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Showing posts with label Usury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Usury. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 July 2012

London 2012 Olympics: Beanfest for Multi-National Big Businesses

They get billions of tax pounds
The Olympics is coming to town.

The global elite and big business mafias are running the show. They have special traffic lanes so not to mix with us plebs. They grab the best seats whilst idiots seeking the bread and circus excitement scrabble for tickets. They tell us what we can wear and eat in their Olympic zone.

Meanwhile small businesses, such as bakers and newsagents, are prevented from mentioning the Olympics - even those excited by it and seeking to promote it -for fear of feeling the mailed fist in the velvet glove that the multi-national tax-dodging overlords will bring down on their heads.

Then we come to the "Power of Nightmares." The elites put missiles around London, even on residential buildings. Yet the people they chose to run the 'secutity' couldn't run a "knees up" in a brewery. So in the end we have the government paying soldiers to do what the government already paid G4S to do. It has a pale reflection of the banking crisis about it: multi-nationals fail and the tax-payer is on hand to bail them out!

And on that score why is it the government can find billions of our tax-money to put on a bean-fest for the mega-rich and the elites (with their useful idiots cheering on), whilst throwing people on the dole? The Masonic crew that run the State always find billions to help out their fellow mega-rich, Masonic, internationalist mates.

If you're a nurse in a state/council run nursing home, cleaning up crap for a living on little more than the minimum wage, then you live in fear of cuts. But if you are the boss of a multi-national, tax-dodging, multi-billion pound bank or Olympic-sponsoring big business (with no real loyalty to Britain) then the state will always find billions to help you out!

The cleaners who tidy up the offices of top politicians recently asked for a living wage. They are not alone. People are struggling to pay utility bills, food bills, mortgages... MPs aren't struggling. Nor are the top bankers, QCs, police chiefs and the rest of people who run the show and keep us in our place.

It's time the political class sided with the people and bailed us out, instead of constantly siding with internationalist big businesses who often syphon funds through offshore accounts and who demand cheap wage-slaves come in from the Third World to undercut the wages of the indigenous few.

They could start by outlawing usury (especially "pay day loan" sharks) - including the parasites who rob the poor and bankroll the political parties with the millions they make. All (productive) loans should be capped at a fixed amount. e.g. 5% above the base interest rate. So, you borrow £10, you pay back a fixed amount of circa £10.50. There's a guaranteed profit in that - but no exorbitant rate to wreck businesses and families.

Imagine mortgages fixed in such a way (not to mention Gaddafi style interest-free loans or gifts from the State of farm land etc.) -- it would revolutionise the country, free people from debt and allow them to spend more. It would help us feel much better off. But as it would knock the multi-billion pound profits of the internationalist bankers and rather put multi-billions back into the real economy, don't expect it to happen.

This government, this State, all the political parties, the media, the police, the judiciary and the lawyers -- all are in the pockets of a usury system dependent on heavy taxation. They will not free us from usury or heavy taxation, because they all get crumbs from the table of the Masters of the Universe, and they all meet in their temples, they all have a revolving-door employment policy and so on.

So go cheer the Olympics, which your tax pound has paid for. Just like the circuses of ancient Rome it may take your mind off the corruption and crime for some weeks.

But when the big black limos and armour-plated cars have left the Olympic traffic lanes, we will still be mired in debt, taxation, crime and slavery.

As the songmeister once intoned: Freedom? What Freedom?

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Victoria Derbyshire Admits the Banking System is a Ponzi Scheme

Victoria Derbyshire and friend
On yesterday's Victoria Derbyshire show on Radio 5 Live, a caller made an almost perfect case against the bankers.

He complained about promissory notes, fractional reserve banking and a system that lets bankers create money out of nothing.

The host admitted when presented by these facts that the banking system was nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme, but then incredibly said words along the lines of 'oh well that's the system we've got and have to work with' before moving on to people wanting to tinker with the works or defend banks. We didn't hear from the 'good guy' again.

So by Ms Derbyshire's reckoning if some people run a Ponzi Scheme that sucks in trillions of pounds, holds governments to ransom, wrecks economies, throws millions on the dole, loses thousands their homes, etc. etc. we should turn a blind eye, because 'that's the system we've got' and the men at the top have the politicians, media and much else (that's rotten) in their pockets.

Luckily no-one mentioned Freemasonry, the Bilderbergers etc.

Makes you weep doesn't it?

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Paper Money Calf, the New Unhappy Lords: Consume, Obey, Pay.

Bow down and worship the new gods.

The time of the golden calf is past. Worship the paper money calf.

These are the new unhappy lords, backed by the shysters of Wall Street and the spooks of the CIA.

Those who refuse to worship will face sanctions and war.

They want unquestioning consumers. 'Old fashioned' ideas such as Faith, Family and Nation are outmoded to these new gods. Heritage and history are irrelevant.

Consume! Pay the bills. Pay usury debt. Hand over your taxes for the government's usury debt.

The billionaires, the media moguls, the international financiers, the multinational bosses all want more of your money, they want billions poured on billions, while you may struggle to make ends meet. If using political and Christian prisoners in China or using sweat shops in the Third World helps their global profits: so be it. If that means exporting more jobs from Europe: so be it.

Making enough money is not an option. Call it gluttony, call it greed, call it obscene -- mega-profits are all that matter. Mega-bucks for them and their political hirelings.

So consume what they churn out.

Consume. Obey. Pay.

Do not speak out. Do not stand up for your Faith, for your Family, or for your Nation. Do not rock the boat. That is what terrorists and extremists do.

What are you? Do you believe in this wonderful live-and-let-live democracy? Or are you like some sort of Muslim outsider? Or an evil fascist?

