Freemasons entered and finally took over the Catholic Church in the 60s, turning a blind eye to homosexual priests.
Who investigates paedophile rings of the rich and famous? Top police officers. Many of whom are Freemasons.
Paedophilia is rife in many council run homes/orphanages. What organisation do powerful councillors belong to?
There is a common link. And the more the govt, media etc. promote homosexuality, the more paedophilia there will be. They are linked, no matter what liberals might say.
The police, politicians, churches and media are crammed full of Freemasons at the top levels. It will take brave souls to expose the corruption and bring justice to the victims of paedophile rings.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Freemasons Behind Paedophile Ring Cover-Ups?
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:22 pm
Categories: Christianity, Homosexuality, Paedophilia, Police, Politics
Monday, 18 March 2013
Socialism: Industrialised-Death, State-Control, Gay-Rights.
Labour, Tories or Lib Dems: they all follow this agenda whilst they argue over the level of obscene debt they have is in hock to the banksters, and whether we should be taxed to the eye-balls or the eye-brows.
The death of civilisation.
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:51 pm
Categories: Abortion, Communism, Homosexuality, Police, Socialism
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Want to Decimate Burglary? Stamp Out Drugs!
In the news today a judge is getting stick for calling burglary of a home an act of "courage."
From what I've heard it's clear that the burglar, who burgled three homes, was on drugs at the time.
A solicitor on Radio 5 this morning said that most of the burglars he defended were on drugs or doing it out of desperation to get drugs.
So what's the common link here Poindexter? Drugs!
As I wrote recently, there is no war on drugs. Illegal, Class A drugs are freely available in our towns, cities and villages. The state seems to not want to stamp out drugs, the pushers, the gangs and the spooks behind the drugs cartels.
If we want to wipe out the vast majority of burglaries (and shop lifting) then we have to wipe out the usage and dependency on hard drugs. This is for the Common Good - and out of charity of those hooked on these evil substances.
The problem is that too many lawyers, MPs, bankers and the elite in this country are users themselves. They don't want to take action as they use various drugs. The Guardian and The Independent regularly campaign for liberalising drug laws. The Guardian sells more copies in the BBC than any other newspaper!
The media, politicians, elites etc. may make occasional noises about clamping down on drugs, but this phony war has been going on for decades.
Hard drugs like heroin ruin lives and communities. There needs to be real zero tolerance. Personally I would like to see capital punishment brought in for the pushers of hard drugs. Trace the importers and the cartels. Smash those who profit on misery. And if foreign agencies are involved in the couriering of drugs, then target them too!
There needs to be a real war on drugs. The young especially need to be offered hope - not degradation, oblivion and a futile existence. Sticks and carrots. Wipe out the drugs gangs, help the poor unfortunates.
It really is that simple.
Either we believe in a better society and the rule of law; or we believe in anarchy, amorality, crime and dysfunction.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
What War on Drugs? Where is the Protection for our People?
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The liberal agenda |
I usually watch Newsnight. I know it's not going to expose the Bilderbergers or actually inform its viewers of why we are taxed to the eyeballs to pay billionaires who create 'money' out of thin air, but every now and then something will pop up that makes you think. It's useful to listen to whilst working of an evening, if only to cringe at politicians being politicians or to hear the latest PC Islingtonista diatribe against racism, sexism, homophobia or whatever else they decide to label normality.
Anyway, last Friday I was out and about painting the town non-red, and so I missed Newsnight for the first time in a while. I realised something was up as the Twatteratti on Twitter were foaming at the mouth again, which is usually a sign that something interesting as happened (it's a benchmark that whatever the chattering classes and incoherent immigrant-offspring fodder that make up the loudest section of Twitter are railing against is half-decent). So it was they were shrieking against Peter Hitchens (and not for the first time by any stretch of the imagination).
So today I looked up Friday's Newsnight to watch it. It was centred around a piece that is going to air later in the year on BBC3 by the "comedian" and actor Russel Brand, all about his addiction to drugs.
Interestingly he argues that the only way to beat drugs is to say no. Addicts must do cold turkey and just come off the drugs. End of. No drugs at all. Sounds sane. People who talk about teenage pregnancy and abortion in America in a similar vein are roundly attacked by liberals who think the way to stop pregnancy/abortion is to throw condoms at schoolkids. They fail to realise that promoting "safe sex" merely promotes sexual activity, which in turn leads to more teenage pregnancies and more abortions!
Similarly with drugs, the liberals, chattering classes, intelligible immigrant offspring ("innit") and the Guardianistas are keen to promote "soft" drugs. They think it's fine and dandy to pop a pill at a rave, smoke a bit of weed etc. But entering the world of drugs means drugs become acceptable, and the rise in use in soft drugs goes hand in hand with the rise in use of hard drugs (just as the rise in use of condoms goes hand in hand with a rise in use of abortuaries).
Like telling an alcoholic that it's fine to sup a Pale Ale, or down an 'alcopop' it is wrong to tell impressionable kids and should-know-better 20 and 30 somethings that somehow a spliff or a pill are just fine and dandy. Yet that is exactly what this "freedom of choice" society does. The mantra is that "as long as it doesn't hurt anyone" etc. etc. ignoring the fact that hard drugs do hurt people -- they lead to ruination, lost jobs, destroyed families, damaged communities, ransacked houses etc. etc. Drug use is not a victimless crime!
Of course the homosexual deathstyle is awash with drugs, but what else would you expect from people who choose a 'life' that opts for multiple (often anonymous or semi-anonymous) "partners," casual sex in public places, even disgusting public toilets, and often leads to the ingestion of faeces and 101 varieties of disease of which AIDS is merely the most public.
