is usually a sign that something interesting as happened (it's a benchmark that whatever the chattering classes and incoherent immigrant-offspring fodder that make up the loudest section of Twitter are railing against is half-decent). So it was they were shrieking against Peter Hitchens (and not for the first time by any stretch of the imagination).

So today I looked up Friday's Newsnight to watch it. It was centred around a piece that is going to air later in the year on BBC3 by the "comedian" and actor Russel Brand, all about his addiction to drugs.

Interestingly he argues that the only way to beat drugs is to say no. Addicts must do cold turkey and just come off the drugs. End of. No drugs at all. Sounds sane. People who talk about teenage pregnancy and abortion in America in a similar vein are roundly attacked by liberals who think the way to stop pregnancy/abortion is to throw condoms at schoolkids. They fail to realise that promoting "safe sex" merely promotes sexual activity, which in turn leads to more teenage pregnancies and more abortions!

Similarly with drugs, the liberals, chattering classes, intelligible immigrant offspring ("innit") and the Guardianistas are keen to promote "soft" drugs. They think it's fine and dandy to pop a pill at a rave, smoke a bit of weed etc. But entering the world of drugs means drugs become acceptable, and the rise in use in soft drugs goes hand in hand with the rise in use of hard drugs (just as the rise in use of condoms goes hand in hand with a rise in use of abortuaries).

Like telling an alcoholic that it's fine to sup a Pale Ale, or down an 'alcopop' it is wrong to tell impressionable kids and should-know-better 20 and 30 somethings that somehow a spliff or a pill are just fine and dandy. Yet that is exactly what this "freedom of choice" society does. The mantra is that "as long as it doesn't hurt anyone" etc. etc. ignoring the fact that hard drugs do hurt people -- they lead to ruination, lost jobs, destroyed families, damaged communities, ransacked houses etc. etc. Drug use is not a victimless crime!

Of course the homosexual deathstyle is awash with drugs, but what else would you expect from people who choose a 'life' that opts for multiple (often anonymous or semi-anonymous) "partners," casual sex in public places, even disgusting public toilets, and often leads to the ingestion of faeces and 101 varieties of disease of which AIDS is merely the most public.

It won't be long before pointing out simple facts like these is made illegal because it "promotes hatred" -- in reality ignoring the truth promotes hatred because it allows the impressionable, the weak willed, the mentally disturbed or the sexually deviant to get involved in a death-style that is rife with drugs, violence, disease and a greater chance of an early death. But I digress.

One point where Brand is totally wrong is that he thinks, in order to help rather than tar drug users, drugs should be decriminalised. Of course this is wrong because if something is made officially "OK" rather than just OK to readers of the Guardian and the Independent, it will lead to wider use. To think otherwise is arrant nonsense. The market dictates under Capitalism. If corner shops can make money selling drugs - they will! Under the counter, not on display (like cigarettes) whatever, once it is available it will be bought and used by kids. £5, £10 or £20 hits for a night of oblivion in your front room, down the park, wherever - kids would do it. Better than a bottle of vodka or a few bottles of cider, that would be the mindset of kids out to get blotto. And soon enough we would have more users and more addicts. The profiteers might be Boots the Chemist, Abdul in the corner shop or a giant pharmaceutical corporation, rather than a local gang with knives and guns: but the end result would be the same.

There is only one way to beat drugs, just as there is only one way to beat mugging, rape, homosexuality, paedophilia: zero tolerance. Pussyfooting around leads to these social evils growing on the periphery, sneaking in and gaining ground however they can.

There is no 'war on drugs' - a term abused by the CIA and others who are themselves involved in the drugs trade, profit from it and feed those profits into black ops, shady wars and more human suffering. On the ground, in our towns and cities there is no war on drugs. If there were there could be regular urine tests at work or at the dole office, there could be sniffer dogs outside nightclubs, there could be a real clampdown on the terror gangs who bring violence and intimidation to our streets.

No-one wants to live in a police state, and I think the more we can keep the government and police out of our daily lives the better. But in a country wherein I can be stopped and fined for not wearing my seat belt (which I sometimes wear, sometimes don't) yet someone with a spliff in their pocket can be stopped and merely cautioned... well you have to wonder why? 

Time and again politicians tell us that their number one priority is the safety of our people. They use those excuses for planning and executing illegal wars and murdering thousands in other countries. Yet because drugs gangs bring violence, terror, intimidation, misery, robbery and other crime to our streets - where are the politicians slogans about protecting the people when it comes to dealing with the vermin who push drugs? The politicians clearly have no regard for the safety of our people - either the kids who get hooked on drugs, or the victims of the crime they regularly turn to to pay for their habits.

If we wish to stamp out drugs then let us really stamp them out. We can educate children that drugs are wrong and illegal. We can stamp out the drugs gangs and get them off the streets. We create a mindset of rejection, and at the same time we actively prevent the circulation of drugs so that even the tiny minority who wish to wilfully break the law and seek out illegal drugs, cannot get them (which in reality helps them!)

If we really care about the addicts, if we really care about the victims of crime, if we really care about decimated communities, and if we really care about the future of England and the Celtic nations, then we need to be serious about opposing drugs.

Of course don't expect any answers from the government. The secret state gets a large chunk of money from the international cartels; a good proportion of MPs, bankers etc. are busy snorting for Britain! The reality is that they do not care about violence on the streets, crime, the safety of the law-abiding majority.

Let us treat drugs as truly criminal instead of tipping it the wink, otherwise (like homosexuality) there will be a drip, drip of media brainwashing, liberal propaganda in schools and before we know if casual drug abuse will be widely culturally accepted (as it already is in certain sections of society).

It's all about what we want for our children and the future of our nations... liberal chaos and amorality, or sanity, safety and security.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Anti-Racist Group Say Critics of Corruption are "Racist"

Naz Malik - as featured on the Lottery website
Ethnic minority "spokesmen" are starting to learn from extreme Zionists.

When Zionists are caught supporting  mass-murder, caught embezzling funds, caught out being nepotistic etc. they screech "ANTI-SEMITISM" as loud as they can, hoping to smear their opponents and silencing potential critics. Some reporters won't touch such stories for fear of aggro from vested interests, media owners and some advertisers.

Now it seems the "anti-racist" pro-ethnic lobby are copying these antics.

The Welsh media have been reporting on a Swansea-based group called AWEMA (All Wales Ethnic Minority Association), whose leader Naz Malik - it is alleged - has employed family members, inflated all their wages, given himself perks, and paid off his credit card with AWEMA funds. A report is due out any day whose author says he has found a number of very corrupt practises.

AWEMA is funded by the Welsh government - to the tune of £8.5 million a year! That is tax-payers' money (what recession?) used to push an anti-white message. £8.5 million a year to help an ethnic population that must be minimal compared to England or even Scotland. It also has received had outs from the National Lottery. Mr. Malik is also a Labour Party activist (receiving funds from a Labour-run government...)

Yet it can't be corrupt, it can't be money wasted... to think that is just "racist" - so they tell us!

Let us hope the author of the report sues for defamation, as they are stating he is a "racist" for uncovering what could be illegal activities based around finances and bullying.