Consume. Obey. Pay.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Billions Given to Bankers - IT IS NOT OUR DEBT

Why is tax-payers' money given to bankers for debts run up by bankers?

An Irishman asks the questions that all decent men should be asking the politicians, bankers, finance "experts" and media spokesmen:

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Mis-sold PPI Insurance? DO NOT PAY to claim it back

There are a lot of adverts on TV, on the radio, on the internet and even via cold calling for firms who say they will claim back thousands of pounds for you.

Don't be conned. Do it yourself. It is easy.

 Go to the websites mentioned in this vid - or just phone your credit card and or mortgage provider(s) yourself. They will be obliged to look into it for you and if you had PPI and didn't need or want it, they will send you a nice juicy cheque direct.

DO NOT go with a claim company. These leeches will take a big fat cut for doing virtually nothing. It is easy. It is your money. Get some of it back from the scum who run the banking system.

And tell friends and relatives (especially the elderly) - you can even help them. The claims companies work on the assumption people are too lazy, dumb or bewildered to do it themselves. But it is EASY. Far easier than applying for a mortgage/credit card in the first place. Just one phone call will get the ball rolling. If in doubt go to the sites this vid mentions and get their help. It really is easy.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Quote of the Week: The Avarice of the Bankers

“All this crap is going on because those who stole more than they would ever need and can't stop even now, when they should, are unable to discipline or police themselves. Sooner or later; accent on soon, judgment will come to call. It always does. Push wouldn't come to shove if people would only stop pushing but they cannot. They believe they have the upper hand and that there will never be a better time. They are right about that and this isn't that time either. You can pay now or you can pay later but, given that you are a usurious bunch, you won't be able to walk away from the compound interest, even when it is not in your favor. That's just how you are made. There will be no lemonade from those lemons. You're gonna need to chase it with Stoly or Sterno, meaning now, or later. Fine with me either way. I won't be going till you do and I will be going in the other direction, but not until I see the door hit you in the ass on your way out”

Comment on,

Friday, 16 March 2012

Bankers Create Money Out of Thin Air - And Charge the Govt Interest

An FC supporter sent this letter to his local newspaper:

Dear Sir,
               Glyn Davies MP has a budget day wish list which is;  1) deferring any increase in fuel duty; 2) uprating of tax allowance for the poorest taxpayers and 3) reduction in national insurance to encourage job creation.

  Most of our fuel duty is tax and the reason for tax is debt. Official figures posted on the Guardian website for 2010-2011 show debt interest payments of £43.9bn, while the Home Office, Ministry of Justice and Crown Prosecution Service  combined spent £20.5bn. Total  expenditure was £691.67bn. Meanwhile, the total tax collected by HMRC was £446bn.

    The bankers create credit out of thin air and then lend it as interest to governments this is the problem. Government should create it itself. To make this point US presidential candidate Ron Paul has said on his website: The Federal Reserve is the chief culprit behind the economic crisis, Its unchecked power to create endless amounts of money out of thin air brought us the boom and bust cycle and causes one financial bubble after another.Since the Fed's creation in 1913 the dollar has lost more than 96% of its value, and by recklessly inflating the money supply the Fed continues to distort interest rates and intentionally erodes the value of the dollar.

       A similar situation exists on this side of the pond. If the bankers can create credit out of nothing then they should create the interest owed out of nothing too!! The sooner the fiat currency, usury and perpetual debt system is abolished the better!

   Billions are given away in foreign aid (in 2010-2011, the Department for International Development spent £7.69bn, or £21m/day). Foreign aid taking money from the poor in rich countries and giving it to rich in poor countries. Yet even more billions  is handed over to EU bureaucrats.

            Its time for nationalist politics that will put Britain and the British first.

                                       Yours Sincerely,

Thursday, 15 March 2012

GK Chesterton on the Expulsion of the Jews from England.

Listen to GK Chesterton's The Curse of the Golden Cross here.

It may only be on BBC iplayer for a few days so go quickly.

The charming story includes a brief history of moneylending Jews and their expulsion from England. It's not often that appears uncritically on the Beeb.

No doubt the faggot head of the National Secular Society is penning a piece on "Christian hatred of Jews lead to the Holocaust" right now!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Fractional Reserve Banking - Letter to the Irish Examiner

Free our money from grip of central banks
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

So many of those who should know better will ask where will we get our future money if we fail to pass this proposed treaty.

After all the "markets" are closed to us.

Ever wonder exactly what are the markets?

After all the only people who can create money are the central banks of the world.

The markets you will find are often just people/institutions that themselves borrow money from central banks and then lend it to nations like Ireland.

So the middle man is gone and now the central banks themselves issue our nation’s money directly.

So really the markets are an illusion.

The central banks of course are privately owned and don’t have the money they lend.

Not only that but they commit double fraud by never creating any of the interest owed to them. So to those who should know better, my answer would be that our nation state and all the nation states of the world should issue their own money, free from the tyrannical grip of the current Ponzi scheme central banking model.

