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Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Israel Attack Peace Ship Delivering Sewage Pipes

BREAKING NEWS: Israel's Attack on Humanitarian Ship to Gaza.
Updated Report

By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, May 16, 2011

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) carrying a humanitarian cargo to Gaza was attacked by an Israeli naval patrol within the so-called Palestinian Security Zone on May 15, at 10.54pm EDT.

In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the Rachel Corrie vessel en route to Gaza. What is provided below is a detailed update. An earlier article was posted at 12.30am EDT

The vessel left the Greek Port of Piraeus, on Wednesday, May 11. The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.

Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is a partner in this endeavor. Global Research`s Julie Lévesque is on board the Rachel Corrie:

The cargo ship The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) is carrying 7.5 kilometers of UPVC (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza. The ship was named after the courageous American activist who was crushed and killed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003 while trying to prevent the demolition of another Palestinian home. She died at 23. ( Perdana's Second Press Release, Nakba and the Spirit of Rachel Corrie: Humanitarian Ship Attacked by Israel now within 1.5 nautical miles of Gazan Waters Global Research, May 16, 2011)

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie entered Gazan waters without being detected.

The Israeli navy with its radar equipment and advanced communications technology was unaware of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission.

They were unprepared. They had received no prior information of the Rachel Corrie Mission, which had been planned for several months, scheduled to arrive off the coast of Gaza on the day of the "Nakba" commemoration.

Ironically, Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency was unaware of this mission. The Israeli navy vessels acted in an improvised fashion, without prior knowledge or intelligence. There was no indication that they had received precise instructions from the Israeli government.

At the time of the attack, the passengers on board were under the impression that the ship was still in international waters, when in fact is was one mile inside the "Palestinian Security zone", namely in Gaza territorial waters, within a short distance of the Gaza coastline. This was an important accomplishment.

Indicated below is the initial report sent to Global Research by text message:

At 10.54 pm Eastern Time (EDT), the Spirit of Rachel Corrie was intercepted by an Israeli ship and a Egyptian ship in international waters [correction: within Gaza Territorial waters]

10:54pm EDT, Gaza 5:54am: We have been intercepted by Israeli ship and Egyptian ship. We are disobeying the orders and sailing ahead to Gaza.

10:57pm EDT, Gaza 5:57am: One Israeli warship coming to us very fast! We are in international waters, therefore they have no right to attack us. We are still sailing ahead.

10:59pm EDT, Gaza 5:59am: They are opening fire across our ship! We are still sailing ahead.

11:09pm EDT, Gaza 6:09am: They are shooting all over the place. We can't continue ...

11:35pm EDT, Gaza 6:35am: They circled our ship twice and fired across our ship. Machine guns. No one was injured. One of the fishing nets caught the propeller, so we can't move now.

11:37pm EDT, Gaza 6:37am: The Israeli ship was coming from one end and the Egyptian ship was coming from another end. Firing. We are just stalled now. Everybody is okay. No one is injured.

Two Israeli naval vessels initially launched a "warning attack" on the Rachel Corrie, indicating that if the ship did not change course, they would shoot at the crew and the passengers. One of the passengers was almost killed as a result of the attacks. (See Bernama, May 16, 2011)

The following exchange took place between the Israeli navy and the ship as reported by the Free Malaysia Today journalist on board the Spirit of Rachel Corrie:

"Israeli army: This is a warning shot. Turn around.
Captain Jalil Mansor: We are unarmed civilians on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.

Israeli army:
This is a closed military zone. It’s a violation. Turn around.
Mansor: We will continue (the mission).
The Israelis then headed to the back of the aid vessel and released a second warning shot into the air.
Graham: This is a violation (of international law). We are on a peaceful mission and unarmed.
Israeli army: Turn around. We will fire again.

You are firing towards unarmed civilians.
Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards unarmed civilians.
Graham: Looks like firing towards us.
Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards you. That is only a warning shot.
Following that conversation, the Israeli army fired two more shots and threatened: “Next time, we will land on your ship.”
Then the Egyptian navy was heard telling the Israelis on the radio: “Stop firing. They are in Egyptian waters.”
Upon realising the presence of Egyptian naval forces, the Israelis departed." (Free Malaysia Today, May 16, 2011)

The Egyptian navy guard was initially unaware of what was occurring. The Israeli navy contacted the Egyptian navy and initially got no response.