The ("racist") allegations (as reported by the BBC):
  • Naz Malik used "Awema funds in an inappropriate way", including paying off credit card debts worth £9,340
  • Mr Malik "has increased his own benefits package without due openness or transparency". This includes Mr Malik's salary being increased to £65,719 without approval from the board
  • Mr Malik "has authorised inappropriate payments, expenses and purchases, which may constitute gross misconduct"
  • Mr Malik's daughter Tegwen Malik "has been employed, and promoted on a number of occasions, without any internal or external competition". It is alleged her salary increased from £20,469 in January 2008 to £50,052 in August 2011
  • Regular claims are made for relatively expensive meals and hotels, including alcoholic drinks
  • The treatment of some junior staff was so poor that it contravened their human rights
  • Source: Paul Dunn's report for trustees.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Milibands Show That Politics Remains a Con

There's a few stories floating around today about the Miliband brothers.

One is that David, who wanted to be Labour Party leader but failed, is now working for a City firm, making big money.

Brothers in arms?
The other is that Ed, who won the Labour Party leadership, is pictured getting into a flash sports care carrying a "green" shopping bag.

This all shows a number of things:

  • The political 'leaders' all come from the same mould. 
  • They think they are doing us "a favour" by not taking mega-bucks jobs and 'slumming it' in Westminster for a few hundred grand a year.
  • Their friends and associates belong to the mega-bucks world, so they have no knowledge of normal life, of struggling to pay bills, of living in low-cost housing in the multi-culti hell they have created.
  • That they can walk out of politics to plush jobs and placements. The more bankers etc. they help while in power, the more rewards they stand to get afterwards.
  • These people - as politicos or financiers - jet around the world, yet lecture us on turning off light bulbs to 'save the planet.'
  • They will carry "green" shopping bags whilst using "gas guzzling" super cars.

That is the world of the political elite. Just as when they start their foreign wars, sending in troops to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria (resulting in countless tens of thousands of innocent deaths), they sit safely back in Westminster plotting their non-executive placements. They talk of 'feeling the pain' of ordinary people, yet give knighthoods to usurers that cause debt.

It is all a con.

Of course the Milibands are the offspring of extremist Jewish Marxists, but they have embraced Capitalist greed, Zionist wars and the same old cycle of betrayal and reward.

It is a world of hypocrisy and hyperbole, of do as I say, not as I do, of practicing never ending war whilst preaching 'climate change' and one world humanism. And the Milibands fit in just fine and dandy.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

From Levy to Rosenfeld: Labour Do Not Represent British Workers

Spot the Spiv
  • Who exactly is the "Swiss based" Mr Rosenfeld?
  • What is his background?
  • Where do his loyalties lie?
  • Why does he give mega-bucks to Labour? Cui bono?
  • Like the Werrity/Fox backers - is their a Mossad/Israeli angle?
  • Is Labour wise to appoint him as head fundraiser after the media implied his involvement in Lord Levy's 'Cash For Honours' scandal?
  • Why did Labour accept his cash after the Tories rejected it?
  • Does British politics need another shady "ex" tax-exile running things?
  • Does Mr Miliband's ethnic background cloud his judgement?
With Mr Miliband taking the role of "chief opponent" to the Tories, the cuts, and seeking to air discontent over the banking swindle etc., this clearly shows (as if we didn't know better already!) that Miliband's Labour will be no different and subject to the same vested interests as the pro-banking, pro-Israeli Tory Party.

From Levy, to Werrity to Rosenfeld: why are the political parties in the pockets of the same Zionist vested interests? What exactly is Mr Rosenfeld buying? And for whom?

Mirror's politics-man "sceptical"
Daily Mail Investigation
Rosenfeld in Lord Levy's Cash-For-Honours Row
Rosenfeld Appointed Chief Fundraiser

Sunday, 18 September 2011

More Zionist War, More Homosexual 'Rights', It's NuLab 2.0

The Rothschilds create money so buy politicians
Like NuLab before them there seem to be two preoccupations with the ConDem government. As with Blair, so with Cameron (Blair 2.0)

They are:
  • The onwards march of the Neo-Con/Rothschild agenda via unjust wars.
  • The onwards march of the liberal/Masonic agenda via the promotion of homosexual "rights."

It seems bizarre (or would do if we didn't know the real agenda of, and the matters of real importance to, this and previous governments) that Cameron, like Blair, would waste so much time and money on these two prongs of government policy, when that time, effort and money could be used to help those battling to make ends meet following the tax-payers' multi-billion pound bail-out of the banks.

  • Do unjust, highly questionable and morally bankrupt foreign wars help those who have lost jobs?
  • Do more highly questionable "laws" promoting the agenda of the morally bankrupt pink lobby help those whose businesses are teetering on bankruptcy?
  • Does spending billions on yet more overseas Rothschild 'adventures' help OAPs struggling to pay heating bills?
  • Does wasting parliamentary time on yet another "law" to promote sodomy help workers who have to choose between paying bills or buying food?

It is my view that the Neo Con and homosexual agendas show where the loyalties, interests and perceived duties of the politicians lie.

In a recent article I was reading it described the politicians as the rent boys of international finance. This seems so apt, on so many levels!

Another quote I read from a Rothschild matriarch many, many years ago went along the lines of "If the Rothschilds didn't want any wars, there would be no wars."

Remember these people own a huge bulk of the world's wealth (I read a recent estimation that it was half), that they can buy, bribe, cajole and bankroll all the political rent-boys they want, and that is why we have had so many dodgy wars, justified in the most ridiculous ways, and so many laws promoting homosexuality - hardly a matter of national importance.

When our government should be protecting our people from rapacious usury, when our government should be putting money into helping crumbling communities, and when our government should be using parliamentary time to remedy so many social ills and economic woes - we must ask why they are pushing for needless, unjust wars and so many pro-homosexual laws.

In a week when alleged cocaine usage by a very senior member of the government is being touted by a call-girl, it is not wrong for many of us to ask why those with so many peccadilloes, with so little backbone, and with such a willingness to go gung ho for an agenda that undermines the good that is left in Britain, are the ones leading our country.

Their subservience to the bankers, the Neo Con war-machine, the pink lobby, the Israeli lobby... shows where their loyalties lie.

Just this week news leaked out that the British state has tweaked the rules so Israeli war criminals can now come to the UK without fear of being arrested.

Do you still think we live in a "democracy" -- or an oligarchy that does what is told by the Rothschild elite and their hirelings?

Various Nu Lab people used to say that the most important role for a government is to protect its people, as they led us into expensive, illegal wars. Yet what protection do any of the hirelings and rent boys offer us from the bankers, the war machine, the tidal wave of drugs and the homosexual agenda?

Very little.

And so the rot continues. Not in spite of the government, but because of the government.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Blue Labour or Red Tories: Washing Powder Politics for the NWO

Blue Labour or New Labour: No Real Difference
Maurice (Lord) Glasman has created Blue Labour. Just like Peter Mandelson (now also a Lord) created New Labour. Just as their kindred across the pond were perfecting the metamorphosis from Socialist Left to Neo Con Right, in order to win power for the Israeli Lobby. It's all very Khazarite isn't it?

We are being told this is something "new" but like the 'Red Tories' this is just political party operators trying to co-opt the "centre ground."

All we are getting is Capitalism with "Gay Rights" whether it's under the Tories with their Liberal hangers-on, or under New/Blue Labour.


