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Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Gadaffy Dead? Now the Suffering Starts for Libya

Mobile phone footage broadcast on the BBC
If the reports are correct and Colonel Muammer Gaddafy is indeed dead, then Libya can now look forward to years of suffering as Islamicists battle with those in new York's pocket. Usury banking and strangulation-force taxes are a joy the Libyans are yet to embrace, but which we in the "international community" enjoy from cradle to the grave.

The NATO bombing of civilian areas gave the lie to the UN resolutions used as an excuse to launch military attacks on the government of Libya. UN resolutions against Israel, with its concentration camps, child prisoners and illegal nukes, sit gathering dust in the meantime.

What tomorrow holds for Libya is as unclear as the CIA spin put on recent events, which including NATO commandos on the streets killing Libyans. As for the people of Tripoli and Sirte... their loyalties will be long remembered by those with Talmudic-style memories when it comes to retaliation and revenge.

No doubt the news media will wax lyrical about Lockerbie and WPC Fletcher, both crimes for which Libya had no blame, whilst covering up British funding of Muslim terrorists who had tried to kill Gaddafy in the past (and killed innocent by-standers) and the American terror air raids on Tripoli.

You see the "bad guys" are always the "terrorists" whereas the 'international community' (CIA, MI6, Mossad) when it bombs, kills, maims etc. usually just brushed it under the carpet.

Will Libya be one country under the heel of the Rothschilds? Or will it split into its component parts? Will it become a 'hardline' Muslim country? Or will it become a Western vessel state with all the endless debt, poverty and hunger that invariably follow?

Two things are for sure:
  • The truth about recent events in Libya has yet to be told.
  • The future for Libyans will be "interesting" to say the least.
The West will now screech for "democracy" knowing that they will be on-hand to pour in their money to ensure their place-men have a key role, if not outright control.

Now, regardless of the chaos, terror or retribution in Libya, the Neo Cons will turn their faces to Iran.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Libya: The Spirit of Blair Lives on as Libyan Civilians Dodge NATO Bombs

So let's get this straight shall we?

Civilians are fleeing Sirte the Gadaffy "stronghold," leaving their property, homes, livelihoods, schools, jobs...

This is the same city that NATO have been bombing as part of their remit to, erm, protect Libyan civilians from Libyan armed forces.

Outside Sirte wait, erm, Libyan armed forced, ready to storm the city. Even as the civilians fled, NATO were still bombing the city.

So exactly which Libyan civilians are NATO protecting by bombing Libyan civilian areas? And who will protect the Libyan civilians who stay in Sirte, to protect their property, from the Libyan armed forces waiting outside the city to wreak havoc/revenge (as they did in Tripoli, even raping women).

Well done NATO! You have excelled yourselves in twisting a UN Resolution beyond all recognition.

The Spirit of Tony Blair QC lives on! Business is still good for war criminals and profiteers.

Time to Tally up Civilian Deaths

Saturday, 30 April 2011

NATO Attacks and Kills Gadaffi Family Members

If it is true that NATO has attacked and killed one of Gaddafi's sons and three of Gaddafi's grandchildren, as is just being reported, then it is clear that NATO have broken the remit of UN resolution 1973, and the act of the Neo Cons and war hawks in Washington and London in pretending that they are acting lawfully is exposed as a farce.

They have attacked and killed civilians. They have committed a war crime.

This is exactly why we should do as "we" have with other countries - condemn bad governments where needs be, agitate for peace etc. but do not get involved in foreign conflicts.

We have had to many foreign Zionist adventures which have left the world a far less safe place.

NATO involvement in Libya has to end. British, US and French involvement on the side of the rebels (whoever they are) has to end.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Those Libyan Lies: Enough Neo Cons! Stop Lying.

Some Media/Neo Con 'Libyan' Lies:

  • The (Gaddafy) Libyan air force bombed civilians. There is no proof of this and Russian satellites have shown no evidence of sorties against civilians or civilian centres.
  • Meanwhile the "allies" have already killed civilians as well as rebel forces in "friendly fire."

  • Gaddafy would have slaughtered thousands in Benghazi. Again no proof has been offered. Where are the thousands killed in other towns and cities captured?
  • The "allies" say talk of "house to house" searches in a conquered Benghazi is proof - yet just the other day reported "house to house" searches by the rebels in one town, which they were then pushed back out of.

