This story is very amusing (see link below).
Some time ago I found the BNP's stance on Polish migrants more than a little unsettling.
Right: A Spitfire as flown by the 303 Polish Squadron. They flew Hurricans in 1940, but Spitfires from 1941 onwards, so the "offending" plane picture could not have taken part in the original Battle of Britain!
I have quite a few friends and relatives who are uneasy about the volume of immigration from East Europe, which is perfectly natural - but the move by the BNP to wax lyrical against the migration of White Europeans whilst, at the same time, embracing those "Britons" born here, who are patriotic, tax paying and, erm Afro-Caribbean or Asian seems just plane (groan!) wrong!
It's the old Race Versus Space debate.
But let me put into some perspective for you.
One FC supporter is an old lady in inner city South London. She regularly phones up for a chat. A couple of years back she commented on how happy she was that the Poles were coming over. When asked why, she said that previously she had been virtually (and sometimes actually) the only white person on the bus, which left her feeling nervous, uneasy, dispossessed and out of place.
She now said that there were growing numbers of white people on the bus, most of them working, many of them couples, and most of them visibly healthy, of good breeding and suchlike.
Now I know there are areas where the East Europeans coming in are in too large a number (pushed in by greedy bosses seeking to undermine wages etc.) or there are groups of single young men who may have criminal tendencies and so on. However, my own experience is that most of these people have a good work ethic, have excellent family values and come from a white, European, Christian culture.
I spoke to another nationalist, a skinhead in his thirties a couple of years back on this issue. I couldn't tell you what "party" he belonged to, possibly the NF, BNP, BM or none. Anyway he surprised me when he said that he lived opposite a Church and that he was impressed by the number of Polish families going there. He said they were good role models and at one festival they were going in with baskets of sweets and suchlike.
Those Europeans who settled here before, during and after WW2 (and I'm thinking of Italians, Germans, Poles, Balts and others) have assimilated well and yet many of them have retained a link to their "home" cultures - creating a real, positive and European 'cosmopolitanism' or 'multi-culturalism.'
How very different from the multi-racial, violent, street crime ridden mess that followed the disastrous mass coloured immigration of the 60s, 70s and so on!
So when the BNP tried to implement the idea that it was "space not race" that mattered it made me cross as the truth is quite the reverse!
I would rather have ten Polish families (white, Christian and European) than one Asian or African family living down my street! And I grew up in a street with a Mosque around the corner (the site of racial fighting) and have lived in various areas with high immigrant populations (unlike the politicians who dictate policy) including one where Asians played cricket in the street and boomed out their "Bangla" rap crap from boy racer cars on the street outside of a Summer's evening.
Yet the BNP would have us believe that the gangsta rappers and Bangla-boys who were "born here" or who are "hard working" and "tax paying" can indeed be "proud Britons" whereas the Poles, Lithuanians et al (in all their horrible European whiteness) are a plague on the UK plc.
How fitting that the BNP should use a "Battle of Britainless" Polish-piloted plane to launch its "Battle of Britain" campaign.
Certainly for the elderly FC supporter the Poles were fighting the good fight in taking back public transport from the massed ranks of coloured immigrants, their descendants and dependents.
Perhaps this is a good sign!
Perhaps the BNP will intone that it's now a case of "Race not Space" (after all if only 30 Million people lived here - would that mean 20 Million Africans or Asians would then be "OK"???) and that hard working, tax paying, white, European, Christian Polish families would be more than welcome?
Who knows.
Maybe the Poles would be willing to have the white children that our own people are so busy "planning" or aborting out of existence so that we are, in reality, a dying people?
Maybe the Poles would reverse the decline and shame us into becoming a Christian state once again?
Maybe the Poles would shame more of us into working for a living (instead of relying on dole handouts and housing benefit)?
Maybe the work culture of the Poles will shame those of our people steeped in the drugs death-style into turning their backs on it?
Maybe the Christian, traditional culture of the Poles will shame those of our people who are degenerate dross, homosexual, bisexual and the whole "BLT community" (bacon, lettuce and tomato) - including those welcomed into the BNP because of their fatter (childless) wallets - into leaving their sad, self-immolating death-style?
The original Battle of Britain (drunken Churchill, etc. aside) did rely on Polish input. Sadly the BNP thinks that the fight to win back Britain for the white, Christian, European peoples of these isles has to embrace coloureds whilst expelling Poles (how very UKIP!).
Maybe that will now change?
For better or worse is the real question...
BNP Poster Features Polish Spitfire
"Battle of Britain" Spitfire is a post-1940 Polish plane!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Polish Spitfire, Race not Space and Coloured "Britons": Why the BNP is Wrong
Posted by
Final Conflict
7:18 pm
Categories: BNP, Immigration, Multi-Cult, Poland, WW2
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Frankly Nicky is leading a faux opposition.
Whilst I would like to see at least some Englishmen in England,if there MUST be mass immigration let it be WHITE for God's sake.
I don't think any good person whether in England or the United States or New Zealand, minds a few people immigrating each year.
Christopher Lee is an excellent example of someone of Italian blood who has become British in every sense of the word.
