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Friday 13 July 2007

Zionists Attack Polish Priest

Oh the Hatred!

Usually Zionist groups have an Ace Card in dealing with others, especially their political enemies and critics of Israel.

"The Holocaust!" they shriek in barely concealed delight. "You cannot say/do that because we suffered in the Holocaust!"

We've seen Germans, French, Croats, Italians, Americans, Britons, Arabs and Uncle Tom Cobbly an' all laid low by this withering shriek: regardless if they were Axis powers, Allied powers who "liberated the camps" or even those not involved in WW2.

No-one is immune it seems: in the crusade for defending Israel and grabbing "reparations" for Zionist agitating groups. Professor Norman Finkelstein has decried this as the 'Holocaust Industry' and publicly questioned it motives.

Even though Finkelstein is a "survivor" and can claim to have "lost relatives" the Zionist groups still hate him, and no doubt to them he is what they label a "self-hating Jew."

Still, this hasn't stopped the Zionist groups (chiefly the Freemasonic organisation the ADL of B'nai B'rith - and being Masonic it is not only Jewish, but also 100% anti-Christian) milking the Holocaust for all they can.

Recently in Poland the profiteers have even tried to get reparations.

It's typical of the Chutzpah of this bunch: for who can have suffered more than the Poles in WW2. Their country was disbanded, soaked up by Germany and the USSR.

Millions of Poles died in WW2, and many of the concentration camps (remember we too had concentration camps in WW2) held Poles.

(Left: Poland's Radio Maria has faced ADL attacks for speaking out against Zionist groups and power).

This is why certain nationalist and Christian Poles are very annoyed and this blatant money-grubbing by Jewish groups. Were the Poles to blame or at fault?

No. But that won't stop these people bashing Poles and grabbing shekels.

When nuns went to Auschwitz to establish a centre, they raised Crosses at the site, where many Poles were imprisoned.

Zionists - especially the mouthy New York types - went there and demonstrated! They demanded the Crosses by taken down as an affront to the Jewish dead!

How dare they!

Nuns in Poland, remembering the Polish dead, and carrying out a great act of charity: how on earth could that offend anyone except extreme Zionists steeped in anti-Christian hatred?

You see, the problem for the ADL and its hangers-on is that only one group can have ever suffered, and only one group today faces murder and hatred: and it's not Poles, it's not Palestinians, it's not Iraqis, it's not the Lebanese.

The Cross, that powerful symbol of Christianity, and a few nuns at Auschwitz brought out all the hatred of the ADL-ites against Christianity, Christians and a European people.

The Poles have not forgotten who the Communist commissars were who flooded their country from 1944 onwards, and who tortured and murdered Poles (yes, even in Katyn Forest in 1941!).

To the ADL this is another "anti-Semitic slur" - why then don't they give us percentages of the Commissars and the Soviet leaders who belonged to this anti-Christian sect?

(Right: Fr. Tadeusz Rydzyk whom the ADL have attacked, yet again).

It takes a hard-hearted man to paint the Poles as anything but the victims of WW2 (their country was even shifted Westwards by the Communists!).

Not that this stops the ADL from having a pop at them!

ADL Attacks Polish Priest


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