Let's have a 'Sale of the Century' intro:
It's Monday... it's the Daily Mail.. it's Mad Mel Phillips!
Just as amusing as Nicholas Parsons, and in a similar vain just as cheesy - and able to display some old tat and sell it to the audience as a "must have."
I had expected Mad Mel to get on her high horse about President Putin, of how were headed to a new Cold War, of the murderous reign of the KGB, of the jailing of innocents...
You see Putin has gone up against the powerful Zionist oligarchs, jailing some - with most of the rest in exile in England of Israel.
There was a power struggle, and Putin gave the oligarchs a bloody nose, which left them reeling, but much aggrieved and determined to use all means necessary to bring their enemy down: even liaising with Chechen terrorists.
As you probably know, Mad Mel loves any cause which defends her fellow Zionists and bashes anyone she can paint as an enemy of "democracy" or "the West."
But this week Mad Mel had something even more central to her warped beliefs to screech about which even put President Putin into the shadows.
The UK's University and College Union took the highly commendable step of announcing a boycott of Israeli universities - highlighting the role of the Israeli universities in maintaining the occupation of Arab land and of acting as apologists for murderous Zionist aggression, internally and externally.
This was as a red rag to a bull for Mad Mel. Boy oh boy was she peeved.
Where to begin to pick apart Mad Mel's raving lunacy? I feel like a kiddie in a sweetie shop!
Mad Mel says that the move goes against academic freedom which is allowed in Israel.
Of course this is a nonsense as the Palestinian people don't even have the freedom to gather their crops (separated by a "peace wall") let alone go to school etc. When tank-sized bulldozers are flattening homes, how ridiculous is it to talk about a handful of token Palestinian students?
Needless to say, Mad Mel must have been at the forefront defending David Irving's right to publish books about history, all in the spirit of this "academic freedom" which she seems to prize so highly!
As I've said before, Mad Mel never misses an opportunity to have a pop at Iran, as instructed by her Mossad employees.
And so it is in this piece. She asks why the UCU doesn't boycott Iran in its "pursuit of genocide."
Does anyone actually believe this bullcrap any more? Does Mad Mel even believe it?
Perhaps she does, as they say real mad people don't know they're mad!
Of course Mel finished her piece warning that those who pay her no heed (many, I hope) all-but-risk another Holocaust!
Is there no end to this Shoa-Business?
Listen to the mad raving Zionists! Utter not a word of complaint against genocide and murder! Lest you too risk "another holocaust"!
Have they trade-marked it yet? Or do Israeli concentration camps, the mass expulsions, the terror and the murder not count?
Mass murder, war, terror and torture happen before our eyes by a race who thinks it is above all others... but we're not allowed to boycott them for fear of a holocaust?!?!
It's no wonder that Norman Finkelstein wants an end to the "holocaust industry," because in every argument to justify the murder of Palestinian children, to justify ethnic cleansing, to justify a culture of torture, to justify illegally held nuclear weapons: we get some event of 50 years ago thrown in our faces!
It's especially unjust for the Palestinians because, even if you are a fervent believer in the Six Million industry - they had no part to play in it!!!
Of course Mel isn't one to write a whole page in defence of Israel without weaving more than a few myths into the verbiage.
And so we get asked why the Arab States didn't take back Gaza and the West Bank when offered them.
Mel should know better. We've lived through the road maps and all that B.S.
Israel would never have handed back those territories without horrendous consequences, the least of which would be recognition of the bandit state. I daresay they would have wanted the whole of a united Jerusalem as the capital of their bandit State too.
Mel won't tell us the whole story.
Part of Mel's spin, half-truths and make-believe is the myth of "poor little Israel" surrounded by nasty snarling Arabs bristling with hardware.
Of course she doesn't tell us the truth.
She doesn't mention the cutting-edge military hardware donated by... America.
She doesn't mention the satellite intelligence donated by... America.
She doesn't mention the billions of dollars donated by... America.
Does anyone spot the pattern here?
The same nation that recognised Israel within seconds of its midnight declaration of existence, the same nation that blocks UN resolutions of Israeli genocide and terror, the same nation that "forgives" Israel for its illegal nuclear weapons (gained via Israeli spy-rings in America. With friends like these...)
Of course America recognised Israel in a midnight coup d'etat (over the Palestinians) in the shadow of Zionist terror at the King David Hotel, which I've detailed before on this blog.
Yes: the State which engages the world in Neo-Con wars over "911" was the state which supported the King David Hotel terrorists in the 1940s! Nothing changes - it's not about "terrorism," it's about whether or not you support Zionist/Neo-Con policy.
It's time the lie of "poor little Israel" (oft repeated by Zionism's "useful idiots") was laid to rest. They may be morally poor, but their cup doth overflow with American dollars and hardware.
Of course, for Mad Mel, much of this boils down to "sheer anti-Jewish prejudice."
Many will ask why Mad Mel and others count the lives of Palestinian men, women and children as worth less than a relative handful of Israelis?
The idea of "prejudice" against Jews may have washed before the 1980s and the atrocities committed then, but given everything we've seen Israel say and do - they're just empty, meaningless words. Empty threats if you like, because no one pays them any heed any more.
In a last ditch attempt to waylay blame, Mad Mel says that the suffering of the Palestinians isn't the fault of Israel since they withdrew from the Occupied territories two years ago, and most fighting has been between the Palestinians.
Well, even if we ignore the invasions of Lebanon and the (current) Palestinian enclaves, we shouldn't be blind to the facts. Even in the recent civil war between Hamas and Fatah, Israel wasn't slow to arm Fatah (the side the Americans support) and mysterious fighters were known to cross the 'border' from Israel.
In 1982 the Israelis "used" Lebanese Christians to do their dirty work, to ensure the Civil war there continued. Israel has also been involved in arming Iraqis, Iranians and Palestinians - all in an effort to keep various wars and civil wars bubbling away in the belief that "the only good Arab is a dead Arab."
Israel is expert at fomenting and continuing Civil War.
There is no doubt that the Palestinians democratically elected Hamas, but Israel and America (the twins!) didn't like this, so they brought about the current situation.
Mad Mel might wish otherwise, but the whole history of the Bandit State from before its existence to its inception to the current day has been one of murder, mayhem and subterfuge - all committed in the shadow of America's approval without which none of this could have happened.
The UCU is to congratulated because Israeli academia is a part of the Israeli system. They act as apologists for mass murder. Israel uses overseas links to create a form of acceptability for its existence and its policy.
Mad Mel may not like it, but more people, both "left" and "right" (and indeed neither) have had enough of Zionist propaganda seeking to justify murder.
We can expect more tantrums from Mad Mel. We should start to enjoy them: because each tantrum means that support for Israel is eroding.
May it hasten the day...
NY Times bias
An excellent study that shows the media report more Israeli deaths in headlines, despite the absolute fact that many more Palestinians are killed by Israelis.
Even the BBC says: (from Israel's History)
"By the middle of 1949 up to 700,000 of about 900,000 Palestinian Arabs had left the affected region, forced out by a combination of Jewish/Israeli terror tactics, the frightening thrust of war..."
The Zionists took terror to Palestine.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Mad Mel Foams Again
Posted by
Final Conflict
3:36 pm
Categories: David Irving, Iran, King David Hotel Massacre, Melanie Phillips, Neo Cons, Politics, Zionism
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