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Thursday 16 April 2009

MI5's Darby and the "Fascists"

BNP No. 2 meeting "fascists" and "holocaust deniers"???

Will he be denounced as a "fascist" or a "political necrophiliac" or even a "dinosaur" by the BNP leader... as other BNP activists have whose real crime was to have dared to question the BNP's Zionism or its dodgy accounts fiddling etc.?

The sad thing is that the European nationalists have invited a known MI5 operative (see previous entries on 5IMon Darby for details) and would-be leader of a known Zionist party!

For shame.

When asked if he felt it was acceptable for an MEP to have denied the Holocaust, he replied: "I don't think it's right."

Evening Standard

News of the World


Anonymous said...

what the f##k are forza nuova doing side by side with 5IMon Darby????

James said...

if the bnp were "moving towards" FN politically this would be most welcome: but this is window dressing for the Europeans.

At home, the BNP remains a Zionist party taking an opposite line on the "War on Terror" to groups like the NPD and Forza Nuova.

On Palestine for example the NPD and FN are 100% supporting the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

How does Darby find all the time for all his BNP money-making roles? And filling in all his reports to his MI5 handler?

Anonymous said...

His radio show is amusing though.

ew said...

lol! I bet Darby was seething.

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