The same multi-nationals, bankers and Masons rule the roost, and the parties of choice push the same lines, just tweaked differently. We will get more 'gay rights'. We will get liberalisation of drugs laws. We will get assisted suicide.

The 60s liberal/Marxist agenda marches on.

And once these liberal laws are passed (as with the capital punishment repeal, mass abortion and homosexual legalisation) they will not be repealed by this bunch of no-marks for hire.

Welcome to the "free world." Where we vote (or 35% of us vote) to keep out some other party, so we end up with a ruling party that has way less than 10% actual support. Those politicians are in the pockets of party machinery controlled by big money.

This is not a democracy. It's an oligarchy.

Lord Glasman knows that. Oy Vey! But he wants his brand at the top instead of Brand X (Red Tories? Big Society Tories? blah blah).

Red Tories: Gay-Friendly Capitalism
It's like a battle between competing Unilever brands of washing-machine powder. Oh this one is in a red box with blue patterns, and this one is a blue box with red patterns. And look! The adverts tell us that Brand X is "better than ever before, it gets out all the stains" (as they show us a before and after with mud-caked football kit replaced by a brand new one with a heavenly ethereal shine courtesy of back-lighting).

And the dumbos go out to buy the "better than ever" Brand X that replaces the "better than ever" Brand Z that they were promised would wash clean last year, but never really did.

This is politics courtesy of the New World Order.

Meanwhile we all pay our taxes which mostly go into the pockets of the international financiers and multi-national big businesses.

As a Mr. Donaldson once intoned: Freedom, What Freedom?

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Immigration: All the Parties Lie

Miliband ally admits that Labour lied over immigration.

We all know that Labour WANTED more immigrants. Blair and an advisor planned it to undermine "racism."

We all know that Big Business wanted it to keep wages low.

Yet again we the people suffer so the core values of Socialism and Capitalism can be advanced.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Tolerance for Turks - But Decapitation 'Back Home'

Tolerance is a joke: it means we must accept all that is wrong and against the family (like degenerate homosexuality, its drug-culture and its death-culture), all that is alien to our European Christian civilisation, and all that destroys the future of our children, denying them the White, European, Christian nationhood and cultures that our forefathers enjoyed.

We have St Stephen Lawrence, raised on high for us all to feel guilty about, yet Kriss Donald the Scottish lad who was stabbed repeatedly and set on fire for being White by an Asian gang, is barely known outside of Glasgow.

Right: Imran Shahid, the murderer of Kriss Donald expresses his remorse: not.

This is the hypocrisy of the media!

Our people count for nothing! Our heritage counts for nothing. Our cultures count for nothing.

The family is under constant attack. Homosexuals and drug users (George Michael, Elton John, Boy George, Stephen Fry etc. etc.) are lauded by a sick media, appearing time and time again as role models, yet if you dare to question the benefits of multi-culti in even the slightest way you will be ostracised and lose your media job (Carol Thatcher and Brian True-May).

Our Christian heritage is attacked by left-wing councils with their humanist, atheist agenda and by a government and system so intent on passing law after law after law giving ever more "rights" to degenerate sodomites, they have forced the shut-down of Catholic adoption agencies and are even stopping Owen and Eunice Johns (a black couple) from fostering children between the ages of 5 and 8, because the couple oppose homosexuality!

In the age of Elton John and David Furnesh having an (IVF) "gayby" on Christmas Day (oh happy chance!) which the media gushed over as if it were the Second Coming with barely a contrary word spoken, we have to wonder what the hell this country is coming to.

If you are White, heterosexual, Christian and part of a traditional family it seems that you, as far as the media and the government are concerned, have no rights.

I remember when the Tories promoted the idea of giving a tax break to married couples (don't get too excited, it would doubtless include homosexuals) and the Labour politicians were up in arms that "x" pounds a week would not make people get married, not keep a marriage together if it were about to break.

Yet the same politicians see nothing wrong in giving financial inducements to couples to make them live apart, or to have them cohabit and not get married, never mind the whole con that is young single mums getting homes, benefits etc. when they should still be living with their parents, going to school etc. (and don't say the system isn't abused because everyone knows that it is) whilst the married couples obey the rules and pay the taxes that go to the single mums, the immigrants fresh off the planes, and the fat cat bankers who wrecked the economy and are already on the bonus gravy train with barely a gap in the money-grubbing.

It's the same old story isn't it?

Peter Hitchens was on the BBC's 'This Week' recently calling for policemen to be on the beat again, preventing crime, making the streets safe, acting like public servants, instead of rushing around in speeding cars to mop up after-the-fact, being tooled up like paramilitaries, and treating the public as a nuisance.

How right he was.

It's the same mentality again. We live in a society where crime is so endemic much of it just doesn't get reported any more. If you are burgled you get a crime reference number for the insurers and little more. Unless your name is Tony Blair or Elizabeth Regina, don't expect the scenes of crime squad dusting for finger prints. meanwhile mums doing 34mph on a deserted road at 10.30 in the morning get clocked and fined.

Criminals are just so much hard work, busy mums struggling to make ends meet are an easy target.

It's just another aspect of our society that is out of kilter.

If only we had a politician like that Austrian in the you tube clip - prepared to speak out, defend our rights, call a spade a spade.

At the moment even the patriotic movement here is imploding with tales of granny-porn stars, British businesses owed monies (in this economic climate!) whilst degenerates are employed on some gravy train scam.

The people who should be making a difference and exposing the corruption, the rampant usury, the con this is multi-culturalism, the non-European wrecks that are our cities, the out of control pink mafia - and much more, are the ones embroiled in degeneracy, expenses fiddling and all the sleaze we expect from bankers, MPs, and media-stars.

Things don't look good.

"Tolerance" is on the march and wiping out all before it. Will anyone make a stand for decency, for the family, for the tax-payers, for the Christians, for the poor bloody people who make up the bulk of the normal, White workers of these island nations?

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Government Want Full-On Homosexual 'Marriage'

Here we go again!

Or if we allow emotion to rule the heart, here we f###### go again!

New Labour wasted hours and hours promoting the sodomite agenda.

Now with the country falling apart around our ears, the Lib-Con govt is going to spend more time pushing the sodomite agenda.

No wonder we are in such a mess.

We can also, through this story, see two important things:

  • The system's agenda has ALWAYS been for homosexual "weddings." They are not interested in civil partnerships. That's just softly, softly catchee monkey cobblers that all treacherous, profiteering, nepotistic bastards use to try and fool all the people all the time. They WANT full-blooded faggot "weddings" so the pooves are "totally equal."
  • Peter Tatchell, the apologist for a paedophile agenda, is still the mouthpiece for the homosexual agenda. This shows us where we are headed. The homosexual agenda is a sick agenda. It will promote disease and death. It will promote drug use and abuse. It will promote sexual deviancy in private and public. It will lead to laws being ignored by the police and eventually overturned (especially viz public decency). It will lead to sexual acts with minors being gradually lowered.
Think I'm being hysterical? Go back to the 50s, 60s and even 70s and ask the public what they thought.

The media and government have promoted a sodomite, homosexual, degenerate agenda.

No wonder deviancy and drug usage is rampant in the media (and not far behind in parliament, the city etc.).


