There are too many bad laws being passed say ex-Whitehall mandarins in a new report.
As if we didn't know that!
Every press headline brings in a new law.
Right: NuLab's laws on public demonstrations, the anti-Terror laws which give the police powers to stop people wearing political t-shirts, to expel people from government meetings and preventing demonstrations outside parliament are particularly bad laws, pushed through on the back of the questionable "9/11," "7/7." etc. as NuLab rushed to follow Bush's Neo-Con regime. Despite his blusterings Cameron's ModCons would have done the same.
We are living under a nanny state which reacts to media pressure with knee-jerk reaction laws as a means to placate the mass media and thus win headlines in a short term attempt to garner popular support (via the mass media!)
Which in turns leads me to the report* this week in which it was revealed that tolerance of homosexuality has risen in the last 20 odd (very odd!) years from circa 30% to circa 60%.
Lots of pundits and columnists asked the question "why?"
There is no doubt that the mass media played its part in this. For years the BBC in particular has operated as a kind of pink mafia, and one only has to hear of continued story-lines in Eastenders which promote homosexuality as (sick buckets at the ready) a "valid lifestyle choice" to understand that there has been a media campaign to liberalise attitudes.
Coming back to the "bad laws" scenario, another key aspect of the alleged change in 'social attitudes' was the New Labour repeal of Section 28 and all the pro-homosexual laws they passed, including the legalisation of what they hope will in effect become known as homosexual "marriage."
Whilst the government often finds it has no time for badly needed legislation, or more often to give sufficient time for proper and serious debate on matters as diverse as war, id cards, police powers, immigration, drugs, the banking system and similar issues.
Despite all this, the New Labour government miraculously found the time to pass law after law in favour of homosexuality.
With senior NuLab commissars recently admitting that they let hundreds of thousands of non-European immigrants flood in on purpose to socially engineer our society and undermine the national identity of the English in particular, playing fast and loose with the fabric of our communities to force through their own twisted racial dogmas, can we be in any doubt whatsoever that their insistence on pushing through homosexual laws, for the benefit of the circa 0.5% of the population that are practicing homosexuals, was yet another questionable and Bolshevik-style attempt to force through their Socialist Credo and use the weight of the law to back up an insidious mass media portrayal of homosexuality as "normal?"
In time history will judge New Labour as an evil regime. They forced an unwanted war on the people using a dodgy dossier and lies to parliament; they forced millions of immigrants on the country during their tenure, to forcibly change the face of the UK; and in order to socially engineer society and push their bastardised vision of "the family" they have passed unwanted and bad laws to act as the stick against the media's carrot, so that even Christian b&b owners are forced to let out double rooms to sodomites.
There are a lot of bad laws and a lot of bad decisions made by the politicians. But not all of them have been knee-jerk: many have been carefully thought through to promote the Zionist and Liberal ideals of New Labour.
The sad thing is that David Cameron has already made it clear that he supported and supports the war in Iraq. Furthermore all the Tories state the "great benefits" mass immigration has allegedly brought (more au pairs, more fancy restaurants, more cleaners - for MPs!). Cameron has also insisted that his plans for tax-incentives for families will include "civil partners" so in the modern Conservatives' regime a sodomite couple will be on a level par with a family bringing children into this world to pay the taxes that will pay for our future pensions.
In other words when NuLab are replaced by the ModCons, nothing will change. Economic policy may move a few degrees to the "right" (whilst staying in cahoots to the banksters and usury profiteers), but on Zionist wars, immigration and multi-culti, and on homosexuality you could slip a cigarette paper between the two.
We, as a society, are being pushed into cul-de-sac. We are the victims of New World Order (Bilderberger et al) experiments on immigration, liberalising social attitudes, continual war, abortion on demand and, as we saw with the character assassination of Dr Andrew Wakefield this week, growing vaccination campaigns as an excuse for mass medication.
The recent campaign against cervical cancer being a perfect case in point. There is evidence that in America the vaccination killed more children in the short term than the lives it would have saved in the long term!
The powers that be see us as cattle.
They herd us along via their mass media. Four legs good two legs bad has been replaced by similar chants. Immigration good, hatred bad. Homosexuality good, intolerance bad. Israel good, Libya/Syria/Iraq/Iran/and whoever next bad.
To mix metaphors, the emperor has no clothes.