  • Video of rockets, tanks and artillery from the Libyan Army was shown as proof of Gaddafy targeting civilians. No proof of this was shown.
  • Video of rockets and similar shot by rebels outside of "pro-Gaddafy" towns was dismissed as 'the rebels firing on Gaddafy loyalists' positions' by sections of the media and Neo Cons/war hawks.

How much more hypocrisy do we have to put up with? Where is the NATO intervention in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and (dare I say it?) Israel?

Enough is enough.

As some dark chappies once said: Don't believe the hype.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Collateral Murder - Coming Soon to Libya

Panorama, Newsnight and the entire BBC machinery has been acting as the mouth of the Libyan rebels. Every (uncensored) report from Tripoli almost invariably has the words "cannot be independently verified" tagged on, whereas reports from rebel areas (even tenuous, speculative ones, have no such tag line).

On last night's Newsnight a spokesman for the Libyan rebels all but called for US/NATO military action, on their side of course, and if civilians died - so be it, if it helped them win their civil war, their armed insurrection.

Thus we see the "humanitarian" cloak used (as Farrakhan said) to disguise their nefarious aims, is quickly tossed aside when it comes to killing civilians loyal to the Libyan government or in their areas!

Of course the elephant in the room is that armed rebels in civilian clothing are "civilians" too - even though they are in armed insurrection, no doubt helped by the CIA/Mossad.

So, as very few British MPs and media voices have the courage to state, we are joining a Civil War on one side. The crimes of that side will be airbrushed and the crimes of the other side (if you'll pardon the pun) will be blown out of all proportion.

'Mission Creep' is already taking place. There's talk of arresting Gaddafi, "taking out" Gaddafi, assaulting towns held by the Libyan government and their supporters (with how many civilian victims?) to help the rebels...

Killing innocents comes easy to the Zionists, and always will to achieve their ends. They are just numbers.

Human lives, civilian deaths, collateral damage -- however you want to label murder of innocents -- only matter when the Zionists want in somewhere. Then civilians murders are a crime against humanity. Oh the tears flow!

Yet when hundreds of thousands die in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza - not to mention the million or so dead in Rwanda - it matters not a jot to the Zionists. Indeed, in some (most!) cases they are the ones doing the indiscriminate murder.

When Israel invaded Lebanon (a sovereign nation) many innocents died and UN checkpoints were attacked. There was no UN Resolution, no no-fly zone, no talk of war crimes.

When Gaza had democracy and voted in Hamas (as was their right), Israel enacted an illegal blockade. Where then was the humanitarian concern of the Americans?

Watch the following video. It shows the Americans in action, committing a war crime. Killing civilians. The man who leaked this video is being abused in an American military stockade.

Where is America's love of freedom, that they wanted this video hushed up?

What happened in Iraq could well happen in Libya if the various War Hawks, Neo Cons and Zionists have their way (including the British government's Defence Secretary). It's what the 'rebels' (who are leading the BBC by the nose, so must be part of a MI6 agenda) want, in order to get their way, and change the government of Libya by hook or by crook.

The talk of humanitarian aims, helping civilians etc. is all hogwash.

Watch the video from Iraq. A man walking down the street with a weapon (lets call him a "rebel") walks into a building. The American gunship then gets the all-clear from their own Command to attack the building, to blow it up (with everyone inside it).

If the rebel were a Libyan rebel and the helicopter were a Libyan government one, this would be shown on Newsnight as proof of war crimes, and as an excuse to get NATO troops on the ground to protect civilians (even the ones carrying weapons).

Why therefore, is it not a criminal act when the Americans do it? Because they are following Zionist war aims? Because they can veto the UN Security Council?

Is this any way to get neutral unbiased justice in the world? Or a neutral unbiased military response backed by the UN?

If NATO/US forces get even more embroiled in Libya, we will see more of this kind of action, more civilian deaths, the Civil War will escalate.

All to a back-drop of billions spent on weaponry at a time when all the Western states are close to bust and poverty in America, for example, is rampant! Kerching.

Yet because that seems to be a Zionist goal, we are all meant to sit back and clap politely when a Libyan rebel leader calls for more "collateral damage" to achieve his aims. Doesn't it kind of remind you of the Iraqi rebel nutters who were calling for war and promising they'd find the sites of the WMDs? Beware war propaganda using useful idiots.

