Trade Unions stir a lot of emotions.
To some they evoke the image of rabid communists stirring up trouble and trying to bring the country to its knees.
To others they are the bastion of rights for workers, preventing abuses by big business and fat cats.
Of course, depending on the Union, the truth can lie somewhere in-between. These days most Unions are tied into the EU and its corrupt bureaucracy, together with trendy Socialist dogmas which see them embrace immigration and homosexuality: despite what their traditional worker membership might truly think.
So the idea of a nationalist Trade Union, to speak up for the actual workers against many of the vested interests is a good idea.
Of course to Distributists it's very much the case of being a "step in the right direction" rather than being an end in and of itself.
Anyone who's read of the Guild System will realise that Unions have their faults: too political in a party sense, no open democracy and voice in government, too much separation from trades and many of them just far too large and existent to keep a body of bureaucrats and politicos in work.
So it is the idea of nationalist Trade Unions should greeted warmly, especially if they can be tied to specific trades, to specific factories, to certain regions etc.
The obvious thing though, which shouldn't need stating, is that such Trade Unions should seek to be apart from the corrupt Unions out there - above reproach and in existence for its tradesmen: not for more bureaucrats, not to pay wages to more politicos, and not to rubber stamp any party's agenda.
That is what is so disturbing about recent reports of the 'nationalist' Trade Union Solidarity.
As far as we can see there have been problems with accounts not being signed-off, an investigation called into the General Secretary, the BNP telling its members not to write to Solidarity's Leicester address, Talk of a "Marxist" coup, of paypal accounts being kept by one member of the executive etc. etc.
If nationalism is to be seen as an answer to our problems, this kind of money-grubbing, party political point-scoring, bureaucratic-tangles, wage-pocketing just won't do!
How is that any different to the system lackeys? The socialist ladder-climbers in the pocket of the Labour Party? Is one more multi-racial corrupt Union with money being stolen what we need?
In Italy the radical nationalist movement, centred around Forza Nuova, has four Trade Unions. I don't know all the details but a friend who speaks Italian told me two are linked to FN, one is affiliated and another is supportive: I think that's the general mix.
One of the Unions was involved in a dispute in a large factory and when other Unions (big, red etc.) caved in, the "FN"-linked Union held out and won more rights for the factory workers: winning much respect and kudos in the process.
Another Union is agricultural and at a rally in one small town the other week over 100 local farmers signed up. With more rallies happening, this Union could be a strong voice for farmers, for rural life, for organic farming techniques etc.
Such things can lead to nationalism being seen as socially minded, as defending the rights of tradesmen, artisans and farmers.
The danger is that if such structures are set up just to make a quick buck, to be in the pocket of corrupt leaders, to rubber stamp party politics, then they not only become a sham, but it will sour people's perception in future should a genuine Union arise that fights for social justice.
That is the problem with all financial corruption, cronyism, betrayals, watering-down and headline-grabbing stunts which take place under the 'nationalist' banner.
The problems with Solidarity may blow-over, they may be a storm-in-a-teacup. But it seems as though two of the three-man executive feel otherwise and it could well be that the damage is already done.
The sad thing is that to those who lived through the furore with the Edwardses (and the establishment of the Freedom Party) this all seems all so familiar with the whistle blowers about to face the chop rather than those they see with their hands in the cookie jar!
Those who have given their money are quite likely to now think "once bitten, twice shy."
Solidarity respondent says it is multi-ethnic
Lefties and Griffinites argue
P.S. The new design flag of Forza Nuova (pictured here) is now available to buy from FC at our online shop ( Buy it today and we'll send it out tomorrow.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Trade Unions - Good or Bad?
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:12 pm
Categories: BNP, Forza Nuova, Guilds, Solidarity, Trade Unions
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