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Monday 25 September 2006

Abortionist Violence

Go visit this site.

With so many communists, anti-fascists etc. going on about 'pro-life violence' it's about time the truth came out about the violence of the merchants of death.

I recall a young bloke in London. He was so mild-mannered and he used to go to Brixton abortuary. There the reds would show, spit on him, kick him and he took it all! He later became a monk and died an early death. He let those scumbags attack him - and not one media pundit or civil rights type could care less!

I remember a short while afterwards about a dozen Third Positionists went to Brixton abortuary with our placards etc.

Some abortionists and reds showed and started to spit and punch... only this time they got some of their own medicine back - and boy did they beat a hasty retreat - with our laughter echoing in their boxed ears!

As is always the way with the 'red revolutionaries' when they can't beat old women and pacifists, they called the old bill and the police showed up shortly afterwards.

The spirit of Che Guevara eh? ;-)

Anyway, go look at the site and whenever Searchlies prattle on about pro-life violence, or the money-men making obscene profits and taking inflated wages at the "clinics" or at the BPAS moan about pro-lifers blockading their murder centres... remember what you've seen at this site.

The young man standing with his solitary protest at Brixtion Abortuary suffered their violence, and the 'doctors' inside won't tell you about that!


Hellenic Nationalist said...

Nice blog, my blog now links to your blog

Final Conflict said...

Thanks Comrade. I'll ask my net-head compadre to link back to yours!

Did you see the issues of our mag which dealt with Greek history and Greek nationalism?

From classical to Metaxas [I hope I got his name right]. We also did articles on Turkey, Lepanto and the Turkish links to Israel and Freemasonry.

Most of the issues are still available.

Hellenic Nationalist said...

I actually read the classical issue, but never read the sequel that covered Metaxas, unfortunately, I would like to though. The articles on Lepanto,Turkey and Fremasonary also seem interesting. Is there some way of having them available online?

Craig said...

Good post, revealing a little-known aspect of the 'pro-choice' crowd. No true socialist could support abortion, the destruction of defenceless lives at the earliest stage.

Final Conflict said...

An interesting aspect of this is that in the 60s in America quite a number of ex-peaceniks, socialists etc. were actually opposed to abortion -- which makes perfect sense really when you think about it.
If you oppose the dropping of napalm on Vietnamese villages, why should you support the bloody dismemberment of the most innocent of American children?
I always wondered why reds today seem to think the best answer to poverty is to destroy the children of workers and the poor?
That used to be the policy of the uber-rich who wanted to sterilise the poor (didn't Marie Stopes advocate such? She whom so many abortuaries are named after...)

Craig said...

Indeed, I had heard of that fact before; in fact there is a website urging leftists and other "progressives" to return to their old pro-life ethos (part of the Seamless Garment ideology which I think has a lot of value to it).

Leftists seem to support abortion out of a false sense of "freedom", and capitalists, as you said, so that there are less filthy prole mouths to feed!

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