It won't be long before pointing out simple facts like these is made illegal because it "promotes hatred" -- in reality ignoring the truth promotes hatred because it allows the impressionable, the weak willed, the mentally disturbed or the sexually deviant to get involved in a death-style that is rife with drugs, violence, disease and a greater chance of an early death. But I digress.
One point where Brand is totally wrong is that he thinks, in order to help rather than tar drug users, drugs should be decriminalised. Of course this is wrong because if something is made officially "OK" rather than just OK to readers of the Guardian and the Independent, it will lead to wider use. To think otherwise is arrant nonsense. The market dictates under Capitalism. If corner shops can make money selling drugs - they will! Under the counter, not on display (like cigarettes) whatever, once it is available it will be bought and used by kids. £5, £10 or £20 hits for a night of oblivion in your front room, down the park, wherever - kids would do it. Better than a bottle of vodka or a few bottles of cider, that would be the mindset of kids out to get blotto. And soon enough we would have more users and more addicts. The profiteers might be Boots the Chemist, Abdul in the corner shop or a giant pharmaceutical corporation, rather than a local gang with knives and guns: but the end result would be the same.
There is only one way to beat drugs, just as there is only one way to beat mugging, rape, homosexuality, paedophilia: zero tolerance. Pussyfooting around leads to these social evils growing on the periphery, sneaking in and gaining ground however they can.
There is no 'war on drugs' - a term abused by the CIA and others who are themselves involved in the drugs trade, profit from it and feed those profits into black ops, shady wars and more human suffering. On the ground, in our towns and cities there is no war on drugs. If there were there could be regular urine tests at work or at the dole office, there could be sniffer dogs outside nightclubs, there could be a real clampdown on the terror gangs who bring violence and intimidation to our streets.
No-one wants to live in a police state, and I think the more we can keep the government and police out of our daily lives the better. But in a country wherein I can be stopped and fined for not wearing my seat belt (which I sometimes wear, sometimes don't) yet someone with a spliff in their pocket can be stopped and merely cautioned... well you have to wonder why?
Time and again politicians tell us that their number one priority is the safety of our people. They use those excuses for planning and executing illegal wars and murdering thousands in other countries. Yet because drugs gangs bring violence, terror, intimidation, misery, robbery and other crime to our streets - where are the politicians slogans about protecting the people when it comes to dealing with the vermin who push drugs? The politicians clearly have no regard for the safety of our people - either the kids who get hooked on drugs, or the victims of the crime they regularly turn to to pay for their habits.
If we wish to stamp out drugs then let us really stamp them out. We can educate children that drugs are wrong and illegal. We can stamp out the drugs gangs and get them off the streets. We create a mindset of rejection, and at the same time we actively prevent the circulation of drugs so that even the tiny minority who wish to wilfully break the law and seek out illegal drugs, cannot get them (which in reality helps them!)
If we really care about the addicts, if we really care about the victims of crime, if we really care about decimated communities, and if we really care about the future of England and the Celtic nations, then we need to be serious about opposing drugs.
Of course don't expect any answers from the government. The secret state gets a large chunk of money from the international cartels; a good proportion of MPs, bankers etc. are busy snorting for Britain! The reality is that they do not care about violence on the streets, crime, the safety of the law-abiding majority.
Let us treat drugs as truly criminal instead of tipping it the wink, otherwise (like homosexuality) there will be a drip, drip of media brainwashing, liberal propaganda in schools and before we know if casual drug abuse will be widely culturally accepted (as it already is in certain sections of society).
It's all about what we want for our children and the future of our nations... liberal chaos and amorality, or sanity, safety and security.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Hollie Grieg - Paedophile Cover Up by the Establishment
With corruption in the police currently on full display at the Leveson Enquiry, and institutional ineptitude on display after a negro serial rapist escaped justice for many years in the South London area (he was black, his victims mostly -or all?- white, so the police escape a charge of institutional racism); we must not be afraid to speak out against cover-ups.
Does KINCORA ring a bell?
When politicians and establishment figures (and past paedo scandals with MPs have been silenced) are involved, the establishment often closes ranks. They did so in a huge scandal in North London involving a local Labour bigwig. Is it the Masonic link? The old school tie network, or just evil people conspiring to abuse children?
Paedophilia is a heinous crime. There is nothing worse. This society and the criminal justice system treats it as if it were bank robbery (often bank robbers get longer sentences!): as if bits of paper meant more than the lives and innocence of children.
We, whether we call ourselves the silent majority, the voice of decency, the defenders of Christian values, must speak out and demand the strictest possible sentences for paedo's. The death sentence, for the worst cases, MUST be an option.
As sexual degenerates are given free reign in society, and promoted by parliament, the BBC and even the churches (yes, and even in nationalism!), is it any wonder that other sexual degenerates feel empowered, especially when these seedy, drug-riddled worlds often overlap.
Some will be surprised I mention nationalism, but the fact is that just as in the post-1960s (some would say "judaised") Catholic Church, nationalism (through the - some would say "Zionised" - BNP) began in the 00's to turn a "blind eye" to queers. The stable door was well and truly open. Once you open that door the cancer of sexual perversion floods in. Now those who split-off from the BNP and joined groups like the EDL even have their own queer sections.
There is no excuse. There can be no excuses.
This is why nationalism must stand firm. No to homosexuality. No to paedophilia. Outlaw the former. Capital punishment for the latter.
