We've been told our prisons are over-full.
The Home Office has "reminded" judges that only dangerous criminals are to be jailed - in a move designed to apply political pressure on the judiciary (yes, the days of a free judiciary are almost over: witness the political "legal" decision taken to justify the invasion of Iraq and the dropping of the investigations into Saudi Arabian corruption).
News reports (from Devon and Wales) of paedophiles not being jailed, but released on bail, have flashed around the world to our eternal shame.
So what is the answer?
Is the penal system failing?
Certainly at the moment there are a number of issues which should concern us:
1. Criminality is endemic and often the police turn a blind-eye to lawbreaking (e.g drug-taking) or simply do not bother investigating (e.g. burglaries and car theft).
2. Jails act as training camps for criminals in which they mix with worse criminals, often pick up or renew drug habits, and get treated like holidaymakers - with TVs, Playstations etc. - and very little prospect of coming out of jail as better citizens.
3. Serious criminals are housed in such conditions at our expense whilst funds are not available to help house and heat the elderly.
So what is the answer? Build more jails?
Sad to say, as with so much currently wrong with our society, the problem goes a lot deeper.
It can be traced back to a number of long-term events and effects over the years, just a few of which are:
1. The break-up of the family and family morals. How many criminals come from broken homes? How can children grow up to know right from wrong when their parents are setting a bad example and morality is a word dismissed as the slogan abused by lecherous and hypocritical Tories?
2. The destruction of Christianity and the seperation of Church and state. Gone are the days when men like Edward the Confessor and Alfred the Great set an example of defence of the realm, coupled with alms-giving to the poor and institutions for their aid. Now there is no body - neither Church nor King - to stop the modern-day ironmasters, rent-rackers, coin-clippers, usurers and land-enclosing merchant-class. The "law" is whatever that class - embodied in the City of London and the Palace of Westminster - decides it is, with its creeping liberal and capitalist agenda which means worse laws and degradations are suffered decade by decade.
And where is Elizabeth Regina? The so-called 'Defender of the Faith'? Does she decry these laws which allow all that is immoral, unjust and obscene? How can the Head of the Church of England allow such things -- not even counting the gay-vicars and other abominations which should have this husk of a monarch brought to book? Henry IV must be doing somersaults in his grave!
3. Mass coloured immigration. This has brought about - and deliberately so for, aside from the usual Capitalist trick of denying the working man a just wage, it was thus designed - the destruction of local communities and the over-riding cohesiveness of shared values, morals, customs and identity.
Gone are the days when our women felt safe late at night. Gone are the days when doors were left open. Gone are the days when neighbours were of the same kind.
Look at any major city or town, there are very few real communities left. They have been broken up deliberatley by influx after influx of millions of non-European, non-White and non-Christian immigrants. MILLIONS!
And even where these communities still exist, primarily in the Celtic fringe and outlaying parts of England; where the communities haven't been ripped apart by unemployment, drugs, single-parent families and lawlessness, now the government is insisting on shipping out more non-European, non-White and non-Christian immigrants (called asylum seekers) in its policy of dispersal.
Our 'masters' are so keen to forcibly spread their accursed policy of multi-racism, of destroying peaceful communities that they are busing these people to the furthest reaches of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Even in Southern Ireland, that is the Irish Republic, mass immigration has been ushered in to destroy a land that was exclusively Irish and homogenious until very recently.
These evil influences are the result of Capitalism. Our rulers are from the merchant class who want to make money and own and control us at any cost. This is the class that kept our forefathers in penury and servitude down pits, in factories - or forced them to seek exile via cramped and disease-ridden ships.
For a long time now that merchant class has been increasingly internationalist. They were bad enough when they wore the garb of "nationalism" -- as our forefathers died early to run the machinery of their Empire -- but they are a damn site worse now! This internationalist body has no loyalty to faith, family or nation. Profits are their God.
Let the proles be emersed in drugs: someone is making huge profits out of it.
Let the workers lose jobs and wages through mass immigration: someone is making huge profits out of it.
Let the family dwindle as parents are forced out to work or break-up: someone is making huge profits out of it.
Let the country lose even its Christian character, which in turn allows all manner of degeneracy such as homosexuality and abortion: someone is making huge profits out of it.
And so we come to today. Where a society faces a crime endemic. Where families don't even bother reporting criminal acts to the police because it won't achieve anything. Where drug-takers are told they won't face arrest, but speak out on race or neglect to wear your seatbelt whilst driving and you will be arrested!