Barry Fitzgerald

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Irish Member of Parliament Exposes Banking Con

'That promissory note could literally be torn up'

The Central Bank 'created' the money needed to keep banks solvent, writes Peter Mathews

By Peter Mathews
Sunday February 26 2012

The last government agreed that the State should pay €31bn to IBRC (formerly Anglo and Irish Nationwide) over a 13-year schedule ending in 2025. The first payment of €3.1bn was made in March 2011. The next payment is due on March 31.
If the European Union and the European Central Bank force us to make this payment, it would amount to increasing the totally unjustified, odious debt burden on the people of Ireland.
How is it unjustified? How is it odious?
Loan losses that occurred in the Irish banks following the financial collapse in 2008 were calculated in March 2011 at €75bn. In the 12 months since then it is becoming increasingly apparent that mortgage loan losses will get progressively worse.
Evidence is mounting that the total loan losses in Ireland could rise towards €100bn.
Throughout 2008 and 2009 there was a slow motion run and controlled implosion of the Irish banking system. In response, the ECB advanced massive loans to the Irish banks and in turn the Central Bank of Ireland responded by providing Exceptional Liquidity Assistance (ELA) to the Irish banks.
Professors Karl Whelan, Brian Lucey and Dr Stephen Kinsella recently made excellent presentations to the Oireachtas Committee on the issue of the promissory notes and ELA.
They showed how the Central Bank of Ireland effectively created €45bn ELA money "out of thin air". The Central Bank of Ireland doesn't owe any of this money to the ECB, they said.
On a once-off basis, money was created and pumped into the Irish banks to keep them solvent.
When the Irish banks repay these ELA loans, the Central Bank of Ireland simply retires them. The money literally disappears.
Therefore, the €31bn ELA money created by the Central Bank of Ireland, and advanced to IBRC to cover promissory notes, can and should be written off.
Specifically, on March 31 next, the write-off by the Central Bank of Ireland of €3.1bn ELA would mean that the Government wouldn't have to borrow that money to pay the €3.1bn promissory note.
That promissory note could literally be torn up.
The same applies to all the remaining €25bn ELA loans to IBRC and the remaining €25bn promissory notes on IBRC's balance sheet.
There is nothing dubious or wrong about doing this.
Losses which should have been borne by bondholders have, wrongly, been dumped on the people of Ireland.
Normally, when banks collapse, their funders do not get all their money back. In Ireland, bondholders were redeemed all their money with interest at the insistence of the ECB.
Since the end of 2008, as payments to bondholders fell due, neither the banks nor the State had the resources to pay them.
That is where the ECB stepped in. It lent approximately €135bn to our banks to enable them to repay the bondholders and also to replace lost deposits.
The ECB became fully complicit in dumping this bill onto the people of Ireland.
Under normal capitalist principles, the ECB would not have shielded bond- holders from the consequences of their investments. They would have to accept that Ireland is "taking one for the team".
Taking all this into account, again under normal capitalist principles, the ECB could not object to writing off up to €75bn of the loans it advanced to the Irish banks.
If the ECB is unwilling to do this, then the Central Bank of Ireland should top up its Exceptional Liquidity Assistance loans to the Irish banks to €75bn (in the case of AIB and Bank of Ireland substituting ELA for ECB loans) and then write it off.
The ECB has a limited ability to prevent the Central Bank of Ireland from doing this. It can only veto a proposal by the Irish Central Bank with a two-thirds majority of its governing council.
There are 23 members of the governing council, including Ireland's representative, Governor Patrick Honohan.
So, if he and seven other members of the governing council support the proposal to write off the ELA money there is nothing Ms Merkel, Mr Sarkozy, Mr Draghi or anybody else can do about it.
But has Mr Honohan held discussions with ECB President Mario Draghi regarding writing off the ELA money? Has he lobbied other Central Bank governors? Has he lobbied the other eurozone countries in trouble so we can take a joint approach towards debt restructuring?
Writing off that €75bn would have a massive positive impact on Ireland.
Firstly, this would allow AIB and Bank of Ireland to pass on these write-downs to mortgage holders and struggling businesses, providing a much needed stimulus to the Irish economy.
Secondly, it would allow us to 'tear up' our obligation to redeem the €31bn promissory notes.
Overnight, our national debt would fall towards the Eurozone average and substantially improve our prospects of leaving the EU-IMF bailout programme.
We have been damned with faint praise from the troika. But the current EU policy of 'kicking the can down the road' just prolongs the crisis.
Our Government has shown willingness and fortitude in taking tough, necessary and often deeply unpopular decisions. It's now time for the ECB to establish fairness within the eurozone.
If the European political establishment really believes we're doing such a good job, the best way to show it is to agree to lighten the debt load on the people of Ireland by €75bn.

Peter Mathews is a chartered accountant and Fine Gael TD for Dublin South
- Peter Mathews
Originally published in

Thursday, 23 February 2012

America Takes Care of its... Financiers

There's a new Bruce Springsteen song "we take care of our own" which I've embedded at the bottom of this post. The words are positive, but the reality is quite, quite different.

Funnily enough New Orleans is mentioned in the song, and yet when New Orleans flooded, the real face of America was seen - a Third World bankrupt slum where the people were left to rot. Those who sought shelter in a stadium faced robbery and rape from rampant hoodlums. White folks in Cajun land outside New Orleans armed themselves against the roving gangsta bandits out to grab what they could...

This was the reality - a multi-racial hell hole, where lawlessness ruled, in which its government took little interest. At the same time of course America was busy charging around the world telling everyone else how they should behave. The irony is lost on most Americans.

Now in America more and more people are thrown on the rubbish heap as its government pours money into the bottomless pit that is the debt hole, tax-payers are stung for real money which goes, billion after billion, into the usury-debt  bottomless pit.

The banksters create money out of nothing on bits of paper or on computer screens, but the tax money that goes back (at interest) is real money, earned through sweat and labour. And whereas the Washington DC regime would never think to stop paying this ponzi-scheme con to financiers that are multi-billionaires, but they are happy to see American workers thrown out of work, thanks to the mess these banksters have created.

"We take care of our own" says Mr Springsteen... but moreso if they are billionaire financiers with no loyalty to America or any other land. American workers on the other hand are taken care of - in soup kitchens, drainage ducts etc.