Trying to (ahem) fudge on this issue leads to what the (liberalised) Catholic Church and the (liberalised) BNP suffered - being seen as outright hypocrites in public. Saying one thing, doing another. Defending the Family in public, but allowing perverts in your own ranks. That kind of flip-flop policy is not only false, it eats away at the innards of the organisation, because the public see you as hypocrites, your members no longer believe, and your organisation is bought out by, split by and internally emptied by the forces of liberalism and degeneracy that you should have been fighting against in the first place instead of allowing them in (ahem) by the back door, just to be all "caring" and "inclusive," or more cynically for the money and manpower needs of the organisation in question.
There can be no cover-ups. Truth and justice is required in all such cases.
Justice for Hollie Grieg.
Hat tip to Griffin Watch from whom I shamelessly nicked this video.
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:02 pm
Categories: BNP, Catholic Church, Hollie Grieg, Homosexuality, Paedophilia, Police, Politics, Scotland
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Trevor Phillips: Multi-Culti Bully Boy of a Growing Police State
"Toe the line" is the cry from the promoter of mass coloured immigration, homosexual rights and much else that is bad in 'modern Britain.'
He says that if Christians see that a 'law' does not fit with the morality of Christianity (queer adoption, abortion, homo-rights, euthanasia, usury etc.) then Christians should follow the law of the land, in effect that "we" have to choose between our religion (our heritage, our civilisation, our roots, our forefathers) or the "law of the land" -- the threat being that if we choose the former we somehow become OUTLAWS.
How long before the police knock on doors of those who speak out against queer rights? How long before the police turn up and arrest a Christian being beaten up by homosexuals because he gave out leaflets or held a placard with a Biblical quote?
Next year? Next week? Tomorrow? Think again patriot! These things have already happened.
From the bosses of Westminster's quangos and the Race Lobby to the Masonic police chiefs who enforce Acts of Parliament passed by degenerates and traitors, to the Charity Commissioners who shut down adoption agencies who wouldn't house children with poofs... 1984 and much worse is already starting, and it's all around us.
It is our duty to speak out when we can, make our friends and neighbours aware. We cannot allow what was once dismissed as the "loony left" (Frankfurt School Marxists) to hold sway over public policy without fighting back.
There are plenty of bodies out there fighting back, professionally organised and looking for help. Look them up, join them, give their materials to those interested in your community.
If we lose this fight the enemies of civilisation will not give up the ground they gain. Network, educate yourself, be intelligent and join the resistance however you can.
Trevor Phillips Says Christians Must Choose
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:29 pm
Categories: Abortion, Adoption, Big Brother, Homosexuality, Multi-Cult, Police
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Anti-Racist Liberals Hoisted by their own Police State Petard
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Satire is no defence: Lock 'em up. |
These "racists" are often just decent people who are fed up of mass coloured immigration, or whop oppose the gradual take-over of England by millions of non-Europeans. In and of itself there is nothing wrong with that opinion. It is not illegal. It is not hateful. It is certainly not nihilistic or anarchic.
This has not stopped the institutionally anti-white Race Lobby nor the institutionally liberal and corrupt "leaders" of the political, lawyer, police and media classes from conspiring to target those who are opposed to immigration, often painting them as "racists," "fascists," "extremists," "neo-nazis" and so on ad infinitum.
These people, a mixture of posh liberals and Freemasons and (ex) Marxist agitators, have tried to make opposition of multi-culturalism and/or mass coloured immigration (a thing most people would have agreed with a few decades ago) criminal.
So it is with some joy we find out that the anti-racists of the "Red Attitude" Manchester United fanzine have had copies removed by the police and a threat to have the issue destroyed, because they used a KKK image, albeit as a means to attack Liverpool fans who have 'dared' to stand up and defend Luis Suarez. The Liverpool fans don't seem to understand (or rather they do and they don't like it) that in the post-Macpherson Report world, when a coloured person thinks he is the recipient of "racism" it ipso facto (regardless of the facts) becomes a racist crime!
This is of course itself racist, because if I report a crime as racist as a white man, simply because I assume it to be so, the police will probably ignore me or even treat me as a 'white racist' for stirring up trouble.
That the Man Utd fanzine was grabbed from the hands of their supporters outside Old Trafford on the State's ridiculous anti-racist twisted politically correct generalisations has some deliciousness about it. Let the liberals, Marxists and anti-racists moan all they like: they have created this crass stupidity wherein items can be grabbed, editors can be arrested, writers can be jailed and mags/books can be banned - not for obscenity, not for offending public morals, not for promoting terrorism or violence: but merely for going against what the modern-days lords and masters say is correct as regards multi-racism and immigration.
So, let's pretend we are as twisted as those treacherous, commie, anti-white commissars and say, with tongue firmly in cheek:
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:05 pm
Categories: Communism, football, Freemasonry, Immigration, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Police
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Institutional Anti-White Racism in the Police, Judiciary, Media and Political Classes
This is a superb video which makes most/all of the points raised by FC over the years, including these key issues:
- Loss of ancient rights viz Double Jeopardy (leading to possible State abuse of innocents).
- Ridiculous subjective nature of "racial" incidents in law in favour of "ethnic minorities" and so discriminatory and hence probably illegal.
- Media cover-up of racial attacks against whites (meaning an ipso facto racially-biased conspiracy across the media titles/channels).
We are the victims of this prejudice and slanted policing, non-reporting of crimes and a badly skewed criminal justice system.
Watch this video. Understand its implications. Tell others. Spread the word.
Discrimination, even against homosexual degenerates, is supposed to be illegal. Yet it is encouraged when it comes to the many white victims of the criminals amongst the guest 'communities' we have in this country.
Spread the word, if for no other reason than to remember the vicious murder of Kriss Donald, the Glaswegian 15 year-old boy tortured, murdered and burnt by Asian thugs. A vicious anti-white murder that the entire media decided we do not need to know about!