Our earlier report (filed at 12.30am) following communication with the ship shortly after midnight (March 16) pointed to cooperation between the Israeli navy and their Egyptian counterparts. While there was cooperation, the Egyptians played a supportive role, which served to appeasing the Israeli attacks as well as escorting the Spirit of Rachel Corrie into Egyptian territorial waters.

The Israeli Navy had contacted the Spirit of Rachel Corrie. They were informed regarding the nature of the cargo and that the crew and passengers were unarmed civilians.

The warning attack was aggressive using automatic weapons. Two Israeli naval patrol boats armed with machine guns were deployed. The Israelis also opened fire on a Palestinian fishing boat which was within Gazan territorial waters.

Following the initial "warning attack" they ordered the Spirit of Rachel Corrie to turn back. "Turn around or we'll shoot". However, once the ship changed course as demanded by the Israeli commando, they continued firing on the ship: "They started shooting to kill"

The Egyptian navy ship while communicating with the Israeli Navy was instrumental in escorting the ship to safe haven. The crew of the Egyptian ship was supportive in ensuring the safety of the crew and passengers of the humanitarian vessel.

There was communication between the Israeli and Egyptian ships and the Israeli's "thanked" the Egyptian ship for having intervened.

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie, its crew and passengers are now in Egyptian territorial water, anchored off the Egyptian port of Al Arish, within a short distance of Gaza territorial waters.

It is essential at this stage to mobilize Worldwide in support for the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, break the blockade, open up Gazan territorial waters to aid and trade and also use this opportunity to open the land border between Egypt and Gaza.

The humanitarian convoy is of significance in the process of rehabilitation of Gaza's public health infrastructure including its sewage system which was partially destroyed by Israeli bombings under Operation Cast Lead:

On 27 December 2008, the Israeli military launched Operation Cast Lead, which not only killed some 1400 Palestinians, but also destroyed vital infrastructure leaving the Gazans with critical water and sewage problems. Repair of the infrastructure has proved impossible as Israel has prevented the entry of construction materials and fuel to resolve this dire situation.

According to a report from the Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH), "the release of 80 million litres of untreated or partially treated sewage into the environment and Mediterranean Sea each day is primarily a result of the Israeli imposed blockade on the Gaza Strip."

Gaza, one of the world's most densely populated areas, is currently dealing with serious health issues such as the blue baby syndrome, diarrhea and other waterborne diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A. The World Health Organization is warning of a possible cholera epidemic if nothing is done rapidly to resolve this sanitation crisis.

According to Physicians for Human Rights-Israel: "Between 90% and 95% of the aquifers in the Gaza Strip are not safe for drinking." The primary cause of the current problem originates from the destruction, during Operation Cast Lead, of "20 kilometers of water pipes, 7.5 kilometers of sewage pipes and 5,700 mobile water tanks".

While the Gazans are experiencing the dramatic environmental impacts of the sewage and water crisis, the effects have already reached the Israeli shores, and could spread further affecting neighbouring countries. This severe health and environmental issue needs to be dealt with urgently. The international community must demand that the illegal Israeli blockade be lifted.

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission stemmed from PGFP's participation in the Freedom Flotilla in 2010, in which 9 activists were killed by Israeli commandos. Following a fact finding mission conducted in Gaza in October 2010, PGPF decided to continue its efforts to assist Palestinians and shows this project as the most immediate of all priorities. See Perdana's Second Press Release, Nakba and the Spirit of Rachel Corrie: Humanitarian Ship Attacked by Israel now within 1.5 nautical miles of Gazan Waters0777 646 2379, Global Research, May 16, 2011)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Collateral Murder - Coming Soon to Libya

Panorama, Newsnight and the entire BBC machinery has been acting as the mouth of the Libyan rebels. Every (uncensored) report from Tripoli almost invariably has the words "cannot be independently verified" tagged on, whereas reports from rebel areas (even tenuous, speculative ones, have no such tag line).

