It seems that "Swedes" have been rioting for 5 days. Yes those laid-back, fun-loving, liberal, social democratic, anti-racist "Swedes" have been burning cars, smashing windows, attacking kindergartens and suchlike!
Who'd have thought "Swedes" would be so vindictive?
I mean I can't imagine this has anything to do with immigration or multi-culti as we were told (back in the 70s and 80s) that the UK was letting in millions of Third World immigrants because "we" had an empire. The last time I looked the Swedish empire only took in a few European countries...
or is it that we were told a huge porky pie to excuse letting in millions of unwanted immigrants and the people rioting in Sweden aren't European or Swedes. That can't be so surely?
Friday, 24 May 2013
Are Swedes Rioting in Sweden?
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:15 am
Categories: Crime, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Riots
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Jihad Returns to London: A Reply to Prime Minister David Cameron.
A great video.
The practice of concealing one's beliefs in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur'an, which deems blameless those who disguise their beliefs in such cases.[8] The practice of taqiyya in difficult circumstances is considered legitimate by Muslims of various sects. Sunni and Shi'a commentators alike observe that verse 16:106 refers to the case of 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture.[9]
Quran 3:28 enjoins Muslims not to take the company of non-Muslims over Muslims unless as a means of safeguarding themselves. "Let not the believers take those who deny the truth for their allies in preference to the believers – since he who does this cuts himself off from God in everything – unless it be to protect yourself against them in this way…"[10] Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir, a prominent authority writes, "meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly." He quotes Muhammad's companion, Abu Ad-Darda', who said "we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them," and Al-Hasan who said "the Tuqyah is acceptable till the Day of Resurrection."
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