There is little worse for a politician to be caught in flagrante delicto, red handed, pants down, in the act of Ugandan discussions as it were.
Right: The boss of the police throughout the UK is ostensibly breaking the law by fiddling her expenses, and now we find out that "Mr Smith" is fiddling too, in his own squalid style.
The image of David Mellor partaking in carnal knowledge wearing his Chelsea shirt had millions reaching for the sick bucket. They didn't know that the whole story was revenge for Mellor's outspoken attack on Israel some months before.
But there's the lesson. If they cannot bribe or coerce you onto their side, they will ruin you, given half the chance.
In By Way of Deception the ex-Mossad man Viktor Ostrovsky makes it clear that greed, pride and sex are the main ways of blackmailing, winning-over or destroying the enemies of Zionism. Read the book. It's there in black and white.
Now imagine there's a politician who isn't greedy, mad for power, an egotist or a sexual deviant.
Can you think of any? You can probably count them on one hand.
That is why there will never be realistic change in this country. They are bribed via Union or banking sinecures, or they are silenced by the Party System with its handouts from the offices of the Party Whips. Their egos are massaged by a fawning Zionist media until they have overplayed their usefulness. Any who buck the trend will have the minutiae of their private lives trawled through and if there's nowt there they will be set-up a la Mr. Mellor.
On top of all this we have the period at the end of any government when they seem to go into a suicidal free-fall.
We saw it with the Tories and now we see it under Nu-Labour. Eventually we'll see it with "Call Me Dave" Cameron's Nu-Tories as sure as eggs is eggs.
Then there'll be a revamped Labour Party ready to step into the breach, and so the whole Masonic see-saw politics (Left, Right, Left, Right) will continue ad nauseum and the media will play their part.
What we are seeing now with government ministers fiddling their expenses is just part of this Götterdämmerung of Nu-Labour as the Masonic snake sheds one layer of skin for a new one, so the sheople think it is all shiny and new, and a changed animal.
We, the astute thinkers that we are dear reader, know that this is all show of course. The backers remain the same. Powerful lobbies like the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers and others remain pulling the strings of their media, banking, big business, military and political marionettes.
Yes, it's embarrassing for the politicos to be caught in flagrante delicto whichever hue they are. How much more embarrassing for a Nu Labour wymmun to be caught with her husband (different surname, natch!) and her parliamentary advisor (i.e. they are one and the same person - she obviously believes in nepotism as well as flagrant thieving from the public purse) fiddling (zoiks!) by claiming porno films on her parliamentary expenses...
What will she tell the NuLabour sisters about her hubby (the one with the different name living in her "second home" with their children as she lives in their "main home" - the broom cupboard at her sister's house) watching porno movies at the public expense?
She won't be worried about the money. She won't really care what her husband gets up to at their "second home" when she's telling us that Al Qaeda poses more of a threat than the guns and drugs gangs that infest our cities that have become Third World hunting grounds.
After all, this is the woman behind the whole 'safe kebab' fiasco who tried to tell us how safe it was to walk the coloured-dominant streets of London at night (neglecting to mention she had bodyguards... and... erm... it was the afternoon!).
This is a woman with no shame, content to fiddle expenses (illegal and a sackable offence in the real world), adept at lying to cover her butt and all the time fiddling (quite literally) while our Rome burns.
No, what the public thinks has never mattered, a new "red terror alert" will be designed to change the headlines. "Ms." Smith will only care that her image is now tarnished by Porno-Gate amongst the NuLabour apparatchiks and all hey wymmins-rights comrades.
For when rent-a-snob Tories turn up at the next Nu-Lab shindig carrying "Sponsored by Kleenex" banners it will show that the Nu-Lab hierarchy don't even believe in their own feminist agenda, something at the heart of their social-control agenda.
As the NuLab government seek to foist prime time TV ads for condoms (which don't stop pregnancies, HIV or STDs and promote promiscuity) and "pregnancy advisory services" (i.e. businesses/charities that profit from abortion referrals) how comforting to know that they treat us to their degenerate social experiments whilst they sit at home forking (I said forking!) out money to big businesses to watch degenerate porn (remember most porno is traced back to Talmudic-owned businesses).
It is yet another case of "do what we say not what we do."
Oh yes!
"We must all tighten our belts" say the government minister whilst fiddling expenses, giving the green light to banksters bonuses and turning a blind eye to boardroom mega-wage packets.
"Security is our first priority" says the government minister whilst our streets are prowled by muggers and drugs gangs.
"British jobs for British workers" says the government minister (er... PM!) whilst they have no intention of doing that (which would be illegal under EU laws anyway!).
But (as Eurosceptic Daniel Hannan MEP might say) they know and we know and they know that we know that all this is bunkum, sound bytes fed to the media for an evening's headlines in our 24 hour media world.
The new aspect of this kerfuffle is that it will upset the feministas in NuLab more than any lies, dodgy money and even criminal connections (these are people who brought Lord "Hello Russian Sailor" Mandelson back into government for goodness sake!).
The cat is out of the bag (and that's not a euphemism for "Mr.Smith's" nocturnal proclivities) that when it comes to their "Core values" (now, now, stop laughing!) these politicos don't even believe in them!
We all know they jettisoned Socialism years ago, just like the Tories jettisoned any positive values embedded in conservatism, and the Lib Dems jettisoned any remnant of positive values in liberalism when they signed up to EU neo-Stalinism).
This is akin to a public acknowledgement that the insides of NuLab are a rotten, festering mess. Will the NuLab sisters ever forgive "Ms." Smith? Let's hope not.
Smith's "Dirty Bomb alert" Neo Con Cobblers
Richard Timney ("Mr Smith") Says Sorry for Porno-Gate
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Jacqui Smith, Porno-Gate & Yet More Fiddling (Sorry!)
Posted by
Final Conflict
12:12 pm
Categories: Gordon Brown, Government, Jacqui Smith, Labour, Pornography, Terrorism, Zionism
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How much did Gri££ Nickin fiddle to get the BNP to pay for the extension on his country home?
How long has Gri££ Nicking covered up the paedophile activities og Mark Collette and David Hannam - including at official BNP functions?
The BNP can't condemn NuLab for doing what the BNP does.
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