There are two main problems I have with politicians, and more especially with political party leaders.
Ignore the cowardice, ignore the treachery, ignore the money-grubbing. These we've come to expect. These are the symptoms of the breed of politicians.
I'm on about the causes.
No - not party politics itself, or the Freemasonic "democratic" oligarchy either. These explain the system behind the politicians. These are possible causes, but surely one might push past those and be something different?
Not to date, sadly.
Anyway, my thesis is that there are two causes as to why the individual party leaders are what they are.
You can scoff at my theory. You can discount it. Or you may even put forward a better one. That's fine, I only write this as a starting point for discussion and I hope it does lead us somewhere, so here goes:
My first cause:
There are too many politicians who were lawyers or who trained as lawyers. Of course, this gives them excellent qualities in the debating chamber - but it also gives them the idea that the "rightness" of their cause is immaterial. Rather the important part is the winning of the argument. So treachery is defended. Lies are covered-up with "evidence." There is no right and wrong, there are only defences staged and prosecutions won.
How else could Tony Blair stand up and lie to defend his decision to start a morally wrong (and, for that matter illegal!) war in Iraq but for his training as a solicitor? Weasel words come easy to Blair and the other lawyers in parliament.
I propose that anyone who has practised as, or been trained to be a lawyer, be barred from parliament. Add to that anyone who has trained in the law or passed a law degree (i.e. a solicitor in all but name).
That will clear away many of the liars, defrauders and spin-meisters. Perhaps we might then get some straight talk.
(As an afterthought we might also tag on journalists into the same category!)
My second cause:
"Oh dear" I hear some cry in protest "politics enters the bedroom."
Not so. It's just a simple fact: the man/woman who cannot be trusted to be truthful to his/her wife/husband cannot be trusted to handle the country's affairs, the country's finances or even his/her expenses account!
It really is as simple as that as far as I'm concerned. The man who will cheat on his own wife will not think twice about cheating the people.
So if you want to clean-up the current system, right here, right now, within the confines of "parliamentary democracy" get rid of the lawyers and the adulterers.
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Problem with Politicians
Posted by
Final Conflict
9:50 pm
Categories: Government, Politics
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