So, like the Judaic religion and the 6,000,000 (see recent post) our wonderful freedom loving government is hooked on 60,000 (ostensibly for Talmudic reasons!).
As government minister, Tony McNulty, faces embarrassing accusations of pocketing £60,000 for a "second home allowance" which he claims was within "the rules."
This just shows what a bunch of shysters we have leading us, all busy doing the Tel Aviv breaststroke (this involves grabbing as much wonga as you can, using both arms).
McNulty is guilty of following the example of Jacqui Smith, our Home Secretary who was also exposed for milking the system.
It seems that when it comes to politicians and banksters, these people will bend the rules to get themselves tax-payers' money!
Meanwhile, Jacqui Smith (the aforementioned Home Secretary) is pushing the training of 60,000 "civilians" as anti-terrorist spotters.
Oh yes!
there have been press releases telling us that the threat from (CIA ghost) Al Qaeda means that we need all these people trained (at public expense no less).
This is classic 'power of nightmares' stuff, because if Mossad or the CIA plan an attack to drag us into another illegal war, or as a means to bolster support for the illegal Zionist bandit state of Israel, no amount of specially trained terror-spotters, dotted around the UK, will stop a highly trained team of black-ops operatives.
As the tax-payer gets circa £20,000 of debt per head because of the usurious banking system (which our politicians are tied up in) and as we continue to foot the bill of banksters' bonuses and MPs fiddled allowances, isn't it nice to know that we still have he money to launch meaningless initiatives.
All of which helps us recall the "threat of terrorism" and take our eye off the ball.
As a few of us have said via posts and commentaries on this blog - who are the real terrorists?
Who unleashed the terror of mass unemployment? Who allows the terror of street crime/muggings to continue? Who says the terror of loss of identity should continue via mass immigration? Who is pushing the agenda of fear and terror to bring in a police state? Who turns a blind eye to drugs blighted communities with the terror of families torn apart and the terror of being burgled? Who allows the terror or mass murder, a.k.a. abortion?
We have enough terrorism, day in day out in all our towns and cities, that this government has promoted, ignored or been woefully inadequate in dealing with.
Do we really need to hear that we need 60,000 trained "spotters" from a government from whom yet another minister has had his eye on 60,000 shiny pound coins direct from the tax-payer?
We are being conned!
From the "Al Qaeda" Neo Con nonsense to our soldiers dying in soft-skinned Land Rovers in Afghanistan; from usury banking and multi-billion/trillion bail-outs to working communities blighted by unemployment, drugs and crime.
This government, like all before it and like those still to come, has sold out our people (quite literally!).
We don't need 60,000 'terror spotters.' We could do with just 600 decent, honest and patriotic men and women to inhabit Westminster... but don't hold your breath because under this Masonic Party System, it just ain't gonna happen!
Even the "opposition" outside the Lib-Lab-Con have been bought and sold before they even get a sniff of power.
'Twas ever thus.
Monday, 23 March 2009
60,000 Reasons to Boot Out Shyster Politicians
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:59 pm
Categories: Afghanistan, Banking, Economics, Government, Islam, Israel, Politics, Terrorism
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