The Strathclyde Police admitted to dropping Operation Gadher which had acted against Asian gangs in the area. If it had been left open, this could have saved Kriss's life, but the police feared being labelled "racist" and so shut down the very Operation that could have stopped what is probably the worst racially motivated murder in the UK. The BBC itself admitted to under-reporting Kriss's murder.
These are just two prime examples of institutional political correctness which led to bad decisions which impacted on the crime itself and public knowledge of the crime! Why were these decisions made? Who stands to gain?
It is not illegal to ask these questions. It is not "hatred" to want to stop the murder of white people. It is not "racist" to fight for our streets to be safe from knife or gun crime.
The politicians often tell us we fight (needless and illegal/immoral) wars around the world to "keep the British people safe" and yet we are not safe! Not from "Muslim extremists" in Asia or the Middle East, but from the muggers, drugs gangs and the knife and gun wielding hoodlums that litter the streets of our cities.
Remember a few years back when the then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith took her armed protection officers with her on the streets of South London just to get a take away? Sadly most of us don't have that luxury, yet from their white-flight plush homes (in the case of Smith the luxuriousness of which was helped along by tax-payers' money she conned out of the MP's expenses system, yet miraculously evaded jail), the people who run the media, political machinery, courts and police, tell us continually how immigration has "enriched" us, whilst the rest of us have to take to the streets unprotected from gangs and suchlike.
If the politicians really want our people to be safe, then they should act here (not in Asia!) to stop attacks on people on the streets of London, Manchester, Birmingham etc.
And if they are serious about "stopping racist attacks" then why not come down hard on the many muggings, rapes, stabbings, shootings and other attacks carried out by "ethnic" criminals against indigenous people, whose only fault seems to be their ethnicity/identity.
Or is Stephen Lawrence more important than the many English, Scottish and Welsh victims of racially aggravated crimes (not treated as such by any layer of the establishment)? If so, why?
I believe we are looking at institutional anti-White racism at every level.
Many thanks to GriffinWatch for putting this video on their blog.
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:16 pm
Categories: Crime, Drugs, Immigration, Lawyers, Media, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Police, Politics
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Distributism: A Movement Whose Time Has Come
When usury-bankers have created a huge financial mess.
When politicians care more about their own benefits than the Common Good.
When the police let criminals rule the streets whilst building a Police State.
When media hacks make up stories and spy on people to make a quick buck.
When the family collapses under immorality, amorality, a culture of death and government tactics.
When centralisation of government and banks in Euroland results in debt and slavery.
When plurality and moral chaos replace Christianity and tradition.
It's time for Common Sense.
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:27 pm
Categories: Banking, Christianity, Distributism, EU, G.K. Chesterton, Government, Media, Police, Usury
Monday, 28 November 2011
Police Arrest Woman for Croydon Bus "Racist" Rant
On the BBC London News tonight, there was a story of an English woman on a bus in Croydon ranting against immigrants/non-whites.
Of course we are not shown the provocation, but were told by the police that this was unacceptable, that the woman would be found and arrested. Indeed at the end of the report they gloated that a 34-year-old lady had indeed been arrested.
Now few people will find her language acceptable in front of children, nor are her arguments particularly succinct and thought-through, but I repeat: what was the provocation?
Being a regular user of public transport in the Capital I can state as a fact that most foul language and aggressive behaviour against fellow passengers does not come from, let's say 'English' people (wouldn't want to break any laws!). "Gangsta" of every type (even in school uniforms!) regularly sprawl across the gangways, throw things at passengers, use foul language with impunity and so on.
Such is the boring monotony of travel in the capital, which working people usually put up with, for fear of the occasional but well publicised stabbings that take place.
How lucky we are that the police have the resources to track down, arrest and hold a lady for such crimes against humanity as ranting against immigrants. Luckily for Londoners (especially the real ones, the English ones) there are no muggings, knife crimes, gun crimes etc. to worry about and they can finally walk the streets in absolute safety now that a young mum at the end of her tether is under lock and key!
Lucky for her they have done away with capital punishment.
"Racist Woman"
Video of her rant (please beware it does contain a lot of bad language):
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:53 pm
Categories: Crime, Immigration, London, Multi-Racism, Police, Transport
Friday, 21 October 2011
Australian Police Obey the Bankers - Against the People
And it's not just in New York.
The police in what were once civilised lands are protecting the usury-bankers and NWO elite.
"The people" come at the bottom of a long list.
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:09 pm
Categories: Banking, New World Order, Police, Usury
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Establishment Corruption: Rare BBC Radio Programme
Posted by
Final Conflict
3:40 pm
Categories: BBC, Government, Media, Police, Politics
Thursday, 21 July 2011
HackerGate: The Missing Link
Imagine the scene in plush, tree-lined avenue in a posh London suburb:
Govt. Minister: "Good to see you at the Lodge again m'Lord. Fancy a swift round of golf?"
Inquiry Chairman: "Of course."
Top Copper: "Then a swift brandy and cigar at the clubhouse, my treat."
Inquiry Chairman: "That's most kind."
Govt. Minister: "Now about this enquiry..."
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:34 pm
Categories: Freemasonry, Government, Judiciary, Media, Police
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Freemasons, Usury, Politics and Greed: HackGate and its Root Cause
Lord Leveson! Er... Hello!
We are all supposed to believe that a system man, another lawyer, will clean out the media and the parts of the system linked to it.
The politicos who wined and dined the media (and in turn were wined and dined by them).
The policemen employed by the media, and the media-men employed by the police.
You can almost imagine it all be arranged in The Temple.
The whole Masonic system is unravelling, helped by a kind of civil war.