On last night's Newsnight a spokesman for the Libyan rebels all but called for US/NATO military action, on their side of course, and if civilians died - so be it, if it helped them win their civil war, their armed insurrection.

Thus we see the "humanitarian" cloak used (as Farrakhan said) to disguise their nefarious aims, is quickly tossed aside when it comes to killing civilians loyal to the Libyan government or in their areas!

Of course the elephant in the room is that armed rebels in civilian clothing are "civilians" too - even though they are in armed insurrection, no doubt helped by the CIA/Mossad.

So, as very few British MPs and media voices have the courage to state, we are joining a Civil War on one side. The crimes of that side will be airbrushed and the crimes of the other side (if you'll pardon the pun) will be blown out of all proportion.

'Mission Creep' is already taking place. There's talk of arresting Gaddafi, "taking out" Gaddafi, assaulting towns held by the Libyan government and their supporters (with how many civilian victims?) to help the rebels...

Killing innocents comes easy to the Zionists, and always will to achieve their ends. They are just numbers.

Human lives, civilian deaths, collateral damage -- however you want to label murder of innocents -- only matter when the Zionists want in somewhere. Then civilians murders are a crime against humanity. Oh the tears flow!

Yet when hundreds of thousands die in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza - not to mention the million or so dead in Rwanda - it matters not a jot to the Zionists. Indeed, in some (most!) cases they are the ones doing the indiscriminate murder.

When Israel invaded Lebanon (a sovereign nation) many innocents died and UN checkpoints were attacked. There was no UN Resolution, no no-fly zone, no talk of war crimes.

When Gaza had democracy and voted in Hamas (as was their right), Israel enacted an illegal blockade. Where then was the humanitarian concern of the Americans?

Watch the following video. It shows the Americans in action, committing a war crime. Killing civilians. The man who leaked this video is being abused in an American military stockade.

Where is America's love of freedom, that they wanted this video hushed up?

What happened in Iraq could well happen in Libya if the various War Hawks, Neo Cons and Zionists have their way (including the British government's Defence Secretary). It's what the 'rebels' (who are leading the BBC by the nose, so must be part of a MI6 agenda) want, in order to get their way, and change the government of Libya by hook or by crook.

The talk of humanitarian aims, helping civilians etc. is all hogwash.

Watch the video from Iraq. A man walking down the street with a weapon (lets call him a "rebel") walks into a building. The American gunship then gets the all-clear from their own Command to attack the building, to blow it up (with everyone inside it).

If the rebel were a Libyan rebel and the helicopter were a Libyan government one, this would be shown on Newsnight as proof of war crimes, and as an excuse to get NATO troops on the ground to protect civilians (even the ones carrying weapons).

Why therefore, is it not a criminal act when the Americans do it? Because they are following Zionist war aims? Because they can veto the UN Security Council?

Is this any way to get neutral unbiased justice in the world? Or a neutral unbiased military response backed by the UN?

If NATO/US forces get even more embroiled in Libya, we will see more of this kind of action, more civilian deaths, the Civil War will escalate.

All to a back-drop of billions spent on weaponry at a time when all the Western states are close to bust and poverty in America, for example, is rampant! Kerching.

Yet because that seems to be a Zionist goal, we are all meant to sit back and clap politely when a Libyan rebel leader calls for more "collateral damage" to achieve his aims. Doesn't it kind of remind you of the Iraqi rebel nutters who were calling for war and promising they'd find the sites of the WMDs? Beware war propaganda using useful idiots.

Welcome to the New World Order. Killing is their business, and business is good.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

American Zionist Hypocrites: the Dissatisfied Will Rise in the USA too

Now the usual suspects will screech about this video appearing on this site.


Listen to his words.

If only we had a White, Christian leader like this, instead of weasels and hypocrites too afraid to upset the Israeli Lobby and their compliant media.