Welcome to the New World Order. Killing is their business, and business is good.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Govt Lies, UN Subterfuge and Media Twisted Words: it's Iraq Mark II

On the Daily Politics (BBC TV Show) on the 18th March, ex-UK Ambassador to the UN Jeremy Greenstock admitted that UN Resolution 1973 (for the No Fly Zone over Libya) "scraped through" with 5 "big hitters" abstaining, to show their "disinterest" (at best!).

Right: Sarkozy the right-wing Neo Con Zionist cheers on another Zionist war. He won't risk his life to defend his interests: he leaves that to us dumb goys.

He said that the only reason they abstained (and the Resolution wasn't vetoed) was that the Arab League was 'on board.'

Yet we have already heard an Arab League leader crying out that they didn't want a military assault on Libya (as has been seen in the last few days) so it already seems like the Arab League were conned.

Of course, others say that the Arab League blackmailed "the West" by giving their support solely on the grounds that no action will be taken against Bahrain and the Saudis.

On that point Tory MP and ex-army officer Bob Stewart, on the same BBC Daily Politics show, was quite the War Hawk, calling for the arming of Libyan rebels, bombing raids on Libyan troops etc. even if it "saved one life."

This 'saving one life' doctrine doesn't seem to apply to Israel or the Saudis.

Strange that...

Arab League Condemns Bombing

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Here We Go Again: Another War to get Embroiled in

When is a no fly zone not a no fly zone?

When it is yet another needless Zionist War by another name.

We are told we don't have enough money for old peoples' homes, for local libraries, and so much more.

Yet we have enough money to launch planes and Tomahawk missiles against Libya (which must be costing many millions).

The War Hawks have picked another victim.

  • It's not Israel who used white phosphorous against civilian targets.
  • It's not Bahrain or Saudi Arabia who used the military against unarmed civilians.

What is interesting now is what happens next:

  • Will the war (for bombing a sovereign country is an act of war) escalate?
  • Will the armed rebellion continue - and if so are the Libyan forces not allowed to counter?
  • Will Gaddafy spill the beans on the alleged bankrolling of Sarkozy?
Furthermore, where does this leave 'the world' beyond the example of Libya and the rather eccentric Gaddafys?

If Russia uses military muscle against armed Chechen rebels (as they have) will that mean Britain, France and America have the right to attack strategic Russian targets?

Or let us look at a more extreme example right here.

Social cohesion breaks down and civil unrest happen in Britain over the cut-backs. Scotland is especially riotous given the Tory government and there is open insurrection. Parts of Scotland are armed by Irish Republican splinter groups, and there is tit for tat sectarianism. The socialists and republicans of Scotland start an all out paramilitary campaign against "British" targets and a minor Royal is killed on a Scottish estate by a servant.

In English cities the unrest spreads, pushed on by far-left militants, and many coloureds take part to air their own grievances. Some Muslim-dominated areas join in to fight the government. In some white working class areas even radical patriots declare "home rule" to defend their communities from roving criminals and corrupt left-wing councils. In the chaos bands of students and ex-students take it upon themselves to attack banks, robbing them, burning whatever records they can find.

Even where riots and disturbances don't break out, there is a run on the banks as people panic, the shops empty, armed police patrol and the army is on standby.

With many of these disparate forces (Scots, leftists, Irish republicans, coloureds, Muslims etc.) joining up in a (very) loose confederation, based on the examples of Egypt, Libya etc., they begin taking over more areas,more towns.

A shocking image in the newspapers is that of "state agents/provocateurs" being strung up or burnt alive in the manner of the South African burning tyre "necklaces."

The rebels clamour for the end of Tory/Liberal/Labour government and call for some form of government open to people and free from party corruption and vested interests (the Scots and Irish elements want some form of increased home rule).

With violence, the call for the splintering of the UK, the army is sent in and many civilians (some armed, some not) are killed. Despite the intense violence it is clear in the rebel-held areas most people are not taking part, the TV film shows crowds of a few thousand at most.

If this happened do you think Russia, China, Japan and others have the right to declare a no-fly zone? Do you think they should have the right to launch missiles at "strategic targets?"

Now I know this is an extreme example; but as nationalists we should always worry when the "international community" gives itself the right to attack a sovereign nation when some form of civil war or civil unrest breaks out.

We must be very careful before giving credence to the usual suspects starting a war.