It started with the banking collapse - the 'Credit Crunch.' That was caused by sheer greed (a theme that we will revisit). Usury banking - so Talmudic in origin - caused a huge uncontrollable bubble, which the politicians were not willing or able to try and control, let alone deflate.
Following the belittling of the bankers we had the Politicians' expenses scandal. This had been rolling along very merrily for years, and was now exposed by MI5's favourite, the Daily Telegraph. Happy coincidence?
No. This was the (cue the sinister music) Revenge of the Bankers.
Their greed was exposed, and the politicians had to turn on them (fleetingly) to escape the momentary wrath of the electorate. Of course despite an underlying hatred of bankers all that is now willingly swept under the carpet, not least because we are supposed to equate a few bloated politicos grabbing tens of thousands with the bankster-class who frittered away BILLIONS and who were bailed out with OUR money.
With the politicians in the sights of the banksters and their pet journalists, they too were unhappy at being exposed as money-grubbing fraudsters.
So here we are. A criminal enterprise is uncovered (at last!) despite the attempts of sections of the Masonic Temple, sorry - I mean the Met Police, and so the politicians are happy to scream blue murder - if only to get their own revenge on the fourth estate.
The politicians attacked the bankers to save their own hides
The bankers get the journalists to attack the politicians to provide a smokescreen
The politicians now attack the media.
The banksters have used "divide and rule" against the politicos and the journalists, emasculating both in turn, whilst they brush aside feeble "safety features" to carry on much as before.
And if you think a public enquiry will get to the real root cause of all this - perhaps you should remember Doctor David Kelly.
Some truths will only see the light of day many years from now.
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:07 am
Categories: Banking, Freemasonry, Media, Police, Politics, Usury
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Police State Run by Bankers and Masons
This bloke - as my children would say - totally 'owns' a policeman who seems to think that any protest needs to be lodged with the Big brother state, and bluffs his way by threatening to arrest someone who has done NOTHING wrong.
If only orgenised parties like the BNP stood up and denounced the banking and taxation system - based on usury slavery which should be totally illegal - they might win support from right acoss the political spectrum.
Who wants questionable and unjust wars before schools and hospitals?
Who wants taxes going to billionaire financiers when it should be given back to those paying it or small amounts taken to help the needy?
After yours of quasi-Zionist b.s. blaming the Muslims for everything [rather than coloured immigration simply being a part of the NWO assault on our freedoms and rights] and selling out to a political system run by the Masonic elites for baubles and scraps from their table; it is time that NATIONALISTS made it clear that we are the people against usury, against the financiers, against Zionism and its wars.
We have been betrayed for years.
In part one of this series the activist DOES make some mistakes - primarily confusing the "corporations" of Fascist Italy with todays Big Businesses, multi-nationals and international finance.
The Corporations of Fascist Italy were in fact akin to the medieval Guilds, and so were like the Trade Unions representatives having seats in government, so the workers from all trades had direct representation in government.
That is fascism. Fascism was a socio-economic ideal based on Christian social teaching. It was not giving the goverment to alien financiers, Freemasons and Mafioso.
This government is! It is uber-Capitalism. CAPITAL and its power, its tax, its usury, RUINS our lives, empties our pockets.
Fascism was popular. It was national. It gave freedom. It may not have been perfect, what system run by men ever could be (we live in societies not false utopias)? But compared to the debt slavery today it is a world apart.
We aren't even safe on our streets! Whilst the government gives billions to financiers and billions to needless Zionist wars, WE ARE NOT EVEN SAFE ON OUR OWN STREETS.
Why not have a war on mugging? A war on anti-social behaviour? A war on street gangs?
That would make peoples' lives much better than dropping million pound (financially speaking!) bombs on varies countries, or giving billions to mega-rich bankers.
Nationalists must start speaking these truths. Otherwise, by omission or commision, we are taking part in the biggest scandal in history - the enslavement of our people and many others too.
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:08 pm
Categories: Banking, Big Brother, Crime, Government, New World Order, Police, Usury
Friday, 10 June 2011
Gwent Police Found Not Guilty of Assault - Look at the Evidence
Be careful in Gwent, South Wales.
These officers did the following after a 71 year old man "failed to stop" after they saw he was not wearing his seat belt.
Yep. Never mind the druggies, the people traffickers, the muggers, the car thieves, the burglars...
There are people out there not wearing their seat belts! It's time to teach these criminals, these people who know better than the State, to be taught a lesson.
Over to you officers:
The happy news is that these valiant officers, having cornered this heinous criminal and being forced to defend themselves, after having been suspended from duty are now free to take up their duties again after being found not guilty.
It's not that we think the police should be there to serve the interests of tax-payers, but rather that if when we all reach our 70s, we might be free to not wear a seat belt. And if by chance we do not notice the police, or become scared and drive off - they won't act like the ###ing SAS!
"Another dangerous criminal off the streets sarge!"
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:36 pm
Categories: Big Brother, Crime, Police
Monday, 28 March 2011
London's Burning: Agent Provocateurs on the Streets
- Sarge, sarge? Is this the right way to do it?
- Mum - Can I drop my washing off next week?
- Argghhh! Keep that magnet away from me!
- Ok ya. So back to uni for Pimms?
The riots in London at the "anti-cuts" rally bring forward a number of interesting aspects for nationalists:
- The state is behind much of the fracas. This is well documented, and the blog GriffinWatch has brought together some of the evidence.
- This is in response to the previous police state tactic of kettling, leading to perfectly law-abiding people having to urinate in the street and not being allowed to go about their perfectly lawful business (even people not in the demonstrations!). The police are out to prove that if not allowed harsh tactics, trouble ensues.