To see how America 'takes care of its own' watch this first video on the homeless in America. You can then laugh whilst listening to Springsteen's jingoist nonsense in the second video.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Usury Debt & Fraudulent Money: Put a Cork in it!

Immigration & the Euro. Usury Debt must feature too.
Published in an Irish newspaper:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to solve debt problem without the pain

Friday, February 17, 2012
All the debt that you have ever obtained has been fraudulent.

It has been issued by the central banks of nations.

All of these masquerade as national or public central banks of their respective countries.

None of them are public, though, including but not limited to, the Irish Central Bank, the ECB, the Federal Reserve.

They are privately-owned and they create money and issue it into society via the more commonly known high street banks.

These banks have never created a cent of interest that is owed to them. They issue us debt but only create the principal. So how can society pay the principal plus the interest? It can’t.

The debt cannot be repaid because the interest does not exist! This explains nearly all the problems of our society.

Let’s say you borrowed €200K five years ago to buy a house.

In truth you owe close to €400K with interest.

However, the extra 200K interest due does not exist. You need to scavenge, work extra hard and even step on others to gather this scarce resource. Hence someone else always loses for you to meet your debt commitment.

If the mortgage term was 25 years, then after five years you have paid circa €80K.

The second flaw in the system is that the central bank didn’t have the initial €200K either. They work off fractional reserve banking on ratios like 10:1, e.g. they only hold 10% in assets of the value of the loans that are given out. So of the €200K principal borrowed they may have only had €20K.

Solution time: Outlaw private central banking in a government – government co-ordinated fashion. Set up public central banking.

Instantly write off all the interest due on previous debt as it doesn’t exist and is therefore not owed. Write down all debt further to the value of the actual money the old private system had to loan, i.e. €20K in our example.

Since our couple have paid €80K of real money, then their debt is already serviced in full and they are now in credit to the tune of €60K, which possibly could be written off against future taxes.

Only those who haven’t reached this legitimate debt threshold will continue to pay debt to the new public central banks.

This is but the merest hint of the freedom awaiting humanity once we wake up to what legitimate debt really is.

Barry Fitzgerald

Monday, 6 February 2012

Is Tax Dependent on Our Agreement?

An interesting video that makes the LEGAL case for not paying taxes in Ireland.

Much of Irish law is the same as British law (as it was formulated under British rule) so many of these arguments might well apply to the UK.

Nationalists should be discussing these matters.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Are You For or Against a Corrupt Zionist Regime?

Have a look at this great montage. Again it shows the hypocrisy of "the West" - i.e. the political and media class.

The last time I made a comparison between the (Real) IRA and the Syrian insurrectionists, and the treatment of them by the BBC (chalk and cheese) when they shoot soldiers, I had one or two dullards and/or nonces stirring up quite the hornet's nest on here.

So, just to let you know, I am not an anarchist any more than I am an Islamist (or "democrat") Arab insurrectionist. I know, I know... but you'd be amazed at what trolls, idiots and numpties will read into a post!

Of course - the rioters in Cairo were fighting against a Zionist puppet regime that had acted against the interests of the indigenous people for decades... whereas in England we have... a 'democracy.' Mwah ha ha!

The BBC treated Irish and Syrian armed gangs who shoot soldiers, policemen etc, quite differently; they also treat those who riot against governments controlled by vested interests quite differently.

As always (e.g. when dealing with Libya or Saudi Arabia ruling families, Iran or Israel's nuclear realities, Serbian or American 'war crimes') the BBC twists the news to fit a specifically British State agenda, and to pretend otherwise is ridiculous. As our state is Zionist (i.e. in the pockets of Masonic bankers/financiers and hardline pro-Israel) the litmus test seems to be whether a regime is pro-Israeli or Israel-tolerant. Of course in international diplomacy nothing is so straightforward. France, for example has gone from "bad" to "good" under Sarkozy (I wonder why) from a regime which tended to oppose Zionist wars to one which is far more in favour of them (it is highly questionable that the French people changed that much!)

That some British nationalists (still!) worship the Westminster State and are still following certain paths and herded in certain pens, thanks to years of brainwashing and State propaganda speaks volumes. The blinkers still aren't off. And so we see a "hurrah" for 'plucky' David Cameron who stands up to the Euro Beast... to defend the rights of financiers in the City of London, who in turn show little or no loyalty to the UK (always threatening to leave these shores if taxes are raised, for example)

The plastic patriots who cheered on 'Call me Dave' Cameron used to be the Imperialists, who cheered as Britain planted flags in India, Africa, and even in Calais and Gibraltar (but who would go to war if Spain or France claimed the Isle of Wight). Of course, they were too dumb to realise that eventually the Indians and Africans would return the favour and colonise us - now they want to claim as a right what their political forebears denied the Indians and Africans -- independence, nationalism and their own country run by their own kind.

The jingoism of Empire was in reality a form of multi-culturalism which celebrated money, profits and greed above all else. There was little or no altruism, no seeking what was best for "us" or "them." The British (unlike for example the Spaniards) did not even have the good grace to convert the heathens. Speaking to an Indian (Hindu) on a train recently he told me that most Christians in India are Catholic, with one small area also Methodist (after a Methodist missionary went there). The impact of Anglicanism, given that England ran India for so many years, was minimal indeed. Just imagine (and this is pure conjecture of course and not seen as the be-all and end-all) an India and Pakistan that was converted to a form of Christianity, instead of just bled dry and turned against each other as Britain sought to 'divide and rule' with Muslims and Hindus.