Some will try to paint Gadaffy as a "mad mullah" - as opposed to a latter-day friend of 'the West' - but be careful what you wish for: the opposition is an unknown commodity and as well as the usual CIA and Mossad plants, will undoubtedly contain those who want an Islamic State.

As for Gadaffy himself, he must be kicking himself that he didn't drop white phosphorous on Benghazi, as that's what the Israelis did and the "international community" barely uttered a word!

Here endeth the lesson.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Israel's Right to Exist, Terrorism and the UN

From Michele Renouf:

Here from London, we may have heard a first in the House of Lords during a well-attended seminar last night. Recorded by an authorised cameraman, someone (no surprise to Dr Zuroff on who that might have been!) was permitted by the Chairman to offer the last word from the floor (at 6.16 mins into part 10) : on why Israel has no right or need to exist and that neither does the privileged veto in the UN Security Council if there is ever to be an effective definition of causal "terrorist" as opposed to consequential "freedom fighter":

Israel's Right to Exist

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Miliband: Hamas Criminals -but Israel ALLEGED Criminals

On Panorama, Friday 16th August, David Miliband (for it was he) said that the UK government must look into the "problems of Gaza" and that they would deal with the issues of 'Hamas crimes and alleged Israeli crimes' [my italics].

He says he's not being mealy mouthed, yet someone who publicly casts doubt on Israel's war crimes yet states the Hamas actions were criminal without the blink of an eye, is spiting in the face of the independent UN enquiry.

Anyone who wonders about the impartiality of our government needs to think again.

Our soldiers are being sent into war by Zionists who take no action at all about Israeli war crimes and illegally held Israeli nuclear weapons.

If a Muslim country held illegal nukes and was involved in large scale war crimes against its occupied territories or neighbours do you think America/Britain would defend that nation at the UN?

Think again.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

English Translation of Ahmadinejad's UN Racism Speech

As nationalists we should always look for the "news behind the news." Why did the European Nations walk out? Why did the Jewish State, as well as Israel, boycott the conference?

Can it be that Neo Cons and liberals can't face an inconvenient truth? i.e. that Israel was founded on lies, terrorism, murder, ethnic cleansing and has existed in like manner ever since!

Are we to believe that the only people who can never, ever be accused of racism - despite the Talmud and the facts we see in reports from Palestine - are the Jews? Just as the only historical matter we are never, ever supposed to question is the holohoax.

Read these excerpts. What exactly is so offensive? Is the Iranian leader defending illegal wars? Torture? Extraordinary rendition? Crashing the world financial system?

Are we really to believe that discussing the facts of Israel's foundation is so offensive as to provoke the kind of walk out that had all the hallmarks of a Soviet media circus, with the Red Beast calling the shots and all its satellite states following the pied piper's tune like so many rats...

Switch the word Soviet for Zionist and you're somewhere near the truth!

English translation of excerpts from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the U.N. racism conference:

"Following World War II, they resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless under the pretext of Jewish suffering. They sent migrants from Europe, the United States and other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government in the occupied Palestine. In fact, in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine."


"It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defend those racist perpetrators of genocide, while the awakened, conscious and free-minded people of the world condemn aggression, brutalities and bombardments of civilians of Gaza."


"Ladies and gentlemen: What are the root causes of U.S. attacks against Iraq, or invasion of Afghanistan? Was the motive behind the invasion of Iraq anything other than the arrogance of the then-U.S. administration and the mounting pressures ... to expand their sphere of influence, seeking the interest of giant arms manufacturing companies, affecting another culture with thousands of years of historical background, eliminating potential and practical threats of Muslim countries against the Zionist regime? Or, to control and plunder energy resources of the Iraqi people. Why indeed were almost a million people killed and injured, and a few more millions were displaced and became homeless? Why indeed have the Iraqi people suffered enormous losses amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars? ... Wasn't the military action against Iraq planned by the Zionists and their allies in the then-U.S. administration, in complicity with the arms manufacturing companies, and the owner of the world?"


The United States and its allies not only have failed to contain the production of drugs in Afghanistan, but also the illicit cultivation of narcotics multiplied in the course of their presence. The basic question is what was the responsibility of the then-U.S. administration and its allies? Did they represent countries of the world? Have they been mandated by them? Have they been authorized on behalf of the people of the world to interfere in all parts of the globe, and of course mostly in our region? Aren't these measures a clear example of egocentrism, racism, discrimination, or infringement on the dignity and independence of nations?"


