We have a lot to do.
We have a nation to win back.
We have patriots to educate.
We have an enemy system to oppose.
We have enemy ideas to expose.
There is a lot to do!
Unfortunately not everyone who calls them self a nationalist is on the ball.
That's not to say they're not active nor even doing what they think is what's needed... but if they are led in the wrong direction, or their efforts are being used to push nationalism into areas that undermine the very essence of what nationalism is, then a part of what they are doing is, in the long term, as destructive to nationalism - as destructive as the excesses of "nazi terror" fantasists of the 1990s were.
Enemies of cogent, intelligent, principled racial nationalism will use 75% of the right arguments, but add-on 25% dangerous elements to undermine nationalism.
That is how erroneous ideas have entered our camp: Zionism and pro-Israeli sentiment, integration and the idea that blacks are "Britons", liberalism with the idea that homosexuality is OK if it isn't 'preached' in public, money-grubbing, cronyism and assorted corruption - and so much more.
You may think these aren't important, but they are.
Is any form of "victory" going to be anything of the sort if we are puppets of the Israelis? Or if blacks stay here and mix in with our people? Or if homosexuality continues to be legal, with their corrupt and damaging "lifestyle"? Or if we replace one set of money-grubbing cheating lawyer-class politicos with another?
Nationalism will suffer mortal wounds along that road, because it will either die the death of a thousand cuts or it will be so corrupted that it will be seen as just another form of system politics, with the same cover-ups, back-handers, fiddled accounts etc.
Where do we begin then?
We have to start where we can, with what we have.
The main thing, right here, right now is to win hearts and minds. The hearts and minds of patriots - sure! - but especially of the organiser class, what we called the Cadres in the 1980s.
These people are already "dropping out" at an untold rate, despondent because of the policy betrayals and the corruption.
They have seen nationalism sullied - well beyond any policy nuances that could be labelled 'realpolitik.'
They have seen comrades vilified for wanting the cause to be whiter than white, free of corruption and cronyism.
For these people and those others teetering on the brink we must provide a sane, sensible, traditional yet truly radical nationalism.
We must let people know that nationalism which is not run by Kosher Tories or Searchlight Cronies does exist, that there is a sane, racialist nationalism that believes in social justice, which believes in moral values (as more than sound bytes to be ignored in practice), which says that certain things are absolutes -- such as opposing Zionist war-mongers, the banksters and their debt, integrationists and their "black Britons" etc.
The way we can do this right here, right now is to get more and more copies of Final Conflict mag into the hands of the nationalists out there. Every supporter is a person that needs to know the nationalist truth!
Every organiser needs to know that there is an alternative!
We're not seeking to "recruit" people... after all since when is reading a magazine betraying your group (not even Blair would go that far!), but to remind them that even in their bleakest moments of their roller-coaster ride that there are answers, that nationalism is not the sole preserve of the Arthur Daily types who would sell you subservience to a Kosherised policy as soon as they'd sell you an insurance right-off.
The struggle goes on. Crumbs of comfort from the Westminster regime's table will change little. In fact, the more "victories" the Kosher-crowd get, the more their betrayal and sell-out is "justified" no matter of the facts of the situation.
So do your bit today!
We're asking more nationalists to get 5 or 10 copies of the new FC and put them into the hands of fellow patriots.
Is this too much for you reader?
Our Capitalist foes do far more. Our Communist foes do far more. Our Zionist foes do far more. Our integrationist foes do far more. Our homosexual lobby foes do far more.
They value their fight. They like to brainwash patriots to giving up the fight, or changing the cause so that it no longer recognises right from wrong.
There are patriots who take FCs to sell on or pass out to fellow patriots in their area, but to date they are too few in number to make a significant difference.
This really is a scandal!
No wonder new recruits to nationalism no longer see Judeo-Freemasonry as an enemy of Western Civilisation!
No wonder new recruits no longer see homosexuality as a cancer eating away at our communities and nation!
No wonder new recruits moan that the coloureds here should integrate more!
Wake up White man! You have a movement to win back!
Getting 5 FCs to pass out costs £6.50 inc p&p (in the UK). 10 cost £13. Is this too much?
Is the price of letting 5 or 10 fellow patriots know the truth too much?
We have produced a quality, intelligent, entertaining magazine for nationalists, with a good mix of material.
It is a tool for you to use!
if you don't value the patriotic cause, if you don't care that nationalists become the front-line troops for Israeli policy, if you don't care that patriot candidates are practicing homosexuals, if you don't care that integration is the line adopted by every political party... then stick your head back in the sand.
But if you believe that your Race & Nation are worth fighting for, that the nationalist cause should be a shining example to our beleaguered people... then get in touch today and help spread the word!
There is much to do!
But as some little yellow guy [no, not MC! ;-) ] once said - the biggest journey begins with a single step.
An organiser class of intelligent, dedicated nationalists that is fully aware of geo-politics, nationalist history and ideology is a body that cannot be ignored or rode over.
So will you take the first step? Or will you just moan and groan when the next non-white or the next faggot rears its head? Or when Israel is painted as our greatest friend?
Nationalist! The future of this movement depends on you.
Will you help our fight back for nationalism?
Or will you stoop to kiss the festering boots of our Zionist, homosexual, integrationist system?
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Time for YOUR action
Posted by
Final Conflict
2:01 pm
Categories: Final Conflict, Nationalism
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