We might even have no nuclear powers playing tit for tat wars with each other, and no Muslim stronghold (used by the CIA and its enemies) to "export terror" as and when needed. Or look at Japan, which was on the verge of becoming Christian thanks to missionaries from Mediterranean lands. It was Dutch and English traders who persuaded the Japanese rulers who weren't Christian (about half) that this was some kind of threat from Portugal or Spain which would then "take over" and so Christians were massacred, crucified en masse, and often mutilated by having their feet cut off. It was the money-men of Amsterdam and London who stopped Japan becoming Christian... imagine the impact in WW2? History may have been so different. It may even have impacted on China, preventing the rise of Communism... who knows?

It was money and profits that drove the British Empire, and it was (as usual!) GK Chesterton who saw the future problems this early globalism would bring. I found this interesting text/review online, about an essay on Patriotism by GKC. It is so good I would urge everyone to read it two or three times and to keep a copy for future reference:

There is, however, another enemy of Patriotism and Nationalism. It is equipped with power and wealth and a good chance of success in practical politics and it is but the disguise of cosmopolitanism. It is Imperialism, or as we would say, 'Globalism'. In Chesterton's opinion the Empire was neither for the benefit nor the glory of the English, it was for their exploitation. We had been put to work, to suffer, to bleed and to die, for the benefit of international banking and trade, that is, 'Globalism', and when we had served our purpose the assets would be stripped and lodged elsewhere. The price of such glory as we might enjoy from seeing the map painted red, was our impoverishment, our deculturation, our mongrelization, our destruction as a Nation. Chesterton presented this succinctly in 'The Flying Inn'(1904) "Did you ever hear the great destiny of Empire? It is in four acts: Victory over barbarians. Employment of barbarians. Alliance with barbarians. Conquest by barbarians. That is the great destiny of Empire."

GK Chesterton saw mass immigration into Britain decades before it happened, whilst the ideological forebears of today's plastic patriots, Westminster State worshippers to  a man, were singing God Save the King, down with the Frenchies/Krauts (delete as applicable) in short, much as most of them still do today!

They sung/sing a hymn to a Queen who has rubber stamped laws on homosexuality, abortion and divorce (and mass immigration/anti-racislism!) that have ripped this country apart. She swore to be a Christian Monarch on her accession to the throne, an oath she swore to God; but just as the wedding oaths sworn by so many, it was meaningless - as their weddings were dissolved by man, might we wonder if her monarchy should be dissolved by man? How can a Christian Monarch pass laws as she has? She even made the architect of the 1967 Abortion Law (which resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent Britons) a Lord!!! How preposterous is that? ...and we have Charles "defender of (multi-)faiths" waiting in the side-lines.

If Elizabeth II had an ounce of decency she would have stepped down as monarch, or stood firm to uphold her oath. This, I believe, is the basic argument of much of the Lawful Rebellion crowd. If the crown is void (a kind of British 'sede vacante' - vacant seat - position if you will) then when we enter the courts controlled by the crown, they have lost the authority to judge us. If we do not recognise the crown as legitimate, having broken the Coronation Oath (as usury, abortion and homosexuality to name but three, are anti-Christian), then it has no right to levy taxes on us -- for its illegal wars, its pro-queer bodies, its abortion-performing structures and for its repayments on usury debts.

But let us return to nationhood. GKC once said that the patriot loves his country, whereas an imperialist wants to invade his neighbours. I said in a recent post that WW2's very basis was flawed given that we were conned into taking part in a war that was for the freedom of Poland, but resulted in handing over the entirety of Poland to one of the very powers that had invaded it in September 1939 (but which bizarrely we did not declare war on!): the USSR.

For me, one of the faults with National Socialist Germany was that it was, at its very core imperialist. The Reich was to expand. Austria was a fascist country with a superb economic basis on which it was building structures for the Common God that were building a socially strong and confident Austria. Even Poland was nationalist and had stood up to Soviet Communism. Today it would be painted by liberals as "fascist." The sad fact is that both these countries were taken over by a Germany whose very basis was imperial growth. It was its imperialism rather than any perceived "fascism" or "socialism" that proved its downfall.

"Chesterton’s distaste for state socialism, his suspicion of monopoly capitalism, and his support for the independence from imperial domination of small nations like Poland..."
from the GK Chesterton Society's conference 2011 blurb
As nationalists, we must be nationalists! This is the basis of this rather meandering post. We must stand up for our own nation. We must not be imperialists, we do not want or need empires. We must realise that we love our nation(s), but that does not mean we must worship the state. We must disassociate worship of the Westminster State from love of nation.

This is a debate that nationalists need to have, especially in light of devolution, a monarch and state that are promoting homosexuality and abortion, the collapse of the Euro and the ongoing take-over of our lands by non-Europeans, which the state is defending to the detriment of our people!

Regardless of the permutations in the arguments that fly back and forth, the one thing that we have to realise above all else is that as nationalists today, the state that rules over us, which has promoted multi-racism, destroyed Christianity, pulled apart the family, promoted illegal Zionist wars, and pushes its twisted propaganda as news on the BBC, is not "ours" - it is not British, English or whatever - it is in the pockets of financiers with no national loyalty, it is bought and paid for by the men who rule the Lodges who wreck our lives, yet it expects our loyalty too??? We'd have to be mad!

That is the British State as it stands, that is why we owe it no loyalty. It, the Queen, her governments and the Lodges behind them all, have betrayed the peoples of these isles on every single imaginable level. The law is not only an ass, but a law that breaks almost every single moral law (from deadening usury, to sterile homosexuality, to the multi-racism that destroys, to the mass death of abortion), has to make us realise that we are living under a regime that has sold us and our children into perpetual slavery, taxation-debt and degeneracy.