The government is passing laws so that anyone who says the emperor is naked is in court on clothes-hatred charges. The media is showing programmes on how chic is the emperor's range, how it is de rigueur for anyone at the 'cutting edge' and how it is the veritable dernier cri of the fashion world (with occasional Panoramas and Dispatches on the twisted hatred of extremist Clothe-Deniers).
We now live in a state with far more police powers, far more big brother laws promoting immorality and amorality, far more social engineering ripping out the guts of the people, and the more lawlessness caused by the virtual breakdown of family life - the more powers they give the police (a police that cannot cope with the laws it already has, eg. muggings, burglaries, car crime, anti-social crimes are routinely not investigated).
Our politicians cannot break the circle. They cannot see that their 60s-style amoral codes have led to the lawlessness we see around us. They cannot see that mass immigration has fractured communities and led to a loss of identity which used to gel communities and make people look out for the 'common good' however imperfect. They cannot see that their attacks on the family and their financial promotion of single parents has led to an uncontrollable generation (especially in Afro-Caribbean families in cities like London). They cannot see that their "human rights" mania has led to an uncontrollable generation of schoolchildren who know all their "rights" (eg. that they cannot be physically punished) but know nothing of any social and communal responsibility.
Welcome to 2010, New World Order style.
It seems a mess, it seems an insurmountable challenge, and so it is whilst we have a controlled media and a corrupt political class using lawyer-speak to justify the complete betrayal of many generations following the self-sacrifice of our grandfathers in World War 2.
That said, the answers are quite simple and common sense. It just takes people with the gumption, the ideal of self-sacrifice, and men of goodwill who will fight for a just cause and not to fill their pockets (for such men are easily bought off by banksters, Zionist interests and similar).
Otherwise we face more lawlessness, more suffering, more collapse of an entire society.
Blair, Brown and all the others always say (in the shadow of their Neo-Con alliance) that their primary concern is the safety of the British people.
If that were truly the case they would act, and act now, to stop our slide into amorality, they would stop the wholesale murder of the Britons killed in the womb, they would reinvigorate the family to bring more children under the rule of a mum and a dad.
Of course these are all simplistic sound bytes, and would not solve every problem nor banish every crime; but we have to start somewhere. Nationalists have never said they can create a utopia (unlike Socialists), but we can create a society wherein morality is a norm; wherein the Common Good is at the centre of society; wherein Distributism give genuine opportunity for all and a sincere Social Justice (unlike NuLab who push a form of Bolshevism whilst making the gap between rich and poor bigger than ever before!).
Man's nature makes utopia impossible. That doesn't mean we must accept the naked emperor that is Britain today.
Ex-Whitehall Mandarins Condemn Bad Laws
*I'm sure I caught a reference on Radio 4's Today programme to the pro-homosexual report being (co-)written by the homosexual activist (and ex-That's Life presenter) Simon Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe (to give him his full name!) leading me to ask can its findings be trusted? Any further info gratefully received.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
More Bad Laws Cannot Stop Slide to Amoral Britain
Posted by
Final Conflict
8:58 am
Categories: Abortion, Government, Homosexuality, Immigration, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Labour, Multi-Cult, New World Order, Politics, Tories, Zionism
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You are so eloquent. This a beautifully written piece.
However the research - 60% accept sodomites as opposed to 30% previously - may either be (a) made up or (b) people not wanting to tell the truth - saying what sounds good as opposed to the truth - remember Labour in '92 ?
God bless you and your work
Good article and analysis of the problems in modern society. I like this:
They cannot see that their "human rights" mania has led to an uncontrollable generation of schoolchildren who know all their "rights" (eg. that they cannot be physically punished) but know nothing of any social and communal responsibility.
This is something I see every day at work. Gangs of youths who talk back to and even try to intimidate customers and staff, all of whom are older than them. Like the various "minorities", they have a false sense of entitlement encouraged by do-gooder teachers and "tolerant" parents, police etc. The worst aspect of this decline in respect is how nobody is doing anything about it - they all complain and whine, but they never stand up to the spongers.
It's a sad day when grown men and women are afraid of kids. What will our estates and towns be like in ten years time, when these brats have grown up?
Thats funny, i've watched a number of news items which stated that murders of Sodomites are rising fast.
That doesn't seem to fit in with this Sodomite propoganda.
Hey I like the third post here!
I like the cut of his jib!
Especially where he quotes Edgar Allen Poe's put down of Charlie Chaplin!
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