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Showing posts with label Radio 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radio 4. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 on iplayer

The full for-radio adapted version of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is available to listen to on the BBC's iplayer.

Fahrenheit 451

A society where the people are kept dumb by constant radio/TV shows including 'soaps' and where all books are burned... it is very interesting.

These programmes only last for a set amount of time on the BBC site, so give it a listen as soon as you can.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Gordon Brown, Tax and the Lewes Pound

Despite my offer of help to win the day for Gordon Brown and have him voted in at the next general election as "the champion of the people," he chose to go cap in hand to the banks and borrow £2.7 Billion to pay for a tax concession to try and win votes and cover-up his mess from removing the 10p tax band.

"Gordon the Socialist" shows himself, once again, as Gordon the Banksters errand boy.

£2.7 billion in reality means millions more in interest every single month because the money will be borrowed at interest.

In his Radio 4 (Today programme) and Downing Street press conference appearances today he tried to paper over the cracks by stating that he could do this because the government's debt was now just 38% instead of 44% - I presume of annual income... but whatever, GB said this equates to £100 Billion less debt.

It just goes to show how the national debt is way out of control. What better time to return to the topic of issuing money as a credit instead of borrowing it from the banks as a debt?

Readers in Sussex should be aware that the Lewes Pound will be launched in September. This will be a new local currency that can be used to buy local services and products and is - apparently - one of several local currencies launched in England.

Whilst on a small scale and promoted as a way to help environmental concerns, this is a positive move in bringing about more usury-free money out of the control of banksters.

Nationalist activists and councilors should be promoting such initiatives and asking councils to issue Tax Vouchers as an alternative usury-free local currency which businesses and people can use to pay their Business Rates and Council Tax.

Issuing such Vouchers would save tens of thousands in borrowed money and interest payments for Council Tax-payers.

How much more beneficial to "voters" than Neo Con Israel-First BS that no-one cares about?

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

File on 4 Nationalist Comment

Many people are cogitating over the Radio 4 show.

This will roll on...

NW Nationalists

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Trafalgar Club - the Tel Aviv Breastroke!

The Radio 4 File on 4 story about the BNP is on in just a few minutes.

Here's a link to the "hard copy" promo piece.

The File on 4 should be available on 'listen again' on the Radio section of the BBC site for international listeners.

Radio 4 story

Monday, 11 February 2008

File on 4, Radio 4, Tuesday 20:00 GMT

Tomorrow (Tuesday) night.

Radio 4.

8pm GMT.

File on 4.

A special programme looking at the funding of the BNP. Will the BNP come out of it looking any cleaner than New Labour or Cameron's Tories?

With interviews expected from the BNP 'Enough is Enough' rebels and Freedom Party (BNP 2001 rebels) it could be a very interesting programme.

File on 4
Tuesday's Radio 4 schedule

Sunday, 23 December 2007

The Wages of Death: Immigration!

Using official government statistics (Department of Health, ISD Scotland, Hansard, Office for National Statistics), these are the facts:

Left: 6.7 million of these moments have been written off. Since 1967 6.7 million of our compatriots have been murdered, over 98% for "social reasons."

Since the Abortion Act of 1967 there have been 6.7 million abortions.

Of the 5.3 million abortions carried out in England & Wales:

  • 0.4% were because of risk to the mothers life.
  • 1.3% were because of foetal handicap (including cleft palate and other non-threatening conditions).
  • Over 98% were recorded because of "social reasons."

It should be obvious to all that babies are being killed for no-good reason(s).

Are we saying that people are "too poor" to have children?

Of course many children are killed by the well-off to secure their "careers" (the same people later might struggle to conceive thus making the NHS pay-out more on IVF treatment).

For those who are too poor - are we saying it is justifiable to kill even one child (let alone millions!) because of poverty - perceived, actual or otherwise.

It always annoys me when "socialists" rant on about the right to murder. Do working class kids not have the right to live? Shouldn't a caring (socialist or otherwise) party or government seek to help poor kids survive rather than sanction their mass-murder?

Right: "Samuel Alexander Armas, a tiny baby boy who, at 21 weeks' gestation, underwent spinal surgery while he was still in his mother's womb.' A photographer named Michael Clancy was on hand for the procedure and captured a powerful and heart-wrenching image of Samuel's hand extending from the womb and grasping the finger of the surgeon. This dramatic photograph should have been seen by people around the world, because it illustrates the marvelous humanness of a preborn child. Unfortunately, most of the major news outlets refused to share it with the public. Given their pro-abortion bias, it isn't difficult to figure out why." Dr. James Dobson

Last week I listened to "Any Questions" on Radio 4. It was held in Aston, Birmingham and a good number of the audience and panel were non-Europeans (to put it politely).

One of the panelists went on about how we "need immigration" for workers to pay taxes, to pay for the increasing number of pensions.

What hogwash.

Rid this country of its insistence on a culture of death, alongside which get our working class people filling the posts needed to be filled (from plumbers to cleaners, skilled to unskilled) - hey remember "education, education, education?" - and we'll have enough youngsters to do the work needed and pay the taxes needed: and we won't need to rob the rest of the world of its skilled and unskilled labour.

The idea that we can kill millions of our people whilst letting in millions of aliens is a joke!

The socialists and their fellow-travellers want to see more kids killed whilst the floodgates are left open...

They've created one problem and want to "solve" it by worsening another problem.

Now there's "short-termism" for you!

Nationalists have to be crystal clear that we are currently murdering hundreds of thousands of plumbers, scientists, policemen, road-sweepers, taxi drivers, cleaners, accountants, entrepreneurs, architects, writers, artists etc. etc. each and every year: people who would be born here, raised here, whose first loyalty would be to the country of their birth...

Need I say more?

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