We may not agree with everything Farrakhan stands for (though we should learn to respect Black Separatists -- I would always prefer them to integrationist coconuts who want to join the BNP and be "proud Brits"), but he speaks a lot of sense.

When Americans rebel against their government, will the slugs in Washington DC back down, declare a cease fire and give the rebels their own land, where they can keep their arms and run their own affairs? Or will they do another Waco, Ruby Ridge etc.?

Farrakhan is right to point out America's hypocrisy over Gaza and Lebanon.

Sadly at the time those conflicts were happening, leading BNPers were supporting Israel!

Shame on them.

I would rather listen to Farrakhan than the Kosher words of a White traitor selling out for Zionist shekels any day of the week.

I believe most White Separatists, Nationalists and Patriots would too. We have our differences, sure. But his racial separatism and his anti-Zionism means he talks a lot of sense. It's a shame he's a Muslim... but you can't have everything handed to you on a plate!

Just as with David Duke, the man himself may have his shortfalls, we may even disagree on certain things, but when a message is powerful and correct, we have a duty to listen and tell others.

Criminal Conspiracy lead to Zionist War Crimes

A Democrat Representative in America has called Obama's role in the attacks on Libya an "impeachable offence"

Rep Kucinich Calls for Impeachment

Right: How the media works

Meanwhile we have to ask if Israel were bombed after a gung-ho campaign by a pro-Muslim country with a pro-Muslim War Hawk for defence secretary (and a supportive Muslim opposition leader), backed up by a country all but run by Muslims that Vetoes all and any anti-Muslim UN resolutions, with the military attacks led by a country with a Muslim leader who was persuaded to seek military action by a Muslim "philosopher" to support rebels inside the country (who are still an unknown commodity), wouldn't all non-Muslims sit up and ask questions?

Wouldn't we as patriots smell a rat, that our military were risking their lives, that our tax-payers are paying for missiles costing £800,000 each, and for sorties that cost goodness knows what in fuel - all for a "Muslim conspiracy" to attack Israel?

Wouldn't Zionists, the Israeli Lobby and any pro-Zionist newspapers call it what it would be: a Muslim Conspiracy to attack an "anti-Muslim" state?

Now instead of Israel insert the name Libya, and instead of Muslim insert the word Zionist.

  • Britain is run by Zionists (all the main parties are pro-Israel), with key Jewish-Zionist placemen cheering it on (e.g. Rifkind), and War Hawk gentile Neo Cons (e.g. Liam Fox) pushing it through, supported by the Labour leader (Miliband) the son of Marxist Jews who played the Holocaust-card in backing the air strikes (yet not to rescue the peoples of Gaza, Lebanon or Rwanda).
  • America is Zionist through and through (and blocks anti-Israel Resolutions). US policy is Israeli policy, because the Israeli Lobby runs American politics and the American media.
  • France is led by a Zionist-Jew (Sarkozy), who was pushed to war by a typical apologist for Israeli policy (Bernard-Henri Levy).

These same people left the people of Gaza cut-off from the world, invaded and bombarded for daring to practice democracy in a wilful and illegal act of collective responsibilty and collective punishment.

These same people stood aside when Lebanon was illegally invaded, even with UN outposts attacked by a Zionist war-mongering regime totally out of control.

Will anyone dare to call a spade a spade? Or will moral cowardice reign supreme as per usual?

Monday, 21 March 2011

Israeli Air Strikes: What Response From the Hypocrite Cameron?

Israelis have bombed a cement factory.

Rebels in Gaza want democracy - they want the freedom to vote for and support Hamas, not some Israeli puppet.

Apparently the UK, France and the USA are to hit back at Israel with Tomahawk and Cruise Missiles as a new No Fly Zone is being implemented... News in that the Israeli PM's home has been struck by an 'Allied' Missile.

Not really.

That's because our politicians are hypocrites in the pockets of the Zionists.

Israel launch air strikes

Zionist Warmongers Who Ignored Gaza, Lebanon, Saudis and Rwanda

Today in parliament David Miliband, the son of Jewish Communists, said that it was part of "our" (?) tradition not to pass by on the other side.


