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Showing posts with label John Tyndall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Tyndall. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

John Galliano - sacked by Dior for being Homosexual?

It seems that Dior has finally seen sense and sacked the homosexual John Galliano.

Dior has a proud Fascist tradition (the French millionairess Françoise Dior supported John Tyndall and Colin Jordan in the 60s- marrying the latter).

Right: Françoise Dior salutes with Colin Jordan

What a shame it has been besmirched by hiring a homosexual.

At least they have seen the error of their ways.


Sunday, 22 November 2009

Black British Patriots? The Day Approacheth

The North West Nationalist blog has dug out an interesting article by John Tyndall in which he dealt with the BNP leader's attempts to bring in coloured members (some years ago!)

The article has some other interesting sections, here are the most pertinent bits:

Then when the ink was hardly dry on the June election ballot papers Mr. Griffin put forward a proposal that was certain, had it been carried through, to split the BNP in two. This was his crazy scheme to alter the party constitution to let in non-white members. He only backtracked after massive grass-roots opposition to the scheme had made itself manifest. In a declaration on the BNP website on the 23rd July he announced a complete about-turn, saying that the plan had been abandoned and that the membership rules would stay as they were, employing arguments in support of this that were an almost exact replica of those that I and several others had put forward against the change only a few days previously! This was not leadership; it amounted to a pathetic blowing with the wind.
Notwithstanding this volte face by Mr. Griffin, I am not convinced that we have seen the end of his ambition to bring non-Whites into our party. In statements to journalists he has been confessing his support for the idea for at least two years. I fear that we will witness a replay of the project before very long, albeit perhaps by means of different tactics.

So it was clear to JT that there was an agenda to allow in coloured members, when the BNP had been founded and most of its members believed that it should be run as, an organisation for the 'aboriginals' of these islands.

On working with non-Whites JT states the following (which is exactly the position of the NF of the 1980s and of Third Positionists ever since):
Associated groups
The BNP should be willing to consider schemes of co-operation with non-white ethnic groups towards the achievement of our repatriation programme, but this should not involve granting them any special status with regard to the BNP, whether as party members or in any kind of formal association. I therefore would immediately dissociate the BNP from any groups that have been formed over the past five years which grant such association. This would include the so-called 'Ethnic Liaison Committee' and any others of its kind. If those comprising such groups wish to maintain them in operation, that is their affair. However, they would no longer be permitted any association with our party.
A sensible approach which proves there is no meaningless "racism" at work, simply a respect for all peoples and a desire to have a European Europe. We simply want what the Indians achieved in the 1940s: our own land free of any colonialists.

Then there is another very interesting part of the article in which JT tackles the thorny issue of Islam. This is of great interest to every nationalist (within and outwith the BNP) as the current BNP leadership has seen fit to make Islam its "Great Satan" and in the shadow of this seen an ally in Israel:

The BNP and Islam
I have always been opposed to the current policy of Mr. Griffin of singling out Islam as a special enemy of Britain and concentrating most of the party's fire on that religious creed, rather than dealing with the overall threat of multi-racialism to our country, of which immigrant groups happening to adhere to the Islamic faith are only a part.

If the Middle Eastern and Asian ethnic communities which have brought organised Islam to Britain are repatriated to their ethnic homelands, the problems posed to the country by Islam will disappear. Putting it another way, these problems are not primarily religious but racial.

As long as the Islamic communities are confined to their native continents and countries and do not attempt to impose their religious customs on the people of the United Kingdom, we have no quarrel with them.
There is much for nationalists to take in. But the idea that the EHRC (1984-style Equality & Human Rights Government Agency) had a cut-and-dried case for outlawing any "all White" political party is laughable.

The homosexual ex-NF leader Martin Webster (who has little time for us at FC because of our open policy against homosexuality, its promotion et al) has outlined how the BNP has tried in essence to bamboozle its membership whilst apparently not even attempting to get the advice of a competent legal expert in the field (known as a Counsel's Opinion) without which no reasonable organisation would settle out of court, or cave in to the demands of a Socialist government with a multi-racial agenda (remember that advisers to this government has already admitted that they knowingly let in huge volumes of non-Whites in order to help create an even more multi-culti society, playing politics with our lives, our security, our heritage and our very future).