That's why, when I see an anarchist bashing a police van in London, whether it is a demo over student loans, big brother or against another war -- despite the fact that he may need a "damn good wash" (copyright 1970s NF) and support more than a few dubious causes -- I see very little difference between those demonstrating against a corrupt, pro-Israeli regime in the pockets of the money-men, who treat the indigenous people like crap; and the demonstrators in Cairo.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Quote of the Week: Germaine Greer on Banking

"Some people think charging interest itself is immoral...
"Banking was invented by the group of people who've been blamed for just about everything that's gone wrong for the last couple of millennia.
"So we do have to review banking."

Germaine Greer
Daily Politics (BBC1), 7th November 2011.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Milibands Show That Politics Remains a Con

There's a few stories floating around today about the Miliband brothers.

One is that David, who wanted to be Labour Party leader but failed, is now working for a City firm, making big money.

Brothers in arms?
The other is that Ed, who won the Labour Party leadership, is pictured getting into a flash sports care carrying a "green" shopping bag.

This all shows a number of things:

  • The political 'leaders' all come from the same mould. 
  • They think they are doing us "a favour" by not taking mega-bucks jobs and 'slumming it' in Westminster for a few hundred grand a year.
  • Their friends and associates belong to the mega-bucks world, so they have no knowledge of normal life, of struggling to pay bills, of living in low-cost housing in the multi-culti hell they have created.
  • That they can walk out of politics to plush jobs and placements. The more bankers etc. they help while in power, the more rewards they stand to get afterwards.
  • These people - as politicos or financiers - jet around the world, yet lecture us on turning off light bulbs to 'save the planet.'
  • They will carry "green" shopping bags whilst using "gas guzzling" super cars.

That is the world of the political elite. Just as when they start their foreign wars, sending in troops to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria (resulting in countless tens of thousands of innocent deaths), they sit safely back in Westminster plotting their non-executive placements. They talk of 'feeling the pain' of ordinary people, yet give knighthoods to usurers that cause debt.

It is all a con.

Of course the Milibands are the offspring of extremist Jewish Marxists, but they have embraced Capitalist greed, Zionist wars and the same old cycle of betrayal and reward.

It is a world of hypocrisy and hyperbole, of do as I say, not as I do, of practicing never ending war whilst preaching 'climate change' and one world humanism. And the Milibands fit in just fine and dandy.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Distributism: A Movement Whose Time Has Come

This says it all.

When usury-bankers have created a huge financial mess.

When politicians care more about their own benefits than the Common Good.

When the police let criminals rule the streets whilst building a Police State.

When media hacks make up stories and spy on people to make a quick buck.

When the family collapses under immorality, amorality, a culture of death and government tactics.

When centralisation of government and banks in Euroland results in debt and slavery.

When plurality and moral chaos replace Christianity and tradition.

It's time for Common Sense.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

David Cameron's Christianity is a Facade

So David Cameron is against moral relativism and for Christian values is he?

There speaks the moneychanger in the temple! There speaks the man who is pushing through "gay marriage" (sic). There speaks the man who has backed unjust Zionist wars.

Perhaps his conscience is bothering him, but he better start putting words into action, otherwise his lack of praxis (i.e. putting this theory into action) will smack of more twisted hyperbole acted out for the cameras and media editorials.

"Theology without action is the theology of demons."
Saint Maximus the Confessor

Friday, 11 November 2011

Who Runs Our Government? Lessons from Greece and Italy

Who Does Our Government Serve?
"[Goldman Sachs is] a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jabbing its blood funnel into anything that smells like money"
- Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone magazine

What have recent events concerning the collapse of the Euro and Bankers' greed taught us?

  1. That the Greek people weren't allowed to have their say.
  2. That a former European Central Banker is the new boss of Greece.
  3. Greece will now be forced to strip workers, pensioners etc, via "austerity measures" to pay back bankers.

  1. The Italian people haven't yet been allowed to have their say.
  2. A former Euro-Commissioner (unelected) is being lined up to take over.
  3. The Italian parliament has rubber stamped "austerity measures" as per Greece.

  1. Tax-payers will give billions to the IMF which will bail out the Euro (i.e, pay back bankers).
  2. We will get no (promised!) referendum on the EU.
  3. "Austerity measures" continue as bankers line-up to make billions out of Euro transactions.
  4. The Church of England appoints a free-marketeer banker to its body to look at banking.
Our governments are run by and for bankers! Not for the people who pay their bills.

Addressing city bankers before he became PM David Cameron said:
“My father was a stockbroker, my grandfather was a stockbroker, my great-grandfather was a stockbroker”. 
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Meanwhile Goldman Sachs, the bank at the centre of the US credit crunch was also the bank that fiddled Greece's books, enabling it to join the Euro in the first place, and it carries on doing what it does best - practicing usury to fill its own coffers, profiting as those dumb goy tax-payers suffer, yet again.


Read this amazing article by Alex Brummer. Replace "Anglo-Saxon Capitalism" with what it is - "Anglo-Jewish usury/Capitalism" and this article goes some way to nailing what is wrong:

Goldman Sachs Caused Crunch Then Profits from It
"[Goldman Sachs employees fill] the top jobs in the Treasuries, central banks and stock exchanges around the world where, like members of a secret society, they are able to ensure the wealth of the next generation of Goldmanites"

Friday, 4 November 2011

Time for White Nationalists to Fight Back - Against the Masonic Powers

Many "white nationalists" will sneer at blacks and Muslims. But I tell you what, if so many white Christian patriots were as honest and forthright as some of the patriots from those cultures - we would have won already! Not to mention the way other races help each other out, or the number of children they have! We think we are so "superior" yet we can't even hang on to what we have got, defend our traditions, keep our homelands for ourselves...

