No, not by featuring the war criminal and the man who ordered the army to shoot striking workers (Churchill!) on the front of their literature.
But by cavorting in the streets of Wrexham with multi-culti flotsam. I dare say (like "Cumbrian" Zimbabweans) they are just good "British Nationalists" too.
Is this what Nationalism has descended too? NuLab style multi-culti dancing? We expect it from traitor politicians desperate to seem "inclusive."
It now seems there is little to distinguish the Zionist political parties of all shades.
Someone tear down that St David Cross flag! His day has been besmirched by these sad, sad antics.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Wales BNP Disgrace St David's Day
Posted by
Final Conflict
11:31 am
Categories: BNP, Multi-Cult, Multi-Racism, Nationalism, St David, Wales
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They are not racial nationalist but they are patriots only,
who know nothing about race and nation and its roots.
But Griffin likes it that way as it brings in the votes and the ££££££.
Its not the BNP that I and a lot of other racial nationalists built under the leadership of John Tyndall.
But it is the only nationalist party that has got its self on the electoral ladder and until the NF get it self on the same ladder we racial nationalists can only say vote for the BNP councilor
Keith axon.
Hey, that's populism for you
Sorry Keith but i cannot vote for a party that has homosexual members, is officially Zionist and simply wants money.
Especially when it pumped £50K of members' money into Great White Records which just folded at a loss!!!
They lied to ge money for the "truth truck".
We are dealing with liars, degenerates and shysters.
Collette is a paedo-perv, Hannam is a wife-cheater, Darby is state, and sad to say NG has sold out for the wonga.
The BNP definately are not racial and neither are they cultural nationalists, what they are are kosher nationalists, they can have all the council/parish councillors and/or MEPs they like, but the more they allow themselves to become embroiled in the murky and corrupt world of democratic parliamentarianism the more they are selling out, but then they only value loyalty in monetary terms.
As for suggesting they are now a State-run group to control and ultimately disparage White racialists/British nationalists, credence must be given when the leadership are more zionist than zionists, the executive include MI5 agents and paedophiles.
The ranks of the BNP will only swell the more that people begin to feel the financial pinch, but this will further dilute any BNP rank-and-filer still with any integrity when these selfish, greedy, traitors form the vast majority of the membership!
"Cumbrian" Zimbabweans - that explains why there are so many 'enrichers' in Dalton Road here in Barrow in Furness recently... I saw a couple staring at the statue of Emlyn Hughes in Abbey Road, like they had never seen the like of human representation in artistic form. They're now pals of the BNP? God save us.
\The bnp has sold out long before it's even had a sniff of any power!
Griffin and his cabal have intentionally and systematically diluted British Nationalism to the point were it is tasteless and worthless.
The BNP has officially transmogrified into The Monster Raving Loony Party. Its agenda is well and truly monstrous and its leaders are definitely raving lunatics!!!
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Paedophiles, Jewish councillors, Homosexuals, Pro-Zionists, Adulterers, State Operatives and Non-indigenous peoples etc. all seem to be welcomed with open arms into the realms of the BNP.
"Read up on your history. It is all there on the shelves... And find me one race that retained its power of civilization, culture, and creativeness, after it mongrelized itself."
Jack London
Griffin and his traitorous and malevolent sycophantic acolytes are preaching that they are the saviours of blighty, when in reality they are actively engaged in its complete demise.
Money is the root of all evil.
It is via his eternal struggle to grab more filthy lucre that Griffin has sold out nationalism.
Even now the bnp coffers lie empty - yet they want MORE, to spend on the party credit cards!
shush everyone. it's all ok!
So he's a proud Welsh supporter of the BNP look you.
Cowards removed the video!
Too late too late will be the cry,
When the man with the bargains has passed you by.
BNP sells out again!
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