In short we have the situation where nationalists have to stand back and question those who have tried to make nationalism an anti-Muslim pressure group and are now seeking to implement their long term strategy of creating a multi-culti right-wing "patriotic" party.

The homogenisation of the party political process is almost complete.

All the little pressure valves from the right-wing anti-Muslim party to the left wing global-warming party are in place.

Meanwhile the strides to World Government continue apace with the appointment of a European President.

Welcome to the New World Order! Masons to the fore!

Monday, 21 January 2008

Simon Darby, Dodgy Addresses & MI5?

With all the furore surrounding the 'Enough is Enough uprising' in the BNP there are some important aspects of this being overlooked.

Right: Councillor Simon Smith has exposed a very interesting and key fact about the No. 2 in the BNP.

Those who've read this blog, and gone onto the Enough is Enough and North West Nationalists blogs (see side panel for links), will know more of what has been happening and the many charges of financial mismanagement (deja vu anyone?) which have now been conjoined by charges of paedophilia, downloading porn, illegal bugging and robbery.

Not great for nationalism per se.

And therein lies the danger. It is all very well for quasi-Neo-Cons, renegade Tories and those busy filling their pockets to claim the BNP is "the only show in town" (the only defence offered for some time - and a poor defence at that) but when it has been burnt out, sucked dry of every penny, and exposed as a den of thievery, decadence and debauchery, cover-up and scandal - then every future nationalist endeavour will be tarred with that self-same brush!

So no, Mr. Griffin, your mistakes, cover-ups and cronyism is not "none of (y)our business!" - you have made it the business of every decent nationalist within and without the BNP.

When I was but a wee bairn (set screen to sepia tone), suckling at the teat of patriotism (what imagery!) before I had met a certain good friend and sent off my NF membership, I knew a large circle of NF sympathisers, primarily in my multi-culti State school (sorry Mr. Griffin et al, I didn't go to private school or Cambridge, I just was forced into another school with a make-up like the United Nations).

Even at this stage (must have been 1983-1984) some of us "knew" that the NF allowed in "queers." This put us off the NF a bit and so we also supported other 'nationalist' groups.

You see, the point is this. Out in the real world where people don't read political papers, don't have friends who are members of groups like the BNP, and (these days) don't read blogs and sites, this kind of news travels slowly.

We all know being in any party is like living in a bubble. You do, see and read all this stuff day and night, 24/7 and so you can't understand how people don't know about all this stuff. Just today I spoke to a BNP member in Birmingham who had no idea about the recent revolt and upheaval (he does now).

In the real world this stuff takes time to drip through. Even today if you speak to some people about football hooligans they'll think of skinheads and "bovver boys" when all that died out on the terraces decades ago.

But let's return to nationalism.

By 1983/84, Martin Webster had already been expelled from the NF (he says unjustly according to its constitution) ostensibly for being a homosexual (though his homosexuality was widely known - as I understand it - even back in the 70s).

Right: Martin Webster, the leader of the NF in all but name, whose homosexuality was given as the reason for John Tyndall's split from the NF to form the New National Front (NNF) in 1981, later renamed the BNP. His homosexuality was also given as a reason for his expulsion from the NF by Nick Griffin and others in 1983.

Yet to my friends and I the NF was still tainted by being a/the "queer front." It wasn't till the following year when I met someone who was in touch with the NF and getting its papers etc. that I realised that the "queer front" thing was out of date (allegedly!).

Later on when I was in the NF I remember the leaders saying that the changes they were making at that stage - specifically making the NF "green" (ecologically speaking) - would probably take a few years to "trickle down" to be understood by those on the estates getting NF leaflets etc.

As Griffin himself explained (in a cosy day spent together) to the Lefty Neo-Con cheerleader David Aaronovitch, in a similar way "changing" a political party (say from racial nationalist to anti-Muslim pressure valve) takes a long time, he said it was akin to turning a supertanker around.

