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Showing posts with label Supermarkets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supermarkets. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Are Bland Buildings Necessary?

I have come to the conclusion that the modern world is soulless.

Right: Rabbit hutches with little squares of grass. Can't we as a people aspire to provide better housing?

It's weird to start any piece of writing with a conclusion, but there you go. I don't see any point in beating about the bush.

Look at most buildings built since the 60s.

Our homes have become soulless boxes, rabbit hutches with their little patio and square of grass.

Our offices, factories and all too often our very work has become soulless. Neon stripped existences, clock-watching monotony.

Our shops have become branded monotony, soulless Tescos, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencers forcing the small artisan, local producer-seller and quirky local shop into penury.

Our public buildings, council offices, leisure centres and even our churches are bland, square blocks with safety doors and false ceilings.


Where are the structures that scream of our heritage? That give us a glimpse of artisanship? That speak of local crafts and come from the local soil and rock? That -- pc brigade and commies look away -- give us a glimpse of heaven?

We have stately homes and grand churches and Cathedrals, the remnants of a bygone age, but why can't we have homes with character? With nooks and crannies? With odd shaped gardens? Why can't our offices and public buildings be stirring?

I know things were never rosy, and our forefathers lived in slums and worked as slave-labourers for the iron masters and factory-owners who built so many grand country estates; but in this age when working men stand idle, an age when people ache for property, for local produce, for green communities etc. - why can't politicians, local and national - have the vision to bring about communities, towns etc. that are imbued with culture, with vision, with SOUL.

I am not a toff. I have lived virtually my whole life in terraced communities, gone to comprehensive school, worked in the offices, warehouses etc. I so despise. The posh schools, country idylls and oak-lined offices of the political shyster class have not cosseted me, I am fully aware of what it's like to live, work, and exist in pretty much soulless structures.

I am sick of Communist grey granite monstrosities. I am bored of blandly carpeted neon-lit offices. I am depressed by housing estates that look like they were designed by Lego.

Let us bring about homes and communities imbued with the cultures, with the values, with the history, with the heritage of all the nations and regions that make up these islands.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps.

A dream? Of course.

But if we can't dream of what the future might be, then we will be sentenced to more monotony, more homogenisation, more bland conformity.

I'd rather push for what might be than blindly shuffle into a bland blanket of soulless structures surrounding us for generations to come.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Chewing the Fat on Immigration

According to who you want to believe in media-land we're turning into a nation of fatties.

Obesity, so "they" tell us, is the "new Global Warming."

By that they don't mean another fallacy or con job (I suspect) but rather that this requires urgent attention!

The power of nightmares part 94.

Isn't it funny how those responsible for creating a mess are always the loudest in shrieking for something to be done?

Capitalism insists on the "power of advertising" which, in turn, creates a "do what thou wilt" society (to quote Alestair Crowley).

In an age when Big Bucks is all that matters, the shoddiest produced, brightly wrapped, crammed with sugar, heavily advertised "treats" will be the ones that sell.

Oh yes, things were so "drab" in the 50s when we all ate fresh veg and meat...

The Capitalists who bank-roll the political parties are the ones whose supermarkets insist on aisle after aisle of sweets, crisps, ready-made "meals" and other chemically-crammed foodstuffs.

With extra sweets n snacks piled up by the till just to get little Jack or Sophie pulling at mum's sleeve for one more pack of sugar disguised as food.

And the politicians? As someone phoned in to a radio this week said, they are the ones who've sold off the playing-fields and told schools that competitive sports are "bad."

Unless and until someone comes along who will fight against the big businesses, the TV and Playstation culture and demand football, hockey, netball and rugby for all schoolchildren three times a week - we'll be(come) a "nation of fatties."

But such things are not "popular" - ask Jamie Oliver (the "naked chef") who tried to get good food into schools... and in a "democracy" it isn't what is CORRECT that matters - but rather what is 'popular' or (to be more precise) what makes the most money and what the advertisers can make 'popular.'

Anyway, while we're at it - in this climate of continual studies to tell us what's bad for us, and the problems we'll face in the future - isn't it about time we had one of those on immigration?

And I mean a proper study and a proper debate!

Left: Immigration and Emigration figures. As most people leaving the UK (for Europe, North America etc.) are British and/or Whites - this merely exacerbates the situation. Many liberals and reds argue that we "need" immigration because people are leaving. What they don't tell us is the racial make-up of those leaving, nor that if it weren't for immigration and the mess it causes, many would not leave.

