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Tuesday 10 February 2009

Church of England Synod to Vote Against BNP Vicars

The Church of England (CofE) synod is voting today whether its vicars can be members of the British National Party (BNP).


Are they banned from belonging to atheist parties like the Communists or Socialist parties? The sort of parties that whitewash the genocidal murder of Christians in the Ukraine, Baltic States, Russia, Hungary, Spain and elsewhere.

Are they banned from belonging to pro-homosexual pressure groups which campaign against the Biblical message of the Church? The sort of groups which promote parades through the streets with grown men cavorting with their backsides hanging out of their trousers?

Are they - or the Church itself - banned from investing in questionable businesses? If I recall rightly, the CofE only fairly recently voted to withdraw investments from businesses that backed/supported Israel given Israeli crimes against Christians and Christian Holy sites in Palestine.

Are they banned from political parties - inc the governing Labour Party - that back abortion as policy and thus seek to gloss over the mass murder of millions of would-be neighbours and the willful destruction of the innocents?

I am not here to give carte blanche to the BNP, because I think it takes a lukewarm stance on homosexuality and abortion (and what did Christ say about the lukewarm?) and takes a fundementally wrong stance on Israel and Zionism: however, I would rather have a BNP vicar round for tea and biscuits than a trendy lefty, liberal, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion vicar who is out to totally undermine what is left of the CofE.

More tea vicar?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the higher echelons of the Church of England is full of high ranking Freemasons whose aims and goals are to destroy Christianity and society as a whole.

According to Estonian writer Juri Lina in his book about Freemasonry entitled Architects of Deception :-
"The primary aim of modern freemasonry is to build the New World Order, a spiritual Temple of Solomon, where non-members are nothing but slaves [and] ...where human beings would be sacrificed to Yahweh." (52)

Lina cites numerous Jewish sources that claim Freemasonry is based on Judaism and is "the executive political organ of the Jewish financial elite." (81-83)

The Masons on behalf of their Jewish masters promote Socialism, Feminism and Liberalism etc. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance" i.e. miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush. This is exactly what is going on now and why British society is falling apart.

In this wonderful topsy turvy Orwellian totalitarian state we live in you can call people racist and xenophobic when they are putting their jobs and families first and not be arrested for a hate crime but wo betide if you state that as a Christian that you are against abortion and/or homosexuality!

The vast majority of BNP members want to defend the family, race, nation and Christianity. These are important concepts that should be applicable to the CofE as well.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter anyway, because true Christians don't go to Church these days anyway as they are dens of the godless!

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