We must show we are different. We must show we are decent. We must show we oppose the homosexual, deviant agenda and their druggie cohorts.

Not to do so is to surrender our lands to moral anarchy.

BBC: Govt to All Homosexual Church "Weddings"

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

It's Modern Democracy Jim, But Not as We Know it

Choose Your Poison Dumb Goyim.

Right: Milibandbot 1.2 is made Labour leader.

So a Miliband is now the leader of the Labour Party, having beating a Miliband.

The leader of the labour Party would be the offspring of a Jewish Marxist who "escaped the Nazis" (considering so many did we have to question the total ########### ########### [deleted by the thought police]).

It reminds me of the election in America in which Bush and Kerry ran for the presidency. Both were members of the highly secretive Masonic Skull & Bones society. So whoever the Yanks voted in, they'd get a 'bonesman.'

That's democracy all over.

The party system, media control etc. etc. ensures that elections are usually Tweedledum V. Tweedledee affairs, with the usual Masonic puppets fighting over the "centre ground" and extolling the virtues of multi-culturalism and the dangers of global warming.

Democracy = control by the elites, Masonic parties, plutocrats in control, under the iron heel of international financiers, taxed to the hilt to throw money into a bottomless hole of usury debt.

Just to make you happy on a Tuesday!

Peoples of the World Unite Against the Masonic Powers: You Have Nothing to Lose but Slavery and Debt.

Rant over.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Tony Blair's Real Iraq Agenda

War criminal and profiteer Tony Blair outlines his strategic policy.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Baron Prescott: How Politicians are Bought & Sold

I am glad that John "Two Jags" Prescott is now seated in the House of Lords.

Well, not too glad, but quietly pleased.

Baron Prescott of Kingston-upon-Hull was resplendent in his ermine robes as he finally put the nail in the coffin of his being a socialist, never mind a 'working class hero.'

Isn't it funny how the money factor always wins through?

How many politicians enter parliament full of zeal only to be bought by the party system, the expenses, the placements, the pensions?

And if you think Westminster is bad - Brussels is even worse!

The SISO (sign in and sod off) system is not only open to abuse: it positively invites it!

All these politicians are busy filling their pockets whilst playing a party political game which keeps the Masonic system in power, which in turn means that the corruption, servitude and hideous levels of taxation continue.

Let's not be overly obsequious here either. Most (but not all) of the political class come from the private schools and lawyer class.

They are not stupid.

They know that they are buying into a corrupt system which ensures the politicians continue to dance to the banksters tune.

And, as Belloc detailed back in 1912 (if I recall right) even those who enter parliament with the best of intentions (and let us give Prescott the benefit of the doubt) soon realise that they will either have to play the game, or they will be squeezed out.

So yes I am glad that his Honourific Lordfulness Prescott can now park both his jags in the Lords' car park.

It shows how open to bribery (position and wage) all politicians are.

Patronage and corruption are the order of the day.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Gordon Brown at Citizens UK: Usurious Liar

Gordon Brown addressed Citizens UK - a group of charitable organisations - today, at central Hall, Westminster.

After his hyperbolic speech Brown the hypocrite [see recent posts] said "Do you know what it says in the Bible about money-changers"?

Hmmm. Thanks Gordon.

Whilst we're on the subject do you know what it says in the Bible about homosexuals? And abortion (baby murder?)

On the former the Bible says "their blood be upon them" and on the latter it says "better they [the perpetrator] had never been born".

No ambiguity there Gordon.

So tell us, Gordon the Bible-basher: Where do you and your regime stand on homosexuality and abortion?

Oh physician heal thyself!

And later the self-same Gordon Brown said "usurious interest rates are not in my moral code."

Puh-lease Gordon!

This same man has cosied up to the usurious City of London financiers for over a decade! He gave them free-rein to charge their rates.

And worst of all he has forced a situation wherein we will be taxed for decades because his own government has borrowed usury-loans instead of simply issuing its own money as a credit.

He is a man, and this is a government, in hock with usury bankers and who used loan-money to bail them out, loan-money which we have to pay back via our taxes!

So don't you dare claim to even have a moral code Mr. Brown!

We will be paying for your errors and friendship with the usury-banksters for many years to come.

You have no moral code. You are a murdering slime ball who has promoted anti-Christian homosexual degeneracy and who has taxed us all to the usury-bankers.

Go preach at your kith and kin. Don't preach to us.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Diabolical Labour Promotes Homosexuality in Schools: Time to Fight Back

Oh joy. Oh rapture.

As many Labour MPs assume they are on their way out of parliament (this weekend's Tory poll slide aside) -- indeed many are leaving anyway thanks to fiddled expenses -- and a government in decline and internally riven, what do they find time to do?

We have yet another law passed to promote homosexuality!

Just how many laws has this government passed to promote homosexuality?

They always tell us there is a dearth of time for laws that we actually need, yet they seem to find the time to pass law after law after law in favour of homosexuality.

We now find ourselves in a position where homosexuality has to be promoted in schools (from a stance of its promotion being banned under Thatcher, then the ban being lifted in the late 90s), as well as the common "age of consent" (which poof militants are already agitating to reduce - even to the age of nine!).

Right: The Outrage leader Peter Tatchell said that homosexual sex with nine-year-olds is acceptable. The faggots will never stop agitating for more "rights" and have friends in power. We have to be just as forthright in opposing their degenerate liberal agenda. As if proof were needed, this poof is demonstrating outside a Tory pro-poof meeting -- proving that the more you try to accommodate the homosexual agenda, the more "rights" they demand. These people want our children to be faggots. It is we who should be outraged!

We have also had the outrage that is "civil partnership" - already commonly referred to as "marriage" in the media, with heretical and diabolical liberal "churches" lining up to allow homosexual "marriages" (sic).

Britain is on its knees.

There is no morality, we live in a state that is passing from being amoral to being arrogantly immoral. How can a state which demands the promotion of homosexuality to our children hope to gain our obedience? It could be argued that under this immoral state we have a duty of civil disobedience.

Anything goes (except racism, "homophobia," anti-Semitism etc.) is the law of the land . The Crowleyesque "Do what thou wilt" is the mantra of the state. The state tells us what (in their eyes) is acceptable, and as long as we make "informed choices" -- based on their slanted immorality -- then that is fine.

Sex education - now a homosexual-friendly sex ed - is pushed as the answer, yet sex ed has done nothing so far but increase the number of teenage single mums and the number of abortions.

The "do what thou wilt" mentality is at the core of sex ed. Sleep around, as long as you use contraception. Be a poof if it floats your boat. Experiment! You might prefer one form of 'sexuality' over another - and so on, ad so forth.

This kind of sexual chaos and amoral mire results in more children having no sense of right from wrong. And they wonder why more children take drugs, why more children turn to drink, why more young girls get pregnant, and why more girls have abortions.

More amorality and immorality means more sex, means more pregnancies, means more abortions.

We are wrecking the youth of the country. They are being weaned on a code of loveless sex, kill a baby and walk away when you want. Irresponsibility is the watch-word of the "do what thou wilt" era.

The recent report on a sexualised youth told us nothing we didn't already know. The media promotes this liberal agenda, and politicians mimic it through the liberal laws they pass, and the anti-family agenda in schools makes it 'official'.