Well, today's dirty laundry which is being aired publicly, primarily because of the BNP leader's failure to act against a couple of miscreants who have floated to the top of the BNP (under his tutelage) , all the money-grubbing, porno, paedo and other talk, will "trickle down" to be flung at all nationalists years from now.

This will cast a long shadow!

The damage is done.

We have all been damaged already, though some may not as yet realise it.

Yet, there is still more worrying aspects to these events than the more salacious aspects which has become the bread and butter to may people of all ideologies and none.

It's an aspect that has been overlooked by virtually everyone, but it concerns the unofficial No. 2 in the BNP.

His name is Simon Darby.

Ex of the National Democrats from the region that produced Andy Carmichael (publicly acknowledged MI5 operative).

He rose up in the BNP partly by betraying his erstwhile friends, the Edwardses who left the BNP in disgust at the extent of the money being 'skimmed' by the leadership (sound familiar?).

When Griffin alleged he was facing jail (though he had broken no law, as it stood) it wasn't the Deputy Leader of the BNP who stood to take over, but the relatively unknown Darby.

Imagine Mr. Blair circumventing John Prescott (a timely affair in anyone's book!) in favour of Peter Mandelson were he jailed during his reign (say, for war crimes) - regardless of what the party thought. Personal fiefdom anyone?

Anyway, Mr. Darby was held in such high regard by Mr. Griffin as to get this sniff at the crown; such is the trust in which he is held.

So where are Mr. Griffin and Mr. Darby now?

Well, it seems that both live in Powys (Alpine Redoubt circa 1945 anyone?) and yet the former has become the NW Regional Officer (RO) for the BNP (pushing aside the legitimately voted-in choice of the members, Chris Jackson) and Mr. Darby is the BNP RO for the West Midlands.

Yet both live in Powys, which for those of you geographically challenged is across Offa's Dyke in Wales.

This is a contradiction of BNP rules (and common sense!) which dictates that ROs should live in the regions that they control.

Still, what are rules? If the law can be broken with impunity then a few silly rules shouldn't matter eh?

What's that I hear you cry? "Is that it FC? - Is that the summation of the tittle tattle?"

Were that it were so, dear and unassuming reader.

As shown via the link below, in the blog of Councillor Simon Smith (ex BNP organiser for the Black Country area in the West Midlands) there are some very dodgy aspects to Mr. Darby.

Of course he told whopping porkies about Mr. Smith who, in our estimation, is a genuine and sincere nationalist.

When Smith left the BNP, Darby went to the media with wild tales of Smith being a "pro-Muslim extremist."

Left: Simon Darby, moved to Powys, BNP heir apparant (before Collett's appearance!), is his business address used by Lib Dem candidate?


Because Smith had had the temerity to question the official version of 911!!!


In Mr. Darby's fevered imagination such a stance becomes that of a "pro-Muslim extremist."

I have seen and heard patriots of every shade state that they don't believe the CIA-fueled fantasies re. 911, not least friends in the BNP, but if you dare question the Neo-Con stage-managed events then, to the Feds, Neo-Cons, Israeli Lobby (and Mr. Darby!) you are a "pro-Muslim extremist."

How ridiculous. Not only is it ridiculous: it is a brazen faced lie of humungoid proportions!

Still, we're used to that from Mr. Darby who went all public on Newsnight to denigrate the 'Enough is Enough rebels' as "neo-nazis" which only served to ignite the hostile indignation of the 'rebels,' swell their ranks and increase the tacit support offered by others.

You see the 'rebellion' is not so much about ideology (though the rebellion's leaders claim to want modernisation), it's more about honesty and openness against cronyism and money-grubbing.

The Edwardses, Mike Newland, Adrian Davies and others must be looking on with a deep sense of irony. Sales of "I told you so" t-shirts and lapel badges must be rocketing... As for Jonathan Bowden (ex of their Freedom Party) who tried to go back to the BNP - he found out quickly how decent, honest people get treated by the BNP!

Seems the real paedos get protection for being friends of the "dear leader" yet the talented people who could advance nationalism get smeared with false tales and outright lies of being a "paedo" (fact: Bowden was smeared for having he same name as a paedo! How juvenile can these people get?)

