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Friday 15 June 2007

God Bless the New World Order?

It was in the reign of George Bush Sr we first had the slogan 'New World Order' bandied around, though - of course - the Novus Ordo Seculorum (dear God, I hope my Latin and my memory haven't let me down, though I suspect both have) as a worldview, as an ideology, as rhetoric had been around for a few hundred years.

Conspiracy boffins will be salivating by now, if not shouting at their computers. Calm down oh researchers of the obscure and the hidden, I won't miss out the obvious.

You see, this New World Order (NWO) was a dream of the Freemasons, the "illuminated ones" who sought to overthrow tradition and stability (painted by them as superstition and slavery) and create this New World Order, a series of States and conglomerations bound to and by Freemasonry wherein people who had "thrown off superstition and slavery" embraced the "freedom" of Socialism, of European Union bureaucracy, of Big Brother-style policing and embraced the "freedom" of putting an X in a box every 4 years to elect one of a few Freemasons and 'democrats,' of having their old ways and communities ripped away from them, and of being drowned under a deluge of filth, depravity, drugs, crime etc.

We, as Nationalists, have long known the the NWO of the Freemasons - which they promised would be some sort of 'brave new world' - would be nothing more than a replay of their previous revolutions, in France, in Russia etc. albeit with more glittering garbage to placate the proles and bubblegum TV to keep people brain dead automatons.

Of course the eternal enemy of Freemasonry has always been Christianity, an obvious statement if you take Albert Pike's word that Freemasonry is basically worship of Lucifer (Pike was Freemasonry's head honcho).

The implications for theology, history and geo-politics are immense when you then consider that many researchers also state that Freemasonry has much of the symbolism, aims and objectives of Judaism.

So it is that in the 20th Century the main country to wield the power of Freemasonry was the United States. Whilst most patriots were pointing at the Soviet Union, what some might call the "Zionification" of America carried on apace, with the result that virtually every strand of Christianity in America has become bastardised, and most American Christians believe that Israel is their "brave" ally and that it is somehow the Christian thing to do, to support Israel!

Much of this is an originally Protestant off-shoot called premillenial dispensationalism. It was this false belief that made American Christians throw off 2000 years of Truth, that the Jews had rejected Christ, to become sycophants of Israel.

Some have called this move to an Israel-First worship of all things American (right or wrong) as "Americanism."

The analogy that best sums up the events of the 20th Century is that of the music world today. Christians and normal people point and shout about people like the losers of Satanist Metal bands with their whacky outfits and over-the-top lyrics, whilst the real degenerates like Madonna and George Michael have their music played on national radio.

In the 20th century too many patriots were so worried about the Soviet behemoth, they took their eyes off the ball and America became a huge force for Zionism, Freemasonry and the power behind the move to a New World Order.

And so we come to the reign of George W. Bush. Like his father before him an acolyte of the New World Order.

It wasn't always guaranteed that this would be so though. Originally this past member of the secretive Skull and Bones society (interestingly the democrat he beat was also an ex-'Bonesman: all hail democracy!) took some quite good lines:

He took a good pro-life line, he was obviously against giving more "rights" to homosexuals, and he also took America on a much more isolationist path. He made it clear that he didn't want to be part of the historic "Pax Americana" movement which saw America involved in wars around the globe.

Anyone who saw the film JFK can just imagine how well GW Bush's call for less war and more isolationism must have gone down in the big businesses, the war profiteer circles, amongst the Freemasons, and most of all amongst those who thought America should pump in money, technology, arms and even go to war if it helped "brave little Israel."

This brings us to "9/11."

The Twin Towers attack was a coup d'etat designed to bring Bush to the Neo-Con crusade. It was designed to reignite the cause of the Pax Americana.

Look at Bush's face as he sat in that primary school trying to read that book (as the kiddies helped him grasp the mix of vowels and consonants) . He realises "Oh crap, this is it!" The powers that he tried to rein in were fighting back. This was their big gamble, their big "terrorist atrocity" to justify constant war for Zionism. This would create the "big bad enemy" that should be fought, the weaponry and the wars would cost multi-billions.

At first I just felt that something was "wrong" with all this. I read some of the conspiracy theories about the Bin Ladens and Bushes; about the planes and the buildings. But this was just something deeper and yet something superficial too.

When viewed from 'above' it just seems all too perfect - from the point of view of the Neo Cons - that 9/11 happened what it did. It paved the way for everything the Neo Cons wanted to happen.

Which brings me to the crux of this blog entry (OK, stop cheering). The Freemasons, the Neo-Cons - all those fighting for their New World Order must have thought that after 9/11 this was "their time."

All they did was giving automatic 'sanctification' by 9/11 (and don't they know it - they still do it to this day, despite everything that has happened). Yet in a way this was their downfall. Drunk with the heady mixture of absolute power and a carte blanche to do virtually whatever they wanted... they began with an obvious and "easy" target of Afghanistan (forgetting that no foreign power has ever come out of that country covered in glory).

Then they twisted events and the facts (just ask Tony Blair the war criminal!) to invade Iraq, also believing this would be "easy" and they rolled into Baghdad relatively quickly without stopping to think this would be a quagmire that would prove their undoing.

Now they are after Iran. Will they? Won't they?

Some of the upper echelons have blinded themselves into thinking that they can repeat the lies and subterfuge of Iraq and get away with it.

History and events can often unfold in ways we never foresaw. They certainly have for the Neo Cons. Right now the New World Order never seemed further away, and I haven't even mentioned the bloody nose the Israelis received when they attempted to steamroller Lebanon.

Years ago I met a very unassuming man, who had brought the fight to Zionists around the world in defence of his own beleaguered ethnic group. To look at him you'd never think he could be such a threat to the powerful elite: yet history has shown that they hated and feared him so much as to bring about his extradition and imprisonment: I'm talking about the courageous and heroic German-Canadian Ernst Zundel of course!

It was in a small café in Toronto enjoying a break after a long time in the 'Zundelhaus' doing interviews and seeing all the workings of a struggle to defend the most defamed diaspora in history (Germans in the 20th Century!) that this man who has a gift for stating the most profound insights in the most simple of language said something which stuck in my mind and which still strikes a chord today.

He said "You know, sometimes the devil can't help but do some good" and in those words were the germinating seeds of what we've lived through after 911 and the wars for Israel.

Drunk on power the Neo Cons have made the American, British and Israeli governments, but especially the Zionist elites that control them, the most despised powers in the world.

Of course we will still suffer their lies, their calumnies, their spin and their self-delusions.

But how many people today will openly speak out against the Zionist policies of Britain and America compared to in the shadow of 9/11? And to a large degree that is the result of the snobbery, of the arrogance, the hatred and the vitriol of the Neo Cons themselves.

Today their dream of a New World Order seems further away than it did 6 years ago.

No doubt these people will reinvent themselves as they have done countless times before, but they have created a generation of people who will never trust the British-American-Israeli Leviathan ever again.

Half-witted Americans fooled by decades of Zionist propaganda and clerics who seem to think God supports the Israeli Christ-Killers will always provide the backbone (and the tax-dollars) to keep Israel afloat but millions of others have had their eyes opened.

Perhaps we'll have another 9/11? The Neo-Cons certainly need one, and that's all the justification they need; certainly some kind of 9/11 with an Iranian-connection would be everything they ever wanted... but will people see through the lies?

I'd like to think that, this time, we might actually understand the lyric of The Who classic song 'We Won't Get Fooled Again' and... erm... not get fooled again.

Time will tell.

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