They create the mess, they create a generation that thinks marriage is passé, or that fidelity is an outmoded norm. Absentee fathers become very close to the norm in more communities, not just in the black urban sub-culture. Young girls either get pregnant to gain a home and live off state handouts for life, or go through abortuaries with all the psychological, mental and metaphysical damage that undoubtedly does (post abortion syndrome being a medically recognised result for many). And more youngsters take drugs to escape reality.

There is a mess born out of 60s liberal individualism (sexual amorality) and moral relativism ("informed choices") which has mingled freely with free market economics (greed is good) and Thatcherite individualism (community is dead).

This mess is worsened every time the government passes a liberalising law such as that which makes it mandatory for schools to promote homosexuality as a valid "lifestyle choice" (sic).

True, they had to add an addenda permitting 'faith schools' (Protestant, Catholic, Muslim and Jewish) from doing so within the remit of their faith/culture (a move that has enraged liberals, faggots and humanists who seek total surrender) but those schools will still have to teach/promote a deathstyle which goes contrary not just to most religions, but to natural justice, healthcare, and common sense.

And they wonder why the growth in immorality, the growth in drug use, the growth in absentee fathers continues apace.

Don't they realise these are symptoms of the amoral malaise born of an anti-Christian worldview?

They clearly cannot realise that 2 + 2 = 4 because they are proponents of that worldview and the current system is their baby. That is why, even as the system, the nation, communities and families worsen as a rule, their only answer is to fling around ever more liberal laws and liberal platitudes.

They cannot fix it because it would mean betraying their worldview. They would have to acknowledge - left and right - that they have been wrong and that, horror of horrors, those who say that homosexuality, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity et al is wrong and that marriage, fidelity, loyalty to nation, duty in the community et al are, and always have been, correct.

As I have said before, the Tories will not fix the problem.

They already say that they support "civil partnerships" and with even groups like the BNP turning a blind-eye to known and practicing homosexuals in their party (because, for one thing, they give a lot of money) is there any political party that can offer an answer?

Perhaps not. Perhaps that is another strata of the problem. The Masonic political party circus, corralled by a media elbow deep in the amoral mess, will never have the gumption to grab the bull by the horns for fear of losing any media support.

The American move towards "tea party politics" may offer us a short term answer. There is little doubt that local activists, local community members, resolved to rid the community of drugs, of the creeps who hang around public conveniences, of council money wasted on gay helplines etc. can have an impact.

The Third Positionist idea of taking power back from the streets, from local areas, can have an impact. Local councillors who reflect community feeling (and not answerable to Islington elites with their liberal, homosexual agenda) can, if backed up by a strong local voice, have the gumption to make areas free of the cancer that spreads from Westminster.

If we are to avoid the UK plc, and its constituent nations, plunging into an abyss then we have to start a fightback, where we can, how we can.

It's St David's Day tomorrow, and the Welsh patron saint had a saying which he spread amongst the people. His message of 'do the little things well'* can be taken for our own in politics, community life etc.

If we take St David's example, he did the little things well, kept Christianity alive (during the Dark Ages), from its days in the Roman Empire, spread to Ireland from the Welsh slave St Patrick, spread from Ireland via St Columba to the Picts and from there into Northumbria.

All these places in turn spread monastacism, learning, agricultural knowledge, care for the poor and infirm and grounded all of Britain in Christianity with a direct link from Roman times to today.

So for us today it could well be that by "doing the little things well" we can, in our communities, in our schools, in our churches, in our youth centres, in our councils... we can keep morality alive, despite the worst efforts of the Westminster traitors and the vested interests they serve.

On the eve of St David's Day, it is a message everyone, regardless of their situation can employ.

If you or I fail to do that, then the enemy has won and will deserve to win, for if we acquiesce as one more child injects their first hit of heroin, as one more child is snared by the homosexual deathstyle, as one more young adult is persuaded to kill its unborn child, as one more child is left fatherless by some degenerate who walks out on it, then we are no better than the people who have created the system that allows all this and much more to happen.

You and I cannot and should not have that on our conscience.

Our willingness to revolt against a rotten system and its liberal agenda by promoting morality and family life however we can is what will save us as people, as communities and as nations.

As G.K. Chesterton said:

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions,”

and we should not and cannot tolerate what goes against every grain of decency.

By doing the small things well, we can make a difference, and the larger things may well, God willing, fall into place.

* St David said:
"be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed. Do those little things that you have seen me do and heard about."

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Michael Gove: No Answers for a Failed Education System

The drippingly wet frighteningly Zionist Tory shadow education minister Michael Gove was on the Andrew Marr show this morning promoting another Tory education policy.

Right: Michael Gove, the Tories' education action man.

He attacked "fundamentalist" schools (and he specifically said non-Muslim ones) and stated that schools would not be allowed to teach 'Creationism' because they must stick to "what we know to be scientific fact."

The Zionist Gove might like to present his thesis then. Can he show us the missing link?

How interesting that the Tories are putting forward a state-sponsored credo that we must all adhere to.

So we can't question the evolutionary theory (not fact Mr. Gove).

Can we question any aspect of history? Was the Gunpowder Plot a government conspiracy? Was 911 an inside job? Why didn't we declare war on Russia for invading Poland (twice!) in WW2? Was the Pearl Harbour attack known in advance? Did the Communists kill 100 million? Did the Nazis kill 6 million Jews?

Or will we have a state-sanctioned version of history that we are not allowed to question?

And what of social studies? Will we be able to question the validity of the homosexual "lifestyle?" And what of immigration and multi-racism? Will teachers be forced to extol all the many benefits (sic) of mass coloured immigration?

I thought the Tories were supposed to be about small government, yet here we have a clear example of how the socialist germ, the nanny-state infection, has entered the political class, and they are seeking to control what our children are taught so that they become "model citizens" in the modern multi-racial, consumerist, Zionist, bankrupt Britain.

But what was Gove on Marr's show to promote other than his scientific expertise and Bolshevik style of education-policy?

This time they want to give parents the powers to open new schools.

Schools are failing you see in the much-improved, vastly enriched (thanks to immigration) modern Britain.

So the Tories, rather than grab the bull by the horns and sort out a failing society and a crumbling education system want to give parents the power to open new schools!

Less children are being born (no idea to tackle the abortion crisis) and despite the vast number of immigrant families and their offspring, numerically we don't need new schools.

This is the Tories ignoring existing problems and trying to be "exciting" and "innovative."

What it really is, is moral cowardice in the extreme.

They won't give schools a Christian ethos (that is why parents bend over backwards to get their kids into Anglican and Catholic schools). A very simple matter to fix.

They won't tackle our immigration/multi-culti crisis which has seen the character of many inner city schools change, with white flight leaving many schools under-performing. A simple resettlement programme with funds for schools and colleges in host nations would resolve this.

They won't tackle the violence and chaos in some schools by insisting on a return to respect for teachers, a strict uniform code, and giving teachers the powers to deal with unruly children (the "I know my rights" generation, who know nothing of duty).

We don't need new buildings, new ideas, new expenditure.

It is typical Tory cowardice. They are so busy papering over the cracks of what they termed Broken Britain, they should know that when the cracks are so deep they need proper treatment!