Tell that to the people of Gaza. Or of Lebanon. Or of Rwanda. Or of Zimbabwe. Or of Bahrain. Or of Yemen.

It seems that "we" are very good at walking by on the other side, specifically when involvement would upset the Neo Cons.

But why worry about hypocrisy? Blair and his Neo Con war machine is alive and well in Westminster.

After all, this government like so many others will always find money for the financiers and the arms trade. Not so for schools, libraries, old peoples' homes etc.

They know who butters their bread.

And remember when they say it is all about "democracy" -- tell that to the people of Gaza. They voted for Hamas in a democratic election and got bombed and invaded.

It has never been about "democracy" nor civilian murders (if it was they would have invaded Saudi Arabia and Rwanda).

It is, always has been and always will be what the Neo Cons, Zionists and other warmongers want.

Neo Cons Want Regime Change

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Americans and British Don't Call for No Fly Zone Over Israel

America and Britain have called for a no-fly zone in a country where military planes have allegedly been used against innocent civilians.

It would mean shooting down the country's planes.

One American source said the country's anti-aircraft batteries would have to be destroyed.


Hang on.

The country that has used its planes to bomb innocent civilians, including using illegal white phosphorous bombs, isn't Libya, it's Israel.


Hear that?

It's silence.

The tumbleweed rolls on through.

Silence from America and Britain: the kingpins of humbug.

There's no "no fly zone" over Israel despite the horrors unleashed by the bandit state, from the murder of sunbathing American servicemen on the USS Liberty to the indiscriminate murder of Palestinians for daring to vote in Hamas (that damn democracy!).

No fly zone for Libya? No fly zone for Israel? If the former why not the latter?

To ask the question is to be screeched at.

Oooh you anti-Semite! What are you? Some sort of Christian Dior designer?

Friday, 11 February 2011

Mubarak and Egypt: What the Spooks Will be Thinking

Mubarak has resigned and the Egyptian Army, bankrolled by the USA, is in charge.

Will Egypt become a "democracy" or will other events come to pass?

The biggest question of all: will Egypt put the desires and needs of Egyptians first - or will it continue to kowtow to America and Israel?

That is what certain people in Tel Aviv, New York and Westminster will be most interested in.

When the Palestinians voted in Hamas, the likes of Israel and her allies took action. They started a civil war and blockaded the Palestinian areas.

You see, dear reader, it's not about democracy (like wot they told us in Iraq and Afghany) because if it was they wouldn't have backed Mubarak for 30 years.

It's about who supports Israel and what is in the Zionists' best interests. Always has been, always will be.

There will be a lot of jittery people in the Unholy Triumvirate of Tel Aviv, New York and Westminster, just as there will be a lot of spooks on the streets and behind the scenes in Egypt.

Their prime concern: Egyptian policy towards Israel. Simple as guvnor.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Ich bin ein Palestinian

The Berlin Wall was 154km long.
The West Bank Wall is 700km long.

Where is the outcry?

The Berlin Wall was up to 3.6m high.
The West Bank Wall is up to 8m high

Where is the outcry?

The American President decried the Berlin Wall.

The Americans airlifted aid to those cut off by the Berlin Wall.

Where is the outcry over those cut off by the West Bank Wall? Where is the American airlift?

And let's not forget those cut off by the illegal Gaza Strip blockade by Israel.

JFK declared that we were all Berliners in the face of Communist tyranny that sought to block off human beings against international law.

Why doesn't Obama declare that we are all Palestinians in the face of Zionist tyranny that seeks to block off human beings against international law?

Why does Israel get carte blanche to break so many international laws on invasions, acts of war, illegal nukes, mass imprisonment, mass expulsions, land-grabs and so much more?

To ask the question is to answer it.

Publicise the Illegal West Bank Wall

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Who Posts on Wikipedia

About 200 Israelis are active Wikipedians -- people who contribute and edit entries related to Israel several times a week. Israel has the world's highest per capita amount of Wikipedia users.

Jewish Telegraph on Wikipedia

Friday, 23 October 2009

Nick Griffin on Question Time: The Good & The Bad (and the Ugly - Jack Straw).