- The state-led violence is used to silence and arrest genuine protesters.
- Meanwhile the media go out of their way to disassociate the socialists etc. from the violence. Nationalists remember how left-wing (state led?) violence against NF marches in the 70s was used by the same media to paint nationalists as 'violent.'
Re. the London riots one is reminded of GK Chesterton's book "The Man Who Was Thursday." Seems like nothing has changed in the seedy world of the anarchists!
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:39 pm
Categories: Anarchists, G.K. Chesterton, London, MI5, Police, Socialism
Sunday, 23 January 2011
State Infiltrators Using Sex to Disrupt Groups? Bugger That!
The Guardian newspaper goes with the story of undercover coppers being allowed to have sexual relations with members of groups they are infiltrating.
How very James Bond!
Of course the police chiefs deny it, but as the Guardian sub-headline screams:
Promiscuity 'regularly used as tactic', says former officer, contradicting claims from Acpo
Acpo is the police boss's mouthpiece.
Yet because the groups have primarily been "anarchist, left wing and environmental groups" The Guardian is treating this as a new story.
But we know different don't we?
Some years ago (2002) a police spy called Peter Marriner was "outed" on a BBC TV programme called True Spies.
Years earlier (in 1994) FC had put together the info from various sources and published a fulsome warning about Marriner being a predatory homosexual used to infiltrate left and right wing groups.
We published that back in FC mag #7. At the time Marriner had reappeared in the NF as the West Midlands secretary, with access to every NF members' details throughout the West Midlands (one of their strongholds). Much of our initial info came from outraged NF members. We also had fulsome information from John Tyndall and Colin Jordan from when Marriner had first appeared in nationalist circles in the 60s and 70s.
Marriner was a wrong 'un! The evidence was undeniable, substantive and damning.
Yet even after this exposé with clear evidence from sources as diverse as the British Movement and homosexual newspapers (detailing Marriner's public toilets antics!) this police spy and degenerate pervert went on, after his West Midlands NF stint, to have joint control of the 'Choice' organisation, founded by Jane Lady Birdwood and given over, by her, to Peter Marriner and the other homosexual apologist, Martin Webster.
At Birdwood's death, her property was split between Marriner and Webster. Mr. Webster must have known of Marriner's past - we have to wonder if he turned a blind eye because of the police spy's homosexuality?
Of course whilst running the Choice organisation for the ailing Birdwood, Marriner had full access to the personal details of all subscribers, correspondents etc. before pocketing tens of thousands (at least!) from the sale of her West London home.
It's not very pleasant is it?
But it gets worse!
Years after FC had published all the info on the NF secretary Marriner and after his control and financial gain from Birdwood & Choice, the odious pervert popped up on the True Spies programme to say that he was encouraged to 'sleep with' young nationalists (i.e. bugger them!) to get "pillow talk."
So the idea of state agents being given the all-clear to use sex to get info from targeted groups is nothing new!
That The Guardian, like the various lefty politicians who appeared on True Spies, takes the tone of moral outrage when anarcho-weirdies and crusties are targeted by the State, but there is no response at all when nationalists are targeted by the State, gives the impression that it is "acceptable" for the State to target nationalists (the agenda pushed by Searchlight) using underhand methodology.
The problem for them then is that if you give the green light to subterfuge, skulduggery, degeneracy etc. against nationalists, then you, ipso facto, also give the green light to them being used against "lefties" (some lefties know this, hence they don't like Searchlight's secret state agenda).
It's such a shame that The Guardian seeks to ignore this aspect (choosing rather to paint anarcho-crusties as the sole victims) thus their narrow political agenda leaves the door open for the police and state agencies to use entryism in groups as diverse as C18, the BNP and the NF to wreck nationalism and attack those nationalists who are genuine, concerned and show real promise for the nationalist cause.
As long as people follow such a narrow political agenda the state will use Walther Mitty types to target nationalists, environmentalists, peace campaigners, pro-lifers and others, knowing that their factional interests will mean the raised voices of protest will turn a blind eye to spooks and coppers who infiltrate and bring-down their 'opponents.'
That's a real shame, because the true victim is Freedom, honesty and trust per se.
Here's a piece that appeared in an old Final Conflict e-zine:
[An FC writer has sent in this piece and commentry]:
The following letter was sent out by a homosexual: Martin Webster, who used to run the National Front in the 1970s, but was expelled from the NF in 1983.
It's certainly true that there were a number of queers in the NF back in the late 70s and 80s. Some people took to referring to the NF as the 'Gay Front', a nomenclature which did the NF great harm in working class circles and made it the butt (every pun intended) of many a joke.
What is interesting here is that Peter Marriner has been denounced by FC for many years - see FC magazine #7 when the homosexual infiltrator was exposed - then acting as Birmingham secretary of the National Front, with access to all names and addresses throughout the West Midlands, under the then leader John McAuley, circa 1994.
The amazing thing is that Peter Marriner was, until recently we can only assume given the tone of the following piece, the right-hand man of one Martin Webster!
The two of them gained the West London house of Lady Birdwood when she passed away a few years back.
As the identity of Peter Marriner isn't divulged in the Radio Times
piece, we can only assume that Marriner and Webster have had a falling out!
What is unbelievable is that anyone was 'taken in' by Marriner after he was exposed as an infiltrator by people like Colin Jordan and John Tyndall back in the early 1980s. Hence FC's disbelief when he popped up again the early 90s NF, and his role with Lady Birdwood, Martin Webster and 'Choice' - her paper and organisation.
Whilst it isn't always obvious to spot spies and infiltrators, the use of bi-sexuals and homosexuals by the Soviets, MI5 etc. - especially Cambridge types ('the fifth man' and all that) - should put everyone on their guard.