Furthermore, if the above 3 issues are tackled (Christian ethos, Resettlement of migrants and their offspring, and discipline in schools) alongside good resources and ideas such as targeting school leavers to needed industries and skills, we won't have to put up with the nonsensical idea that we need to import the workers with the skills our economy needs.

Instead of insisting on near 50% university attendance and whooping over better GCSE results, why aren't we targeting school leavers for the economy?

Those in university would be pushed towards courses that will benefit the economy - the doctors, engineers, mathematicians, scientists and other trained professionals that we need.

For those who leave school with GCSEs, why on earth aren't we teaching them the skills the economy needs on a local basis? Mechanics, plumbers, plasterers, builders, electricians and so forth. Skills that can give a steady and healthy income.

A good education, as well as preparing a young adult for the wide world, should primarily be looking at the skill level of the individual and preparing that person for a role in the economy that will benefit the individual, the economy, the community and the nation.

If we have 50,000 people leaving university this year with first class degrees in media studies the government will look on it as a success. More youngsters achieving, more people in university and more people achieving their educational goals.

In reality it is a huge failure.

Taxes have been spent (and the students put in debt) to get a pretty meaningless piece of paper which doesn't help them get a job (or better still, start a business) and they will for the most part be over-qualified factory workers, office workers or shelf-stackers.

Tony Blair offered "education, education, education."

But without tackling the ethos, racial-character and discipline of schools it is meaningless. And unless education is targeted to achieving results for the individual and society, we will always have the ridiculous scenario where billions of our tax pounds are poured into schools to give us more over-qualified unemployed graduates whilst the politicians say we "need" skilled immigrants.

Don't they know how to deliver the skilled school and uni leavers that we need?

Unless they do "education, education, education" is just another empty NuLab slogan, and the Tory idea of opening new schools will achieve absolutely nothing.

Without the ability to see the problems, and moreover the resolve to tackle and solve them, all the sloganeering, all the imported ideas, and all the empty gesture politics in the world will not solve the crisis in our schools.

It is a cliché, but the youth are our future. That is self-evident.

The sad thing is that generation by generation the UK plc is getting worse. The education system is a large part of the problem - and the politicians do not want to fix it, because by fixing it they would help create a better generation - a generation that might see through their lies, corruption, greed, cowardice, betrayal and treachery.

Mr. Gove might mislabel me a fundamentalist. Only in the sense that I am fundamentally right, and he is fundamentally flawed. Unless he tackles the fundamental flaws in his outlook and in the school system, we will continue to have parents desperate to get their children into Christian schools (parents like the Millibands no less!) to try and escape the nightmare that more and more state schools are becoming.

I have long said that politicians are not fit to pass laws that effect the bulk of us. They are the lawyer, privately-educated class (ModCon, NULab and all the rest of them!).

They use private schools and private health-care whilst dictating to the rest of us what our schools are like and what our hospitals are like.

Mr. Gove is typical of this class, and he and his ModCon party will offer nothing substantially different from the failure of NuLab which had the advantage of huge tax income during the boom years (the years when Gordon Brown assured us he had done away with 'Boom and Bust').

Whatever Mr. Gove promises us will be more wasted opportunities that fail to address the underlying problems because, as with the banking crisis, usury, taxation and the like, the Tory Party is tied into the system that creates the problems in the first place.

National Revolution anyone?


P.S. New members of the Conservative Friends of Israel get a free copy of Michael Gove's 'Celcius 7/7.' Gove is part of the loose conspiracy that spans most parties from NuLab to the NuBNP which says most of our problems arise from militant Islam, a convenient/created fig leaf for the real culprits, the NWO Masonic elite.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

More Bad Laws Cannot Stop Slide to Amoral Britain

There are too many bad laws being passed say ex-Whitehall mandarins in a new report.

As if we didn't know that!

Every press headline brings in a new law.

Right: NuLab's laws on public demonstrations, the anti-Terror laws which give the police powers to stop people wearing political t-shirts, to expel people from government meetings and preventing demonstrations outside parliament are particularly bad laws, pushed through on the back of the questionable "9/11," "7/7." etc. as NuLab rushed to follow Bush's Neo-Con regime. Despite his blusterings Cameron's ModCons would have done the same.

We are living under a nanny state which reacts to media pressure with knee-jerk reaction laws as a means to placate the mass media and thus win headlines in a short term attempt to garner popular support (via the mass media!)

Which in turns leads me to the report* this week in which it was revealed that tolerance of homosexuality has risen in the last 20 odd (very odd!) years from circa 30% to circa 60%.

Lots of pundits and columnists asked the question "why?"

There is no doubt that the mass media played its part in this. For years the BBC in particular has operated as a kind of pink mafia, and one only has to hear of continued story-lines in Eastenders which promote homosexuality as (sick buckets at the ready) a "valid lifestyle choice" to understand that there has been a media campaign to liberalise attitudes.

Coming back to the "bad laws" scenario, another key aspect of the alleged change in 'social attitudes' was the New Labour repeal of Section 28 and all the pro-homosexual laws they passed, including the legalisation of what they hope will in effect become known as homosexual "marriage."

Whilst the government often finds it has no time for badly needed legislation, or more often to give sufficient time for proper and serious debate on matters as diverse as war, id cards, police powers, immigration, drugs, the banking system and similar issues.

Despite all this, the New Labour government miraculously found the time to pass law after law in favour of homosexuality.

With senior NuLab commissars recently admitting that they let hundreds of thousands of non-European immigrants flood in on purpose to socially engineer our society and undermine the national identity of the English in particular, playing fast and loose with the fabric of our communities to force through their own twisted racial dogmas, can we be in any doubt whatsoever that their insistence on pushing through homosexual laws, for the benefit of the circa 0.5% of the population that are practicing homosexuals, was yet another questionable and Bolshevik-style attempt to force through their Socialist Credo and use the weight of the law to back up an insidious mass media portrayal of homosexuality as "normal?"

In time history will judge New Labour as an evil regime. They forced an unwanted war on the people using a dodgy dossier and lies to parliament; they forced millions of immigrants on the country during their tenure, to forcibly change the face of the UK; and in order to socially engineer society and push their bastardised vision of "the family" they have passed unwanted and bad laws to act as the stick against the media's carrot, so that even Christian b&b owners are forced to let out double rooms to sodomites.

There are a lot of bad laws and a lot of bad decisions made by the politicians. But not all of them have been knee-jerk: many have been carefully thought through to promote the Zionist and Liberal ideals of New Labour.

The sad thing is that David Cameron has already made it clear that he supported and supports the war in Iraq. Furthermore all the Tories state the "great benefits" mass immigration has allegedly brought (more au pairs, more fancy restaurants, more cleaners - for MPs!). Cameron has also insisted that his plans for tax-incentives for families will include "civil partners" so in the modern Conservatives' regime a sodomite couple will be on a level par with a family bringing children into this world to pay the taxes that will pay for our future pensions.

In other words when NuLab are replaced by the ModCons, nothing will change. Economic policy may move a few degrees to the "right" (whilst staying in cahoots to the banksters and usury profiteers), but on Zionist wars, immigration and multi-culti, and on homosexuality you could slip a cigarette paper between the two.

We, as a society, are being pushed into cul-de-sac. We are the victims of New World Order (Bilderberger et al) experiments on immigration, liberalising social attitudes, continual war, abortion on demand and, as we saw with the character assassination of Dr Andrew Wakefield this week, growing vaccination campaigns as an excuse for mass medication.

