Put down that mug of tea dear reader. Finish that mouthful of bacon sandwich. Sit down.
OK? Settled?
I agree with the idea of Slavery Day! Let us remember the suffering of black slaves over 200 years ago.
"But FC," I hear you cry, "it's just one more thing to batter Whites with, why should we have to put up with this?"
Well, let me sum it up in a number of succinct (OK... not really, but I'll try not to turn into Ranting Ron!) summaries of my stance:
1. The more days we have that annoy the indigenous people (Holocaust Day, Diwali, Slavery Day, India Independence Day, Hug-a-Pooftah Day, Speed Camera Day etc.) the more people will realise that we are the bottom of the heap, ruled by the politically correct who spy on us at every turn and tax us to death.
2. Slavery brought about multi-cult/multi-racism. Without it there would be a White(r) America, not much chance of rap music, White(r) English cities etc.
My old nan used to say "two wrongs don't make a right" (usually as she bashed me and my brother's heads together -- never adding that her third wrong seemed to right everything!) with that loving steely glare, with a slight twinkle in her eye that no-one (not least two teenage tearaways) could argue with.
Exactly so nan: why should the wrong of multi-racism, mass immigration etc. be expected to 'right the wrong' of slavery etc. She must have been a Mosleyite!
3. Leading on from that, my forefathers never benefited from slavery. My forefathers in the UK lived in pretty poor conditions, struggled to make ends meet etc. My forefathers in Ireland lived through all the terrible history of that land - inc. many of its people who were indentured slaves!
Perhaps a Slavery Day might waken up more of our people to this REAL history, outside of the money earned by a few mega-rich families (the more times change... etc.).
4. Allowing Slavery Day would annoy the Zionists ( you just knew I'd mention them didn't you!).
Yes, Melanie Phillips (fanfare please!) the archetypal Zionist mouthpiece wrote against commemorating slavery only last week. Why so Melanie? Because none suffered? Because it means nothing to Blacks?
You know the real reason dear reader? Those people weren't Jewish! This Jewish racism and Israel-Worshipping means that we can only worship at the altar of the Holocaust. No other suffering - not Black certainly - can compare! (to even compare it might verge on illegality in several nations!). Imagine if the slaves crammed into ships (many of the ships owned by Jews as people like Farrakhan has proven) were actually Jewish? Would Melanie Phillips let us ever forget such suffering? No way Pedro.
So if even to annoy Melanie Phillips and her Holocaustianity ilk - let's do it! ;-)
So there you go, a handful of reasons to celebrate Slavery Day.
As Steve from (the Blood & Honour band) Whitelaw said in an interview on TV a while back, better to let them all in so that people finally wake up and do something about it... same idea here.
But in all seriousness, I think we should make reparations to Blacks for slavery!
Yes I do.
I think it was wrong to take the black people out of Africa (though the North African Arabs were doing it before the Portuguese arrived).
And so I am happy to right this original wrong.
And if liberals, blacks activists, communists, politically correct government commissars and so on agree with me (as surely they must) then they can jump on board my bandwagon too. I don't mind. I'm kind and thoughtful like that.
So here's my idea for Slavery Day, reparations etc. to right the wrong that was slavery.
Let's have one big slavery week (heck, why limit it to one day?) next year around this time. Then we can get all the coloureds of Afro-Caribbean stock - plus their descendants and dependents - and take them all back to Africa.
What better way to right that original wrong?
They can all be given reparations, plus they can sell their houses/land/businesses here and keep the money. Blimey! With all that they'll be millionaires back in Africa!
Imagine that! What a week for celebration for all concerned!
The coloureds will be re-united with their homelands and their peoples. They'll get ample reparations ( we can stop the multi-millions going to corrupt regimes and dam building and give it to these worthy recipients).
I'll celebrate all week! I'll get my kids out in the streets dancing (in African attire if the government prefers!).
So come on readers! Get behind me in this crusade for a Black Slavery Day/Week, for reparations for the slaves' descendants, and for the resettlement to finally apologise to Africa for taking her children from her...
Who's with me?
Let's make this a better world...
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Let's Have Slavery Week!
Posted by
Final Conflict
1:41 pm
Categories: Africa, Melanie Phillips, Multi-Racism, Slavery
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