Anyone want to respond to Nick Griffin on Question Time?

Best Bit:

When he attacked the needless [Zionist] War in Iraq. he took a solidly nationalist (and anti-Zionist!) line and actually sounded sincere and full of righteous anger. He stated that Jack Straw had the blood of 800,000 Muslims on his hands...

Worst Bit:

When he stated that the BNP was the only party that stood full square behind Israel in the recent 'Gaza conflict.' He sounded like a Zionist pimp and what's more it contradicted the stance on the Iraq war which dripped with natural justice, dripping rather with insincere Zionist extremism.

No doubt others will have their favourite bits!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Miliband: Hamas Criminals -but Israel ALLEGED Criminals

On Panorama, Friday 16th August, David Miliband (for it was he) said that the UK government must look into the "problems of Gaza" and that they would deal with the issues of 'Hamas crimes and alleged Israeli crimes' [my italics].

He says he's not being mealy mouthed, yet someone who publicly casts doubt on Israel's war crimes yet states the Hamas actions were criminal without the blink of an eye, is spiting in the face of the independent UN enquiry.

Anyone who wonders about the impartiality of our government needs to think again.

Our soldiers are being sent into war by Zionists who take no action at all about Israeli war crimes and illegally held Israeli nuclear weapons.

If a Muslim country held illegal nukes and was involved in large scale war crimes against its occupied territories or neighbours do you think America/Britain would defend that nation at the UN?

Think again.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Miliband Ignores UN Report on Israeli War Crimes

The UN, in an impartial independent review, has said that Israel is guilty of war crimes.

One of the Miliband brothers (David, the Foreign Secretary) was on the box the other night and when asked what the UK intended to do about the war criminals, he had a reply that would have had Sir Humphrey blushing with shame.

Miliband said we needed to have an independent report into the allegations.


A "report into the report."

And when that comes out -- can we have a report into the report about the report? And so on ad nauseum?

Mr. Miliband may think it's OK to kill time as more Palestinians die (the Gaza is still cut off by Israeli troops) and no doubt his Jewish Communist mega-rich parents would admire his chutzpah.

After all we can all remember when UN reports on Iraq were ignored... erm...

Miliband (version 1 and/or 2) may think it acceptable to filibuster as men, women and children die, or whilst war criminals slip away (whatever happened to "Never Again"?) but as he is elected to his post, we should --all of us who believe in natural justice-- ensure that our government responds with justified anger to the role of war criminals in a highly disproportionate attack on a tiny strip of land filled with civilians, let alone the blockade of Gaza that has been going on for years.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Israeli Soldiers Carried Black Magic Texts And Were Exhorted to be Cruel

Monday night's Panorama (still available to view on i-player), had an interesting report about the Israeli Army when it stormed the Gaza Strip.

Regular FC readers will remember that war crime was heaped upon war crime as the American-armed Israelis smashed into the small enclave which had been encircled for months beforehand, cut off from the most basic supplies and humanitarian aid.

Newsnight shows footage of Israeli Army Rabbis and interviews Israeli soldiers and shows how the Rabbis exhorted the soldiers to be cruel and that they were fighting all Arabs - even "Israeli Arabs" - and that soldiers were given Kabbalah (that is Jewish black magic) texts by these Rabbis, before being unleashed in a hellish fury on innocent men, women and children.

Watch the Panorama while you can... it is a fascinating piece which shows how the Israeli Army and its rabbis promotes an utter hatred of all things gentile.

This explains the war crimes in Gaza, and how the Israeli Army has carried out atrocities and war crimes in the Lebanon, and even why they machine gun Churches and even Christian statues in Palestine.

Those plastic patriots who support Israel need to think again.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Diplomat Arrested For Rant Against Israel

Is losing your temper at a great injustice a "crime?"

It seems it is in Bolshevik Britain:

Diplomat Arrested Over Anti-Semitic Rant

Is he a long lost relative of our very own Ranting Ron?

With this and the furore over Bishop Williamson and the DEC Gaza Appeal blocked on the BBC: it seems that the only crime in this world is to do anything that might harm Israel!