The recent campaign against cervical cancer being a perfect case in point. There is evidence that in America the vaccination killed more children in the short term than the lives it would have saved in the long term!

The powers that be see us as cattle.

They herd us along via their mass media. Four legs good two legs bad has been replaced by similar chants. Immigration good, hatred bad. Homosexuality good, intolerance bad. Israel good, Libya/Syria/Iraq/Iran/and whoever next bad.

To mix metaphors, the emperor has no clothes.

The government is passing laws so that anyone who says the emperor is naked is in court on clothes-hatred charges. The media is showing programmes on how chic is the emperor's range, how it is de rigueur for anyone at the 'cutting edge' and how it is the veritable dernier cri of the fashion world (with occasional Panoramas and Dispatches on the twisted hatred of extremist Clothe-Deniers).

We now live in a state with far more police powers, far more big brother laws promoting immorality and amorality, far more social engineering ripping out the guts of the people, and the more lawlessness caused by the virtual breakdown of family life - the more powers they give the police (a police that cannot cope with the laws it already has, eg. muggings, burglaries, car crime, anti-social crimes are routinely not investigated).

Our politicians cannot break the circle. They cannot see that their 60s-style amoral codes have led to the lawlessness we see around us. They cannot see that mass immigration has fractured communities and led to a loss of identity which used to gel communities and make people look out for the 'common good' however imperfect. They cannot see that their attacks on the family and their financial promotion of single parents has led to an uncontrollable generation (especially in Afro-Caribbean families in cities like London). They cannot see that their "human rights" mania has led to an uncontrollable generation of schoolchildren who know all their "rights" (eg. that they cannot be physically punished) but know nothing of any social and communal responsibility.

Welcome to 2010, New World Order style.

It seems a mess, it seems an insurmountable challenge, and so it is whilst we have a controlled media and a corrupt political class using lawyer-speak to justify the complete betrayal of many generations following the self-sacrifice of our grandfathers in World War 2.

That said, the answers are quite simple and common sense. It just takes people with the gumption, the ideal of self-sacrifice, and men of goodwill who will fight for a just cause and not to fill their pockets (for such men are easily bought off by banksters, Zionist interests and similar).

Otherwise we face more lawlessness, more suffering, more collapse of an entire society.

Blair, Brown and all the others always say (in the shadow of their Neo-Con alliance) that their primary concern is the safety of the British people.

If that were truly the case they would act, and act now, to stop our slide into amorality, they would stop the wholesale murder of the Britons killed in the womb, they would reinvigorate the family to bring more children under the rule of a mum and a dad.

Of course these are all simplistic sound bytes, and would not solve every problem nor banish every crime; but we have to start somewhere. Nationalists have never said they can create a utopia (unlike Socialists), but we can create a society wherein morality is a norm; wherein the Common Good is at the centre of society; wherein Distributism give genuine opportunity for all and a sincere Social Justice (unlike NuLab who push a form of Bolshevism whilst making the gap between rich and poor bigger than ever before!).

Man's nature makes utopia impossible. That doesn't mean we must accept the naked emperor that is Britain today.

Ex-Whitehall Mandarins Condemn Bad Laws

*I'm sure I caught a reference on Radio 4's Today programme to the pro-homosexual report being (co-)written by the homosexual activist (and ex-That's Life presenter) Simon Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe (to give him his full name!) leading me to ask can its findings be trusted? Any further info gratefully received.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

EU President Blair? To Fight Global Warming?

Some people say that global warming is a con.

"But why is it a con? Cui Bono?" ask the incredulous and easily pliable.

Well of course there's the usual "scientific community" looking out for their next sinecure or their next celebrated paper published to the acclaim of all.

But there's a more insidious side to this (besides getting more "Green Taxes" out of us as a side-serving to all the other forms of taxation used to pour into the bottomless pit that is the national debt).

Chris Bryant is an MP for the Rhondda in South Wales. You know the sort of area - old school Labour, solidly working class and pretty much traditional.

Chris Bryant is also a typical New Labour minister. Gay (of course!), suppliant to the Mandelsonian vision of New Labour, about as Rhondda Valley as a preening ballerina in a tutu who eschews drinking bitter for a more wine-bar style aperitif.

Right: Chris Bryant MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office was an Anglican vicar, until he posted this photo of himself in his pants on a homosexual website. Just the sort of moral compass needed for the House of Commons and a place in HM Government!

When asked to defend the idea of Tony Blair (war criminal and multi-millionaire) becoming the unelected President of the European Union he (Bryant) said that a powerful and respected man like Blair was needed to speak up for Europe so we could combat climate change.


So what are you telling us Mr. Bryant?

We need an unelected President of a non-existent country to... battle climate change?

Oh! I've seen the light!

Here you go Masonic bureaucrats of the EU Commission. Take all my freedoms and enroll me in your super-state! Just so long as you "fight climate change" eh?

What I find deplorable is the idea that we need a Super President of a Super State to fight pollution of any sort. I'm not a fan of pollution per se, and regardless of their pet theories and hidden taxes, I think any pollution that can be stopped should be.

But why the hell should we surrender ancient rights and sign up to spurious politically 'human rights' legislation that give some EU-approved pervert from the Bi-Lesbian Gay and Transgender (BLT) coalition the "right" to go into our schools and youth clubs, to harangue and brainwash our children?

Just as a huge paedophile racket has been smashed in Scotland wherein the boss of a similar BLT (Bi-Lesbian Fag and Transformer) 'Youf Support' network was involved in the rape of children as young as 18 months (two of the ringleaders were sentenced to Life -- and that's just seven and a half years or 90 months before parole); we are told that these perverts have the "right" to lecture our children on the rights of homosexuals and how homosexuality is perfectly normal.

That is the EU agenda, that is the Blairite agenda.

Big Brother, Big State, Big President: all to confer rights upon criminals, perverts, degenerates... whilst the ancient rights to freedom, habeus corpus, innocent until proven guilty etc. go out the Soviet-shaped EU window.

The very idea that a man who started an illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands could even be considered as President (could even be considered to be walking around free!) shows how ridiculous the whole EU set-up is!

Blair is free to profit big time, to be a "peace envoy" to the Middle East (ha ha ha), free to promote himself to EU leaders... whilst those who merely debate one aspect (and only one aspect, note!) of history are routinely locked up for their Thought Crimes!

Still, if Mr. Chris Bryant says we need an EU President to "combat climate change" and if he says Mr. Blair is the very man for the job, then who are we to gainsay a much-respected elected member of the House of Commons and Minister of Her Majesty's Government?

After all, that's democracy!

Left: "It's Global Warming stoopid!" cries the system stooge as he bashes us over the head with the controlled mass media mallet. When we get bored of that, "it's the Al Qaeda Terrorists stoopid" cries the voice of Big Brother.

And if we do raise a protest that can always hit us on the head (Timmy Mallett stylee) that we are risking the total ruination of the planet via global warming.

George Orwell had Eurasia and Eastasia to worry Winston Smith and everyone else in Oceania, we poor proles have the big invisible enemies of Global Warming and Al Qaeda - mere ghost creations of a global elite of course, but these are the big enemies used to push forward their global agenda.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Labour & Tories Ape Saint Obama in Offering No Change

The Tories would have us believe they offer "change."