And if anything is learnt from the NF and the early 1980s it's don't turn a 'blind eye' to homosexuality and sexual deviants!
"I have just had Ruby Archer, who used to be Minutes Secretary of the National Directorate during my time in the NF during the 1970s, on the phone. She has drawn my attention to the current issue of 'The Radio Times'. In this there is a brief review concerning the forthcoming (next Sunday's) episode of the 'True Spies' series. Ruby is going to send me the page from her copy of the 'RT' in case I can't get one, but she read out a part of it, and as far as I can recollect, it goes as follows:
""Sunday's 'True Spies' is especially fascinating on account of the
number of men who have acted as infiltrators for MI5 and who have been persuaded by the programme's producer Peter Day to be interviewed by him about it. One such is 'Steve' who infiltrated the National Front which attracted a lot of intelligence service surveillance during the 1970s. 'Steve' had 'Chris' as his controller. 'Steve' had to endure losing a lot of his friends who thought he had turned into a Nazi. As it happens, 'Steve' is
gay and there were a surprising number of gay members in the NF. He produced a lot of information via 'pillow talk' which he passed back to 'Chris'. The programme also details the surveillance of Arthur Scargill, the miners' leader . . . "
"From the above, added to the information already circulated, I think we must deduce that the 'Steve' in the above item is Peter Marriner.
"It is interesting that the review specifies the NF has 'Steve's'
target for infiltration since, to the best of my recollection, he spent the largest part of that decade in the British Movement as adviser and third in command when Colin Jordan was its leader, and then adviser and second in command when Mike McLaughlin was leader. He only came into the NF once BM had broken up, which was circa 1978/79. His area of activity and contact
was more-or-less confined to Birmingham and the West Midlands. Perhaps "the NF" was specified in this review since the NF was and is far better known than the British Movement and its name will "ring more of a bell" with 'RT' readers than that of the BM.
"Anyway, it would appear that Wayne Ashcroft's identification from the preview clip was correct.
[The British Movement actually continued into the early 1980s, and was later relaunched by what was known by the 1984 Committee. The author must have known this. Maybe a BM, or ex-BM member can confirm that?].
On Sunday the 3rd of November the BBC2 programme True Spies aired at
From the FC e-zine # 2066, 4th November 2002:
Last night's True Spies was everything it promised to be. Smears,
cobbled together stories about cranks on the fringes of Nationalism - with no opportunity for any Nationalist to reply; followed by a half-decent documentary on the infiltration of leftist groups, with regular opinions from the leftists themselves to put things in perspective ['I'm not surprised', or 'what a terrible thing in a democracy' etc.].
One would have thought that the then leader of the National Front, John Tyndall, would have been approached for his thoughts. Of course, the truth is that he could have blown the programmes inaccuracies, lies and general muddying of the waters into stark relief. The programmes whole premise on the 'far right' would not have held up for one second!
What this proves, again for the umpteenth time, is that the
establishment and the media fear Nationalism more than they fear the myriad of Socialist and Communist groups, including the Anti Nazi League, then led by the now government minister Peter Hain - how radical!
One interesting part of the programme was when an official of the NUM [National Union of Mineworkers] went to Libya to meet Colonel Gaddaffy. Of course the programme repeated the usual plethora of scare stories about the IRA and armed struggle. The programme did not let on that Colonel Gaddaffy, and his officials, have in fact met people from right across the political spectrum - including Communists, Ulster Loyalists, Racial Nationalists from Canada and England [inc the NF], anti-Zionists etc. etc. Of course, Jorg Haider had a special meeting with Gaddaffy at which a trade was agreed in order to get cheaper fuel for Austrians! Is Haider then some kind of terrorist? To equate one such meeting between the NUM and Gaddaffy with the IRA is really not fair on the NUM, and the programme makers must have known this.
The centre-stage of the first third or so of the programme belonged to 'Steve'; in actual fact the faggot Peter Marriner who was once arrested for his homosexual activities in a public toilet [see FC magazine #7 for full details on Marriner's background].
What is interesting is that Marriner's role in more recent politics
[viz his role in getting Choice organisation left to a coterie of
homosexuals - see FC e-zine #2065] wasn't mentioned at all.
FC had exposed Marriner's role in the Birmingham National Front circa 1994. His red and police background had been exposed when he appeared in the NF in the early 80s by Colin Jordan's Gothic Ripples and John Tyndall's Spearhead journals. Are we really to believe those taking over Choice had no idea of this degenerate pervert's background?
Was this another State sting? To get an outspoken Christian grouplet handed onto a bunch of homosexuals, the chief of which even the current BNP leader recently denounced as a "sad old queen" in an attempt to divert attention away from their own watering down of their stance on homosexuality.
All we can repeat is that this must teach Nationalists that the
homosexual crowd must be avoided like the plague! A particularly unsavoury part of the programme was when Marriner's Special Branch handler [on behalf of MI5] said that Marriner was given the 'green light' for targeting young Nationalists, in order to bugger them and then get pillow talk -- the uncharitable might in fact label it 'pillow bighting talk'.
This doesn't reflect well on what some members of the circles of 'sad old queens' might have used the NF for - nor on the secret state who encouraged buggery for their own ends!
That people were taken in by Marriner in the 70s and even later because they didn't know the score is terrible enough, if understandable. The fact that Marriner was allowed a pivotal role in certain 'nationalist' circles as recently as a year or two ago - when his red, homosexual and police histories were known - is inexcusable.
Look out for all manner of 'excuses' doing the rounds - throwing dirt on other people and all the rest of it by Marriner related people.