Ladies and gentlemen: Who is responsible for the current global economic crisis? Where did the crisis start from? From Africa? From Asia? Or was it first from the United States?"


"Dear friends, today, the human community is facing a kind of racism that has tarnished the image of humanity. In the beginning of the third millennium, the world Zionism personifies racism that falsely resorts to religion, and abuses religious sentiment to hide their hatred and ugly faces. However, it is of great importance to bring into focus the political goals of some of the world's powers and those who control huge economic resources and interests in the world, and mobilize all their resources, economic and political influence, and world media to render support in vain to the Zionist regime, and maliciously to diminish to indignity and disgrace this regime."

UN Chief's Impartiality Under Question

Zionist Extremists Try to Stop Free Speech

Ahmadinejad compromise didn't stop Zionist boycott and walk-out at UN Racism conference.

Revisionism Dropped from Speech

Saturday, 24 January 2009

BBC's Gaza Shame

The BBC won't show a relief Fund appeal for Gaza organised by internationally renowned and well respected charities because it fears it will lose it's reputation for "balance" and "impartiality."

Is this the same BBC that has IDF B.S. statements about "Hamas Militants" being in UN schools and shelters when the UN has stated that the Israelis are lying, and when the Israelis have even admitted to diplomatic personnel that their line is not true?

The BBC should be ashamed of itself!

First of all for allowing those partaking in War Crimes to have their apologists come on air in a most brazen fashion, often having the last word in the "debate."

Then for "obeying" the Israelis in not sending in journalists to the Gaza to see the Israeli war crimes for themselves. One of the videos on our side bar on this blog shows how the "Big Three" news channels in America has all similar footage "cleared" by the israelui Army before airing it. The job of journalists and reporters should be to uncover unpalatable truths, not to do whatever Israel tells them!

Now we have the BBC failing to allow charities to raise funds for shelter and medicines -- obviously in the hope that Israel will "allow" those much needed essentials through their almost 2-year-old blockade.

Yet more evidence of whose tune the BBC dances to.

Red Cross Appeal

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Britain & Palestine: Our Duty to the Arabs


According to some retarded intellects in the Neo Con fringe, trying to find excuses for dodging Israel's atrocities and mindless murder in the Gaza Strip, the events in Gaza have "nothing to do with Britain."

Above Right: Gaza and Palestine has everything to do with Britain! According to one Zionist site - in order ostensibly to pooh pooh the Palestinian flag - they state:

"This is the only official and fully internationally-recognized Palestine-specific flag (which was not restricted to internal use within a government department) that has ever existed. This is the "Palestine Civil Ensign, which was flown by ships registered in the British Palestine Mandate territory from 1927 to 1948."

So even by the Zionists' own half-baked arguments, the link between Britain and Palestine and the British role (overtly and
covertly) in handing over Palestine to Jewish Zionist terrorists, who had murdered their way across Palestine for years killing Britons and Arabs, is plain for all to see! Some British Neo Cons may now wish it wasn't --but despite what Zionist Hollywood would have us believe-- you cannot rewrite history!

As I have said before on this blog that is a lie on the grounds of geo-politics, social cohesion, mass immigration, the price of oil, American (hence our!) foreign policy... and so much more!

But there's another reason: Britain's direct involvement in Palestine.

OK, to some it's "ancient" history, but circa 70 years ago Britain ran Palestine.

Before that, British politicians made a shameful agreement to hand Palestine to the Jews (known as the Balfour Declaration).

In 1948 Britain gave up its mandate in Palestine and handed it to the UN, knowing full well that the UN would partition Palestine and hand over a portion to the Zionist Jews.

It was a sell-out of the Arabs in Palestine who had faced and would face more Jewish terrorism.

But did you also know that following the murder of 96 people in the King David Hotel massacre in 1946 (by the terrorist Irgun group) the British government insisted all illegal Jewish migrants to Israel by intercepted and sent to Cyprus.

Incidentally, as even Wikipedia acknowledges:

"Beginning in 1936, several Jewish groups such as Etzel (Irgun) and Lehi (Stern Gang) conducted their own campaigns of violence against British military and Arab targets. This prompted the British government to label them both as terrorist organizations."

As a means to ensure the British left Palestine (immediately after which "Israel" was declared and recognised in the middle of the night by the USA - nothing changes!) and the wheels could be set in motion to the UN partition, America withheld reconstruction loans it had promised Britain.