Do we accept a Oriental looking down on us? No. Yet they are probably "more academic."

Do we accept a Jew looking down on us? Hell, no. Yet they are certainly more educated in laws and suchlike.

Do we accept a Pakistani looking down on us? Dear God, no. Yet they put family first, have large families, push their children to get educational achievements and help out each others' businesses.

I believe in racial separation. Not because I think my people are any worse or better than any other (I have enough common sense to know we may be better than some, and may be worse than some, in various aspects, but that's academic). No, I simply love my people, my nation, my race. It is perfectly natural. I fully accept that other peoples in other races will feel likewise. It is as natural as the air we breathe.

I do not hate others. I loathe those criminals, from any races, whether they be the predominantly black muggers or the predominantly white paedophiles, the shyster lawyers and banksters or the ASBO louts wrecking estates; we need to put aside all political correctness and come down hard on such degenerates, for the betterment of all peoples.

It is my sincere belief that mass migration of peoples has had a hugely detrimental effect on society. This can be solved by resettling peoples into their own homelands (if necessary with financial support and so on). Is it a mere coincidence that mass immigration has coincided with the loss of faith in the UK? Certainly the 'creation' of a multi-cult mess has been used by the red atheist commissars (who push for more immigration) to force through a sickening secularism that suffocates us all and destroys much of our heritage and traditions. It seems that the politicians who defend this "enriching diversity" choose to live in white enclaves, where the only immigrants they see is their au pair and perhaps the waiters at the restaurants they frequent.

Anyway, let us return to the nationalists and patriots from other races, those who fight for their own people and not to subjugate their neighbours. I believe it was GK Chesterton who once said that a patriot fights for his people, whereas an imperialist fights to put others down. The arch imperialists of today are obviously the Zionists (in Israel, America and Britain) out to impose their distorted worldview on everyone, by guise or war, bribery or threat.

There are some Islamicists who try to ape Zionist means (in a not so subtle way) but most of those are Mossad/CIA led puppets anyway, creating the bogeyman that the Zionists need to keep the sheep backing their never ending "war on terror" (sic).

Yet what happens to the nationalists who stand up against the "New World Order" (new name for an old enemy)? Invariably the NWO declares war on them. This may be financial, it may be character assassination, but when they get the chance (or if the nationalist poses a threat to their power) they move in for the kill.

One thinks of Nasser in Egypt, Saddam in Iraq, the WW2 "fascist" powers, even Blanco in Fascist Spain in the 70s. To a lesser extent one might even (at a stretch!) put JFK in there, if only because he threatened the military-industrial might of America.

Nationalists in Britain need to wake up. Back in the 80s when the NF said Gaddafy was a 'good man' all too many were waiting to boo and jeer (doubtless egged on by same paid-up assets). "He's a wog/lefty/Marxist" were some of the base comments.

As today we get the old 'terrorist' canard flung, when Pan Am, the German disco and WPC Fletcher are hardly cut and dried cases. Even his giving explosives to the IRA, though a mistake, is kind of understandable when you see that Libya was being attacked by the British left, right and centre. We even funded "Islamicists" to try and kill him - which resulted in innocent bystanders dying. Are we surprised then that Libya chose to "hit back" using those that told him they would "bomb Britain?" They were wrong (two wrongs never make a right) but it is almost understandable.

Imagine if Gaddafy had funded 'Muslim extremists' to kill a British PM, which killed innocents. The UK/NATO etc. would have levelled Libya! Or imagine Libyan jets had bombed the US President's home (on a flimsy pretext) and killed one of his family?

Who are the terrorists?

Ask yourself how many Iraqis died after America illegally invaded that country, partly as revenge for Saddam daring to fire Scud rockets at Israel years before. yet America is all about democracy and freedom right? And Iran is all about hate and evil? Who has Iran killed? How many? Sure they hang terrorists, homosexuals etc. as part of their justice system - but have they invaded other countries like America? Have they napalmed villages as in the 60s? Dropped Uranium weapons on European soil as in the 90s? Brought a firestorm holocaust to at least two European cities as in the 40s? Or illegally invaded a country resulting in many tens of thousands of innocent civilians dying, as in this decade?

Freedom? Democracy? Cheap buzzwords bandied by media puppets and gullible idiots to disguise a Masonic regime drunk on power and out to destroy anyone who may stand up to that power, now known to be overwhelmingly Zionist.

Watch this first video on Gaddafy. It is a bit schmaltzy in parts (dig those groovy beats baby), some of the language is a bit too Muslim for my tastes, and even Nelson Mandela gets a look-in. But look beyond all that. Look at what the man did. He freed his country from foreign army bases. He gave his people freedom from usury-debt. He gave his people free education and healthcare. He gave his people cheap/accessible housing, work, land, education and healthcare.

As for his Islam, it was a product of his birth. If there is a fault it is with those who apostatised hundreds of years ago or were forced to convert by the sword. One cannot blame most Arabs for being born Muslim anymore than one can blame most Indians for being born Hindus. What excuse to our compatriots have who worship at shopping malls on a Sunday, whose idea of a pilgrimage is to Ibiza or whose idea of a Saint is Stephen Lawrence? We point the finger so readily at others, yet it all seems so "splinter versus log" sometimes.

Meanwhile, in "civilised" America so many people have lost their homes, jobs, land. So many people have little or no healthcare. Many people have a shoddy or worthless education. Let's not even mention the crime, drugs, gangs etc.

