Never once having renounced their beliefs on Jesus Christ or removing any of the anti-Gentile, anti-Christian or indeed anti-Christ parts of their "holy books" - let alone any sort of an apology for Deicide, or their role in Freemasonry, the French and Russian Revolutions, crimes against Christians in Spain, Hungary and many other places. - the Jewish authorities (this time in Germany) are once again demanding that the Church acts to please them.
Right: Freemasonry infects the media, the justice system, the churches, the political system, the banking system and much more besides. Those who face up to it can expect foul treatment from an enemy media.
With the Zionist State (which occupies Palestine) busily murdering Christians and stopping clerics from visiting their flocks and saying Mass long before these events when, according to the Jews the "dialogue" between them and the Church was strong, one has to wonder what the Church has to lose.
The realpolitik answer would be favourable media coverage (in itself revealing the hold Zionists have over the "Western" media and in turn betraying the motivation of the pro-Zionist leanings of some "patriots"). Certainly the series of events surrounding this latest uproar, which has displeased so many Jews, proves that the media is already being swung into an attack position viz the Church and "anti-Semitism.
News reports came out over the weekend that a Catholic Bishop had "denied the holocaust" (a crime in some countries and the worst sin imaginable to the Zionist media). It then appeared that this Bishop and three others were being welcomed 'back into the Church' after being excommunicated in the 80s (it's a long story but suffice to say they openly fought back against the Freemasonic leanings of the "modern" church.
Cue a media uproar with talk of an anti-Semite and even some sort of Nazi sympathiser being allowed 'back into the fold. Some even questioned the wisdom of the Bishop making his statements at such a crucial time (with conspiracy theorists claiming he wanted to scupper Rome's moves for his own quasi-fascist "extreme right" reasons).
As usual there is more to this than meets the eye and yet again shows the Judeo-Masonic control of the media.
In truth the interview was conducted some three months ago and sat on. The Pope allegedly signed the paperwork on the four 'Traditionalist' Bishops last Wednesday or thereabouts (for it to be released on Saturday) only for the Swedish TV channel to suddenly remember this ground breaking interview...
So here's the first lesson for anyone interested.
If you do anything the Zionist disapprove of, they will use their media to hound you. Those of us who oppose the Freemasons and Zionists should take this as a badge of honour, otherwise we will always "hide for fear of the Jews."
The media will always fawn over and pour praise on those who weaken and betray the bodies it wishes to bring down and/or infiltrate from the Church to patriotic parties. So anyone who says homosexuals can be admitted or that the Zionists are our allies will be painted as brave, intelligent, forward-thinking, worldly wise etc. etc.
The video of Bishop Williamson denouncing the holocaust was a response to specific questions, to which the Bishop gave his personal insight - as he might on WW1, the French Revolution, the American Civil War or the Credit Crunch.
When an Israeli Rabbi says that 100 dead Palestinians aren't worth a single dead Jew it barely raises an eyebrow in the world media, let alone any coverage.
If brave men in the realms of religion, culture, politics, the arts, sport, communities and every aspect of our lives, are to stand up for what is right as opposed to what is wrong they should expect the brickbats and dirty tricks of an enemy media.
We would be immature to expect anything else.
German Jews Condemn Pope
Monday, 26 January 2009
Revisionist Catholic Bishop Interview is Three Months Old
Posted by
Final Conflict
8:52 pm
Categories: Catholic Church, Media, Revisionism, Zionism
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How dare someone express an opinion about a 'supposed' historical matter?
'When the Jews first came for the holocaust deniers,
I remained silent;
For I did not ask questions and accepted the myth.
When they imprisoned the revisionists,
I remained silent;
For the media told me they were hate-mongers.
When they extradited the critics of Israel,
I remained silent;
For I feared being called anti-Semitic and losing my job.
When they murdered the nationalists,
I remained silent;
For I was taught to despise my own race.
When they arrested the patriots,
I remained silent;
For I trusted in Big Government and the European Union.
When they came for the Christians,
I remained silent;
For I rejected the divinity of Christ.
When they came for the opponents of the New World Order,
I remained silent;
For I was afraid of Satan.
When they came for me, I cried out in anguish and despair,
But there was no one left to help me.'
Michael James, an Englishman, is a former freelance journalist resident in Germany since 1992 with additional long-haul stays in East Africa, Poland and Switzerland.
Just check what Uncle Abe had to say:-
"For any Catholic clergy to embrace the anti-Semitic Holocaust denier is obscene. It would be an insult to Catholic-Jewish relations and the memory of the millions of Jews who perished because they were Jews."
Is this the same Uncle Abe who wants The New Testament outlawed for being 'anti-semitic' ?
Who will go to war against The Beast?
Keep gaining the the information and knowledge and turn your mind into a lethal weapon.
"Those who hold the power to make you believe absurdities also have the power to make you commit atrocities”
The Holocaust has been turned into a religion by the Zionist Talmudic theives and anyone who doesn't believe in it is castigated as a blasphemer against God's 'chosen people' and ultimately against God.
"The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation."
Man, there is some serious delusions of grandeur floating around that man's head!
All Christians can reject out of hand that last rabid Zionist quote because when they rejected and murdered Christ, the Jews ceased being "God's Chosen people" and anyone with a CSE in R.E. knows that.
If you are a Christian nominally, actually, practicing or - to quote Clare Short - culturally, then you have to accept Christ's words regarding the Jewish elders and organised religion as son's of Satan and empty sepulchres (whitewashed on the outside, but dead and decaying inside).
It really is that simple.
It's not "hate."
It's Truth.
"...And the Truth shall set you Free."
Freemasons in the vatican are busy running around in circles trying to unpick this 2000 year old gem which was known by all our forefathers.
But like those who prattled on about Iraq's WMDs, or who said there was no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, they are LIARS and DECEIVERS.
Rant over. ;-)
One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
The Bishop may have read this imprisoned man's book, in prison due to SCHOLARSHIP!!! No other crime.
The Epistle of Barnabas
Warning that the final trial is at hand -- The covenant. Christian or Jewish? -- Admonition to stedfastness
6 You ought then to understand. And this also I ask you, as being one of yourselves, and especially as loving you all above my own life; take heed to yourselves now, and be not made like unto some, heaping up your sins and saying that the covenant is both theirs and ours.
7 It is ours: but in this way did they finally lose it when Moses had just received it, for the Scripture says: "And Moses was in the mount fasting forty days and forty nights, and he received the covenant from the Lord, tables of stone written with the finger of the hand of the Lord."
8 But they turned to idols and lost it. For thus saith the Lord: "Moses, Moses, go down quickly, for thy people, whom thou broughtest forth out of the land of Egypt, have broken the Law." And Moses understood and cast the two tables out of his hands, and their covenant was broken, in order that the covenant of Jesus the Beloved should be sealed in our hearts in hope of his faith.
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