Indeed, the more these recent events progress the more one is reminded of the Freedom Party 'split' in the BNP, was that back in 2001? Possibly just before. Certainly it was the "race riots" of 2001 that seemed to save Griffin's skin at the time.

Just prior to the riots, mass meetings of the BNP were booing the dear leader and demanding to see him when he wheeled out Tony Lecomber to face the music. One old friend (and relative neighbour) of the dear leader even shouted out to him "you always were a cowboy and you always will be a cowboy."

It seems that one of the common threads in all this, aside from the constant allegation of financial misappropriations, is Mr. Darby.

In his Nationalist Truth blog (see the link below), Simon Smith gives clear evidence of some dodgy business going on.

Shared addresses etc. was something that unraveled the career of the (other?) West Midlands MI5 asset (and homosexual friend of Martin Webster when they co-ran Lady Birdwood's Choice organisation/paper) Peter Marriner.

Marriner wrecked Choice on purpose, handed over all correspondence etc. to state agencies, and pocketed (a share of) the money from the sale of Birdwood's West London home: this was the same man who was West Mids secretary of the NF so handled all NF enquiries in that region in his time - all of whose details we can only assume were passed onto one or more agency.

  • (An aside: We warned of Marriner, in FC magazine #7, when he was West Mids secretary of the NF, to which NF leader John Macauley not only refused to act, but attacked FC. Macauley is no longer in the NF and an FC supporter in Hemel Hempstead told us he is regularly seen in the town with his non-white girlfriend/wife).

It was on the TV programme 'True Spies' that Marriner admitted that his MI5 handler wanted him to sleep with young lads in the NF to get "pillow talk."

Such are the high standards upheld by State operatives within nationalist parties!

The evidence that Councillor Smith has unearthed deserves a wide readership.

This is no local official. This is no councillor. This is no mere crony in the background.

This man is the West Mids RO and the real No. 2 in the BNP who has moved home to be closer to Mr. Griffin.

In all this murkiness some kind of extensive report from the Freedom Party people would be most welcome as I'm sure they could shed a lot more light on Mr. Darby, as well as the similarities between the revolt of 2001 and the revolt of 2008.

Is Darby State?
The Freedom Party

The True Spies Programme

Thursday, 3 January 2008

BNP Minder Publishes Proof

You have to feel sorry for Matt Single. Not only has he had his home and his old flat raided; not only was his house illegally entered by BNP members acting under orders from the BNP Boss; but he's had to put up with the usual BNP-Leadership spin machine and sycophants spreading their lies about him.

Left: Just one of the four irrefutable pieces of evidence published by Matt Single (see link below)

Some of us know what that feels like, after all some of us faced Griffin spin and lies back in the 90s when he tried to ingratiate himself with John Tyndall (yes, the "dinosaur neo-nazi") after publishing the SS-praising 'Rune' magazine.

To get his hands on a BNP income (yes, he was on the payroll as "Tom North" even before it was commonly known) he was more than prepared to stab his ex-comrades in the back with a Spearhead article full of lies, half-truths, conjecture and spin. Not much has changed since then.

Since that time (1996/7?) Mr. Griffin and his ever-changing band of acolytes and cronies have turned their ire against one group of people after another.

First came the attacks on John Tyndall - his "dictatorship," his lack of financial clarity etc. (sound familiar?). OK, stop laughing.

There were the Edwardses and Newlands (Freedom Party) who were important members of the BNP. They'd dared to ask for the financial clarity promised in 1999 to be implemented. Tsk tsk! What a cheek!

There was Smith and Bennett (EFP) who ran the most important branch at the time: Burnley. They wanted to build the BNP locally but faced central mismanagement and attacks on the very branch that had brought the BNP national and international recognition.

After the many others who have been attacked (usually not over policy, but to cement Nick's leadership and to cover-up money-grubbing and cronyism) the latest is Matt and the 60 or so councilors, organisers, treasurers etc. around him.

Yet the action against Matt and Co. has been the most obscene. To have your home invaded and items taken is bad enough, but for this to happen twice!