With friends like that eh?

With Stern and Irgun people involved with the Israeli government, it seems that America's lofty stated aim/ambition has never, even in the days leading up to the statement that Israel existed by the Zionist extremists, prevented it from dealing with Zionist Jews whose delight was to kill Europeans and Arabs, innocents and soldiers.

Not only did America charge Britain for the money it lent (only recently repaid!!!), but along with usury it used the loans as a means to blackmail Britain over allowing in hundreds of thousands of Jews into Palestine.

It just fulfils so many stereotypes doesn't it?

And so it was that Britain ran Palestine from 1927 - 1948.

So it was that Zionist Jewish groups were officially 'terrorists' and killed British and Arab soldiers and civilians.

Left: General Sir John Bagot (Jack) Glub, Commander of Transjordan's Arab Legion. Joined by 37 British officers who resigned their commission, they led the Arab Legion's 4000 men to defend Jerusalem from the Jewish Zionist terrorists' forces.

So it was that America applied pressure on Britain and spontaneously recognised Israel the moment the Zionist extremists and terrorists announced the Illegal State.

Yet despite Britain's role in caving into Jewish and American (one and the same?) pressure, certain apologists for Israel and wanna-be Neo Cons say that events in Gaza have "nothing to do with Britain."

For Shame.

They are letting their need for shekels or their need for adulation from Zionist sources override the basic facts of history.

What goes on in Palestine is as much "to do" with Britain as events in Zimbabwe (in fact, if you add in the factors of Zionist wars, Zionist false flag operations in Britain and so on, you can easily argue that Palestine has more to do with us than Zimbabwe!)

Some Zionists/Neo Cons are hinting that people are only interested in Palestine because of oil.

Like the Jewish leftists before them that argued that the Iraq War was solely down to oil, they are covering-up the Zionist angle, with the control Zionists have over the American government and so on.

The needless and wanton aggression and mass murder carried out in Iraq and Gaza were/are both (mistakenly or otherwise) organised by Zionists (in America and Israel) to help solidify Israel's position in the Middle East.

When Communist groups with Jewish leaders and activists stated that the Iraq war was "for oil" they were trying to cover-up the 'Israel angle.'

When "patriotic" groups with Jewish members and a Zionist-leaning policy state that the Gaza conflict is nothing to do with us and people care because "of oil" they are trying to cover up the "Zionist angle."

The former do it to try and disguise the intrinsically Jewish nature of Communism, the latter do it to try and cover up the Zionist nature of "populist patriotism."

But dear reader, we should never forget that some British patriots have stood up when the time has called, and have fought Zionist terror and done what is right, as opposed to what is profitable.

As you will see from the map here, the parts of Palestine ear-marked by the UN for the Palestinians were invaded and taken over by the Zionists.

Right: Palestine partitioned 1947-49.

The Gaza Strip is that piece handed over for Egyptian control, the West Bank is that handed over for Syrian control. Jerusalem was meant to be an "open city" (and Israel's claim to it as a capital is still illegal by UN laws).

Despite encroachments on the West Bank (see the poster available from FC showing geographic encroachment by Israel) and gradual take-over of Jerusalem, it is thanks to the Syrian army and a group of British officers that the West Bank was saved at all, and that Jerusalem was saved for the Arabs and not Israel's "capital" 60 years ago.

During the 1948 war between the Israelis and the Arabs, four thousand Transjordanian troops, commanded by 38 British officers who had resigned their commissions in the British army only weeks earlier (commanded by General Glubb), invaded the Corpus separatum region of Palestine, encompassing Jerusalem and its environs, as well as areas designated as part of the Arab state by the UN partition plan.

These brave soldiers, probably knowing they were facing the Irgun and Stern terrorists who had killed so many British soldiers and civilians, as well as murdering, poisoning and mutilating their way through Arab villages, ensured victory and the holding-off of Zionist forces by the Jordanians and kept Jerusalem free from Jewish control for decades!

General Glubb and his comrades had a difficult decision. They would give up their pensions. They might even be regarded as "traitors" (despite fighting officially labelled terrorists). They would be labelled "anti-Semites." They would be consigned to ignominy by a world increasingly becoming pro-Zionist.

