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Tuesday 10 February 2009

Diplomat Arrested For Rant Against Israel

Is losing your temper at a great injustice a "crime?"

It seems it is in Bolshevik Britain:

Diplomat Arrested Over Anti-Semitic Rant

Is he a long lost relative of our very own Ranting Ron?

With this and the furore over Bishop Williamson and the DEC Gaza Appeal blocked on the BBC: it seems that the only crime in this world is to do anything that might harm Israel!


Who at the back of room shouted conspiracy?


Anonymous said...

"It is almost a joke now in the Western world, in the 20th century,
to use words like 'good and evil'. They have become almost old fashioned concepts, but they are very real and genuine concepts.
These are concepts from a sphere which is higher than us. And
instead of getting involved in base, petty, short-sighted political calculations and games. we have to recognize that the
concentration of world Evil and the tremendous force of hatred is
there and it's flowing from there throughout the world. And we
have to stand up against it and not hasten to give to it, give to it, give to it, every-thing that it wants to swallow."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Opinions and viewpoints are now virtually illegal unless they conform to a certain set of pre-defined parameters, thus proving that diversity equates to uniformity.

In our so called 'democracy' criticism of the terrorist Talmudic Zionist state of Israel and other matters pertaining to Jews, in particular denying The Holocaust, is strictly verboten and the full force of the Jewish maelstrom will be unleashed on that person or persons. People like Arnold Leese, Oswald Mosley, John Tyndall and more recently Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle are testament to their power and treachery.

Ye gods, Mad 'Sayanim' Mel commits 'Hate Crimes' on a daily basis through her venomous diatribes and inflammatory rhetoric about Islam. Today she's harping on about Islamic banks. Why is that Mel? Are you afraid the usurious snake of Jewish international finance that has wrapped itself around the neck of every man, woman and child in this country and kept them in debt bondage/slavery might begin to start losing its grip?

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