It's not just rubbing salt in the wounds, it's pouring caustic acid in whilst grinning inanely!

What's worse is that after having gone through such a traumatic experience (with a heavily pregnant girlfriend/fiance) the BNP leadership lies started pouring out, spearheaded it seems by top Zionist cheerleader Lee "Barmy" Barnes.

To the BNP leadership's sycophants these raids/burglaries never happened. They are figments of Matt's fevered imagination and proof indeed that he is some kind of "Searchlight red/Neo Nazi splitter."

Right: Having your door smashed in isn't fun. When "nationalists" organised it - it's even worse.

Mr. Griffin speaks of a new Ribbentrop/Molotov appeasement as if to justify his mad rantings that the "rebels" are all Reds yet all "Neo-Nazis" at the same time. He knows, if anything, the "rebels" take what used to be called a "Griffinite" line.

It's funny really because watching these events unfold, it was clear that the rebels, though initially feeling 'let down' by Griffin were absolutely loyal to him and made this clear beyond any doubt. But events overtook them, and it rapidly became clear that Mr. Griffin was prepared to go to any lengths to attack these people and those sympathetic to their case, whilst covering up for the illegality and stupidity of his cronies.

This was especially worrying as one of the events involved attempted paedophilia by two of Mr. Griffin's leader-class - which the leadership cronies have tried to excuse by saying "they looked older than 16."

Imagine such a defence in a court case! Ignorance is no defence -- and to try and commit such a distasteful act on the premises at a BNP conference absolutely beggars belief! Even if the girls were over 16 (which they were not), is the BNP and its events some kind of knocking-shop?

Will one of those responsible now stop distributing (and over charging!) for BNP anti-paedophile leaflets?

Or will the BNP leadership close ranks and find excuse after excuse for these people, because they are cronies?

Right: The spin machined seems finely tuned, but it has spread so many lies against so many people, the whole deck of cards may be ready to fall.

Because they have been involved in financial mismanagement (details of that available via the Enough is Enough and the North West Nationalist Blogs) one recycling up to £5K a month, the other getting £50K BNP money to open a business which then charges the BNP for CDs at a commercial rate; it seems that the BNP would rather protect them and stir up lies, illegality and hatred against 60 plus of its own activists including councillors and organisers.

The Kosher-Tory columnist Richard Littlejohn (one of Mr. Griffin's favourites of course) has a saying: YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP.

Indeed you couldn't! Not that it stops Barmy Barnes from suggesting that all this (the raids etc.) was "made up" and so after having his home violated twice (three times if you include his Essex flat), Matt Single is forced to put the evidence of the searches/raids online.

Above: Is the BNP Zionist Barmy Barnes being seen for what he is?

Of course, I haven't even mentioned the evidence of Joey Owens, the Merseyside ex-BNP Minder and the attempted entrapment of him by BNP crony Tony Lecomber. Lecomber tried to persuade Mr. Owens into acts of Terrorism. Although publicly kicked out of the party, the last BNP accounts show that the Terrorist Lecomber (previously jailed for explosives) was still on the payroll!

Do you have to break the law to get a BNP backhander these days?

With ex-friends like these none of us need enemies!

We await the next salvo.

Proof of the warrants issued by the police against Matt Single

Friday, 21 September 2007

Old Fashioned?

You are setting yourself up for a punchline if you ever say (aloud!) "I think I may have been born in the wrong century."

Some of you may remember John Tyndall being made the butt of jokes in Searchlies when he wrote to an Irish woman that he had one foot in the 19th Century and one foot in the 18th (not quoting verbatim obviously).

I can empathise to some degree though.

When we see the family crumble, when we see men turned into wage slaves or dole bums, when we see morality brushed aside as an inconvenience on the motorway to hedonism and/or big bucks, when we see whole communities brought to their knees through drugs and the crime endemic that drugs brings about; it does beg the question - why does it have to be this way?

That is not to say that I am ever misty eyed about the past, nor do I see our history through rose tinted specs (yeah... "shoulda gone to Specsavers!").