Yet they showed what 38 men could achieve, prompted by moral certainty, putting right before profit, and defending the ancient rights of the Palestinian people to defend their land from terrorist interlopers whose only "justification" to the land was an agreement with God which they voided when they killed Christ (not to mention many of them were in fact Asiatic "converts" to the anti-Christian sect).

Left: The very symbol of Britishness, the red post box so beloved of street corners, towns and villages throughout the land, here in... erm... Tel Aviv. These date from the British Mandate when Britain ruled Palestine before it was knowingly given-up to Jewish rule. A small but telling nail in the coffin of the lie that Palestine has "nothing to do with Britain."

It seems to me that any British patriots would do well to remember the sacrifice and bravery of General Glubb and his 37 fellow officers who fought the murderous, terrorist Zionist forces in 1948.

Not as much money or media adulation in that of course, but are we fighting for justice or taking part in "X Factor?"

Certainly it should give every 'Patriotic Briton' food for thought - not least should we agitate for a blue plaque outside the home of General Glubb or a memorial to him and the 37 brave British officers who resigned their commissions).

At the very least it lays bare the awful, terrible and loathsome lie that what is happening in Gaza has "nothing to do with Britain."

A lie is only young once, and that lie is already withering on the vine.

It deserves to die an ignominious death!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

UN Man Who Warned of Zionist Blockade Exposes Israeli Lies

Andrew Whitley is a spokesman for the UN in Palestine where he works for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Right: The UN's Andrew Whitley has warned of hunger and suffering because of the 18 month Israeli blockade of Gaza and has denied that Hamas Militants were in the UN School bombed by Israel. How long before Mossad find some dirt on - or worse - silence him?

Back in April 2007 he warned of trouble ahead, because since the 2006 elections, the Gaza Strip has been under an economic blockade (an act of war in most country's books!).

Whitley painted a picture of a people under siege, and suffering like we could never believe:

“We keep (including the World Food Program) these people alive these days and the degree they have become dependent on the international community for lack of resources is troubling indeed,” Whitley said.

In other words the people of Gaza were being deliberately starved, by an Israeli blockade, because of their choice in free elections.

How would we feel if the EU blockaded our ports and stopped all imports/exports because we voted for an anti-EU government (e.g. UKIP, the BNP, or even a Eurosceptic Tory Party)?

Wouldn't we view that as a crime? An act of war even?

The Palestinians have been suffering like this for years! And where are the "democrats" in the UK to defend the rights of the Palestinians to vote in Hamas? Or to live without the collective punishment of a blockade with starvation and suffering?


That sound was the tumbleweed blowing through these here parts!

The professional political class have been condemned by their silence. Their sin of omission has ratcheted up the pressure in a powder keg situation, manouevered into place by a criminal elite in Tel Aviv and Washington DC.

As the news report below explains:

Although the Israeli Army established checkpoints in the name of security, “I would argue the means to tackle these threats…leads to a sense of nihilism, pent up anger that …brings about the results they are trying to avoid,” Whitley explained.

In other words after the forced partition of their lands, the erection of a wall to dwarf the accursed Berlin Wall, and a forced starvation and mass unemployment because of the way they chose to vote, the Palestinians now face mass murder and the illegal use of phosphorous and cluster bombs by a State that has done everything it can to ratchet up the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Now we have the Israelis, who have brought about this series of events by denying the Palestinian people the right to choose their own government, and launching an illegal and warlike blockade of an (allegedly) sovereign territory, telling outright lies about a bombing of a UN school compound in Gaza.

To quote Mr. Whitley directly from yesterday's BBC Newsnight programme:

"[We have] No evidence... [of Hamas] militants inside the [school] compound, which has been used to shelter people from the area and we don't think that there was any fighting taking place actually from the school itself."

As with the illegal invasion of Lebanon and the attack on a UN outpost (killing two) by the Israeli army, we are witnessing war crimes carried out by a nuclear power with the direct backing of Zionist America.

During the invasion of Lebanon the attack on the UN post was almost a carbon copy of the bombing of the UN School in Gaza. Here's a snippet from a news report at the time (4th link below):

In his statement, Mr. Annan said that the “coordinated artillery and air attack” occurred despite personal assurances given to him by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would be spared fire. The Secretary-General said the post, near the Lebanese town of Khiyam, was “long established and clearly marked.” [our emphasis].

It is clear that Israel, like it's Zionist bedfellow America has scant regard for international law and just bombs, shoots, bulldozes, tortures and ethnically cleanses whoever the hell it likes with impunity.