The police cannot cope. That is why they turn a blind-eye to graffiti, to drugs, to small-scale theft.
The prisons are overflowing. They would need to build thousands more if those engaged in criminal acts were really arrested and treated with the full measure of the law as it exists today.
So what can the answer be?
Here are some proposals:
1. A return to capital punishment for extreme cases. Justice aside, why should we spend millions of pounds housing proven murderers and paedophiles? A crack down would certainly - in the case of the latter category - stop these people spreading their networks.
2. A mix of removing comforts from prisoners, whilst providing much better re-education facilities. For example, a large number of released prisoners still cannot read and write adequetly.
3. Those who commit small-scale robberies and criminal damage (e.g. stealing a car) should be made to repay the victims in full, if necessary with the sale of their belongings, home, or with an automatic deduction from their wage of a suitably hurtful amount. If they cannot afford to repay the victim then they will be forced to carry out public works, with their wage (or a suitably hurtful percentage of it) going directly to the victim.
4. Those who carry out nuisance crimes and suchlike on an ongoing basis should be forced to suffer the humility of the stocks - suitably overseen and controlled to prevent anything other than humiliation being done to him/her. Real humiliation and discomfort will stop the local nuisance.
5. Foreignors who commit crimes (over a certain level - i.e. not for doing 34mph in a 30mph zone!) should be expelled immediately and banned from re-entry (with a request that their home nation deal with them as a criminal) wherever they from, be it France, Australia, America -- wherever.
6. Of course with the destruction of usury debt, there could also be a very real investment in educational structures, hopefully pushing more children to be suitably educated in the basics, and also trained to have a trade-for-life.
7. With a campaign to bolster support for the family including financial rewards for those who choose to marry, and for mums who stay at home to help bring up their children, and for mums who have more children. Those who sacrifice for the good of the family, community and nation should get the rewards -- not the single mums who knowingly get pregnant in their teens to get a council house!
8. The effort to recreate our communities, principally by having homogenous communities, plus local community initiatives, local investment, local community policing (by and for the local community) -- plus the total annihilation of drugs locally and nationally would bring down crime levels overnight.
These steps would, I believe, help stop the seemingly endless cycle of crowded prisons, prisons as places where criminals become drug addicts and/or worse criminals, and the wilful ignorance of drugs and low-level (but nuisance and distressing) criminality etc.
Of course I have only scratched the surface. The problems we suffer were created by means and events which could have a whole book written about them not least the de-population and enclosure of our rural landscape and the increasing control of the country by financiers and the like. The answers we need could likewise have a whole book written about them, exploring the answers, setting out the nitty gritty, the maths, and the hope they would give to a people who have seen their country, their community and very often their families ripped apart by what could be simply labelled as 'the modern world.'
But don't be fooled dear reader. Such a nomenclature seems to dictate that this is the way it should be, we have to "move with the times" etc...
Not at all!
Why shouldn't advances in medicine not be coupled with advances in community adhesion?
Why shouldn't advances in communications be coupled with advances in family life?
Wasn't it GK Chesterton who once rebuked some moron who said 'you can't turn the clock back' by saying that the gentleman in question 'clearly knew nothing about clocks'?
Prisons as they exist today are a symptom of our decaying society. They offer no answers to those betrayed by this system. They offer no answers to the victims of crime. They increasingly offer no real form of justice - certainly no sense of recompense or rehabilitation.
If we are to find peace in our families, in our communities and in the nations that make up these isles then we must have real justice coupled with social justice.
Such answers are 'revolutionary' because they seek a way which is beyond the confines of Capitalist greed, beyond the sheer nonsense of the EU and its humanist laws, and beyond the confines of the present-day justice system which unsuccessfully tries to control/limit the by-products of an increasingly anti-Christian and anti-family regime - like the boy with his finger in the dyke whilst the cracks widen the pressure builds.
Time to think afresh!
Friday, 26 January 2007
Prisons: Time For Real Answers
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:29 pm
Categories: Christianity, Government, Politics
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Excellent analysis!
An interesting post and I agree with some of it. However I'd like to know what exactly re-Christianisation of Britain and Ireland might look like. Would it simply mean restoring Christian values in local communities, or would it be done "top down" by government, or would it be instituted like a religious inquisition?
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