To take JT's analogy, the 18th Century was surely the time when most of our people were thrown off the land. The big businessmen made a lot money, the bankers ruled the world, Freemasonry was in the ascendancy.

The 19th Century was little better, in fact things got worse. Our people lived in single-room slum dwellings with no running water in cities like London, Manchester, Bristol etc. Men were worked like slaves (though "we" aren't allowed to demand reparations) in woefully poor conditions and to alleviate the slave-conditions, boredom, danger, monotony many turned to alcohol.

Those whose forefathers had farmed the land, who had formed the yeoman armies to defend the country, who had mixed work and leisure six days a week, who had drank alcohol in controlled quantities day in day out (akin to the French with their respect and love for wine today I guess) were turned into the worked-to-death, wage-slaves, slum-dwelling alcoholics of the 18th and 19th century cities.

There was an interesting programme on TV last night wherein the comedian Griff Rhys-Jones traced his family back to Merthyr Tydfil and Llanelli in South Wales. One of his forebears died in a drunken street brawl (in Llanelli) and another died in a pit explosion (in Merthyr).

When Rhys-Jones read a London newspaper's account of a visit to the pit his great grandad (?) died in he was horrified. The conditions, the health risks, the high mortality etc...

In a report (at the time) of the death of his ancestor the blame was put on the laziness of the workers. It was a lie. The men (he wasn't the sole death) died when underground gas ignited because they had to work by a naked flame.

As Rhys-Jones explained, the safety-lamp had been invented by then, but the men were made to buy them themselves... The mine owners (who built such fine, grandiose stately homes with their obscene profits) wouldn't even supply safety equipment to the men who worked, sorry... slaved, in those mines.

What a life!

Those were the days when if a man died he left a family behind with no means of support - again as the programme showed with the death of the man in Llanelli, whose family was then split up and sent off to become "inmates" at school-institutions (still, better than the horrors of the workhouse that many ended up in).

So there we have it.

I do wish we could revert to the days when the family was sacrosanct, when people felt an affinity to the land, when community was more than a pc "buzz word" and so on...

But to those who think the Victorian or similar times were somehow rosy (I guess we could label them reactionaries or some kind of conservatives) we need to be aware of the equally squalid nature of those times, although the people were affected in different ways.

The problem really is Capitalism. That is something that many nationalists have been loathe to understand or even recognise!

As an aside, I remember 20 years ago talking about this with a local treasurer for a "patriotic party" who then went off to complain that I was a "Communist."

In America, some circles of erstwhile "patriots" (albeit some are vaguely Neo-Cons) busy themselves denouncing people like Distributists, agrarians and similar as "Communists."

These kind of people have no understanding of history, politics and reality; many of them also seek to defend Capitalism as if it were somehow the patriotic, even the Christian option!

Let's recap:

Capitalism enclosed the land.

Capitalism forced our people into the slums, into the factories and down the mines.

Capitalism created the power of the banks and the tax system.

Capitalism has attacked the community and the family through policies designed to maximise profits - cheap foreign labour etc.

Capitalism has also tried to teach our people that morals don't matter, loyalty doesn't matter, nationhood doesn't matter: as long as the larder is full and a decent wage comes in - all else is secondary.

That is what Capitalism has done and what it is. It is not patriotic, it is not Christian, it is not moral.

Capitalism is all about profit, all about money. All else is secondary or an inconvenience.

What a shame the folk couldn't stay on the land. What a shame we couldn't retain that self-sufficiency, that minimal taxation.

What a shame that modern advances in medicine, for example, couldn't have been coupled with a retention of freedom, and of values that have all but disappeared.

Oh well...

As we are surrounded by immorality, by drugs and crime, by adulterers and profiteers, we should remember that our great grandfathers had it little better; but it shouldn't stop us (as brave souls did in their times) trying to right the wrongs, whilst exposing the Reds who offer paradise-on-earth but in reality offer the same slums, factories and wage-slavery (but all owned by the State fat boss instead of the Capitalist fat boss - as we've seen in Russia a few years ago, oft-times the very same men...)

Food for thought.

In 1851, a boy born in inner Liverpool had a life expectancy of only 26 years.
What is Distributism?

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