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Thursday 19 July 2007

Open Your Eyes to Media Lies

The BBC is suffering a Blairite post-Iraq meltdown of confidence.

I've said elsewhere on this Blog how Nationalists always knew that the BBC was biased. We've seen it so often in regards to Nationalist groups, but also with social issues as diverse as homosexuality, abortion, immigration, drugs etc.

As such it's hard not to get embroiled in triumphalism when the BBC takes a dive like this.

But as Nationalists we need to be careful on two counts.

Firstly that the government doesn't use this (a la the Hutton Report) as a stick to beat what little independence the BBC has from the government.

The last thing we want is a BBC too browbeaten, afraid or controlled to report fearlessly on issues such as Palestine and Iraq (accepting of course that they are still biased).

On the other hand, we don't want the BBC to fool the proles into thinking their lies and subterfuge is limited to some phone-in scams (no matter on what scale) and that once they clean that up a bit, all will be well.

We have to agitate to get the best out of this and not accept what the the BBC, government etc. offer to us to placate any anger.

I vividly recall the time when the British personnel were released by Iran. It was all over the news. The BBC reported the government spin (about the area they were captured in not being Iranian) with very little qualification.

At the same time Al Jazeera English TV News was reporting the murder of an Iranian official, who had been held by the Americans in an Iraqi jail.

Whilst the BBC was pumping out unqualified UK government propaganda (remember in Zimbabwe and elsewhere they sometimes say "we have no independent verification of this") they did not cover the story of the dead Iranian at all - not even 10 or 20 minutes into the main news programme.


Because it didn't fit the Blair regime agenda? Because it might upset the Neo Con apparatus, in full drive over the British personnel just released? Or simply because they were still fearful of rocking the boat after getting their collective knuckles rapped over the Hutton Report?

The BBC has never been 'free and fair.'

If you want to be cynical you can state that the license fee and control by the British government, even going back to before WW2, has always kept the BBC in the pocket of the British government.

Just the other day a report I was watching stated that immigration brought great benefits. This was the reporter, not someone being interviewed. It wasn't up for debate. It was stated as fact.

The BBC is trying to shape our minds and modify our views whether through the news or through pro-homosexual, pro-abortion programmes like Eastenders.

All we can hope, in this current furore, is that more people have had their eyes opened.

As the old NF sticker stated: OPEN YOU EYES TO MEDIA LIES.


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