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Wednesday 5 September 2007

The Stuff of Nightmares

Has Private Eye's Justice Cocklecarrot come to life?

So it would seem today as reports of a judge calling for compulsory DNA testing of every person in the UK, and of every visitor to the UK.

What's the whirring noise?

Why! 'Tis George Orwell spinning in his grave!

Meanwhile we hear reports of "scientists" getting permission to create embryos (i.e. unborn living creatures) which are half human and half animal!

These kind of chimeras used to be the stuff of legend, of nightmares... of grandma's spooky stories.

No longer.

We live in a land which is suffering crime at every level, and the Police State cannot stop it.

We live in a land where the sanctity of life is increasingly meaningless as the abortuaries kill millions and the elderly are shoveled into care(less) homes.


Yes, once upon a time... No longer dear reader, no longer.


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