Those at fault here are those who let gaggles of queers stay in the NF and other organisations, and those who still think people like Marriner who engage in all manner of nefarious activities of a sexual nature, still have a role to play. Those who still believe that need to face the same kind of brick wall as the homosexual apologists.
We will not change our beliefs, even if the system makes 'homophobia' - in truth the holding of widespread, patently true and provable truths - 'illegal'.
Learn the lessons people!
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:01 am
Categories: Media, MI5, Nationalism, NF, Peter Marriner, Police
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Two New Criminals: What a Waste of the Court-System!
So a couple running a bed & breakfast have lost a court case brought by two sodomites, because the b&b owners wouldn't let the buggers stay in a double room.
Right: Peter and Hazelmary Bull with supporters. Hardly the image of hate! How happy are you that time and money is wasted dragging such law-abiding normal people through the courts, as Britain descends into amoral and violent chaos?
Years ago we used to moan about 'Blair's Bolshevik Britain' because of all the restrictive laws that he passed, and the time wasted on passing laws to favour the sodomites and other degenerates.
If you are a genuine Christian in this land, and that includes being opposed to sodomites and the promotion of their death-style and immoral creed, then you cannot be a social worker, a "relationship" counsellor, open an adoption agency, or run a hotel or bed & breakfast.
Or rather you can: but only if you agree to their Bolshevik-laws, i.e. you have to promote homosexuality too.
If you don't some degenerate sodomites will crawl out from under their stone to take you to court: backed by some sodomite "charity" or, as in this case, the government's own Equality and Human Rights Commission.
We are free to shake our chains.
And if you speak against it on the radio or at a public event, the police will knock at your door (yes, this is well documented), even if faggots beat you up in a public place for promoting Christianity, it is likely that you will be arrested if the queers claim you were being "homophobic" (regardless of the facts - in a Poof version of the ultra-pc MacPherson Report guidelines)
Cameron has replaced Blair. Blue has replaced Red. But little else has changed. The rot continues.
The onward march of degeneracy, sodomites, their paedophilic agenda (promoting buggery to school children via "charities") continues.
Don't accept it!
Speak out against it. In patriotic circles, on nationalist forums, in your local Church, to work colleagues or wherever else you can let others know that they are not alone in finding the governments obsequious fawning to the sodomite death-style totally repugnant.
They can close down the adoption agencies. They can ban the bed and breakfasts. They can arrest the street preachers. They can bring the Stasi dawn knock-at-the-door to those who speak out. They can pass their laws, and use State agencies to spread fear; but as long as one brave soul will speak the Truth, they can never stifle it.
And there are many of us left!
The fight for freedom is underway, do not be cowed by the bullies. We have the Truth on our side, and 'the Truth will set you free!'
BBC story (typically pro-poof)
Couple Claim they were Set-up
Posted by
Final Conflict
8:27 pm
Categories: Crime, Government, Homosexuality, Police
Thursday, 19 August 2010
What War on Drugs?
This week yet another boffin "expert" has said that we should decriminalise drugs which are currently illegal, such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin.
The media reported it as "the war on drugs" failing.
What war on drugs?
Drugs are endemic in our society and while our beloved government (c'mon guys I'm being ironic) wastes billions in needless foreign Zionist wars, and trillions on the banking-debt swindle, the pushers are out there wrecking our nations, communities, families and individual lives.
Drugs not only wreck those who take them, they result in a plethora of crimes including theft, burglary, violence etc.
So whilst politicians waffle on about protecting our people from 'terrorists' on the streets it is organised crime and scum that ruin whole communities.
Where is the war on drugs?
They know who the pushers are, they know where the gangs hang out.
Let's have some zero tolerance. The army would do more good patrolling South London than patrolling Helmand.
I don't believe in a police state, but if we want to crack down on the pushers and eradicate heroin and the like - then we should show the drugs gangs, importers and pushers no mercy!
In a war you kill the enemy until the remnant surrenders or gives up.
So where is this war on drugs?
We should start by bringing back capital punishment for the dealers. No tolerance.
Sweep pubs, clubs, workplaces (including parliament!) with sniffer dogs.
Random drugs tests in all positions of responsibility (police, army, councils, schools etc.).
If the liberal elite, degenerate snorters and vested interests want to claim the "war on drugs" has failed then let's have a real war on drugs.
Let's shut down the peddlers of death, run the gangs that pollute the cities and towns off the streets, and clamp down on all drug use -- whilst showing real compassion to the victims of the peddlers.
We need a Crusade Against Drugs.
Real terror and fear for the pushers and importers, tempered by real compassion and help for the victims.
If we want to clean up our society this is the only way.
Decriminalising illegal drugs will only create more junkies, kill more people, ruin more lives.
It may make the lives of policemen and officials easier, but is that why we create laws? To justify liberal intelligentsia or clear the in-trays of chief constables (so they can catch more mums doing 34mph in a 30mph zone)?
No-one wants to give the State -- especially this State -- any extra powers, but if we are to beat drugs then we must take action!
I would be happy to see a whole range of other needless laws overturned, and the targeting of normal. law-abiding, people just to raise money or make it look like they are catching criminals stop.
Ending the drug endemic would stop a huge proportion of crime anyway.
But there you go!
The politicians would rather waste money on Zionist wars, and usury-banksters, and waste government time tinkering around the edges, passing laws for faggots, blethering about global warming etc. etc.
All the while real problems (like immigration and drugs) wreck communities in formerly proud communities in regions as diverse as Glasgow, South Wales, East London, Notts, Manchester and so on.
Rome is burning.
Should we get out our fiddles? Or call the fire brigade?
At the moment parliament is full of Neros.
'Twas ever thus.
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:08 pm