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Monday 22 October 2007

With Us or Against Us Mr. Bush?

"Is it me?" is a modern-day cry of those bewildered by the bizarre nature of political correctness and the opaque nature of the lies spun by governments (primarily those based in Westminster, Washington DC and Brussels/Strasbourg).

It has become a badge of honour to those who were brought up to believe in honesty, clear speaking and calling a spade a spade.

In the last 48 hours I have found myself mumbling this statement of defiance against modernist obfuscation in the matter of two pending wars.

The first is the war planned against Iran. Zionist(s in) America wants this war. Therefore we read in the weekend papers how British and American special forces have already been make "excursions" into Iran to fight the Revolutionary Guards... etc. etc.

A sovereign nation is invaded by our army (not for the first time) and Brown, like Blair before him, batters not an eyelid. Our "democratic" Masonic overlords have given their approval: and that is what matters!

Meanwhile the Communist Kurdish PKK have been shelling Turkey. Turkey is itching to invade Iraq to try and bash the PKK, and what to Bush and Brown do?

Urge restraint!

I see.

So it's OK for the UK and the USA to invade Iraq over a false, made-up "dodgy dossier." Equally it's fine for our forces to be sent into Iran over more WMD shenanigans (via orders coming from Tel Aviv)...

Yet when Turkey wants to move against "terrorists" on their own border - Bush and Co "urge restraint!"

It shows what a farce the war against Iraq and the planned war against Iran are.

Did Bush ever show restraint? Did Blair?

Iran is no threat to us, nor its neighbours.

There is one "nation" in the Mid East which starts wars, invades neighbours, bombs nearby states, embroils our troops in non-winnable conflicts, and has illegal nukes, already probably aimed on us and other European nations.

That "nation" is Israel.

Still, as the Kurds are no threat to Israel (some say they are allied!) Turkey is urged to "show restraint."

Whatever happened to zero tolerance of "terrorists" - where are the B52s over Kurdish-Iraq? Under Bush's own agenda and using his own (garbled) statements as a rule of thumb, surely anyone who isn't against the "terrorists" is for the "terrorists" -- so in urging restraint, isn't he taking the stance taken by (e.g.) the French prior to the war in Iraq?

Remember the American politicians and the Murdoch press (heck, let's just call them "Zionists"!) labelled them "cheese-eating surrender monkeys?"

Yet when it comes to other "terrorists" Bush doesn't want gung-ho action and Rumsfeldesque "precision bombing" (aka wiping out wedding parties etc.).

That's the key to international conflicts and modern geo-politics:

What Israel tells its American sugar daddy is the right thing, and that is what becomes the policy of the "international community."


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