Taking the mick out of Michael Jackson is like shooting fish in a barrel.
It almost make you think it is beneath you to do so... almost!
Yes, we saw the Wackiest of Wacky Jackos appear in London - new Kirk Douglasesque chin and all! - to announce his intention to tour.
His appearance to the faithful had all the hallmarks of an American televangelist with the brainwashed and the weak-willed thronging in front, screaming their adulation as they waved their hands in the air.
What is it about Michael Jackson fans that make you think of the weirdo who used to stand alone in the playground with the bum-fluff starter-moustache, NY Yankees baseball hat perched uneasily atop his head at a negro-esque angle and capped sleeve t-shirt showing unwashed armpits?
The kind of ever-juvenile gullible type that might, for example, be blinded by the "fame" of a guess-the-race pop star who would ask him to stay at his mansion... er... and "sleep over" in his bed!
OK. Enough. My sick bucket doth overflow.
But whilst we think we got the bum rap (in oh so many ways!) by getting Wacko Jacko come over here from America, we more than made up for this in a way that must have had Americans wondering what they had done to upset us so.
Yes, our very own Gordon Brown landed in Washington DC for an audience with the media's messiah, President Obama.
Boring Gordon more than got them back for leaving Wacko Jacko free to come over here and abuse our children aurally via his music and his pronouncements!
After all, many people know Michael Jackson has lost the plot. Even those who like his music feel increasingly uneasy at his antics, absurd and self effacing (zoiks!) as they are.
Whereas slightly more people (though the numbers are falling!) still think Gordon Brown is adept at economics and "fiscal management."
Yes, too many people were fooled by the NuLabour machine into jumping into bed with them over the years and now, faces a-blushing, reaching for their solicitor's phone number, they regale their friends with stories of how they feel so abused!
As Jackson has had fans a-screamin' in London, Brown had his... erm... well, er... spectators clapping politely in Washington DC.
Oh yes they stood and clapped when he said what they wanted him to say on the War on Terror (fighting for democracy blah blah blah) but apparently not all the seats had official bums on them, with "staffers" filling the spaces of American representatives not feeling the need to see the Great White Hope of the World.
Yes they clapped when he praised their war-mongering, but failed to clap when he condemned protectionism. They certainly didn't clap when he blamed the world economic crisis on America - because despite repeating this parrot fashion ad nauseum back home to save his own "end of boom and bust" hide, he didn't have the balls to tell the Americans this central plank of his repertoire.
Why so shy Gordon?
Yes, we grimaced at Jackson's speech in London, but we should have been angered by Brown's speech in America.
Brown is a traitor and has lost us trillions, whereas Jackson is a weirdo whom a handful have alleged has betrayed their trust.
People in America and Britain should see through the spin and media-presentations of this Wacko: a weirdo, criminally-insane man responsible for so much hurt, who many believe has acted illegally, who tries to bluff his way by ignoring the facts of the past and surrounding himself with sycophants and hand-picked clapping crowds.
We should be watchful of Michael Jackson too.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Michael Jackson & Gordon Brown: The Struggle is One!
Posted by
Final Conflict
10:59 am
Categories: America, Economics, Gordon Brown, Michael Jackson, Music, Obama, Politics
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