David Cameron has spoken out against multi-culturalism.
Hooray? No, not at all.
The "we're in it altogether" squillionaire is not about to denounce mass immigration, the loss of indigenous culture or the fact that Europeans will be a minority in these islands in a few decades: a terrible legacy of Tory and Labour misrule.
No. Perish the thought that he would do anything honourable.
He is a traitor. He is a Zionist. He will one day walk away and work for the banks (like Blair and Mandelson before him). He is part of the problem.
Now he is aping BNP policy.
Yes. BNP policy.
Multi-culti is wrong. We all know that. It has been the elephant in the room for decades past. But the parties and media closed off any genuine discussion of it.
But to do what Cameron is doing, and what the BNP has been proposing, is racial genocide and will further wreck our lands.
He, like the BNP, is calling for an end to multi-culturalism (they are using he term as a kind of racial/cultural apartheid) and for it to be replaced by integration!
Yes, rejoice all you racial nationalists! Your cause was taken over years ago by idiots who, to get a few votes and Brussels placements, started courting non-Muslim support and saying how great it is that Blacks, Hindus etc. integrate, but how Muslims are the problem because they don't integrate.
Now it will be government policy. The BNP can disband! Their job is done!
Now we will have Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and coloureds mixing in with our kids whether we -or they - want it or not!
Right: A successful model of integration.
With increased integration we will lose more of our identity and the coloureds can further argue that they too are "British."
Those happy photos in BNP papers and on BNP websites of British Whites hugging British coloureds and Asians has now been writ large.
Years ago we attacked the BNP for saying blacks were "British" whilst they attacked White Polish migrants (would you rather your daughter marry a Pole or Latvian? Or an African or Asian?).
This has now come full circle.
It is we, the peoples of Britain who will suffer. The rich, like Cameron, can move away from immigrants. Their idea of integration is what culture their au pair or cleaner comes from, which restaurant they will eat in, or (like Billy Bragg!) how well they get on with the petrol station attendant!
I have lived in heavily Asian areas, and it is not fun.
The policy of dispersal will make more race-mixing possible, will make a bad situation worse as vast numbers of non-Europeans move into more areas, more schools etc. etc. to be followed by the growing numbers of Somalis, Afghanis and other non-Whites still flooding in, no doubt to be dispersed to help integrate.
I hope the idiots in the BNP leadership who pushed their integrationist agenda years ago, just like they pushed their quasi-Zionist "it's all the Muzzies fault" line, are happy.
The chickens - of all shades and colours! - are coming home to roost.
RIP White Britain.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
David Cameron Apes BNP Policy: More Integration
Posted by
Final Conflict
3:08 pm
Categories: BNP, David Cameron, Immigration, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Poland, Tories
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That's right. God who dispersed the people of the world after the Babel episode. Now we are all forced togather again, now we all think we're greater than God again.
It's all so Masonic dontcha think?
Cameron was making a statement regarding multi-CULTURALISM and not any reference to Race, this is a trap I am dismayed that you FC have fallen into, just because we have been subjected to decades of propaganda under the guise of 'multi-culturalism' when Race mixing has been the issue.
Multi-Culturalism is a Britain comprised of a Scottish Scotland, Welsh Wales, Cornish Cornawall, English England etc. and so with Europe and German Germany etc. now THIS is multi-Culturalism.
Multi-racialism on the other hand is the mixing of the myriad White gene pool with muds and, in response to the first post, indeed FC is angry as am I and my comrades that the Elders have actively persued a policy of White genocide and I am angry with the Elders' stooges who have taken part in this and that means scum like you...go take your paki/nigger-loving ways elsewhere.
This is a classic example of how the 'Conservatives' act in tandem with Labour: Labour, without any popular mandate, open the floodgate of Turd World immigration with the lie that we need 'their skills' (as if...). There is a muzzled and edited reaction to this in the pages of, for example, 'The Daily Wail'. When it's the Tories term to take office, they give voice to this policed reaction by 'condemning' multi-culturalism. In fact they do nothing about it. The Tories main purpose being to consolidate the unwanted changes Labour has inflicted on the sheeple.
I have said before that I have nothing against Multi-Culturalism, in the sense of many European cultures being in the UK [French, Italian, Spanish, Irish - and our home grown cultures].
Cameron is talking primarily about multi-culti in the sense of non-Whites.
Is he really talking about "multi-culti in the sense of non-Whites" REALLY?
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