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Monday, 29 December 2008

Dead Children are Just Statistics when Jews Kill Them?

Just when you thought the Israelis learned their lesson from invading the Lebanon...

Who on earth thinks their response to a few rockets is "proportionate?"

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They kill hundreds, including little girls sleeping in their beds, and all they can do is waffle on about how many hundreds of thousands of Israelis are "at risk."

These people are degenerates on a power-trip.

Their "master race" mentality - i.e. that we are all goy-cattle - means they think they can can just murder anyone with impunity.

After all... America's got their back, right?

Every time this happens the Zionist hold on America just becomes more embarrassingly obvious.

It seems that there are a people prepared to start WW3 and bring the banking system to its knees.

Where's the outcry from our political parties?


Whitelaw Towers said...

Funny how the people who are accused of being Racist, Fascist, Nazi, Red Neck, Arm Chair Racist and the list goes on, seem to be the only ones willing to speak up for the Palestinians at the moment. The Self Named Anti Fascist,Anti Racist and Christian Zionist groups just ignore Zionist aggression. I am so bloody sick of our Governments and stupid bloody Left Wing Dogma that is all controlled the Jews.

The world has gone insane drunk on Zionist propaganda. We are very near the end I think.

Final Conflict said...

The really sad thing - my Australian friend, busy watching the water gurgle down the plughole the wrong way! - is that even many allegedly "nationalist" movements are saying nothing.

They have taking their 30 Shekels and so Israel can rarely be contradicted and even then only in tepid tones (just as America criticises Israel when it goes too far - it does it in such a limp-wristed way you know it doesn't even mean it: it's just going through the motions to placate world opinion.

Anonymous said...

This is how the Jew conducts Electioneering.

Anonymous said...

The Israeli actions are disgusting, no two ways about it.

But the reason most white nationalists (myself included) are saying nothing is because the victims are muslim.

Islam, rightly or wrongly is deemed the biggest threat to our way of life. Most British people are indifferent to their plight, some even approve of the slaughter...

I find it hard to condemn the Israeli operations when I personally would like to blow the whole middle east and it`s inhabitants off the face of the planet!

Anonymous said...

To be honest i dont think much of Griffo`s latest take on events:

He sets off well with the `nothing to do with Britain` spiel, but the article takes on a definite pro-israel stance.

It could have something to do with his well known fear of MOSSAD...

Final Conflict said...

Or his well known love of shekels.

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