Now it's time for Israel to answer for its War Crimes... or are we to believe that only Octogenarian and Nonagenarian Germans and Anti-Communist East Europeans can be hounded to the grave for alleged "war crimes," whilst the invaders of Lebanon and Gaza go unpunished?

Some might say - anti-Semites to a man no doubt! - that this reeks of "one law for them and another law for us."

Still as babies are blown apart and parents left to wail in the streets as their innocent children die at the hands of an invading superpower we can all sit back and watch Anne Frank on BBC TV every night this week!

What a delicious sense of irony the BBC scheduler must have.

Andrew Whitley Warns of Gaza Crisis, April 2007

Andrew Whitley states 18 months of blockade

UN state there were no (Hamas) Militants in Bombed School

Israel Attacked a UN structure in Lebanon too!

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Masons Planned the UN in 1942!

I found a great Allied propaganda poster from WW2.

It seems that even back in 1942 our Masonic masters were planning the "united Nations", based in their power-base New York of course! Why else is the Masonic 'Statue of Liberty' included - unless to give a subliminal message the the war is being fought for Masonic ideals and for a Masonic UN?

The series of flags kind of reminds me of Rumsfeld's "coalition of the willing" - for who can forget Mexico and Honduras's huge role in "fighting fascism."

But seriously how ironic was it that Poland was listed along with the USSR, when the USSR occupied half of Poland in 1939, and all of it in 1944/45?

Some kind of Freedom as evidenced at Katyn Forest!

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Iran is no threat: but the Neo-Cons are!

Dear reader, grizzled veteran that you are, your Bull####-Meter must have had its needle on red almost continually for the last few days.

For not only has the Labour Party conference followed hot on the heels of the Lib-Dems, but we've also had the American media and Whitehouse response to Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appearances in New York and its environs.

Left: He's started no illegal wars, he's not bankrolling any state with illegal nuclear weapons, he's not sending torture victims around the world...

What was the top moment of hyperbole and hypocrisy for you? I'm sure everyone has their favourite...

Mine was a Whitehouse spokesman complaining of Iranian involvement in Iraq.

Yes: Iran's involvement.

Not America's illegal war against Iraq.
Not America's nonsense over WMDs.
America's involvement in a sovereign nations thousands of miles away.

Not America's army and mercenaries killing Iraqi civilians.

Right: An image to break a thousand editorials. Approx 25,000 Jews live in Iran and despite specific financial inducements to live in Israel only a handful chose to leave. They enjoy civil and religious liberties in Iran. Here the President greets an anti-Zionist Jew at a Holocaust revisionist conference.

No... Tsk tsk.

Can't you see you fool??? It's all Iran's fault!!!

Isn't it all so clear?

Israel bomb, strafe and invade Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt... and no warning from America (even after they bombed the USS Liberty!)

Iran are a neighbouring nation to Iraq and they played no part in sabre-rattling for the war, or instigating the war...

But do not blame Bush & America.

Do not blame his poodle Blair & the Westminster marionettes.

Do not even blame Israel for their foreign policy dictating Middle East conflicts or their lobby's control of Washington DC, or their possession of illegal nukes!!!

No: blame the guy who asks for open debate of history. Isn't that a threat to world peace? Ha ha ha!!!

Left: Kosher protesters use a Kosher newspaper front-page to push the US administration's Kosher message. Are they now trying to blame "911" on Iran? They tried that with Iraq and it was laughed at.

In a post-Saddam world the Neo-Cons need another "Mr Nasty" and whilst most of us would line up a Neo-Con, they've chosen Ahmadinejad, as the current bete noir of the Zionist warmongers.

Now wait for all their Neo-Con buddies and Kosher Tories (in the media and in political parties) line up to denounce Ahmadinejad as a holocaust-denier, as a war-monger and as a "mad Muslim."

By their fruits shall you know them... in other words: wot speaks like a Kosher Neo-Con IS a Kosher Neo-Con guvnor, no matter how they spin it out.

For more info and analysis see the FC e-zine #2901.

Iranian Speech to the UN
Iranian Speech at Columbia Uni

Quote to annoy Zionist supremacists and "Chosenites":

Human beings are all God's creatures and are all endowed with dignity and respect. No one has superiority over others. No individual or states can arrogate to themselves special privileges, nor can they disregard the rights of others and, through influence and pressure, position themselves as the "international community".

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