There was one of those ridiculous ones the other day about immigration from Eastern Europe - you know the highly politicised sort which cannot disguise the costs in schooling, healthcare and housing (let alone law and order) but which drones on about the benefits to our economy.

Now let me get one thing straight - and it's a contentious point for some I know: I am not opposed per se to immigration from Eastern Europe.

Many of these people are hard-working fellow Europeans who bring their White faces, Christian heritage to some of the 'darkest' areas of London, Birmingham etc.

The problem I have is with the Asiatic gypsies and criminal Albanians who have crept in under the cover of Lithuanians and Poles; the scale of the immigration (which should have been far more curtailed and controlled); and the lack of controls re. those with criminal records (rapists, thieves, etc.)

As an aside, I also take umbrage with the need for so many workers when we have so many druggy deadbeats, anarcho-do nothings and others who sit on the dole getting my tax money for doing bugger all. If they won't pick spuds or clean hotel rooms then why should they get continual hand-outs and housing benefit for life?

To my mind, a controlled amount of healthy, law-abiding families and a balanced mix of men and women from the Baltic Nations, Poland, Hungary etc. would be acceptable - just as the Poles and East Europeans who settled here after WW2 (many anti-Communists) settled, assimilated and became good "Brits" albeit with their own heritage and culture.

I have had the good fortune to meet many of these people - including those who served with distinction on the Eastern front fighting Bolshevism, and their families are perfectly settled, hard-working, tax-paying, Church-going Brits of European extraction.

One might compare them to the Irish of North London, the Italians of South Wales and others who have assimilated and added European cultures to our homeland.

No, I am not opposed per se to Poles and Balts - more so the manner in which the influx occurred.

For me it is not so much about space (though this must be taken into account, obviously) but RACE.

So, to return to my point, let us have a real study, a real report, a real debate.

Our inner cities are awash with drugs, gangs and drugs. These have killed more than any so-called Al Qaeda "threat" (or CIA/Mossad threat).

Where is the debate? The children and grandchildren of the African and Asian settlers of the 50s, 60s and 70s have brought us what exactly?

Why are those still flooding in from Africa and Asia never talked about?

The Poles are put up as a "smokescreen." What about the Afghanis, the Somalis, the Bangladeshis, the Pakistanis that are still flooding in?

While we're at it, let's have a debate about the impact on our country, our culture, our communities?

Communities in London, Berkshire, the Midlands, Lancashire etc. etc. have been destroyed. Communities where everyone knew everyone and the door was always open: these days have evaporated.

Left: An industry has sprung up, including advisers, solicitors, community workers and council helpers which tells immigrants how best they can get free housing, free healthcare, free food, free money and more. This book claims to be for professionals and visitors, but much of the advice available out there, to those from the Third World, goes to those who come to milk the benefit system.

The Christian nature (however nominal) of our land has imploded in a wave of Muslims, Sikhs, Zoroastrians , Buddhists, Animists and (literally!) God knows what else - and the cohesive nature of Faith has been replaced by a fractious, antagonistic mess whilst our own creed has faced frontal assault by Communists in local government and an "ecumenical" fifth column of Reds and faggots from the 'oh so modern' seminaries.

Communities that were homogenous, Christian, hard-working, law-abiding have been replaced by what?

I was near my old junior school the other week as it emptied. Talk about spot the white child! These are Asians born here, so they won't even figure in any immigration statistics and yet in 10 - 15 years the community I grew up in will be even more Asian than it is now!
What have we to thank immigration for?

Big Business has profited by under-cutting wages which the government tells us is a good thing ("it helps the economy").

We have more curry restaurants and rap music.

Is that worth it? Is it worth the upheaval? The violence? The drugs? The guns? The alienation? The family break-down? The rootless offspring?

So whilst liberals and quangos bring out reports, stimulate media headlines and constantly whine on about Global Warming, obesity and whatever else is the flavour of the day -- we face a media lockdown and government lies about long-scale, mass immigration, especially in regard to non-Europeans.

It's enough to make you turn to chocolate and crisps!

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Boycott Cohens

Tesco has announced huge profits for another year, in the billions.

A great programme on BBC1 TV last night (Shopping the Supermarkets) showed how Tesco's was due to destroy the traditional nature of yet another English town which had a thriving, traditional high street (and Friends of the Earth explained how Tesco's bribes local councils).

