Right: The political, Big Business and Zionist New Unhappy Lords are out for total control and do not want to give up any slice of their pie - let alone total freedom - to us as nations, communities or families.
So according to Murdoch-employee Andrew Neil, prime minister Gordon Brown, leader of the opposition David Cameron, the BBC, every MP, economics "experts," the TV talking heads etc. etc. we have no alternative but to prop up global Capitalism, bail out the banks, and increase the National Debt by billions more!
In essence they say: 'fix the bursting debt bubble by injecting more debt into it.' Have you ever heard of anything so preposterous? They may as well say smother that conflagration with this petrol-soaked blanket.
It doesn't take a genius to spot the flaw there! Keynsian economics to the max: spend, spend, spend, pile it on and sod tomorrow!
When the bigger bubble bursts what will they do? Borrow trillions more? And then what? Zillions? And then onto the sorts of words we used to make-up in school: gaggillions... bazzillions... gigantazillions...
The "world economy" is destined - medium or long term - to go the way of Zimbabwe's economy, especially as Gulag-China won't be around to bail-out Big Business with its cheap labour and concentration camp goods next time around.
The debt bubble can do nothing but grow and grow. It's all the banksters know and all the politicians will allow to happen: for even to glimpse debt-free finance in any real way will blow the whole thing apart.
There are three simple answers to the problem, all of them Christian and rooted in Christian Social Teaching, all of them help the people, but the problem is that all of them would take power away from the banksters, from their hired political party apparatus and most of all from the powerful Masonic elite.
That is why the BBC, the politicians and the (CIA/MI5-employed) economic "experts" and all the other Masons, Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, financiers etc., will not even mention these alternatives: for fear of undermining their total control of economic and political power.
Those answers are:
- Social Credit.
- Distributism.
- The Guilds.
So let's deal with each of these in turn. As you will see each in its own way deals with a specific part of society (1. Money and Banking, 2. Families and Communities, 3. Government and Politics) and I see no reason why the three cannot interlink and create a society that is fair, just, debt-free, truly democratic and which also rewards hard work.
1. Social Credit.
Basically this is the simple matter of a government issuing its own money as a credit. In other words money (printed, in ledgers, on pc screens etc.) is created by the state and not "borrowed" into circulation.
There is no reason for a government to borrow money (Bank of England or IMF) when it can create that same money and have no debt attached to it!
Most people assume that the money with the Queen's head on is issued by the government anyway and in the spending of money etc. it would make no difference to anyone.
The huge difference would be in there being no national debt.
Social Credit could also be used on a local level, with Council Tax Credits and similar. With no debt-money the debts of government, local and national, would be non-existent and so taxes could be slashed hugely and monies raised via taxation (and those raised via creating money) could be spent where needed on the NHS, schools, infrastructure, sea defences...
Of course there have to be controls (just as there are meant to be controls today - and that's a bloody joke!) but within these criteria there would be a sensible, sane answer to debt and the debt bubble (with its "boom and bust").
So that's banking, debt, inflation and taxation "sorted," which in turn will help create the conditions for implementing a huge programme of social justice initiatives...
2. Distributism.
Distributism would in essence allow families to own their own homes and their own businesses. Usury-free loans could replace mortgages. The right to property would be enshrined in law, as would be a limit on the size of home and land ownership, and (as Belloc discussed in Restoration of Property) a J curve of taxation on businesses to prevent them becoming "too big" and the homogenisation, and bully boy tactics that the likes of Tescos or Sainsbury's bring about.
Enshrining the right to property in law prevents people being kept as disinherited slaves, a move to workers co-operatives helps move away from the "them and us" mentality of Capitalism.
Of course there are 101 ways a government of the day can help via thoughtful home building (e.g. more family farms, the break of wasteful large estates and absentee agri-businesses, tax-incentives for co-operatives, promotion of local produce etc. All of which ties us in with No. 3.
3. The Guilds.
Bizarre though it may seem to us in Britain today, but the Guilds is the most tried, tested and successful of these nationalist economic standards. It is impossible for enemies to dismiss it as a "theory" or "utopian."
For hundreds of years in the Middle Ages the Guilds were a centrepiece of trade, community, family and social life.
The purpose of guilds covers so much you should really read one of our books (eg. Penty's) but to summarise, it covers training and trade education; employment and social care; fair and just prices; protection against shoddy goods and work; community cohesion; and (recallable!) representation in local and national politics.
Furthermore, thanks to numerous Church encyclicals on the state of the working classes, and condemning Communism and Free Trade Capitalism, the ideals of the Guilds were taken up across Europe in the early 20th Century by the "fascist" movements who sought a Third Position beyond Capitalism and Communism and who also sought to defend Christian civilisation from the Soviets and the Bankers.
Although the Guilds were known as Corporations in Italy, the name Corporatism doedn't really fit the bill in the Anglo-Saxon world because we tend to think of large corporations and multi-nationals, which is a world away from what the Guilds were all about.
The 1980s (Distributist) NF picked up on the idea of Guilds, but instead of concentrating on English and European political or social history chose the Libyan-model used by Gaddaffy, which was used by erstwhile Neo-Cons to bash them. In hindsight the NF would have got further if it had chosen the works of Penty and other Guildsmen or the medieval examples from across Europe.
So whether we're thinking of macro or micro economics; whether we are thinking about inflation and national debt, or the family farm and the quality of foodstuffs: from one end to the other, in a society that is empowered from the roots up, which is built on the cornerstone of the family, which is secure because it is free of usury-debt.
Socialism is dead and discredited. Capitalism is dying a slow and painful death.
What is amusing is that we have these Christian social and economic answers that would benefit everyone, and yet our "leaders" (allegedly Christian to a man) would rather sweep them under the carpet for fear of upsetting the International Financiers and Banksters.
It shows who they put first.
Should we support our people or the banksters?
Should we support British commerce and businesses or Chinese Gulag-Capitalism?
Should we live more mortgage-slavery (and repossession) years or usury-free ownership and freedom?
Should we pay billions in taxes to pay an obscene national debt forever or slash taxes dramatically?
Should we give hundreds of thousands the freedom of family farms, self-sufficiency and property security or continue with wage-slave, rabbit hutch homes?
The trolls on the left and right, in America and Europe, can point and mock. Many of them are paid by (or bought by!) Communists or Neo Cons and seek to defend the indefensible (yes, both Communism and Usury have been totally and utterly condemned by Christians and/or Nationalists since the outset of both alien creeds: promoted by those who profit the most - the same anti-National and anti-Christian creed).
They can say - wrongly - that none of this is tried and tested, but when all we have known is slavery for hundreds of years, is it wrong to seek a way out of that slavery? If we can take the best from before the advent of Capitalism and the best of ideals opposed to both Capitalism and Socialism in the 20th Century we can create an answer that will give us hope for the 21st Century.
Social Credit. Distributism. The Guilds.
Each of these will give our peoples freedom.
Our opponents and the powers-that-be will denounce them all as "anti-Semitic" but that merely shows who is oppressing our people, if the answers to that oppression are given such epithets.
For the rest of us such labels are meaningless. We have a simple choice: freedom or slavery.