Land of the Free eh? Free to lose their jobs and homes whilst their government taxes them to pay the usurers' interest! Freedom seems all about who can afford it, and the biggest cheques will always be written by the bankers.

It is a scandal of gargantuan proportions, and only the controlled media kid most people into thinking otherwise, i.e. that they are really free because they can choose between Masondum and Masondee.

We get freedom. Freedom for our kids to drown in a sea of drugs, crime, porn, violence, debt, job insecurity, third-rate education. But it's all apparently OK cos we get to put a cross in a box every 4 or 5 years when the controlled media tell the vast majority to vote for the Mason with the Blue rosette or the Mason with the Red rosette.

Where are the white, Christian, nationalist voices against this con? Oh we had our day - we used to have heroes, men right across Europe from England to Serbia, from Spain to Sweden, from France to Poland - men who defended Christian traditions, men who exposed Communism for the sterile hatred it was, men who exposed Capitalism for the slavery it is.

Where are that breed of well-educated, thoughtful, forthright and brave men today? "Our" people are too busy excusing homosexuals, playing footsie with Zionists, pushing a kosher-liberal agenda to "fight the muzzies" and win the Eastenders-watching generation.

We may not agree with everything they have said, and everything they have done - but people like Gaddafy and Farrakhan ("bloody wogs" tm) at least have the strength to name names and defend their people, to expose the debt swindle, to point at the Zionists as the enemies of civilisation.

What nationalist leader in Europe or the UK would dare to stand before the media's cameras and chide them for hiding the Truth? Who would dare say to them that the people who control banking also control the media! It takes someone like Farrakhan to do it. Oh there have been brave Whites in America too (one thinks of people like Joe Sobran, Michael Hoffman, David Duke and Michael Piper Collins), but where are our political leaders in Europe? More specifically in the UK?

Let's see Farrakhan tearing a strip from the media. The words 'pearls before swine' spring to mind. "You don't know what it's like to be a free white person" - Amen to that! Watch the dumb goy look on.

The enemies of civilisation know their power is crumbling. The terrible crimes of the bankers, the politicians, the media. The scandals of the needless wars. The crumbling of the Euro. The debt slavery of America.

Yet here we are, with a complicit media talking about Greece, about pensions in the UK, about fat cat's bonuses rising,without dissecting the real level of debt or our unending slavery to the banks. They waffle on about this and that, about crusties sitting outside St Paul's Cathedral, about that Cathedral being shut for the first time since 1942, about rising fuel bills and all the rest of it - but the boil is never lanced. They dance around the edge of the problem, never daring to wade in and get amongst the dirt and grime.

Meanwhile we are supposed to be thrilled that our planes were used to level Sirte, to provide cover to the rapers of Tripoli's women and that usury-free Libya will now be "democratic."

God help the Libyans, if they get even half the problems America has today they will be begging for the return of Gaddafy, even with his faults. Yet, America - mired in debt, terror and corruption - was behind the destruction of Libya:

People in this country are sick and tired. Sick and tired of lies and half-truths. Sick and tired of political correctness. Sick and tired of the pigs at the trough. Sick and tired of the working man being taxed to the hilt to pay for the millionaires. Sick and tired of needless foreign adventures. Sick and tired of corruption covered up again and again. Sick and tired of MPs who put the interests of oligarchs and the powerful ahead of us.

The house of cards is shaking.

Communism has failed. Capitalism is failing. Where is the Nationalist Alternative?!!! Whilst this goes on and the whole system stinks, the main (whether we like it or most likely do not!) "nationalist" party, the BNP, is still waffling on about Muslim gangs grooming white girls in English cities.

Now I'm not saying that's not a terrible thing that should be stamped out, but so is heroin addiction across our white communities. So is mugging in our inner cities. So  are guns and knives being used against the young. So are the never end stream of paedos that seem to pop up everywhere.

But these are symptoms!!! They are mere symptoms of a sick, corrupt and degenerate post-Christian society that is crying out for sane economics, sane politics and sane morality.

We have a duty to defend the Truth. This was once a Christian land. Christ said "the Truth will set you free" and in this world where a miasma of lies, the smoke and mirrors of the controlled media, where war, fear of war and rumours of war are meant to keep us in our place -- we all have a duty to speak out, name names, and defend the Truth.

We need nationalists. We need patriots.

If we do not present a valid alternative to the system as it crumbles, they will cobble together some half-baked get out clause and things will worsen and worsen. We, and all the peoples of the world, will face a slow agonising death.

The Communists have no answers,. No-one is interested in collectivisation. People want freedom, they believe in the family, they want work. The media with its 'talking head' experts tries to convince us that White is Black and Black is White. The Agony Aunts of 101 themes spout their Neo-Liberal 60s crap to tell us that homos can get married, that families can manage without dads, that "human rights" are vital in schools where lawlessness reigns and when most of the children are frightened of the walk home, that drugs are just fine and dandy -- but smacking a naughty child is  a heinous crime deserving of a custodial punishment and putting the child into a 'secure environment' (like the council homes where paedophilia, prostitution, drugs and alcohol addiction are rife).

We must present an answer to all this insanity. The banking crisis. The moral mess. The endemic crime. The corruption in the media, politics and economics.

People are crying out for answers. They can see that everything is a dreadful mess.

Do we, as white, Christian patriots have the courage to stand our ground, face down the enemy, and educate and defend our people in this hour of need? Or will we all wave our little Union Jacks, moan about Muslims, down our beers and moan about "the Pakis having huge families" and read the emails saying "donate now to save Britain" a dozen times sent out by some grubby, shyster-politician out to line his pockets?

One road leads to struggle and freedom, the other leads to obscurity, defeat and the mentality of the bunker.

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