She's at it again!
Barely a week goes by but she can't return to her favourite (sponsored?) past-time.
Yes, of course I'm on about the arch-Zionist Melanie Phillips and her Iran-baiting.
Yes, oh dear reader, the Israeli voice in Fleet Street is scathing about the recent events. Oh indeed we're reminded that Iran committed an act of war... what? By taking prisoner foreign armed forces found in waters Iran claims as her own??? What would Ms. Phillips say if an Iranian force were captured in the English Channel?
Yes, dear reader, she's a nutter. But worse, a Zionist nutter to whom all the world hates Israel, and the Jews of the world - to whom we must all (as "westerners") be in alliance - are at risk from the nasty Islamic bogeyman.
Whilst the BBC says ordnance found in Iraq may come from Iran, there is no evidence as to where it is obtained -- e.g. are "insurgents" buying it on the black market.
This isn't good enough for the mad raving Zionoid (like a haemorrhoid but more embarrassing). To her the fact that weapons (may) come from Iran (and remember we only have the Neo Con regime in America's word for this - hardly trustworthy with their dodgy dossiers, proof of WMDs etc.) this too is an act of war!
And so Ms. Phillips and her Mossad handler want Britain to declare war on Iran. By the same logic the UK should have declared war on Czechoslovakia when the IRA were using semtex!!!!
Let's face it, the Mossad and CIA have supplied and continue to supply arms and explosives to all manner of regimes (including Iran... anyone remember the Iran-Contra scandal???). Should the many victims of this interference declare war on America and Israel? Would Ms. Phillips support such declarations of war against the two war-mongering Zionist regimes?
By her own twisted logic she must.
We reported in FC mag #38 how an Israeli diplomat was caught in Buenos Aires, en route to Chile, with a quantity of explosives. Ms. Phillips must support Chile's right to declare war on Israel!
The other day I was talking to a friend about the recent furore/debacle of the Melanie Phillips screeching Zionism being lauded, applauded and sucked-up to (I know, it's a technical term!) by the BNP.
This chum, an ex-BNP regional organiser, reminded me of the time when Phillips was cornered. She was given a choice of whether to support Israel or the UK in a war between the two. After much filibustering and evasion, she eventually stated she would have to support Israel in such a war.
So there we have it. All the bluster and bravado about 'our brave lads' is pure hyperbole -- the hypocrite Phillips would be supporting Zionist troops if they were blowing up and firing at our troops (instead of civilians and peace activists!), just as she would have supported Zionist terrorists as they murdered British soldiers in Palestine in the 1940s.
Just in case you thought the raving Zionist witch's scare-mongering and paranoia only stretched to the Middle East you'd be mistaken.
You see Ms. Phillips belongs to the Neo Con breed that have to look out for each other - right or wrong (90% the latter).
Few people have sympathy for Paul Wolfowitz. He was a lynchpin in organising the illegal war against Iraq. it was his strategy to try and tie in '911' with Iraq. It was his aim to con the world into thinking Saddam had WMDs. It was his struggle to make Iraq a key-player in the "Al Qaeda" structure.... all of this was Grade A horse poop obviously, but sad to say there are still Neo Cons, Zionist poltroons who still believe some of that nonsense!
Watch Fox TV on American TV and you'd be fooled into part-way believing it too! They still push this stuff... just like they are pushing their Grade A horse poop about Iran today.
Wolfowitz got away scot-free from lying to the people of America and the "Free World" (yee ha!) and far from being banged-up for war crimes or brought to book for his outrageous role in the whole sordid plot, was given a cushty position at the head of the World Bank, appointed by the dullard George W Bush, who's starting to make Clinton look like he had clean hands over cronyism!
So what's Melanie Phillips's take on Wolfowitz's latest scandal where he's been caught handing out a better-paying job to his "girl"friend?
"[H]e has been scandalously set up and smeared by the World Bank, which has made use of the all-too willing offices of a malevolent media still obsessively seeking revenge upon Wolfowitz..."
Don't believe me? Visit:
You can almost read the words "Anti-Semitism" can't you?
Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in-for-me!
Oh poor Melanie... Poor Mr. Wolfowitz! To quote TV's Jim Royle: "Poor - my arse!"
Will they ever be left alone by this media...? this media that has (eventually) seen through their Iraq lies... this media that (currently) repeats their Iran lies...
Does she really think that their Neo-Con ilk are victims? They are the cats that got the cream! They are talking heads on the TV and in our newspapers... They mix with the uber-rich and the usury-bankers.
Just look at how the NY Post treated the arch-liberal Hillary Clinton when she wasn't as gung-ho and supportive of extreme Zionism as they wanted her to be:
But still they'd have you believe they are the ones who are picked on!!! Their ilk control the only remaining super-state! Yet they are still "oppressed", still the "victims of vicious anti-Semites"...
Will Ms Phillips not stop her war-mongering for one moment and realise that people don't (necessarily just) hate her for what she was born as, but they certainly do despise her for what she has become (a rabid war-mongering Zionoid)?
She is loathed because she would send 'our lads' off to war... when she has already admitted that she would support Israel if that bandit, terror-state were at war with those same soldiers!
There is a country that obtained illegal nuclear weapons, which spied on America, which supplied illegal arms to Iran (during the Iran/Iraq war) , which breaks the Geneva Convention at will, and which would break many more UN resolutions were they not continually protected by a Zionist clique in Washington DC: Israel.
But don't expect Ms. Phillips to ever tell you the truth on that score!
And whilst the Zionist- controlled regime in Washington DC continues to act as the world's policeman and to protect Israel, don't ever expect illegal Israeli nukes or any other provocation by the state founded by wanted terrorists to come to the fore in world affairs...
It's always the anti-Zionist nations that form the next part of the 'bogeyman' we need to have nightmares about...
Monday, 16 April 2007
The War-Mongering Whore
Posted by
Final Conflict
4:16 pm
Categories: Iran, Iraq, Melanie Phillips, Neo Cons, Paul Wolfowitz, Zionism
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