Yet more "security files" have been found left lying about in public on the "War on Terror," drugs smuggling etc.
Right: The game is never over for the Neo Cons: they used the "War onn Terror" to launch an illegal war against Iraq. Now they want to curtail our freedoms. None of this will stop 'false flag' operations and outrages designed to further the Neo Cons' objectives at home and abroad.
After all the uproar over so many lost files containing peoples' details, including millions of recipients of child benefit (i.e. every family with at least one child under 16), we have to ask not only is it right for our government to be engaged in such social control, but can we trust them not to lose the details (wholly or partially)?
On top of this we have the idea that once forged, ID cards will give real criminals a carte blanche to commit ever more criminal acts, ever more forgery, ever more identity theft etc. etc.
As I've said before, the whole "War on Terror" is a con.
Whether you consider 911 to be an inside job; whether you consider Al Qaeda to be a CIA creation or a bogey man given false billing; whether you consider Israel and America to be the real terrorists; whether you consider mass coloured immigration to be the mistake and not just importing "Jihadists"; whether you consider 'false flag' operations to be a convenience used to ratchet up yet more social control, civil unrest contingency laws etc. ad nauseum; whether you consider the Neo Con "clash of civilisations" a smokescreen to make billions by Halliburton et al; whether you think Israel and the US Zionist Lobby have created and/or are milking the whole situation for their own nefarious ends... however you look at it, or whatever your angle: the War on terror is a sad, expensive, wasteful joke!
When politicians seek to stop unnecessary police powers (42 Days Internment without charge etc.) they are painted as "soft on terror!"
This is utter hogwash of course!
As David Davis has said, our ancient rights are being sold down the river on the back of all this Neo Con forgery and illegal wars.
Dare I mention the American "Patriot Act" whose very name is designed to quash any opposition to it and its scandalous state powers over the American people.
As I've also said before, if there really was a "War on Terror" we would see a clampdown on the gun gangs, the drug pushers, the muggers and the knife merchants in cities lie London, Manchester, Nottingham etc., many of whom are of a certain racial character which it is possibly illegal to allude to (albeit a fact - but we know in Post-Macpherson days, the Truth is no defence).
If protecting the population is this (or any) government's priority then we should demand action against the various gangs and hoodlums that blight our streets; we should demand a total war on heroin and other drug pushers; we should demand the right of people to be free from social control and ID cards -- if only to free us from the threat of criminals "doppleganging" our identities in a way that banks, shops etc. will consider 'foolproof.'
Left: Donny Rumsfeld says "Ignore FC! My Israeli and Big Business chums know what's best for you!"
At a time when we already see the biggest ever DNA database being held in the UK (including that of children!) and we know that CCTV images are useless in court cases... I personally think (regardless of his individual motives and the wrongs of the Tory party) that David Davis is right.
We are sleep-walking into a police state!
And all the mimicking of Neo Cons about the "War on terror" and parroting threats from "Jihadis," whether the idiots doing it realise it or not, just plays into the hands of those who want us under the thumb of the state.
Our people are suffering from street crime that, in many areas, has a very real racial aspect.
The answer is cracking down on street crime ("racist" though that be) and starting humane, phased, financially assisted resettlement of immigrants families and communities: which many of them want already.
Our people are suffering financially from a "Credit Crunch" which has its roots in Zionist finance (see earlier posts on this blog) in America and which can clearly be blamed on the banking and financial system.
The answer lies in promoting usury-free banking, Social Credit in issuing debt-free money (preferably by the government, but even staring with initiatives like the Lewes Pound - again, see earlier post on this blog).
Our people are suffering theft (personal, home and vehicle) much of which is rooted in drug abuse.
The answer lies in rooting out the (often immigrant) drug gangs and entirely removing criminal drug elements from our communities, using both carrot and stick initiatives.
Very little of the above three major problems (street crime, Credit Crunch and theft/burglary) lie in the so-called War on Terror or "Jihadis" so beloved of the Neo Cons and their Kosherised useful idiots (including, sad to say, the "Most Zionist Political Party" the 'new' BNP).
The issue is that our government - and groups like the Israeli Lobby, Halliburtons and the BNP - want to 'make hay while the sun shines' viz a viz the "War on Terror" and if it were just about making money and taking votes we might find it a little distasteful but understand it (whilst not condoning it).
Yet the fact is that all these groups are giving the green light to illegal wars in which our kinfolk are dying. They are giving the green light to ever greater Social Control and police powers. They are giving the green light to international war crimes by America and Israel.