Then again, New (New?) Labour would have us believe that they also offer change, after 12 years of financial mismanagement by Gordon 'sell the UK's gold reserves at rock bottom prices' Brown.

Right: David Cameron on a pilgrimage that every "Western" leader has to do before he is accepted for any form of power. No, not to his local Masonic Lodge (that's a given anyway). The Holohoax Brainwash Centre is a must-do for anyone wanting to be acceptable the media, an essential step for politicians of any shade.

So what are we to believe?

A growing number of people, especially the relatives of those needlessly sacrificed on the altar of Neo-Con/Zionist War, are very angry with New Labour and its ex-leader (and the next European President?), the war criminal Tony Blair.

The war in Afghanistan is deeply unpopular too, and the growing number of Union Flag draped coffins coming into RAF bases is a testament to another failed Zionist adventure.

Oh government ministers and their shadow ministers are busy telling us that the Taliban threaten our national security. Needless to add the Taliban have never attacked the UK, nor hurt a single British soldier until we invaded their homeland.

These are the same Taliban that we and the Americans helped arm to fight off the totalitarian Soviet invaders (who also installed a puppet president, Babrak Karmal, to follow the policies of Moscow, just as the common crook and conman, Hamid Karzai, was installed by the Americans).

At least the Soviets didn't have the chutzpah to organise an election which their candidate fiddled to appear popular and have a "democratic mandate."

According to the website infoplease, this is a brief synopsis of the Afghan-Soviet War:

The Soviet invasion, which sparked Afghan resistance, initially involved an estimated 30,000 troops, a force that ultimately grew to 100,000. The mujahidin were supported by aid from the United States, China, and Saudi Arabia, channeled through Pakistan, and from Iran. Although the USSR had superior weapons and complete air control, the rebels successfully eluded them. The conflict largely settled into a stalemate, with Soviet and government forces controlling the urban areas, and the Afghan guerrillas operating fairly freely in mountainous rural regions. As the war progressed, the rebels improved their organization and tactics and began using imported and captured weapons, including U.S. antiaircraft missiles, to neutralize the technological advantages of the USSR.

So we can see that the Soviets flooded Afghanistan to get a "stalemate" in which the Taliban/Mujaheddin were simply left in their own regions/areas, still able to mount attacks and eventually to fight back.
Left: Gordon Brown wears a yarmulke and lays a wreath (paid for by UK taxpayers - we should be told!) at Yad Vashem like all "Western" political leaders before him. Has he laid a wreath to the Armenian victims of Turkish genocide? Or the Ukrainian 33 million victims of Communism? Or the Gaza civilians murdered by Israeli War Criminals... which his government had a chance to vote against and condemn this week at the UN, but chose to abstain in a cowardly and typically fence-sitting fashion.

Now in 2009, the American "solution" to the problem of their war (for we should never forget that this is an American/Neo Con war, which they bullied NATO states into), is to flood Afghanistan with 45,000 extra US troops.

How very Soviet!

Luckily the man doing this has just won a Nobel Peace prize. Yes. 45,000 gun-totin', shoot first and ask questions later, American troops are about to invade a sovereign state under the orders of Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner after 10 months in office, having not won a single piece of peace, though still incompetently waging a Zionist War.

But then Saint Obama offered us "change" too didn't he? Change we could believe in --no less.

So what 'change we can believe in' do the "Modern Conservatives" --Mod Cons-- and New (New?) Labour --NNL-- offer us in the shadow of their Party Conferences at which the flag of change was waved like a pair of dirty underpants half way up a broomstick?

Right: Are visiting Israeli dignitaries made to kneel at the altar of St Paul's Cathedral in London or at St Patrick's Cathedral in New York to offer homage to Jesus Christ? So why do all world leaders have to don a kippur and pray at the Wailing Wall? Since rejecting Christ the Jewish religion -- Phariseeism mixed with Black Magic Kabbalah -- is an anti-Christian worship of the Jewish Race. By humbling themselves at this and other Jewish "holy sites" (Yad Vashem etc.) our political leaders are making their loyalties known.

The two parties are now gung-ho behind Obama's efforts to swamp Afghanistan with more moving targets, sorry, i mean British soldiers.

The government (NNL) announced its plan for 500 extra soldiers ahead of Obama, under the condition of extra US, NATO and Afghan troops. This was Blairite spin at its best. Gordon Brown already knew damn well that the Americans and Afghans had planned/agreed to put more troops in, and you can bet the NATO allies had received threats, bribes, and various cajoling phone calls and visits.

So in reality here we were again.

The "change" offered by Brown and Co. was more coat-trailing the Americans, more involvement in Zionist wars -- in effect no change at all!

The Tories (ModCons) followed like rats through a rotten floorboard saying they agreed with the Zionist war, agreed with Saint Obama, and agreed with plunging more young men from poor socio-economic backgrounds (sorry, I mean British soldiers) into a powder keg situation.

Left: Despite offering "change we can believe in" Obama remains resolutely tied-in with the Israeli War Criminals with their illegal nuclear weapons, protecting them at UN votes like every single American President before him.

On Wednesday, Pa Broon (Gordon Brown) spent 4 minutes reading out the names of the 37 dead soldiers that had been sacrificed on the altar of International Zionism in Afghanistan in the 3 months since Parliament had broken up.

How many were relatives of MPs? In fact how many of the over 200 troops that have died in Afghanistan were relatives of MPs? Or do they simply believe in sending others' sons and daughters off to fight on their behalf?

Pa Broon cries a good crocodile tear, just like Tony Blair before him.

The Tories are now trying to out bid Pa Broon's NNL by saying they would be happy to put even more troops into the heady cauldron of Vietnam... er sorry, I mean Afghanistan.

Change we can believe in!

With extra troops flooding Afghanistan, who can sense the Zionists chomping at the bit for a war with Iran?

Pa Broon hasn't even had the guts to challenge the banking system - dragging the UK to the brink of (some would argue actually into) bankruptcy, not even banning the quasi-nationalised banks from giving mega-bonuses to the fat cats.

He won't even use the excuse of the vast national debt to stop the meaningless and needless US-Zionist wars which cost us multi-billions every single year. Far better to hack into local schools, hospitals, libraries and other budgets eh Pa Broon ya wee gobbie bampot shite?

In the week when Israel (the holder, don't forget, of the only illegal nuclear weapons which they refuse to let international inspectors in to inspect) was found guilty of atrocious war crimes against civilians and stuck two fingers up to the UN (with the help of America!), we can be sure that they will try and ratchet up the anti-Iranian rhetoric threatening to drag us all into another needless Zionist war.

If America decides to strike against Iran, you can bet the NNL/ModCon government of the day will follow like a turd down a Victorian sewer.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, so the saying goes.

The sad thing is that despite all the speeches and promises, despite being offered change umpteen times, nothing in and of itself has changed at all!

The Zionist stranglehold on Washington DC is obvious. The subservience of Westminster to Washington DC is obvious. The ongoing nature of the Neo Con project is obvious. The political, military and financial bankruptcy of "the West" is obvious. The war criminal nature of Israel is obvious.

Change? We can believe in?

Don't make me laugh.

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