I used to run a shop in a small town, a stone's throw from Slough and Eton (what an unequal pair!), which was hit by supermarket opening.

I have seen the damage done. I have seen a community destroyed - a town centre by-passed by roaring traffic en route to the 'stack em high, sell 'em cheap' philosophy of the supermarkets.

No need for local expertise. No need for personal service. No need for small businesses. No need for businesses that pay local suppliers a decent price.

£1 in ever £8 "we" spend, as a nation, is in Tesco's!

What an indictment of modern Britain.

Would quite so many nationalists, patriots etc. shop at Tesco's were is named after its founder instead of a bizarre amalgamated name.

The next time you, your spouse or a relative say "we're going to Tesco's" tell them I AM BOYCOTTING COHEN'S SHOP.

In the short term, if you must, seek out another supermarket. In the medium term, seek out a medium-sized supplier if you must.

But why not try using some small, localised businesses from time-to-time?

Local butchers and fruit n veg barrows, just two examples, can offer great value for money, and offer good knowledge and value.

Shop around! Search out a good farmers' market, or a town that holds a market day...

There are alternatives!

Please don't shop at Cohen's [aka Tesco's].

Friday, 6 April 2007

The New Golden Calf

The Capitalists Have Their Eyes on Easter Sunday!

I just listened to a debate on the radio about keeping Easter Sunday special.

At the moment larger stores and garden centres can't open on Easter Sunday, for more details follow this link:

The chap on the radio agitating for Easter Sunday to be yet another 'normal' Sunday made a big play about consumer choice.

And that is the nub of the matter.

It seems the Capitalist Credo is "Choice."

We must have the choice to kill our children.
We must have the choice to go to whatever Church, Mosque, Temple etc.
We must have the choice to have sex with whoever we want (man, woman, vegetable and presumably in the future children).
We must have the choice to shop every day of the year.
We must have the choice as workers and shelf-stackers to work every day the shops tell us.

Seems we have every choice in the world... except to choose to live free of Capitalism, to live free of bank debt, to be free of crappy imports ruining our jobs and wages, to be free of taxation, to be free of coloured immigration and alien creeds, to not be involved in Zionist wars, to not be spied on by CCTV cameras, to not be swabbed by the police, to not have our DNA filed, to not have ID cards, to not be stabbed or shot on city streets by new arrivals to these shores...

Yes we have Choice! Choice to spend more, 24/7 on stuff we just don't need, to keep the fat multinational bosses supplied with Pina Coladas around their heated pools.

The Communists tried to wipe out Christianity in Russia and its satellites by getting rid of Sunday as a "Day of Rest."

They failed because the Russians, Poles etc. kept their national identities and kept, in their hearts, a special affection for their Orthodox and Catholic faiths.

The Capitalists are winning where the Reds failed.

You may not be especially Christian, but I really do think people should wake up and realise that Shopping Malls should not become the new Cathedrals of our civilisation, for if they do we will be genuflecting to the Almighty Dollar, to the Fat Cat Bosses and to Consumerism.

Capitalism has ripped apart the extended family, has mortgaged our people for life, has indebted our nation, communities and families for trillions of pounds...

Don't let Capitalism take Easter Sunday from us.

Christmas will be next...

Do you really want to go out for more McCrap Burgers and buy more Chinese crap? Is it so vital for one more day that our history and heritage is torn asunder?

Even if you're not a Christian, at least spend Easter Sunday with your family, as you would Christmas Day. Have a big meal, go for a walk in our beautiful countryside, visit an ancient ruin -- just stay away from the shops!

Shops are open Monday to Saturday. Some are open late and early. Some are open other Sundays of the year.

Is it REALLY so vital to the Capitalists that the big shops are open on Easter Sunday?

Do they hurt so much because their big shops are forced to close two days of the year?

Or is this yet another attempt, using the Golden Calf of "choice" (and the line that we are, after all "a multi-cult, multi-faith society"), to put another nail in the coffin of our Christian culture, heritage etc.

Don't be fooled. Don't let the Money-Men with their multi-cult rhetoric take another historical day away from us!

Consumers of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but cheap shoddy imports!

History of Good Friday.
Palestinian Christians Make Easter Appeal

Ezra Pound's Poem on the Crucifixion

The Passion of the Christ
Jews Upset at Easter Cartoon
Jews Celebrate Crucifixion

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