White Western people can, gradually, become part of the broader society.
I do not believe it is possible for ROMANIANS, for instance, to ever do so.
American immigration demise was orchestrated by Jewish organisations.
If you have the misfortune to visit I suggest you keep in mind that as late as 1960 America was 90% White.
As I said to a dear person yesterday, compare the way discourse is handled in PRIDE & PREJUDICE (the one with Colin Firth) and to contemporary American discourse.
It is truly amazing the success of the Jewish organisations in molding America in their vision: COLORED AND STUPID AND COARSE.
'Who do you think you are kidding Mr Griffin...'
The BNP in this case equates to Blacks Not Poles!!!
The more White European Christian people allowed in the better. The positives far outweigh the negatives. We have got so much in common with them to say the least.
Anyway, lots of the women are stunning - hope my other half doesn't read this - and their lager is lovely. :)
As Professor Kevin MacDonald stated in a fine article its Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians and Europe for everybody!
When whites do it its denounced and vilified as colonialism. However, when Blacks and Asians do the same thing its applauded and actively encouraged and rebranded as multiculturalism.
AN: re. the Romanians, most of whom you are thinking of are probably the Asiatic gypsies.
certainly these are the flotsam that beg on the streets of most major European capitals - shipped about by organised crime.
Having been to Romania I have seen the gypsies and their Mercedes driving Mafia bosses first hand, and also seen the real Romanian people who were either hard working European city-dwellers or hard-working farmer-peasants, no different from what you'd find in Serbia, Ukraine, Italy and many other places in Europe.
Nobody would want tens of thousands of Romanians to come here - least of all Romanian patriots! - but some would be OK.
As for the Asiatic gypsies of Romania, Czech republic, Hungary etc. -- the remnants that the Ottomans left behind -- I wouldn't want a SINGLE ONE here.
Again, it comes down to race not space.
Ha ha ha, the Reds are really scraping the barrel with this one, most Brits don't mind the Poles (so long as they don't turn our areas overly Polish!) as they are basically the same as us ie. decent and WHITE (apart from being Catholic!)
It is, and always was muds that the British people don't want here. Shame there were no jamaican Spitfires as how funny would that have been?!
Oh! and this is in no way taking away the bravery of the Spitfire pilots, but everyone who has the basic of basic understanding of the Battle of Britain knows full well that it was the HURRICANE which one that particular encounter with the Luftwaffe, in fact the Spitfire was commented on as being a crock of junk (not my words but those who know about these things!)
After re-reading my comments I do appear to be a bit ambiguous.
The birth rate of White indigenous babies is falling dramatically, due to various reasons, the main one being abortion, whilst babies being born to members of non-British (Blacks and Asians) 'citizens' is rising sharply. If all immigration stopped today and these disturbing trends continued then we'll be bred out of existence and will be an overwhelming minority on our own mainland in the non too distant future.
Until disturbing issues like abortion, Feminism and contraception etc. are rectified the only alternative I personally can see is to actively encourage the immigration of White people from Europe and the Dominions. However, the Judaic Kosher Nostra Cabal win hands down again due to the fact that this will have a detrimental effect on our own culture and heritage etc. But I can't see any other way.
BBE: You have summarised the position perfectly once again!
I would find it easy to believe we were separated at birth were it not for the 30 year age difference!
You are more like a helpful elderly relative.
Mwah ha ha ha [manic laughter continues unabated and unabashed!]
Thanks for the compliment.
They say great minds think alike. :)
Talking of elderly relatives I'm going to meet mine now for a coffee, a WWII veteran with the Irish Guards.
To make matters worse I know my bus will be like a Benetton advertisement!
Be lucky.
I wonder if the Benetton sweatshops are as multi-culti false-happy as their adverts were?
personally the "colors" Americanisation was nearly as galling and grating as their OTT use of tokenism to further their over-priced BS.
Griffin is a shyster in the very real meaning of that word.
I am not putting a penny into his Euro Fund because he is just out to line his own pockets and grab a pension for life.
After he p'ed £50K up he wall on GREAT WHITE RECORDS [members money NOT HIS] he should resign in disgrace.
Richard Barnbrook would make a better leader. He's already an elected official with a savvy media presence.
I live in an area which is very, ahem, ethnically diverse. We have Bengalis, Pakistanis, Somalis, Kosovans, and all manner of darlings of the multi-culti New World Order. What we don't have in abundance is Christian Europeans. Thankfully, with the arrival of the Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, the absolute domination of the area by the Islamic majority has been diminished to a palpable extent.
The Poles are not involved in Prostitution, Heroin dealing or the other culturally enriching contributions of the 'Britons' so beloved of Gri££in & co. The presence of our brothers and sisters from Eastern Europ has been wholly beneficial to us besieged real Brits. I would personally be happy to see many many more arrive in my area, and say bon voyage to my more exotic neighbours!
That the BNP is adopting a Sun/Mirror approach to the newcomers fropm continental Europe goes to show how far they have sold out to the Zionist Globalist agenda.
As the saying goes, "In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One-eyed Man is King!
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