Who at the back of room shouted conspiracy?

Friday, 30 January 2009

What a Difference a Week Makes!


How different this week's (BBC1) Question Time was to last week's when it came to discussing Israel/Palestine and the War against Gaza.

Right: Watching and listening to the BBC's stance on the Gaza charity appeal video, and its response to criticism, has been akin to wincing your way through a badly made trashy B movie. The "plot" is so obvious as to be positively opaque! And the "baddies" out to spoil the fund-raising to alleviate the suffering are such obvious stereotypes of evil personified!

Last week's was in Manchester and there was a disproportionate (sounds familiar...) number of Jewish Zionists in the audience who shouted down any other audience or indeed panel members who dared to even faintly criticise Israel.

This week's programme was in Fort William a quite well-to-do and "touristy" town in the Scottish Highlands.

The audience could be seen to be almost 99% White and Scottish. And it would be fair to say that 90 - 95% of the audience took a sympathetic line on Palestine/Gaza and were critical of the BBC's obviously cowardly decision on the Gaza Appeal Video, so as not to upset the Zionist Lobby and loud-trouser wearing ignorant Americans.

It just goes to show that "normal" people feel angry about the way the BBC has handled this fiasco, and that a loud minority of Zionists (happy to see war crimes committed) have held sway over the BBC.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Poll of the Week: Response to Israel's War Crimes

After the Onslaught in Gaza, Should Israel:

Face War Crimes Trials?
20 (71%)
Have Import/Export Bans?
10 (35%)
(and its supporters) Be Boycotted
10 (35%)
Pay Reparations for the Murders and Destruction?
12 (42%)
& Nick Griffin Get Our Full Support
1 (3%)
Enough Already! More Holocaust Films on TV!
3 (10%)

An interesting response. Clearly the feeling that Israel should face war crimes trials is quite strong amongst our readers.

It's nice to see Lee Barnes took the time to vote too.

Almost half those who voted also thought that Israel should pay reparations. As the foremost "squeezer" of reparations from countries, businesses and banks - including Axis and neutral powers in WW2! - it would be most satisfying to see Israel pay back for all the land they've stolen and all the suffering they have inflicted.

With Israel blockading gaza because it dared to choose it's own government, might a blockade of Israel be in order because of the actions of their government? Is that how it works in international law?

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The New Statesman Caves In & Surrenders

Read this fantastic blog post:

Palestine, Pilger, Kosher Conspiracy

With the BBC News at Ten reporting on Bishop Williamson's revisionism and Israel cutting ties with the Vatican, can anyone think any of this is pure "chance."

We have to wake up from our slumber and see the bigger picture.

The events in Gaza were planned months in advance. They stopped as Obama got into office.

Israel released the "revisionist" TV tape as the Pope moved to mend bridges with "traditionalists."

Pilger is shown the door after publishing perhaps the most incisive and brave material on Israel seen in the mainstream press.

Chance? Happy coincidence?

Think on buddy!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Unseen Gaza Documentary Exposes Israeli Media Conspiracy

The following show is worth a watch.

It shows how the Israelis isolated Gaza and kept the truth from the viewing public in an effort to manipulate the news:

If this link gets taken down, just search u tube under 'dispatches unseen gaza'

Or go to Channel 4 Watch Online and in the Free catch-Up section use the drop down menu to find Dispatches: Unseen Gaza.

It is a very interesting film which shows how agencies like Reuters water-down the news and spoon feed it to the media; it shows how the Israeli state machinery was entirely tilted towards control the news output; and it shows how weak the Western coverage, of what were war crimes, was.

The Israelis were involved in a massive conspiracy.

They conspired to control and influence the news output. They conspired to take out Arab and non-Arab journalists in Gaza. But the saddest point of it all is how the BBC and others caved in, in a most craven fashion.

And as an after thought, despite obeying Israeli guidelines and covering-up the worst excesses of Israeli war crimes, look at how a Jewish family in England think the BBC is "biased" over a matter of semantics, whilst the Arab bodies pile up!

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