It is time for us, as a people, to wake up and smell the coffee.
Do we value the few freedoms we have? Do we believe war criminals should be curtailed? Do we believe the real socio-economic problems should be tackled?
Or do we think we should join the brain dead Sun readers and Eastender watchers in cheering on the Neo Con agenda?
For Racial Nationalists there is only one true option! For freedom-lovers there is only one true option! For those who value their identity there is only one true option. Even for those who value "democracy" there is only one true option!
We must oppose the machinations, weasel words, subterfuge and underhand tactics of the Neo Cons and their fellow travelers.
Anyone who tells you otherwise should be seen for what they are! Ersatz Israelis!
More Files Left on Train
Sunday, 15 June 2008
ID Cards, 42 Days Internment: a Neo Con Agenda
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:01 pm
Categories: BNP, Crime, Drugs, Economics, ID Cards, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Money, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Neo Cons, War, Zionism
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Wave Those Flags Dumb Goys!
The Sun & God save the Queen!
No - they're not promoting Elton John and political correctness again.
This time The Sun, published by the arch-capitalist and race-mixer Rupert Murdoch is asking its readers to "FLY IT IN THE FACE OF TERROR" - the slogan printed in bold over Union Jack screen-savers and posters.
Cheer as the population continues to read Murdoch's The Scum in the face of a "critical" terror alert!
Clap politely as the populace continues to watch multi-culti faggot-infested Eastenders on BBC1, despite the imminent death of us all!
Keep a stiff upper lip as all "communities" (racial, cultural & sexual) remain united in buying their produce from Cohens (sorry, Tescos), their clothes from Littlewoods, Top Shop and Top Man, and anything in-between from Marks & Spencers (BTW... all Jewish shops!)
How much more of this Union-Jack clad Neo-Con bullshit do we have to face?
(picture here: the usual Sun smutty fare)
Just yesterday I saw an "e-mail bulletin" from an allegedly nationalist group (no, not even the Kosherised BNP) in which Daily Mail Neo-Con claptrap was reprinted verbatim.
Do these people have no brains? They certainly should know better!
Can they not see past the headlines created by people who are anti-Nationalist in every fibre of their being?
Do they not understand that they are being turned into the bootboys of Tel Aviv? The street-fodder of the Freemasons in Westminster and Fleet Street?
(right: The Sun is the down-market voice of the Neo-Cons - here seen bashing France for having the temerity to have its own independent foreign policy, whereas The Sun thinks we should do whatever America tells us!)
Already we had Gordon Brown, in his first Prime Minister's Questions, in Parliament at midday today, defend the call for ID cards!!!
Many people said Brown would realise what a huge waste of money this scheme is - but he cited all the police chiefs who want them brought in... surprise surprise!
That's like asking Turkey Farmers if they think Christmas is a good idea.
Even David Cameron (the Tory leader) had the common sense to state that ID Cards did not stop 911 and the Madrid Bombings (Mossad, the CIA, MI6 etc. can always find ways around ID cards - as can any actual 'terrorists' out there).
(left: Mr. & Mrs. Murdoch, or "Rupert and Ting Tong" as the dirty old man-style 'Desperate Dan' and his - ahem - 'much younger' Oriental bride were known. Interestingly no sordid stories about degenerate eldsters using their money to bed lithesome foreignors was published in Murdoch's The Scum).
Nor would ID cards stop any cheesed-off loons of any sort driving a car into any structure, any more than it would stop the large number of schools burnt down every year by pupils or ex-pupils: very real 'terror' which has a profound impact on many thousands of children and their education.
(right: A Sun journalist - perhaps one of the many 'Ms. Slagg' columnists Murdoch employs - gathering more material for the next edition of the newspaper).
We are being pushed to accept a Neo-Con agenda in world affairs, and a Masonic Police State agenda at home.
Those who defend multi-racism, homosexual "rights," Neo-Con wars, the mass-murder of abortion can tell us we should be proud to be British as they seek to mould that identity into people who defend all their Freemasonic humanist beliefs!
Who knows? Maybe the ID cards will have lovely little Union Jacks on them? The soldiers' coffins coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan certainly do!
Perhaps when they haul off those of us who don't want their multi-culti Masonic society, we'll get to wear smart little Union Jack shackles.
Not so much God save the Queen, as:
Posted by
Final Conflict
1:55 pm
Categories: BBC, BNP, ID Cards, Media, Nationalism, Rupert Murdoch, The Sun